Also adapt MP and traffic module to enable the AI module when required.
This makes /sim/ai/enabled an internal property: it can default to false
(in future), and can be enabled as soon as any user-level feature (traffic,
MP, local weather, ...) requires it.
SceneryPager singleton must not be removed while FGScenery is still alive,
so hold a reference to it in FGScenery, saving the pager from being
deleted first.
distance_to_go / lead_distance were not initialized in all constructors.
Fixes 'condition on uninitialized data' reported by valgrind.
Also comment-out unused vars.
MP aircraft are loaded by a separate OSG thread (introduced after FG2.4.0).
The OSG thread also calls the "modelLoaded" callback. However, we mustn't
allow the OSG thread to call FGNasalModelData::modelLoaded directly:
FGNasalModelData isn't thread-safe. There are obvious issues (_callCount++;),
tricky issues like calling the Nasal _parser_ or creating hashes and
modifying the global Nasal namespace. It doesn't use locks to protect
against another thread executing a Nasal context or running garbage
collection. It also executes Nasal code itself (the model's "load" hook),
which we also cannot allow in a separate thread...
This patch returns all Nasal parts of MP-aircraft loading (parsing,
module creation, execution) to the main thread, while keeping the
multi-threaded OSG part (loading of MP-aircraft model files itself).
The same issue exists with scenery models (see other commit).
To summarize with 2 words: It s*cks... ;-)
* Pregenerating taxiroutes could interfere with runway assignments by ATC, when conditions changed, resulting in a taxi to one runway and a takeoff from another
* A simpler solution for the "Error in Traffic record bug". This still needs some more testing, but I haven't seen any error message anymore, since changing to the current code.
* Initialize AI traffic at speed zero, this should prevent some weirdness observed under boundary conditions.
* Don't activate groundnetwork proximity detection for pushback traffic until the "ready for startup message is transmitted. this should allow sufficient time for them to reserve a route, but a little more testing still needs to be done.
Replace SG_GENERAL by more specific log classes in many places.
Allow "," to separate logging classes (using "|" is odd on the
Also add new option to make logging more useful for developers.
You can use:
--log-level=debug --log-class=environment
to only get environment debug messages, or
--log-level=debug --log-class=sound,ai
to only get debug messages related to the sound or AI subsystem.
Untangle AI reinit and init methods. Some code in init hooks expects to be
called once only. Derived classes should not redirect their reinit to init,
even if this seems fine for the methods of the derived class itself. This
also triggers the init methods of all base classes, which may not expect
multiple calls to their init methods (or to "init" on "reinit").
FGFX objects must be dereferenced early enough, and sound manager must be
removed late enough - otherwise openal complains about resources being
still in use when tryin to remove buffers.
Also: do not create FGFX objects for AI/MP aircraft, when AI sound is
* Improved groundnetwork routing algorithm. Don't uncesscarily block taxiways. Instead, use a "just-in-time" blocking system. The unblocking algorithm still needs some work, but the current version is already a major improvement over the previous version.
* Some tweaks to the handover from ground to tower controller. Aircraft could refuse to take-off of even refuse to taxi onto the runway. This now seems to be solved.