fix some more of the texturing issues with non square helipads
- I can still get holes on helipads, but I think it's not a texturing issue, as I can build the helipad, side extensions, or borders seperatly. together, I can get holes.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 88 additions and 74 deletions
@ -101,21 +101,18 @@ void Helipad::BuildBtg( tgpolygon_list& rwy_polys,
// Generate the basic helipad outlines
double heli_size;
double maxsize = heli.width - heli.length;
bool area_top = false;
bool area_side = false;
if (maxsize == 0) {
maxsize = heli.width;
} else if (maxsize < 0) {
maxsize = heli.width;
area_top = true;
// helipad constructed as a square with width or length added around it
if ( heli.width == heli.length ) {
heli_size = heli.length;
} else if ( heli.width > heli.length ) {
heli_size = heli.length;
} else {
maxsize = heli.length;
area_side = true;
heli_size = heli.width;
tgContour helipad = gen_wgs84_area( GetLoc(), maxsize, 0, 0, maxsize, heli.heading, false);
tgContour helipad = gen_wgs84_area( GetLoc(), heli_size, 0, 0, heli_size, heli.heading, false);
helipad = tgContour::Snap( helipad, gSnap );
std::string material, shoulder_mat;
if (heli.surface == 1)
@ -124,99 +121,89 @@ void Helipad::BuildBtg( tgpolygon_list& rwy_polys,
material = "pc_";
// write out
tgPolygon result = WriteGeom( helipad, material + "heli", rwy_polys, slivers);
result.SetMaterial( material + "heli" );
result.SetTexParams( helipad.GetNode(0), maxsize, maxsize, heli.heading );
result.SetTexLimits( 0,0,1,1 );
result.SetTexMethod( TG_TEX_BY_TPS_CLIPUV, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
tgPolygon heli_poly = WriteGeom( helipad, material + "heli", rwy_polys, slivers);
heli_poly.SetMaterial( material + "heli" );
heli_poly.SetTexParams( helipad.GetNode(0), heli_size, heli_size, heli.heading );
heli_poly.SetTexLimits( 0,0,1,1 );
heli_poly.SetTexMethod( TG_TEX_BY_TPS_CLIPUV, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
rwy_polys.push_back( heli_poly );
rwy_polys.push_back( result );
// Now generate the actual rectangle, and clip it with the square
// need areference point at the origin of the direction, in the middle of width
SGGeod ref = SGGeodesy::direct( SGGeod::fromDeg(heli.lon,,
SGMiscd::normalizePeriodic(0, 360, heli.heading + 180 ),
heli.length/2 );
int i = 0;
double heading = 0, areahight = 0;
tgContour heli_area = gen_helipad_area_w_extend(0.0, 0.0);
heli_area = tgContour::Snap( heli_area, gSnap );
tgContour outer_area = gen_wgs84_rect( ref, heli.heading, heli.length, heli.width );
outer_area = tgContour::Snap( outer_area, gSnap );
tgcontour_list area_contours;
tgContour area;
tgPolygon outer_poly = tgContour::Diff( outer_area, heli_poly );
tgPolygon clipped = tgPolygon::DiffWithAccumulator( outer_poly );
tgPolygon::RemoveSlivers( clipped, slivers );
if (area_top || area_side) {
// Split long edges to create an object that can better flow with
// the surface terrain
tgPolygon split = tgPolygon::SplitLongEdges( clipped, 400.0 );
if (area_top) {
areahight = (heli.length - maxsize) /2;
heading = SGMiscd::normalizePeriodic( 0, 360, heli.heading-90 );
i = 0;
} else {
areahight = (heli.width - maxsize) /2;
heading = SGMiscd::normalizePeriodic( 0, 360, heli.heading-90 );
i = 1;
// Create the final output and push on to the runway super_polygon
// list
split.SetMaterial( material + "tiedown" );
split.SetTexParams( outer_area.GetNode(0), 5.0, 5.0, heli.heading );
split.SetTexLimits( 1,1,0,0 );
split.SetTexMethod( TG_TEX_BY_TPS_NOCLIP );
rwy_polys.push_back( split );
tgPolygon::AddToAccumulator( split );
for (;i<4; ++i) {
area.AddNode( heli_area.GetNode( i ) );
area.AddNode( heli_area.GetNode( i == 3 ? 0 : i+1 ) );
area.AddNode( helipad.GetNode( i == 3 ? 0 : i+1) );
area.AddNode( helipad.GetNode( i ) );
area.SetHole( false );
area_contours.push_back( area );
tgPolygon result;
for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
result = WriteGeom( area_contours[i], material + "tiedown", rwy_polys, slivers);
result.SetTexParams( area_contours[i].GetNode(0), maxsize, areahight, heading );
