Instrument panel / steam updates for more realistic modeling of various
instruments (contributed by Alex Perry)
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 152 additions and 69 deletions
@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ void HudLadder :: draw( void )
glTranslatef( centroid.x, centroid.y, 0);
glScalef( current_options.get_fov()/55.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
glRotatef(roll_value * RAD_TO_DEG, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
// Draw the target spot.
@ -183,8 +183,8 @@ createTurnCoordinator (int x, int y)
// moves with roll
-30.0, 30.0, 1.0, 0.0);
-2.5, 2.5, 20.0, 0.0);
// Layer 2: little ball
// moves with slip/skid
@ -227,18 +227,18 @@ createGyroCompass (int x, int y)
// rotates with heading
-360.0, 360.0, -1.0, 0.0);
-720.0, 720.0, -1.0, 0.0);
// Layer 1: heading bug
// rotates with heading and AP heading
-360.0, 360.0, -1.0, 0.0);
-720.0, 720.0, -1.0, 0.0);
-360.0, 360.0, 1.0, 0.0);
-720.0, 720.0, 1.0, 0.0);
// Layer 2: fixed center
@ -31,8 +31,10 @@
#include <simgear/constants.h>
#include <simgear/math/fg_types.hxx>
#include <Aircraft/aircraft.hxx>
#include <Main/options.hxx>
#include <Main/bfi.hxx>
#include <NetworkOLK/features.hxx>
@ -48,9 +50,6 @@ FG_USING_NAMESPACE(std);
// Anything that reads the BFI directly is not implemented at all!
#define VARY_E (14)
double FGSteam::the_STATIC_inhg = 29.92;
double FGSteam::the_ALT_ft = 0.0;
double FGSteam::get_ALT_ft() { _CatchUp(); return the_ALT_ft; }
@ -64,15 +63,20 @@ double FGSteam::get_VSI_fps() { _CatchUp(); return the_VSI_fps; }
double FGSteam::the_VACUUM_inhg = 0.0;
double FGSteam::get_VACUUM_inhg() { _CatchUp(); return the_VACUUM_inhg; }
double FGSteam::get_MH_deg () {
return FGBFI::getHeading () - FGBFI::getMagVar ();
double FGSteam::get_DG_deg () {
return FGBFI::getHeading () - FGBFI::getMagVar ();
double FGSteam::the_MH_err = 0.0;
double FGSteam::the_MH_deg = 0.0;
double FGSteam::the_MH_degps = 0.0;
double FGSteam::get_MH_deg () { _CatchUp(); return the_MH_deg; }
double FGSteam::get_TC_rad () { return FGBFI::getSideSlip (); }
double FGSteam::get_TC_radps () { return FGBFI::getRoll (); }
double FGSteam::the_DG_deg = 0.0;
double FGSteam::the_DG_degps = 0.0;
double FGSteam::the_DG_inhg = 0.0;
double FGSteam::get_DG_deg () { _CatchUp(); return the_DG_deg; }
double FGSteam::the_TC_rad = 0.0;
double FGSteam::the_TC_std = 0.0;
double FGSteam::get_TC_rad () { _CatchUp(); return the_TC_rad; }
double FGSteam::get_TC_std () { _CatchUp(); return the_TC_std; }
@ -126,14 +130,124 @@ void FGSteam::set_lowpass ( double *outthe, double inthe, double tc )
void FGSteam::_CatchUp()
{ if ( _UpdatesPending != 0 )
{ double dt = _UpdatesPending * 1.0 / current_options.get_model_hz();
double AccN, AccE, AccU;
int i,j;
double d, the_ENGINE_rpm;
#if 0
There is the possibility that this is the first call.
