Initial revision
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
Authors of the Flight Gear project.
Flight Gear is a group project and has many contributors. I have
attempted to make a complete list of people in the ``Thanks'' file
located in the top level directory of this file.
My name is Curt Olson <>. I am the primary organizer
of this project. I maintain the official source code and run the FG
web site.
My intention is to mention all the contributors to the FG project in
the ``Thanks file''. Unfortunately, being human, I have likely missed
a few people. If you have made a contribution, and don't find
yourself listed in the ``Thanks'' file, ***PLEASE*** drop me a quick
reminder. No contribution is too small to be overlooked!!!
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
# Jeff Scott
# Beech 99, low cruise configuration
# small twin turboprop commuter airplane, data from:
# Roskam, Jan. Airplane Flight Dynamics and Automatic Flight
# Controls, Part I. Lawrence KS: DARcorporation, 1995,
# pg 508-510
# 03-23-2000 file creation
init Dz_cg 2.5 # [ft]
geometry bw 46 # [ft]
geometry cbar 6.5 # [ft]
geometry Sw 280 # [ft^2]
controlSurface de 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
controlSurface da 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
controlSurface dr 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
mass Weight 7000 # [lb]
mass I_xx 10085 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_yy 15148 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_zz 23046 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_xz 1600 # [slug-ft^2]
# Roskam: CTx=0.162 (SL conditions) --> 1550 lb
# aircraft specs: two engines of 553 kW each
# ~2300 lb static thrust each
engine simpleSingle 2300 # [lb]
CL CLo 0.201 # []
CL CL_a 5.48 # [/rad]
CL CL_adot 2.5 # [/rad]
CL CL_q 8.1 # [/rad]
CL CL_de 0.6 # [/rad]
CD CDo 0.027 # []
#CD CDK # []
CD CD_a 0.131 # [/rad]
CD CD_de 0.0 # [/rad]
Cm Cmo 0.05 # []
Cm Cm_a -1.89 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_adot -9.1 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_q -34.0 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_de -2.0 # [/rad]
CY CY_beta -0.59 # [/rad]
CY CY_p -0.19 # [/rad]
CY CY_r 0.39 # [/rad]
CY CY_da 0.0 # [/rad] sign reversed
CY CY_dr 0.148 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_beta -0.13 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_p -0.5 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_r 0.14 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_da -0.156 # [/rad] sign reversed
Cl Cl_dr 0.0109 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_beta 0.08 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_p 0.0109 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_r -0.197 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_da 0.0012 # [/rad] sign reversed
Cn Cn_dr -0.0772 # [/rad]
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
# Jeff Scott
# Boeing 747, low cruise configuration
# large commercial jetliner, data from:
# Roskam, Jan. Airplane Flight Dynamics and Automatic Flight
# Controls, Part I. Lawrence KS: DARcorporation, 1995,
# pg 543-545
# 03-23-2000 file creation
init Dz_cg 0.0 # [ft]
geometry bw 196.0 # [ft]
geometry cbar 27.3 # [ft]
geometry Sw 5500.0 # [ft^2]
controlSurface de 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
controlSurface da 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
controlSurface dr 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
mass Weight 636640 # [lb]
mass I_xx 18200000 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_yy 33100000 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_zz 49700000 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_xz 970000 # [slug-ft^2]
# Roskam: CTx=0.025 (SL conditions) --> 39500 lb
# aircraft specs: 4 engines of 41000 lb static thrust each (747-100)
# 63500 lb static thrust each (747-400)
engine simpleSingle 39500 # [lb]
CL CLo 0.210 # []
CL CL_a 4.40 # [/rad]
CL CL_adot 7.0 # [/rad]
CL CL_q 6.6 # [/rad]
CL CL_de 0.32 # [/rad]
CD CDo 0.0164 # []
CD CD_a 0.200 # [/rad]
CD CD_de 0.0 # [/rad]
Cm Cmo 0.0 # []
Cm Cm_a -1.0 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_adot -4.0 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_q -20.5 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_de -1.3 # [/rad]
CY CY_beta -0.9 # [/rad]
CY CY_p 0.0 # [/rad]
CY CY_r 0.0 # [/rad]
CY CY_da 0.0 # [/rad] sign reversed
CY CY_dr 0.120 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_beta -0.160 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_p -0.340 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_r 0.130 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_da -0.013 # [/rad] sign reversed
