- /engines/engine0/rpm changed to read-only
- /engines/engine0/egt added (read-only)
- /controls/mixture added
- /controls/propellor-pitch added (not used for C172)
- getEGT() added
- getMixture() and setMixture() added
- getPropAdvance() and setPropAdvance() added (= pitch)
- cleaned up reinit function a bit
- force reinit only when values are actually changed; for example,
setting the flight model to the current flight model will not cause
a reinit
- hook up mixture and pitch to FGControls (they were hard-coded
and prop inertia and passed the timestep from LaRCsim in order to have
the engine rpm behaving according to the applied torque and the laws of
it's now possible to choose the LaRCsim model at runtime, as in
fgfs --aircraft=c172
fgfs --aircraft=uiuc --aircraft-dir=Aircraft-uiuc/Boeing747
I did this so that I could play with the UIUC stuff without losing
Tony's C172 with its flaps, etc. I did my best to respect the design
of the LaRCsim code by staying in C, making only minimal changes, and
not introducing any dependencies on the rest of FlightGear. The
modified files are attached.
Joystick auto-coordination tweaks.
Additional debuging output when pausing and resuming the sim.
Window resizing tweaks by David Megginson (and Norman Vine).