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643 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
408dcc38b1 Solaris fixes 2005-05-07 08:56:42 +00:00
2d9108e253 Add lightning support from David Culp. 2005-05-02 12:29:13 +00:00
4c10ef139c Mathias:
I have done a patch to eliminate the jitter of 3D-objects near the viewpoint
(for example 3D cockpit objects).
The problem is the roundoff accuracy of the float values used in the
scenegraph together with the transforms of the eyepoint relative to the
scenery center.

The solution will be to move the scenery center near the view point.
This way floats relative accuracy is enough to show a stable picture.

To get that right I have introduced a transform node for the scenegraph which
is responsible for that shift and uses double values as long as possible.
The scenery subsystem now has a list of all those transforms required to place
objects in the world and will tell all those transforms that the scenery
center has changed when the set_scenery_center() of the scenery subsystem is
The problem was not solvable by SGModelPlacement and SGLocation, since not all
objects, especially the scenery, are placed using these classes.

The first approach was to have the scenery center exactly at the eyepoint.
This works well for the cockpit.
But then the ground jitters a bit below the aircraft. With our default views
you can't see that, but that F-18 has a camera view below the left engine
intake with the nose gear and the ground in its field of view, here I could
see that.
Having the scenery center constant will still have this roundoff problems, but
like it is now too, the roundoff error here is exactly the same in each
frame, so you will not notice any jitter.

The real solution is now to keep the scenery center constant as long as it is
in a ball of 30m radius around the view point. If the scenery center is
outside this ball, just put it at the view point.

As a sideeffect of now beeing able to switch the scenery center in the whole
scenegraph with one function call, I was able to remove a one half of a
problem when switching views, where the scenery center was far off for one or
two frames past switching from one view to the next. Also included is a fix
to the other half of this problem, where the view position was not yet copied
into a view when it is switched (at least under glut). This was responsible
for the 'Error: ...' messages of the cloud subsystem when views were
2005-04-29 14:38:24 +00:00
3b5512f573 David Culp:
I'm looking through the AI code, trying to find the bug that's killing the
thermals.  The following things don't look right:

1)  AIManager::101  ,   the Traffic Manager pointer is searched for by name at
every dt.   I'll leave this for you to look at.

2)  AIManager::295  ,  the thermal height is not being set.  We need to
restore the line:         ai_thermal->setHeight(entity->height_msl);
This fixes the thermal problem.

3)  AIManager::328  ,  I changed the fetching of the user state to occur every
sim cycle, and changed the fetching function from by-name lookup to a lookup
by node pointer.  It should be faster now, and more accurate too.  This helps
the air-refueling.
2005-04-19 12:52:26 +00:00
d461e7868f Melchior FRANZ:
- don't treat *every* child in the xml as submodel, especially not a "param"
- do not only *enable* the contrail flag above some altitude, but also
  disable it below
2005-03-31 08:54:04 +00:00
50bdf6098a Mathias Fr�hlich:
I have done some cleanup where I moved some values out of classes where they
do not belong and such stuff.
Also the fols offsets are now named in the carrier xml file with a more
verbose name (flols-pos/offset-*) than before (only offset-*).
There is a little preparation for definitions of parking positions on the
carrier which should later be used for starting flightgear directly on the
2005-03-19 09:57:18 +00:00
7cc58da6a9 Vivian Meazza:
I attach the long-promised improved version of the USS Nimitz.

It includes an improved version of the FLOLS, which requires the attached
diff to be applied to AICarrier.cxx and AICArrier.hxx.

I've made lots of eye-candy in the form or the flightdeck crew.
Unfortunately, it about doubles the size of the tarball. I'll send it to you
later; when I've figured out some way of only loading on request (any advice
would be very welcome).