Cl Cl_dr 0.008 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_beta 0.16 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_p -0.026 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_r -0.280 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_da -0.0018 # [/rad] sign reversed
Cn Cn_dr -0.1 # [/rad]
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# C172 CL as function of alpha
-4.984732818 -0.14
0 0.31
10.02676141 1.21
11.97481792 1.376
13.75098708 1.51249
15.01149423 1.591
15.9282267 1.63
17.36062119 1.60878
17.99087477 1.53712
19.0221988 1.376
21.02755108 1.142
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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
# Jeff Scott
# Cessna 172
# small single piston engine general aviation airplane
# This model was adapted from the file c172_aero.c in Flight
# Gear developed by Tony Peden. This version uses stability
# derivatives and a CL-alpha curve. The aircraft data comes from:
# Tony Peden's c172_aero.c and c172_init.c files
# 02-01-2000 file creation
init Dz_cg 2.5 # [ft] FG c172_aero.c
init nondim_rate_V_rel_wind
geometry bw 35.8 # [ft] FG c172_aero.c
geometry cbar 4.90 # [ft] FG c172_aero.c
geometry Sw 174.0 # [ft^2] FG c172_aero.c
controlSurface de 28 23 # [deg] FG c172_aero.c
controlSurface da 20 15 # [deg] FG c172_aero.c
controlSurface dr 16 16 # [deg] FG c172_aero.c
mass Weight 2300.0 # [lb] FG c172_init.c
mass I_xx 948.0 # [slug-ft^2] FG c172_init.c
mass I_yy 1346.0 # [slug-ft^2] FG c172_init.c
mass I_zz 1967.0 # [slug-ft^2] FG c172_init.c
mass I_xz 0.0 # [slug-ft^2] FG c172_init.c
engine c172
CL CL_adot 1.7 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
CL CL_q 3.9 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
CL CL_de 0.43 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
CL CLfa Aircraft-uiuc/Cessna172-71/CLfa.dat 0 1 # [] FG c172_aero.c
CD CDo 0.031 # [] FG c172_aero.c
CD CDK 0.054 # [] FG c172_aero.c
#CD CD_a 0.13 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
CD CD_de 0.06 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cm Cmo -0.015 # [] FG c172_aero.c
Cm Cm_a -0.89 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cm Cm_adot -5.2 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cm Cm_q -12.4 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cm Cm_de -1.28 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
CY CY_beta -0.31 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
CY CY_p -0.037 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
CY CY_r 0.21 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
CY CY_da 0.0 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
CY CY_dr 0.187 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cl Cl_beta -0.089 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cl Cl_p -0.47 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cl Cl_r 0.096 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cl Cl_da -0.178 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cl Cl_dr 0.0147 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cn Cn_beta 0.065 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cn Cn_p -0.03 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cn Cn_r -0.099 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cn Cn_da -0.053 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cn Cn_dr -0.0657 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# C172 CL as function of alpha
-4.984732818 -0.22
0 0.25
8.021409132 1.02
12.0321137 1.252
13.75098708 1.354
14.89690267 1.44
16.04281826 1.466
17.76169165 1.298
20.05352283 0.97
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
# Jeff Scott
# Cessna 172
# small single piston engine general aviation airplane
# This model was adapted from the file c172_aero.c in Flight
# Gear developed by Tony Peden. This version uses stability
# derivatives and a CL-alpha curve. The aircraft data comes from:
# Tony Peden's c172_aero.c and c172_init.c files (FG 0.7.3)
# 05-04-2000 file creation
init Dz_cg 2.5 # [ft] FG c172_aero.c
init nondim_rate_V_rel_wind
geometry bw 35.8 # [ft] FG c172_aero.c
geometry cbar 4.90 # [ft] FG c172_aero.c
geometry Sw 174.0 # [ft^2] FG c172_aero.c
controlSurface de 28 23 # [deg] FG c172_aero.c
controlSurface da 20 15 # [deg] FG c172_aero.c
controlSurface dr 16 16 # [deg] FG c172_aero.c
mass Weight 2300.0 # [lb] FG c172_init.c
mass I_xx 948.0 # [slug-ft^2] FG c172_init.c
mass I_yy 1346.0 # [slug-ft^2] FG c172_init.c
mass I_zz 1967.0 # [slug-ft^2] FG c172_init.c
mass I_xz 0.0 # [slug-ft^2] FG c172_init.c
engine c172