If this is the case, we will emit the feature registrations
just to be on the safe side. Doing it more than once will
waste CPU time but doesn't hurt anything really.
if ( _UpdatesPending == 999 )
{ FGFeature::register_int ( "Avionics/NAV1/Localizer", &NAV1_LOC );
FGFeature::register_double ( "Avionics/NAV1/Latitude", &NAV1_Lat );
FGFeature::register_double ( "Avionics/NAV1/Longitude", &NAV1_Lon );
FGFeature::register_double ( "Avionics/NAV1/Radial", &NAV1_Rad );
FGFeature::register_double ( "Avionics/NAV1/Altitude", &NAV1_Alt );
FGFeature::register_int ( "Avionics/NAV2/Localizer", &NAV2_LOC );
FGFeature::register_double ( "Avionics/NAV2/Latitude", &NAV2_Lat );
FGFeature::register_double ( "Avionics/NAV2/Longitude", &NAV2_Lon );
FGFeature::register_double ( "Avionics/NAV2/Radial", &NAV2_Rad );
FGFeature::register_double ( "Avionics/NAV2/Altitude", &NAV2_Alt );
FGFeature::register_double ( "Avionics/ADF/Latitude", &ADF_Lat );
FGFeature::register_double ( "Avionics/ADF/Longitude", &ADF_Lon );
Someone has called our update function and
it turns out that we are running somewhat behind.
Here, we recalculate everything for a 'dt' second step.
The ball responds to the acceleration vector in the body
frame, only the components perpendicular to the longitudinal
axis of the aircraft. This is only related to actual
side slip for a symmetrical aircraft which is not touching
the ground and not changing its attitude. Math simplifies
by assuming (for small angles) arctan(x)=x in radians.
Obvious failure mode is the absence of liquid in the
tube, which is there to damp the motion, so that instead
the ball will bounce around, hitting the tube ends.
More subtle flaw is having it not move or a travel limit
occasionally due to some dirt in the tube or on the ball.
// the_TC_rad = - ( FGBFI::getSideSlip () ); /* incorrect */
d = - current_aircraft.fdm_state->get_A_Z_pilot();
if ( d < 1 ) d = 1;
set_lowpass ( & the_TC_rad,
current_aircraft.fdm_state->get_A_Y_pilot () / d,
dt );
The rate of turn indication is from an electric gyro.
We should have it spin up with the master switch.
It is mounted at a funny angle so that it detects
both rate of bank (i.e. rolling into and out of turns)
and the rate of turn (i.e. how fast heading is changing).
set_lowpass ( & the_TC_std,
current_aircraft.fdm_state->get_Phi_dot ()
* RAD_TO_DEG / 20.0 +
current_aircraft.fdm_state->get_Psi_dot ()
* RAD_TO_DEG / 3.0 , dt );
We want to know the pilot accelerations,
to compute the magnetic compass errors.
AccN = current_aircraft.fdm_state->get_V_dot_north();
AccE = current_aircraft.fdm_state->get_V_dot_east();
AccU = current_aircraft.fdm_state->get_V_dot_down()
- 9.81 / 0.3;
if ( fabs(the_TC_rad) > 0.2 )
{ /* Massive sideslip jams it; it stops turning */
the_MH_degps = 0.0;
the_MH_err = FGBFI::getHeading () - the_MH_deg;
} else
{ double MagDip, MagVar, CosDip;
double FrcN, FrcE, FrcU, AccTot;
double EdgN, EdgE, EdgU;
double TrqN, TrqE, TrqU, Torque;
/* Find a force vector towards exact magnetic north */
MagVar = FGBFI::getMagVar() / RAD_TO_DEG;
MagDip = FGBFI::getMagDip() / RAD_TO_DEG;
CosDip = cos ( MagDip );
FrcN = CosDip * cos ( MagVar );
FrcE = CosDip * sin ( MagVar );
FrcU = sin ( MagDip );
/* Rotation occurs around acceleration axis,
but axis magnitude is irrelevant. So compute it. */
AccTot = AccN*AccN + AccE*AccE + AccU*AccU;
if ( AccTot > 1.0 ) AccTot = sqrt ( AccTot );
else AccTot = 1.0;
/* Force applies to north marking on compass card */
EdgN = cos ( the_MH_err / RAD_TO_DEG );
EdgE = sin ( the_MH_err / RAD_TO_DEG );
EdgU = 0.0;
/* Apply the force to the edge to get torques */
TrqN = EdgE * FrcU - EdgU * FrcE;
TrqE = EdgU * FrcN - EdgN * FrcU;
TrqU = EdgN * FrcE - EdgE * FrcN;
/* Select the component parallel to the axis */
Torque = ( TrqN * AccN +
TrqE * AccE +
TrqU * AccU ) * 5.0 / AccTot;
/* The magnetic compass has angular momentum,
so we apply a torque to it and wait */
if ( dt < 1.0 )
{ the_MH_degps= the_MH_degps * (1.0 - dt) - Torque;
the_MH_err += dt * the_MH_degps;
if ( the_MH_err > 180.0 ) the_MH_err -= 360.0; else
if ( the_MH_err < -180.0 ) the_MH_err += 360.0;
the_MH_deg = FGBFI::getHeading () - the_MH_err;
This is not actually correct, but provides a
scaling capability for the vacuum pump later on.
