Christian Schmitt
TNT header files were missing. They are templates and don't have to be in the makefile
2012-12-15 11:25:32 +01:00
Peter Sadrozinski
library reorg step 1
- no more Geometry
- delete unused files
2012-12-14 22:47:35 -05:00
Peter Sadrozinski
multi-threaded ogrdecode
- use --all-threads to use all available CPUs
- use --threads x to use x threads
2012-12-14 20:44:26 -05:00
Peter Sadrozinski
- Use the tgPolygon SaveToGzFile / LoadFromGzFile functions to store the
results of OGRDecode, instead of ascii, completely different format
- move Utility functions to generate polys from line data into tgPolygon
( use this for both GenApts850 linear features, and OGRDecode )
- kill off old superpoly, and texparams
- add tgChopper which queues chopped polygons per bucket.
When saved, result is less files (each tile has 1 file per shapefile decoded)
Both genapt and ogrdecode now use tgChopper instead of Geometry/Util.cxx functions
- tgChooper acquires a global file name lock, so we can safely run genapts in
paralell with ogrdecode.
(this was dangerous before, as both could try to open the index file as write,
the loser would segfault, later )
2012-12-14 10:23:13 -05:00
Christian Schmitt
Make GDAL work again. Create same output as hgtchop does, convert to binary array format
2012-12-14 16:14:28 +01:00
Frederic Bouvier
Fix Windows build against Boost
2012-12-14 09:11:18 +01:00
Christian Schmitt
Set needed boost components and link tg-construct against them
2012-12-11 14:12:58 +01:00
Peter Sadrozinski
- remove extra debug
2012-12-09 18:18:21 -05:00
Peter Sadrozinski
removed tgshape - each area is now just a list of polys
fixed linear data texturing
fixed water area
spacial query adjustment - works just like linear query, now
2012-12-09 18:17:45 -05:00
Peter Sadrozinski
refactor from TGPolygon and TGSuperPoly to tgPolygon
fix for missing texture coordinates. Need to kill, or shrink TGShape / clip ,asks, etc.
2012-12-09 18:13:48 -05:00
Peter Sadrozinski
convert tg_nodes to SGGeod and SGVecd/f
2012-12-09 18:13:47 -05:00
Christian Schmitt
Use capitals for new airport surface materials
2012-12-10 00:11:50 +01:00
Christian Schmitt
Add missing surface definitions for airport areas
2012-12-09 22:33:52 +01:00
Christian Schmitt
Add versioning to tg-construct, hgtchop and ogr-decode
2012-12-09 18:36:03 +01:00
Christian Schmitt
Bump version in master
2012-12-08 22:55:24 +01:00
Christian Schmitt
TGArray: convert to binary arr files, clean up memory leaks in terrafit
Binary array patch by James Turner
2012-12-06 10:16:25 +01:00
Christian Schmitt
Genapts: add version number and tweak console output a little bit
2012-12-05 00:50:07 +01:00
Christian Schmitt
terrafit: another go at versioning
2012-12-05 00:07:01 +01:00
Christian Schmitt
terrafix: disable versioning for now... :(
2012-12-04 22:58:47 +01:00
Christian Schmitt
Change the way versioning is done. I hope this will work under windows
2012-12-04 19:45:31 +01:00
Christian Schmitt
Terrafit: make use of the versioning, clean up and fix options
2012-12-04 12:43:07 +01:00
Christian Schmitt
Remove Output lib and put the functionality into genapts, the only place where it is needed
2012-11-29 18:34:52 +01:00
Christian Schmitt
Output lib: remove unused functions, use SG_LOG and clean up
2012-11-29 10:40:04 +01:00
Christian Schmitt
Fix MSVC compilation, clean up a bit
2012-11-29 09:51:11 +01:00
Peter Sadrozinski
multithreaded genapt850
2012-11-28 19:10:42 -05:00
Christian Schmitt
TGArray: memset allocates ~1,5 GB (!) of memory for empty elevation arrays.
