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I've done a new Sea Hawk. Well, the model and the fdm aren't new, just slightly modified, but I've incorporated some more animation stuff and tried a different way of texturing it. The animation additions are things I worked out for the YF23 (still can't get it to fly again) - mostly u/c related stuff. This actual aircraft (WV908) is in the Royal Navy Historical Flight and so is kept unusally clean;) In the photographs I looked at, hardly any fuseage panel lines were visible so I've not tried to include any. Instead of the normal fuselage side views and wing plan textures I've just used fairly high-res detail 'patches' for the markings, applied to 'carrier' objects. This is much more like the way I'd do things if I was working on a picture in my 3d software - there I'd apply multiple textures to an object, as required, using scope and priority settings to get what I want. With .ac format models you can only apply a single texture to an object - hence the need for the carrier objects. These are sections of the underlying 'real' object that have been moved out/away from from the original object surface so that they cover them. The pros are 1) the resolution of the details is much higher - have a close look at the Ace of Diamonds art on the nose and on the bit that sticks out of the front of the tail-fin (I don't know the proper name for this), and 2) less texture space is needed. The most obvious con is that there's more potential for z-buffer problems. I notice that whilst on the ground (in chase view), there appears to be z-buffer fighting for the texture patches but once the a/c has taken off and has got to about 200ft or so, it clears up. I've no idea why this should happen as I'm not changing any of the view settings. There are a few things I still need to figure out in this respect - I think there's an issue with graduated textures - they seem to get reduced to 16bpp and show a lot of banding that's absent on the texture and the model appears inverted from tower views, at least in 16bpp, but ok from the chase view, and stuff like that. I said that the model and fdm aren't new but they have been modified a bit. I've only reduced the approach aoa in the fdm but the model, whilst basically the same, has had quite a few changes to accomodate the new u/c and texture patches. It also got into FG by a slightly different route - I found that AC3D would support polys with > 3 sides and after looking at and comparing .ac and .obj file formats (I can export from RS3D in .obj format) I wrote a C prog to convert .obj format files into .ac format files. It's a nasty bit of hackery that even uses a temporary workfile (LOL), and it will only work with the simplest of .obj files (e.g. no vertice normal or texture info) but it allows me to export the model geometry in .obj format, convert it, and load it straight into AC3D without turning everything into triangles or flipping face normals. The funny thing is that objects that consist of just a single rectangle (e.g. an aileron or flap surface) are not recognised by FG and they have to be split into two triangles, and once the model's loaded up into FG I can see from some of the rendering artifacts that it's all still reduced to triangles prior to display anyway. Still, it saves me from having to do a lot of face flipping. Really, the texturing method is experimental and I hope I get some feed-back on it regarding display and performance issues. Ultimately, I'd like to try to reduce the texture size down from 512x512 to 256x256 - nearly half of the current texture 'space' is unused. |
Aircraft | ||
Aircraft-uiuc | ||
Aircraft-yasim | ||
Airports | ||
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Data/SkyClouds | ||
Docs | ||
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Input/Joysticks | ||
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Navaids | ||
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.cvsignore | ||
AtlasPalette | ||
ChangeLog | ||
joysticks.xml | ||
keyboard.xml | || | ||
materials.dtd | ||
materials.xml | ||
menu.xml | ||
mice.xml | ||
NEWS | ||
options.xml | ||
preferences.xml | ||
runfgfs.bat | ||
Thanks | ||
version |
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