CL CL_adot 1.7 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
CL CL_q 3.9 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
CL CL_de 0.34763715 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
CL CLfa Aircraft-uiuc/Cessna172-73/CLfa.dat 0 1 # [] FG c172_aero.c
CD CDo 0.036 # [] FG c172_aero.c
CD CDK 0.0830304 # [] FG c172_aero.c
#CD CD_a 0.13 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
CD CD_de 0.06 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cm Cmo -0.020 # [] FG c172_aero.c
Cm Cm_a -1.80 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cm Cm_adot -5.2 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cm Cm_q -12.4 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cm Cm_de -1.28 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
CY CY_beta -0.31 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
CY CY_p -0.037 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
CY CY_r 0.21 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
CY CY_da 0.0 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
CY CY_dr 0.187 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cl Cl_beta -0.089 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cl Cl_p -0.47 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cl Cl_r 0.096 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cl Cl_da -0.090 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cl Cl_dr 0.0147 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cn Cn_beta 0.065 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cn Cn_p -0.03 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cn Cn_r -0.099 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cn Cn_da -0.0053 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cn Cn_dr -0.0657 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
# Jeff Scott
# Cessna 172
# small single piston engine general aviation airplane
# This model was adapted from the file c172_aero.c in Flight
# Gear developed by Tony Peden. This version uses stability
# derivatives only. The aircraft data comes from:
# Tony Peden's c172_aero.c and c172_init.c files
# Roskam, Jan. Airplane Flight Dynamics and Automatic Flight
# Controls, Part I. Lawrence KS: DARcorporation, 1995,
# pg 480-482. (actually Cessna 182)
# 02-01-2000 file creation
init Dz_cg 2.5 # [ft]
init nondim_rate_V_rel_wind
geometry bw 35.8 # [ft] FG c172_aero.c
geometry cbar 4.90 # [ft] FG c172_aero.c
geometry Sw 174.0 # [ft^2] FG c172_aero.c
controlSurface de 28 23 # [deg] FG c172_aero.c
controlSurface da 20 15 # [deg] FG c172_aero.c
controlSurface dr 16 16 # [deg] FG c172_aero.c
mass Weight 2300.0 # [lb] FG c172_init.c
mass I_xx 948.0 # [slug-ft^2] FG c172_init.c
mass I_yy 1346.0 # [slug-ft^2] FG c172_init.c
mass I_zz 1967.0 # [slug-ft^2] FG c172_init.c
mass I_xz 0.0 # [slug-ft^2] FG c172_init.c
engine c172
CL CLo 0.31 # [] FG c172_aero.c (from CL-a curve)
CL CL_a 5.143 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c (from CL-a curve)
CL CL_adot 1.7 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
CL CL_q 3.9 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
CL CL_de 0.43 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
#CL CLfa CLfa.dat 0 1 # [] FG c172_aero.c
CD CDo 0.031 # [] FG c172_aero.c
CD CDK 0.054 # [] FG c172_aero.c
#CD CD_a 0.13 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
CD CD_de 0.06 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cm Cmo -0.015 # [] FG c172_aero.c
Cm Cm_a -0.89 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cm Cm_adot -5.2 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cm Cm_q -12.4 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cm Cm_de -1.28 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
CY CY_beta -0.31 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
CY CY_p -0.037 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
CY CY_r 0.21 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
CY CY_da 0.0 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
CY CY_dr 0.187 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cl Cl_beta -0.089 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cl Cl_p -0.47 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cl Cl_r 0.096 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cl Cl_da -0.178 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cl Cl_dr 0.0147 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cn Cn_beta 0.065 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cn Cn_p -0.03 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cn Cn_r -0.099 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cn Cn_da -0.053 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
