Eliminated libtool use.
Added options to specify initial position and orientation.
Changed default fov to 55 degrees.
Added command line option to start in paused or unpaused state.
but seems to be triggering a bug.
light.cxx: Added code to adjust fog color based on sunrise/sunset effects
and view orientation. This is an attempt to match the fog color to the
sky color in the center of the screen. You see discrepancies at the
edges, but what else can be done?
sunpos.cxx: Caculate local direction to sun here. (what compass direction
do we need to face to point directly at sun)
are doing textures. Assumptions: If we are doing textures we have hardware
support that can clear the color buffer for "free." If we are doing software
rendering with textures, then the extra clear time gets lost in the noise.
Better checking for xmesa/fx 3dfx fullscreen/window support for deciding
whether or not to build in the feature.
Translucent menu support.
Use fork() / wait() for playing mp3 init music in background under unix.
Changed default tile diameter to 5.
- saving the entire vertex list for each tile with the tile records.
- saving the face list for each fragment with the fragment records.
- code to intersect the current vertical line with the proper face in
an efficient manner as possible.
Fixed a bug where the tiles weren't being shifted to "near" (0,0,0)
Did some serious horsing around to be able to "hug" the ground properly
and still be able to take off.
Set the near clip plane to 1.0 meters when less than 10 meters above the
Did some serious horsing around getting the initial airplane position to be
correct based on rendered terrain elevation.
Added a little cheat/hack that will prevent the view position from ever
dropping below the terrain, even when the flight model doesn't quite
put you as high as you'd like.
Fixed the autopilot integration so it should be able to update it's control
positions every time the internal flight model loop is run, and not just
once per rendered frame.
Added a routine to do the necessary stuff to force an arbitrary altitude
Gave the Navion engine just a tad more power.