I could provide a \u2018bare\u2019 version to cut down on the vertex count for
less capable systems however, the count isn\u2019t huge in the first place.
I've cut the textures down as far as I can without losing definition.
2005-02-24 15:05:56 +00:00
02a757f9e6 MSVC (warning) fixes. 2005-02-18 10:16:30 +00:00
5bc15d7a69 Durk Talsma:
I just heard from John Wojnaroski that you and he are going to work on getting
a flightgear demo machine up for the linux expo thursday and Friday. John
indicated that he would very much like to get a CVS version with the new
traffic code up and running before the expo.
2005-02-10 09:01:51 +00:00
a7139a816c Durk Talsma:
Fix a couple of places that were not yet using SGPath
2004-12-27 17:35:22 +00:00
499c702ffb Mathias Fr�hlich:
We should now be able to find
wires or catapults when the ac3d model is loaded without the crease patch
(caused by the much more unstructured scene graph emitted by the old loader).
It should also emit more warnings if the carrier hardware configuration
includes conflicting definitions.
That code is the most intrusive one, it should not be used until you configure
an aircraft carrier as a aimodel. So I think it should be save to apply that
before the release too.
2004-12-27 13:21:18 +00:00
afe94f63ea Remove some stale cout commands. 2004-12-27 13:19:28 +00:00
222446df29 Replace the data/Airports/basic.dat.gz and data/Airports/runways.dat.gz with
a single apt.dat.gz file which is in the native X-Plane format.

To do this I wrote a front end loader than builds the airport and runway
list.  Some of the changes I needed to make had a cascading effect, so there
are minor naming changes scattered throughout the code.
2004-12-22 23:57:07 +00:00
127e84cee9 Mathias Fr�hlich:
I have a small update which fixes the algorythm used for marking solid
surfaces for some cases where some branch nodes carry the object names I had
expected in the leaf nodes.
That will also introduce the possibility to mark whole subtrees from the
scenegraph solid.
2004-12-18 10:33:36 +00:00
7a58ef58e7 MSVC fix 2004-12-05 09:34:03 +00:00
8ba9f4e3a4 Vivian Meazza:
This is a sub-system which can be added to any carrier.

These files add a functioning Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System (FLOLS).
The orange/red 'source' lights are illuminated according to the position of
the pilot's eye above/below the 3.5 deg glide slope. The apparent position
of the source light relative to the fixed green datum lights allow the pilot
to 'fly the meatball'. The green 'cut' lights flash when the pilot's eye is
below the coverage of the lowest (red) source light.

TODO - add rules for the operation of the wave-off lights.
2004-11-30 12:34:11 +00:00
c537267f96 Durk Talsma:
Okay, here's the latest update to the tarffic manager/AI Manager. AITraffic
can now fly multiple routes and be initialized while sitting statically at
2004-11-29 09:41:43 +00:00
63c1f4b613 Mathias Fr�hlich:
This patch makes the aircraft carrier's hardware  appear in the scenegraph.
2004-11-26 10:24:48 +00:00
3c0ab43b43 Mathias Fr�hlich:
The moving ai models will jump around realtive to the moving aircraft model.
I can see that with the carrier but others have noticed that too with ai
aircraft before.
The reason is that all SGSystems are called with a dt value which is not
necessarily a multiple of 1/hz.
In contrast, most FDM's use the _calc_multiloop function from FGInterface
which forces the time update to be a multiple of 1/hz for the FDM aircraft.
As a result, in the worst case, the FDM aircraft has moved nearly 1/hz seconds
further than the rest of flightgear (1/120sec*300kts that is about 1.3m).
That patch forces the time update to be a multiple of 1/hz.
2004-11-19 12:33:08 +00:00
3142457537 Remove some changes I had put in to make it compile. those are no longer needed. 2004-11-16 19:48:09 +00:00
9a8eaae03d commit some pending updates from Vivian 2004-11-16 09:33:21 +00:00
2df4a3b685 Vivian Meazza:
I attach the latest version  of Nimitz. The textures have been improved. A glide-path has been added, it is on by default, but can be switched off by means of the properties browser: /ai/models/ship/controls/glide-path. The origin has been adjusted to the turning pivot and approximate roll center.

Modified AiShip files are also attached. These allow the radius of the turning circle of a ship to be input. The turning circle is adjusted for speed and rudder angle. Roll has been corrected so that a ship leans out of a turn, not inwards like an aircraft. The roll angle is adjusted for speed and rudder angle (yes, application of more rudder reduces roll angle - rudders act as stabilizers).