Cn Cn_dr -0.0657 # [/rad] FG c172_aero.c
# * above denotes end of data to read in.
# uncommenting this line will produced the uiuc_record.dat
# file (flight data recorder file)
#record Dx_pilot # [ft] x-location
#record Dy_pilot # [ft] y-loaction
#record Dz_pilot # [ft] z-location
record V_north # [ft/s] x-velocity
record V_east # [ft/s] y-velocity
record V_down # [ft/s] z-velocity
record V_rel_wind # [ft/s] total velocity
record Dynamic_pressure # [lb/ft^2] dynamic pressure
record Alpha # [rad] angle of attack
record Alpha_dot # [rad/s] rate of change of alpha
record Beta # [rad] sideslip angle
record Beta_dot # [rad/s] rate of change of beta
#record Gamma # [rad] flight path angle
#record P_body # [rad] roll rate
#record Q_body # [rad] pitch rate
#record R_body # [rad] yaw rate
#record Phi # [rad] bank angle
#record Theta # [rad] pitch attitude angle
#record Theta_dot # [rad] rate change of theta
#record Psi # [rad] heading angle
#record long_trim
#record trim_inc
#record Density # [slug/ft^3] air density
#record Mass # [slug] aircraft mass
#record Simtime # [s] current sim time
#record dt # [s] current time step
record elevator # [rad] elevator deflection
record aileron # [rad] aileron deflection
record rudder # [rad] rudder deflection
#record CDfaI # [] CD(alpha)
#record CDfadeI # [] CD(alpha,delta_e)
#record CD # [] drag coefficient
#record CLfaI # [] CL(alpha)
#record CLfadeI # [] CL(alpha,delta_e)
record CL # [] lift coefficient
#record CmfadeI # [] Cm(alpha,delta_e)
#record Cm # [] pitch moment coefficient
#record CYfadaI # [] CY(alpha,delta_a)
#record CYfadrI # [] CY(alpha,delta_r)
#record CY # [] side-force coefficient
#record ClfadaI # [] Cl(alpha,delta_a)
#record ClfadrI # [] Cl(alpha,delta_r)
#record Cl # [] roll moment coefficient
#record CnfadaI # [] Cn(alpha,delta_a)
#record CnfadrI # [] Cn(alpha,delta_r)
#record Cn # [] yaw moment coefficient
#record F_X_wind # [lb] aero x-force in wind-axes
#record F_Y_wind # [lb] aero y-force in wind-axes
#record F_Z_wind # [lb] aero z-force in wind-axes
#record F_X_aero # [lb] aero x-force in body-axes
#record F_Y_aero # [lb] aero y-force in body-axes
#record F_Z_aero # [lb] aero z-force in body-axes
#record F_X_engine # [lb] prop x-force in body-axes
#record F_Y_engine # [lb] prop y-force in body-axes
#record F_Z_engine # [lb] prop z-force in body-axes
#record F_X_gear # [lb] gear x-force in body-axes
#record F_Y_gear # [lb] gear y-force in body-axes
#record F_Z_gear # [lb] gear z-force in body-axes
#record F_X # [lb] total x-force in body-axes
#record F_Y # [lb] total y-force in body-axes
#record F_Z # [lb] total z-force in body-axes
#record M_l_aero # [ft-lb] aero roll moment in body axes
#record M_m_aero # [ft-lb] aero pitch moment in body axes
#record M_n_aero # [ft-lb] aero yaw moment in body axes
#record M_l_engine # [ft-lb] prop roll moment in body axes
#record M_m_engine # [ft-lb] prop pitch moment in body axes
#record M_n_engine # [ft-lb] prop yaw moment in body axes
#record M_l_gear # [ft-lb] gear roll moment in body axes
#record M_m_gear # [ft-lb] gear pitch moment in body axes
#record M_n_gear # [ft-lb] gear yaw moment in body axes
#record M_l_rp # [ft-lb] total roll moment in body axes
#record M_m_rp # [ft-lb] total pitch moment in body axes
#record M_n_rp # [ft-lb] total yaw moment in body axes
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
# Jeff Scott
# Cessna 310, cruise configuration
# small twin piston engine general aviation airplane, data from:
# Roskam, Jan. Airplane Flight Dynamics and Automatic Flight
# Controls, Part I. Lawrence KS: DARcorporation, 1995,
# pg 487-489
# 03-23-2000 file creation
init Dz_cg 2.5 # [ft]
geometry bw 36.9 # [ft]
geometry cbar 4.79 # [ft]
geometry Sw 175.0 # [ft^2]
controlSurface de 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