@ -201,6 +315,7 @@ void FGSteam::_CatchUp()
> have it tumble when you exceed the usual pitch or bank limits,
> put in those insidious turning errors ... for now anyway.
the_DG_deg = FGBFI::getHeading () - FGBFI::getMagVar ();
Finished updates, now clear the timer
@ -216,19 +331,6 @@ void FGSteam::_CatchUp()
double FGSteam::get_HackGS_deg () {
#if 0
double x,y,dme;
if (0==NAV1_LOC) return 0.0;
y = 60.0 * ( NAV1_Lat - FGBFI::getLatitude () );
x = 60.0 * ( NAV1_Lon - FGBFI::getLongitude() )
* cos ( FGBFI::getLatitude () / RAD_TO_DEG );
dme = x*x + y*y;
if ( dme > 0.1 ) x = sqrt ( dme ); else x = 0.3;
y = FGBFI::getAltitude() - NAV1_Alt;
return 3.0 - (y/x) * 60.0 / 6000.0;
if ( current_radiostack->get_nav1_inrange() &&
current_radiostack->get_nav1_loc() )
@ -246,14 +348,6 @@ double FGSteam::get_HackGS_deg () {
double FGSteam::get_HackVOR1_deg () {
double r;
#if 0
double x,y;
y = 60.0 * ( NAV1_Lat - FGBFI::getLatitude () );
x = 60.0 * ( NAV1_Lon - FGBFI::getLongitude() )
* cos ( FGBFI::getLatitude () / RAD_TO_DEG );
r = atan2 ( x, y ) * RAD_TO_DEG - NAV1_Rad - FGBFI::getMagVar();
if ( current_radiostack->get_nav1_inrange() ) {
r = current_radiostack->get_nav1_radial() -
@ -277,14 +371,6 @@ double FGSteam::get_HackVOR1_deg () {
double FGSteam::get_HackVOR2_deg () {
double r;
#if 0
double x,y;
y = 60.0 * ( NAV2_Lat - FGBFI::getLatitude () );
x = 60.0 * ( NAV2_Lon - FGBFI::getLongitude() )
* cos ( FGBFI::getLatitude () / RAD_TO_DEG );
r = atan2 ( x, y ) * RAD_TO_DEG - NAV2_Rad - FGBFI::getMagVar();
if ( current_radiostack->get_nav2_inrange() ) {
r = current_radiostack->get_nav2_radial() -
current_radiostack->get_nav2_heading() + 180.0;
@ -316,14 +402,6 @@ double FGSteam::get_HackOBS2_deg () {
double FGSteam::get_HackADF_deg () {
double r;
#if 0
double x,y;
y = 60.0 * ( ADF_Lat - FGBFI::getLatitude () );
x = 60.0 * ( ADF_Lon - FGBFI::getLongitude() )
* cos ( FGBFI::getLatitude () / RAD_TO_DEG );
r = atan2 ( x, y ) * RAD_TO_DEG - FGBFI::getHeading ();
if ( current_radiostack->get_adf_inrange() ) {
r = current_radiostack->get_adf_heading() - FGBFI::getHeading() + 180.0;
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ public:
// Velocities
static double get_ASI_kias ();
static double get_TC_radps ();
static double get_TC_std ();
static double get_VSI_fps ();
// Engine Gauges
@ -81,8 +81,11 @@ public:
static double the_ALT_ft;
static double the_TC_rad, the_TC_std;
static double the_STATIC_inhg, the_VACUUM_inhg;
static double the_VSI_fps, the_VSI_case;
static double the_MH_deg, the_MH_degps, the_MH_err;
static double the_DG_deg, the_DG_degps, the_DG_inhg;
static int _UpdatesPending;
static void _CatchUp ();
@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ int FGLaRCsim::copy_from_LaRCsim() {
// set_Moments_Gear( M_l_gear, M_m_gear, M_n_gear );