Add a relative wind calculation so that a carrier can be turned to the appropriate launch and recovery courses.

Add a 'flight plan' so that the carrier can carry out a racetrack for flight ops.

Add a projector landing sight.

Add auto-land facilities.
2004-11-13 14:45:57 +00:00
85df309a3b David Culp:
Here are files to get automated contrails working.  I've set up contrails for
the 737, using my simple, untextured contrail model.  Vivian has made another
contrail model, but I'm still trying to get his to work.  I'm hoping others
will try to make contrail models also.

Here's some code that defines a top to thermals.  When the top of a thermal is
reached the strength is phased-out linearly over the next 100 feet of
altitude.  At first I tried just capping the thermal at the top, but the
change in thermal strength was too fast for the FDM to handle well.

Included is a new version of the thermal scenario that includes a top
(height-msl) to the thermal.  The default value is 5000 feet.
2004-11-07 14:46:21 +00:00
4668174848 Move the submodels from the /systems proprty subtree into /ai instead. 2004-10-28 08:44:24 +00:00
670ea7c881 David Culp:
Here's code to support a new AICarrier class, which I think will be
sufficiently different from a basic AIShip that it should have its own class.
2004-10-28 08:33:55 +00:00
e5b1ab4831 Vivian Meazza:
As a result of recent requests, I've implemented the ability to switch off
aerodynamic stabilisation:

This has to be added to the submodel.xml files:


When false the submodel retains the pitch given at instantiation.

It defaults to true.
2004-10-28 08:29:15 +00:00
29b5147478 Move the submodels code from the Systems manager into it's own Subsystem manager. 2004-10-22 09:58:24 +00:00
3b62b16fe9 Comment out the unalias code also. 2004-10-21 09:27:40 +00:00
7d1ec00a2b Frederic Bouvier:
I think I found the problem in props.hxx. I have an exception when copying properties. An alias to a property that has no value trigger this exception. The code that generate that is in AIManager.cxx  :

void FGAIAircraft::bind() {


   props->getNode("controls/lighting/landing-lights", true)

controls/gear/gear-down has no value ( _type == NONE ) and controls/lighting/landing-lights is copied somewhere.


Frederic's fix was to change props.hxx but he has expressed his doubts.
For now I've commented out the line that causes the problem so we have more
time to look deeper into the problem.

cvs -z4 -q diff -u props.hxx (in directory I:\FlightGear\cvs\SimGear\simgear\props\)
Index: props.hxx
RCS file: /var/cvs/SimGear-0.3/SimGear/simgear/props/props.hxx,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 props.hxx
--- props.hxx	19 Sep 2004 09:08:12 -0000	1.4
+++ props.hxx	21 Oct 2004 07:10:54 -0000
@@ -622,7 +622,7 @@
    * Test whether this node contains a primitive leaf value.
-  bool hasValue () const { return (_type != NONE); }
+  bool hasValue () const { return (_type != ALIAS && _type != NONE) || (_type == ALIAS && _value.alias->_type != NONE); }

2004-10-21 09:21:05 +00:00
77d3a549a7 It's usually not a good idea to assign a const char* to a node of a temporary property tree, use string instead. 2004-10-14 09:49:46 +00:00
1d081cdd93 Move the calculations of Mach to the base class. 2004-10-02 13:34:06 +00:00
0304651a9b Add the Mach vaiable. 2004-10-02 12:05:59 +00:00
1af8736df6 Vivian Meazza:
I've finished the variation of Cd with Mach number.
The calculations are only applicable to ballistic
objects, and then strictly one shape: non boat-tailed bullets/shells, so
I've put them in AIBallistic rather than AIBAase. For all inputs, Cd
should be the sub-sonic value, so bullets will need changing.

I've just posted a graphical analysis here:

2004-10-02 12:02:04 +00:00
328053fe23 Vivian Meazza:
The calculation of submodel mass from weight has been moved from AIBallistic
to Submodel so that it is calculated only once, rather than on every
iteration as a present. The parameter <contents> has been added, primarily
so that droptanks will have the proper mass. It is the path to an
appropriate property containing a weight in lbs.