controlSurface da 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
controlSurface dr 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
mass Weight 4600 # [lb]
mass I_xx 8884 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_yy 1939 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_zz 11001 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_xz 0 # [slug-ft^2]
# Roskam: CTx=0.031 (cruise conditions) --> 500 lb
# aircraft specs: 2 engines of 213 kW each
# ~1100 lb static thrust each
engine simpleSingle 1100 # [lb]
CL CLo 0.288 # []
CL CL_a 4.58 # [/rad]
CL CL_adot 5.3 # [/rad]
CL CL_q 9.7 # [/rad]
CL CL_de 0.81 # [/rad]
CD CDo 0.029 # []
CD CD_a 0.16 # [/rad]
CD CD_de 0.0 # [/rad]
Cm Cmo 0.07 # []
Cm Cm_a -0.137 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_adot -12.7 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_q -26.3 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_de -2.26 # [/rad]
CY CY_beta -0.698 # [/rad]
CY CY_p -0.141 # [/rad]
CY CY_r 0.355 # [/rad]
CY CY_da 0.0 # [/rad] sign reversed
CY CY_dr 0.23 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_beta -0.1096 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_p -0.551 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_r 0.0729 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_da -0.172 # [/rad] sign reversed
Cl Cl_dr 0.0192 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_beta 0.1444 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_p -0.0257 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_r -0.1495 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_da 0.0168 # [/rad] sign reversed
Cn Cn_dr -0.1152 # [/rad]
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
# Jeff Scott
# Cessna 620, cruise configuration
# four piston engine business airplane, data from:
# Roskam, Jan. Airplane Flight Dynamics and Automatic Flight
# Controls, Part I. Lawrence KS: DARcorporation, 1995,
# pg 515-517
# 03-23-2000 file creation
init Dz_cg 4.0 # [ft]
geometry bw 55.1 # [ft]
geometry cbar 6.58 # [ft]
geometry Sw 340 # [ft^2]
controlSurface de 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
controlSurface da 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
controlSurface dr 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
mass Weight 15000 # [lb]
mass I_xx 64811 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_yy 17300 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_zz 64543 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_xz 0 # [slug-ft^2]
# Roskam: CTx=0.042 (cruise conditions) --> 1300 lb
# aurcraft specs: 4 engines, power unknown
engine simpleSingle 2500 # [lb]
CL CLo 0.48 # []
CL CL_a 5.55 # [/rad]
CL CL_adot 2.7 # [/rad]
CL CL_q 7.5 # [/rad]
CL CL_de 0.58 # [/rad]
CD CDo 0.0322 # []
CD CD_a 0.269 # [/rad]
CD CD_de 0.0 # [/rad]
Cm Cmo 0.06 # []
Cm Cm_a -1.18 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_adot -8.17 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_q -22.4 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_de -1.73 # [/rad]
CY CY_beta -0.883 # [/rad]
CY CY_p -0.227 # [/rad]
CY CY_r 0.448 # [/rad]
CY CY_da 0.0 # [/rad] sign reversed
CY CY_dr 0.2 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_beta -0.1381 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_p -0.566 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_r 0.1166 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_da -0.1776 # [/rad] sign reversed
Cl Cl_dr 0.02 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_beta 0.1739 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_p -0.0501 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_r -0.2 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_da 0.0194 # [/rad] sign reversed
Cn Cn_dr -0.1054 # [/rad]