// Accelerations
// set_Accels_Local( V_dot_north, V_dot_east, V_dot_down );
set_Accels_Local( V_dot_north, V_dot_east, V_dot_down );
set_Accels_Body( U_dot_body, V_dot_body, W_dot_body );
set_Accels_CG_Body( A_X_cg, A_Y_cg, A_Z_cg );
set_Accels_Pilot_Body( A_X_pilot, A_Y_pilot, A_Z_pilot );
@ -298,14 +298,14 @@ public:
FG_VECTOR_3 v_dot_local_v;
// inline double * get_V_dot_local_v() { return v_dot_local_v; }
// inline double get_V_dot_north() const { return v_dot_local_v[0]; }
// inline double get_V_dot_east() const { return v_dot_local_v[1]; }
// inline double get_V_dot_down() const { return v_dot_local_v[2]; }
/* inline void set_Accels_Local( double north, double east, double down ) {
inline double get_V_dot_north() const { return v_dot_local_v[0]; }
inline double get_V_dot_east() const { return v_dot_local_v[1]; }
inline double get_V_dot_down() const { return v_dot_local_v[2]; }
inline void set_Accels_Local( double north, double east, double down ) {
v_dot_local_v[0] = north;
v_dot_local_v[1] = east;
v_dot_local_v[2] = down;
} */
FG_VECTOR_3 v_dot_body_v;
// inline double * get_V_dot_body_v() { return v_dot_body_v; }
@ -529,9 +529,9 @@ public:
FG_VECTOR_3 euler_rates_v;
// inline double * get_Euler_rates_v() { return euler_rates_v; }
// inline double get_Phi_dot() const { return euler_rates_v[0]; }
// inline double get_Theta_dot() const { return euler_rates_v[1]; }
// inline double get_Psi_dot() const { return euler_rates_v[2]; }
inline double get_Phi_dot() const { return euler_rates_v[0]; }
inline double get_Theta_dot() const { return euler_rates_v[1]; }
inline double get_Psi_dot() const { return euler_rates_v[2]; }
inline void set_Euler_Rates( double phi, double theta, double psi ) {
euler_rates_v[0] = phi;
euler_rates_v[1] = theta;
@ -678,7 +678,7 @@ void guiFixPanel( void )
int toggle_pause;
if ( current_options.get_panel_status() ) {
FGView *v = ¤t_view;
// FGView *v = ¤t_view;
FGTime *t = FGTime::cur_time_params;
if( (toggle_pause = !t->getPause()) )
@ -809,11 +809,11 @@ void ConfirmExitDialogInit(void)
YNdialogBoxOkButton = new puOneShot (100, 10, 160, 50);
YNdialogBoxOkButton -> setLegend (gui_msg_OK);
YNdialogBoxOkButton -> makeReturnDefault (TRUE );
YNdialogBoxOkButton -> setCallback (goodBye);
YNdialogBoxNoButton = new puOneShot (240, 10, 300, 50);
YNdialogBoxNoButton -> setLegend (gui_msg_NO);
// YNdialogBoxNoButton -> makeReturnDefault (TRUE );
YNdialogBoxNoButton -> setCallback (goAwayYesNoCb);
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
noinst_LIBRARIES = libNetworkOLK.a
libNetworkOLK_a_SOURCES = \
net_send.cxx net_hud.cxx network.cxx network.h fgd.h
net_send.cxx net_hud.cxx network.cxx network.h fgd.h \
features.cxx features.hxx
INCLUDES += -I$(top_builddir) -I$(top_builddir)/src
Add table
Reference in a new issue