result.SetTexLimits( 1,1,0,0 );
result.SetTexMethod( TG_TEX_BY_TPS_CLIPUV, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
rwy_polys.push_back( result );
heading = SGMiscd::normalizePeriodic(0, 360, heading + 180 );
double shoulder_width, shoulder_length, shoulder_heading;
// Now build the shoulders
if (heli.shoulder == 1) {
shoulder_mat = "pa_shoulder";
areahight = 6; // shoulder size in m
shoulder_width = 6; // shoulder size in m
} else if (heli.shoulder == 2) {
shoulder_mat = "pc_shoulder";
areahight = 6; // shoulder size in m
shoulder_width = 6; // shoulder size in m
} else {
shoulder_mat = material + "shoulder_f";
areahight = 1; // fake shoulder size in m
shoulder_width = 1; // fake shoulder size in m
double shoulder_width = heli.length;
heading = heli.heading;
shoulder_length = heli.length;
shoulder_heading = heli.heading;
if (area_side) {
shoulder_width = heli.width;
if (heli.width > heli.length) {
shoulder_length = heli.width;
tgContour shoulder = gen_helipad_area_w_extend(areahight, areahight);
tgContour shoulder = gen_helipad_area_w_extend(shoulder_width, shoulder_width);
tgContour area;
tgPolygon shoulder_poly;
shoulder = tgContour::Snap( shoulder, gSnap );
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
heading = SGMiscd::normalizePeriodic(0,360,heading-90);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
shoulder_heading = SGMiscd::normalizePeriodic(0,360,shoulder_heading-90);
area.AddNode( shoulder.GetNode( i ) );
area.AddNode( shoulder.GetNode( i == 3 ? 0 : i+1 ) );
area.AddNode( heli_area.GetNode( i == 3 ? 0 : i+1 ) );
area.AddNode( heli_area.GetNode( i ) );
area.AddNode( outer_area.GetNode( i == 3 ? 0 : i+1 ) );
area.AddNode( outer_area.GetNode( i ) );
result.AddContour( area );
result.SetMaterial( shoulder_mat );
result.SetTexParams( area.GetNode(1), areahight, shoulder_width, heading );
result.SetTexLimits( 1,1,0,0 );
result.SetTexMethod( TG_TEX_BY_TPS_CLIPUV, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
shoulder_polys.push_back( result );
shoulder_poly.AddContour( area );
shoulder_poly.SetMaterial( shoulder_mat );
shoulder_poly.SetTexParams( area.GetNode(1), shoulder_width, shoulder_length, shoulder_heading );
shoulder_poly.SetTexLimits( 1,1,0,0 );
shoulder_poly.SetTexMethod( TG_TEX_BY_TPS_CLIPUV, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
shoulder_poly = tgPolygon::Snap( shoulder_poly, gSnap );
shoulder_polys.push_back( shoulder_poly );
if (heli.edge_lights)
// Now generate the helipad lights
tglightcontour_list s = gen_helipad_lights(maxsize);
tglightcontour_list s = gen_helipad_lights(heli_size);
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i ) {
rwy_lights.push_back( s[i] );
@ -1808,6 +1808,32 @@ tg::Rectangle tgContour::GetBoundingBox( void ) const
return tg::Rectangle( min, max );
tgPolygon tgContour::Diff( const tgContour& subject, tgPolygon& clip )
tgPolygon result;
TGTriNodes all_nodes;
/* before diff - gather all nodes */
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < subject.GetSize(); ++i ) {
all_nodes.unique_add( Point3D::fromSGGeod( subject.GetNode(i) ) );
ClipperLib::Polygon clipper_subject = tgContour::ToClipper( subject );
ClipperLib::Polygons clipper_clip = tgPolygon::ToClipper( clip );
ClipperLib::Polygons clipper_result;
ClipperLib::Clipper c;
c.AddPolygon(clipper_subject, ClipperLib::ptSubject);
c.AddPolygons(clipper_clip, ClipperLib::ptClip);
c.Execute(ClipperLib::ctDifference, clipper_result, ClipperLib::pftEvenOdd, ClipperLib::pftEvenOdd);
result = tgPolygon::FromClipper( clipper_result );
result = tgPolygon::AddColinearNodes( result, all_nodes );
return result;
tgPolygon tgContour::DiffWithAccumulator( const tgContour& subject )
tgPolygon result;
@ -375,6 +375,7 @@ public:
static tgContour SplitLongEdges( const tgContour& subject, double dist );
static tgContour RemoveSpikes( const tgContour& subject );
static tgPolygon Diff( const tgContour& subject, tgPolygon& clip );
static tgPolygon DiffWithAccumulator( const tgContour& subject );
static void AddToAccumulator( const tgContour& subject );
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