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
# Michael Selig
# Convair 880, cruise configuration (M .8 @ 35kft)
# medium commercial jetliner, data from:
# Robert Nelson, "Flight Stability and Automatic Control", 2nd ed.
# p 414-415
# 02-10-2000 file creation
init Dz_cg 0.0 # [ft]
geometry bw 120. # [ft]
geometry cbar 18.94 # [ft]
geometry Sw 2000.0 # [ft^2]
controlSurface de 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
controlSurface da 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
controlSurface dr 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
mass Weight 126000 # [lb]
mass I_xx 115000 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_yy 2450000 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_zz 4070000 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_xz 0 # [slug-ft^2]
# aircraft specs: 4 engines of 15000 lb static thrust each
engine simpleSingle 30000 # [lb] guess
CL CLo 0.347 # []
CL CL_a 4.8 # [/rad]
CL CL_adot 2.7 # [/rad]
CL CL_q 7.5 # [/rad]
CL CL_de 0.19 # [/rad]
CD CDo 0.024 # []
CD CD_a 0.150 # [/rad]
Cm Cmo 0.0 # []
Cm Cm_a -0.650 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_adot -4.5 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_q -4.5 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_de -0.570 # [/rad]
CY CY_beta -0.812 # [/rad]
CY CY_p 0.0 # [/rad]
CY CY_r 0.184 # [/rad]
CY CY_dr 0.019 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_beta -0.117 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_p -0.312 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_r 0.153 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_da -0.050 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_dr 0.019 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_beta 0.129 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_p -0.011 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_r -0.165 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_da 0.008 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_dr -0.076 # [/rad]
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
# Jeff Scott
# Lockheed F-104, cruise configuration
# small single jet engine supersonic fighter, data from:
# Roskam, Jan. Airplane Flight Dynamics and Automatic Flight
# Controls, Part I. Lawrence KS: DARcorporation, 1995,
# pg 529-531
# 03-23-2000 file creation
init Dz_cg 3.0 # [ft]
geometry bw 21.9 # [ft]
geometry cbar 9.6 # [ft]
geometry Sw 196.0 # [ft^2]
controlSurface de 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
controlSurface da 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
controlSurface dr 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
mass Weight 16300 # [lb]
mass I_xx 3600 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_yy 59000 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_zz 60000 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_xz 0 # [slug-ft^2]
# Roskam: CTx=0.2634 (SL conditions) --> 5050 lb
# aircraft specs: 7800 lb static thrust (F-104A)
# 15800 lb static thrust (F-104G)
# 18800 lb static thrust (F-104S)
engine simpleSingle 8000 # [lb]
CL CLo 0.122 # []
CL CL_a 2.005 # [/rad]
CL CL_adot 0.82 # [/rad]
CL CL_q 1.9 # [/rad]
CL CL_de 0.684 # [/rad] used CLih (typo in Roskam?)
CD CDo 0.048 # []
CD CD_a 0.384 # [/rad]
CD CD_de 0.0 # [/rad]
Cm Cmo -0.028 # []
Cm Cm_a -1.308 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_adot -2.05 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_q -4.83 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_de -1.6 # [/rad] used Cmih (typo in Roskam?)
