Changed the steering gain from +/-0.1 to +/-1.0, so that the steering
angle for the nosewheel (when present) is the same as the rudder
deflection angle. That's probably not exactly right, but it's much
better than we had before -- you can now steer the plane on the ground
reasonably during taxiing.
Attached is a fix to add a short period of cranking time required
before the engine fires. I've also added a little hack to limit the
torque applied by the starter motor when the rpm is less than 10 in
order to avoid the rpm overshooting idle in the first time step when
the prop is producing very little resistance due to the low rpm.
I've attached 3 diffs against files in FlightGear to fix some printf
format strings. The changes are pretty straight forward. Let me know
if you have any questions. (BTW, I'm using gcc 2.95.4)
otherwise, the logic in FGEngine::ConsumeFuel breaks down and the
engine is starved when *any* feed tank is empty, rather than when all
feed tanks are empty.
- automake-1.4 sets default values for INCLUDES which we can't
- automake-1.5 renames this to DEFAULT_INCLUDES and leaves INCLUDES
open for the developer to use.
Thus for automake-1.4 we are forced to 'append' to INCLUDES and in
automake-1.5 we can just set the value to whatever we like.
Unfortunately, the behaviors of the two versions are mutually
The solution I am committing now works for both versions but
automake-1.5 generates a lot of spurious warning messages that are
annoying, but not fatal.
(i.e. multiloop). Most subsystems currently ignore the parameter, but
eventually, it will allow all subsystems to update by time rather than
by framerate.
Here's an unusual patch for FlightGear -- I've created .cvsignore
files for every source directory, to make CVS output more informative.
This is especially nice when using cvs-examine from (X)Emacs to look
for changes.
LaRCsim c172 on-ground and in-air starts, reset: all work
UIUC Cessna172 on-ground and in-air starts work as expected, reset
results in an aircraft that is upside down but does not crash FG. I
don't know what it was like before, so it may well be no change.
JSBSim c172 and X15 in-air starts work fine, resets now work (and are
trimmed), on-ground starts do not -- the c172 ends up on its back. I
suspect this is no worse than before.
I did not test:
Balloon (the weather code returns nan's for the atmosphere data --this
is in the weather module and apparently is a linux only bug)
ADA (don't know how)
MagicCarpet (needs work yet)
External (don't know how)
known to be broken:
LaRCsim c172 on-ground starts with a negative terrain altitude (this
happens at KPAO when the scenery is not present). The FDM inits to
about 50 feet AGL and the model falls to the ground. It does stay
upright, however, and seems to be fine once it settles out, FWIW.
To do:
--implement set_Model on the bus
--bring Christian's weather data into JSBSim
-- add default method to bus for updating things like the sin and cos of
latitude (for Balloon, MagicCarpet)
-- lots of cleanup
The files:
-- all data members now declared protected instead of private.
-- eliminated all but a small set of 'setters', no change to getters.
-- that small set is declared virtual, the default implementation
provided preserves the old behavior
-- all of the vector data members are now initialized.
-- added busdump() method -- FG_LOG's all the bus data when called,
useful for diagnostics.
-- bus data members now directly assigned to
-- bus data members now directly assigned to
-- changed V_equiv_kts to V_calibrated_kts
-- bus data members now directly assigned to
-- implemented the FGInterface virtual setters with JSBSim specific
-- changed the static FDMExec to a dynamic fdmex (needed so that the
JSBSim object can be deleted when a model change is called for)
-- implemented constructor and destructor, moved some of the logic
formerly in init() to constructor
-- added logic to bring up FGEngInterface objects and set the RPM and
throttle values.
-- bus data members now directly assigned to
-- implemented the FGInterface virtual setters with LaRCsim specific
logic, uses LaRCsimIC
-- implemented constructor and destructor, moved some of the logic
formerly in init() to constructor
-- moved default inertias to here from fg_init.cxx
-- eliminated the climb rate calculation. The equivalent, climb_rate =
-1*vdown, is now in copy_from_LaRCsim().
-- similar to FGInitialCondition, this class has all the logic needed to
turn data like Vc and Mach into the more fundamental quantities LaRCsim
needs to initialize.
-- put it in src/FDM since it is a class
-- bus data members now directly assigned to
-- adds LaRCsimIC.hxx and cxx
-- changes to accomodate the new bus
-- surrounded prototypes with #ifdef __cplusplus ... #endif , functions
here are needed in LaRCsimIC
-- changed PI to LS_PI, eliminates preprocessor naming conflict with
weather module
-- added function ls_set_model_dt()
-- eliminated calls that set the NED speeds to body components. They
are no longer needed and confuse the new bus.
-- eliminated calls that just brought the bus data up-to-date (e.g.
set_sin_cos_latitude). or set default values. The bus now handles the
defaults and updates itself when the setters are called (for LaRCsim and
JSBSim). A default method for doing this needs to be added to the bus.
-- added fgVelocityInit() to set the speed the user asked for. Both
JSBSim and LaRCsim can now be initialized using any of:
vc,mach, NED components, UVW components.
--eliminated call to fgFDMSetGroundElevation, this data is now 'pulled'
onto the bus every update()
-- added enum to keep track of the speed requested by the user
-- eliminated calls to set NED velocity properties to body speeds, they
are no longer needed.
-- added options for the NED components.
--eliminated calls that just brought the bus data up-to-date (e.g.
set_sin_cos_latitude). The bus now updates itself when the setters are
called (for LaRCsim and JSBSim). A default method for doing this needs
to be added to the bus.
-- changed set_V_equiv_kts to set_V_calibrated_kts. set_V_equiv_kts no
longer exists ( get_V_equiv_kts still does, though)
-- commented out the code to put the weather data on the bus, a
different scheme for this is needed.
Tony submitted:
Added trimming routine, it is longitudinal & in-air only at this point
Added support for taking wind & weather data from external source
Added support for flaps.
Added independently settable pitch trim
Added alphamin and max to config file, stall modeling and warning to
Adjusted Cmo, model should be speed stable now
Hooked up Christian's weather code, should be using it soon.
Hooked up the trimming routine. Note that the X-15 will not trim.
This is not a model or trimming routine deficiency, just the
nature of the X-15
The trimming routine sets the pitch trim and and throttle at startup.
The throttle is set using Norman's code for the autothrottle so the
autothrottle is on by default. --notrim will turn it off.
Added --vc, --mach, and --notrim switches
(vc is airspeed in knots)
uBody, vBody, and wBody are still supported, last one entered
on the command line counts, i.e. you can set vc or mach or u,v,
and w but any combination will be ignored.