Care has to be taken with the use of <contents> because after a reset there
appears to be a delay in submodel instantiation (dt not properly reset???)
and the weight property is not always picked up before it is set to zero in
the key bindings. Slightly hard to explain. It works fine if FGFS has not
been reset though. There is a partial solution which involves the rejigging
of the fuel and gui nasal scripts, but there is still the visible delay in
instantiation to be resolved. I've nearly done the nasal fixes, which will
form part of an update to the Hunter only. I'll probably complete those
later today.
2004-09-27 14:24:20 +00:00
1974be7faf Make the scenerio's work again (now for real) and a small number of updates. 2004-09-23 09:39:55 +00:00
4b5d84d7fb Don't forget to unbind() before deleting the class. 2004-09-23 08:57:46 +00:00
5570b16192 MSVC fixes. 2004-09-23 07:48:25 +00:00
e0e5b325cb Vivian Meazza:
The value of rho (air density) varies with height. (Including the upper
stratosphere, ust in case someone wants to model ICBMs.) The standard
atmosphere is used (based on a sea-level temperature of 15 deg C.).

Erik Hofman:
I moved this code over the AIBase::update() so all AIModels can make
use of rho, temperature, pressure, etc.
2004-09-22 19:11:36 +00:00
82dfd908b7 Make the scenarios work again. 2004-09-22 11:24:45 +00:00
9d1b5164e2 fix a segmentation fault situation that is exposed at least on IRIX (but not Linux). 2004-09-22 10:03:26 +00:00
26e6b0edcb Vivian Meazza:
I have added <Cd> and <weight> to the input parameters in the submodels.xml
script. Raw data may be used, thus avoiding the need to guestimate <eda>.
Eda remains, but should now be used to enter the proper cross-sectional
2004-09-22 08:47:05 +00:00
56f6d3b800 Fix a small number of potential problems. 2004-09-20 19:29:16 +00:00
6d76e9da80 Vivian Meazza:
I had to reverse a number of signs to get it right. I took the opportunity
to add roll to the submodel so that droptanks will come off with the right
orientation. I have neither added the rotational speed to the submodel, nor
yaw, so if you release droptanks with  significant roll rate or yaw angle on
the aircraft the submodel will not be quite right. Straight and level, or
nearly so, is fine.
2004-09-17 16:32:58 +00:00
2f581faf3e Vivan Meazza:
The maths, so far, is now correct. Roll and pitch are now both in the
correct sense. The aircraft velocity is added correctly to the
submodel velocity, and the submodel is now visible when instantiated.

However, the velocity is measured at the aircraft centre. To be totally
correct we ought to take into account the aircraft's rotational
velocity. We have pitch rate and roll rate available, but not yaw rate
(small anyway).
2004-09-14 08:27:55 +00:00
c542be5330 Make sure the pointer is not being used after deletion, and tie the elapsed time to the particular class instance. 2004-09-08 14:02:25 +00:00
9e72a38165 Rearrange ID related code. The (this) pointer is now the unique ID of the AIModel which fixes a number of problems along the way. 2004-09-08 13:21:40 +00:00
af7c5e48be Internally keep track of the number of models per type. This really speeds up searching for the number of submodels of one type. 2004-09-07 19:56:22 +00:00
d158c8168d Make use of a pointer to a structure to pass multiple parameters around. 2004-09-07 09:53:23 +00:00
fed4a2c25a Vivian Meazza:
I've added another parameter to the submodel - wind.

It's activated by the entry <wind>true</wind> in the ../submodel.xml file.
If true, the submodel is affected by the local wind, otherwise not. The
parameter defaults to false. This is useful for exhausts and smoke, and
possibly all objects.
2004-09-05 09:45:34 +00:00
1853012d90 Vivian Meazza:
Attached are the modified files to add buoyancy as a parameter for a
ballistic object. It may be set by adding

<buoyancy>x</buoyancy> to the submodel .xml file, where x is the appropriate
value (ft per sec2):

	32   neutral buoyancy - contrails
	>32  positive buoyancy - exhaust plumes
	(0   non-op - default value)

If <buoyancy>x</buoyancy> is not used, then there is no effect on the
current ballistic model
2004-09-01 08:32:54 +00:00