CY CY_beta -1.045 # [/rad]
CY CY_p 0.0 # [/rad]
CY CY_r 0.0 # [/rad]
CY CY_da 0.0 # [/rad] sign reversed
CY CY_dr 0.087 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_beta -0.093 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_p -0.272 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_r 0.154 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_da -0.0173 # [/rad] sign reversed
Cl Cl_dr 0.0079 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_beta 0.242 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_p -0.093 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_r -0.649 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_da -0.0025 # [/rad] sign reversed
Cn Cn_dr -0.0435 # [/rad]
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
# Michael Selig
# F-4 Phantom, subsonic cruise configuration
# twin jet engine supersonic fighter/attack airplane, data from:
# Roskam, Jan. Airplane Flight Dynamics and Automatic Flight
# Controls, Part I. Lawrence KS: DARcorporation, 1995,
# pg 536-538
# 02-10-2000 file creation
init Dz_cg 5.0 # [ft]
geometry bw 38.7 # [ft]
geometry cbar 16.0 # [ft]
geometry Sw 530.0 # [ft^2]
controlSurface de 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
controlSurface da 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
controlSurface dr 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
mass Weight 39000 # [lb]
mass I_xx 25000 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_yy 122200 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_zz 139800 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_xz 2200 # [slug-ft^2]
# Roskam: CTx=0.2 (SL conditions) --> 6670 lb
# aircraft specs: 2 engines of 16000 lb static thrust each (F-4A)
# 2 engines of 17900 lb static thrust each (F-4E)
engine simpleSingle 16000 # [lb]
CL CLo 0.100 # []
CL CL_a 3.750 # [/rad]
CL CL_adot 0.86 # [/rad]
CL CL_q 1.8 # [/rad]
CL CL_de 0.40 # [/rad] used CLih (typo in Roskam?)
CD CDo 0.0205 # []
CD CD_a 0.300 # [/rad]
CD CD_de -0.10 # [/rad] used CDih (typo in Roskam?)
Cm Cmo 0.025 # []
Cm Cm_a -0.400 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_adot -1.3 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_q -2.7 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_de -0.580 # [/rad] used Cmih (typo in Roskam?)
CY CY_beta -0.68 # [/rad]
CY CY_p 0.0 # [/rad]
CY CY_r 0.0 # [/rad]
CY CY_da 0.016 # [/rad] sign reversed
CY CY_dr 0.095 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_beta -0.080 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_p -0.240 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_r 0.070 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_da -0.042 # [/rad] sign reversed
Cl Cl_dr 0.0060 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_beta 0.125 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_p -0.036 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_r -0.270 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_da 0.0010 # [/rad] sign reversed
Cn Cn_dr -0.066 # [/rad]
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
# Michael Selig
# Learjet 24, max weight cruise configuration
# twin jet-engine business jet, data from:
# Roskam, Jan. Airplane Flight Dynamics and Automatic Flight
# Controls, Part I. Lawrence KS: DARcorporation, 1995,
# pg 522-524
# 02-10-2000 file creation
init Dz_cg 3.5 # [ft]
geometry bw 34. # [ft]
geometry cbar 7.0 # [ft]
geometry Sw 230.0 # [ft^2]
controlSurface de 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
controlSurface da 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
controlSurface dr 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
mass Weight 13000 # [lb]
mass I_xx 28000 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_yy 18800 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_zz 47000 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_xz 1300 # [slug-ft^2]
# Roskam: CTx=0.256 (SL conditions) --> 2020 lb
# aircraft specs: 2 engines of 2950 lb static thrust each
engine simpleSingle 2950 # [lb]
CL CLo 0.130 # []
CL CL_a 5.840 # [/rad]
CL CL_adot 2.2 # [/rad]
