Since d91a617423 (vectory color calculations)
all 4 elements of a color were scaled with the respective brightness.
The caused some panels to be transparent at night etc.
Before the change, only the 3 RGB elements of the colors were scaled,
while the 4th element (alpha channel?) remained unaltered.
Commit restores the alpha elements to their original behaviour.
=> "Quick hack" for 2.6.0. Need s.o. to double check the initial changes
and commit something clean to "next".
Commit 5f0066c resulted in an incorrect angle calculation. At certain view/sun
angles "hor_rotation" and "rf1" would skip from the minimum to the maximum
Also, an offset angle of 90 degrees (PI/2) is added, which seems to align
the sky effect with the sun position. Calculation is probably still wrong,
but seems less wrong than before - and the flickering is gone...
Fog color became negative at certain sun angles (around midnight), which
resulted in weird sky dome coloring issues.
Hack: simply clamp the value for now.
There were two issues. The biggest is that the sunsolver was accessing
parameters from the ephemeris and doing a different calculation with
them to derive the right ascension and declination of the sun. I'm not
sure who is right, but I changed sunsolver to agree with the
ephemeris. Also, there was an inappropriate use of geodetic
coordinates in calculating the sun latitude and longitude.
Also, I did some cleanup in updateSunPos().
SimGear change. It changes all the SG_xxxx to be the 'real' includes, and gets
rid of many #ifdef SG_HAVE_STD_INCLUDES. As an added bonus, rather than
replacing 'SG_USING_NAMESPACE(std)' with 'using namespace std', I just fixed
the small number of places to use std:: explicitly. So we're no longer polluting
the global namespace with the entire contents of std, in many cases.
There is one more 'mechanical' change to come - getting rid of SG_USING_STD(X),
but I want to keep that separate from everything else. (There's another
mechnical change, replacing <math.h> with <cmath> and so on *everywhere*, but
one step at a time)
PLETE_FUNCTIONAL from SimGear and FlightGear.
As a result, SG_HAVE_STD_INCLUDES is now *always* set, so I will get the boring
fixes for that done, but separately. I'm still auditing the other things in comp
ilers.h - there's a lot that can die now BORLAND is gone.