Change this back to the old behaviour (3x3 columns instead of 20000x20000)
2012-11-27 00:43:08 +01:00
Christian Schmitt
Add a versioning infrastructure, remove old build files
2012-11-26 13:46:25 +01:00
Christian Schmitt
terrafit: MSVC compile fix for sleep(), remove unsigned warnings
SG's timestamp functions might be a (better) alternative, but they are much
bigger than a single line of code
2012-11-26 08:34:43 +01:00
Christian Schmitt
genapts elevation: remove unused function
2012-11-26 08:29:16 +01:00
James Turner
Threaded terrafit.
Optional -j option specified number of threads to use for fitting. Defaults to 1, for the moment.
2012-11-25 22:37:28 +00:00
James Turner
Use TerraGear getopt_long on Mac.
BSD getopt_long seems to differ in some key ways, and crashes (probably due to ambiguous externs). Use the TG local code on Mac to resolve this.
2012-11-25 21:39:37 +00:00
Christian Schmitt
tg_unique_*: make MSVC happy with the rounding
2012-11-24 23:05:00 +01:00
Peter Sadrozinski
fix runway shoulder base and clearing calculation.
- instead of expanding for each poly - account for shoulders when expanding base and clearing when building the runway.
- instead of doing a union for each base / clearing poly - add them to a list to do just one clip operation at the end. This results in anoth 2-3% performance increase, and allows another 10 airports to build. just 4 don't build in addition to NZSP.
2012-11-24 08:46:04 -05:00
Peter Sadrozinski
some more helipad cleanup - I'm not seeing the holes anymore
2012-11-24 08:44:50 -05:00
Peter Sadrozinski
fix some more of the texturing issues with non square helipads
- I can still get holes on helipads, but I think it's not a texturing
issue, as I can build the helipad, side extensions, or borders seperatly.
together, I can get holes.
2012-11-24 08:41:57 -05:00
Christian Schmitt
TGArray: remove old code
2012-11-23 18:35:31 +01:00
James Turner
TGArray: Speed up the construction and destruction
2012-11-23 18:30:37 +01:00
Christian Schmitt
Remove unneeded includes and "using" declarations from header files
2012-11-23 12:47:25 +01:00
Christian Schmitt
tg_unique_geod: second try: compile under MSVC
2012-11-22 17:50:34 +01:00
Christian Schmitt
tg_unique_geod: compile under MSVC
2012-11-22 17:47:37 +01:00
Christian Schmitt
Support for runway guard lights (wig-wag) from apt.dat spec
2012-11-22 16:45:09 +01:00
Peter Sadrozinski
fix segmentation fault in gdalchop
- it still isn't working - it produces output files, but after fir / construct - terrain isn't right
2012-11-21 20:55:20 -05:00
Peter Sadrozinski
- fix airport hole contour gaps when crossing tile boundary
- disable FindSlivers (in genapt) - it creates more errors than it fixes
2012-11-20 21:33:17 -05:00
Peter Sadrozinski
genapt850 optomizations - use hashes for SGGeod, SGVec3f and SGVec2f lists
2012-11-18 12:59:03 -05:00
Christian Schmitt
genapts linearfeatures: Remove more Point3D occurences
2012-11-18 17:11:56 +01:00
Christian Schmitt
Add edge lights to old 810-type taxiways
2012-11-18 14:24:05 +01:00
Peter Sadrozinski
Fix some gaps in and around airports
- these gaps were caused by a late clipper stage that optomizes the
resulting polygon after clipping - including removal of nodes
whose edges have the same slope. I was unable to disable this
optomization without breaking clipper - it would just hang.
So all clipper operations now save the subject nodes before, and
reinsert after the op.
- cleaned up some debug - genapts is so fast now, that we can just
print out the summaries.
2012-11-17 11:26:13 -05:00
Christian Schmitt
Use SGMisc rounding function everywhere
2012-11-15 10:47:22 +01:00
Christian Schmitt
fix MSVC build
2012-11-15 10:32:06 +01:00
Peter Sadrozinski
add a tgPolygon::Diff for diff againt another polygon
(unused for now, but was used in experiments)
2012-11-15 08:26:00 +01:00