CL CL_q 4.7 # [/rad]
CL CL_de 0.46 # [/rad]
CD CDo 0.0216 # []
CD CD_a 0.300 # [/rad]
CD CD_de 0.0 # [/rad]
Cm Cmo 0.05 # []
Cm Cm_a -0.64 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_adot -6.7 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_q -15.5 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_de -1.24 # [/rad]
CY CY_beta -0.730 # [/rad]
CY CY_p 0.0 # [/rad]
CY CY_r 0.400 # [/rad]
CY CY_da 0.0 # [/rad] sign reversed
CY CY_dr 0.140 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_beta -0.110 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_p -0.450 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_r 0.160 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_da -0.178 # [/rad] sign reversed
Cl Cl_dr 0.019 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_beta 0.127 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_p -0.008 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_r -0.200 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_da 0.020 # [/rad] sign reversed
Cn Cn_dr -0.074 # [/rad]
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
# Michael Selig
# SIAI-Marchetti S-211, cruise configuration (1)
# small, single jet engine, military trainer, data from:
# Roskam, Jan. Airplane Flight Dynamics and Automatic Flight
# Controls, Part I. Lawrence KS: DARcorporation, 1995,
# pg 494-496
# 02-10-2000 file creation
init Dz_cg 2.5 # [ft]
geometry bw 26.3 # [ft]
geometry cbar 5.4 # [ft]
geometry Sw 136.0 # [ft^2]
controlSurface de 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
controlSurface da 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
controlSurface dr 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
mass Weight 4000 # [lb]
mass I_xx 800 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_yy 4800 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_zz 5200 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_xz 200 # [slug-ft^2]
# Roskam: CTx=0.022 (cruise conditions) --> 600 lb
# aircraft specs: 2500 lb static thrust
#engine simpleSingle 1250 # [lb]
engine simpleSingle 3500 # [lb]
CL CLo 0.149 # []
CL CL_a 5.50 # [/rad]
CL CL_adot 4.2 # [/rad]
CL CL_q 10.0 # [/rad]
CL CL_de 0.38 # [/rad]
CD CDo 0.0205 # []
CD CD_a 0.12 # [/rad]
CD CD_de 0.0 # [/rad]
Cm Cmo -0.08 # []
Cm Cm_a -0.24 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_adot -9.6 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_q -17.7 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_de -0.88 # [/rad]
CY CY_beta -1.00 # [/rad]
CY CY_p -0.140 # [/rad]
CY CY_r 0.61 # [/rad]
CY CY_da 0.0 # [/rad] sign reversed
CY CY_dr 0.0280 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_beta -0.110 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_p -0.390 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_r 0.280 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_da -0.100 # [/rad] sign reversed
Cl Cl_dr 0.050 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_beta 0.170 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_p 0.090 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_r -0.260 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_da 0.003 # [/rad] sign reversed
Cn Cn_dr -0.120 # [/rad]
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# Pioneer CD as function of alpha [deg]
-8 0.0734
-7 0.0674
-6 0.0629
-5 0.0597
-4 0.0576
-3 0.0568
-2 0.0569
-1 0.0580
0 0.0601
1 0.0630
2 0.0668
3 0.0713
4 0.0767
5 0.0830
6 0.0900
7 0.0980
8 0.1069
9 0.1167
10 0.1276
11 0.1397
12 0.1530
13 0.1676
14 0.1837
15 0.2014
16 0.2209
17 0.2423
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
# Pioneer change in CD as function of alpha and elevator defection
-7 0.0231
-6 0.0209
-5 0.0187
-4 0.0166
-3 0.0147
-2 0.0129
-1 0.0113
0 0.0098
1 0.0086
2 0.0074
3 0.0063
4 0.0053
5 0.0043
6 0.0031
7 0.0017
8 0.0001
9 -0.002
10 -0.0046
11 -0.0079
12 -0.012
13 -0.0171
14 -0.0234
15 -0.0311
16 -0.0403
17 -0.0543
-7 0.0178
-6 0.0155
-5 0.0135
-4 0.0117
-3 0.0101
-2 0.0086
-1 0.0073
0 0.0061
1 0.005
2 0.004
3 0.003
4 0.002
5 0.001
6 0
7 -0.001
8 -0.002
9 -0.0031
10 -0.0042
11 -0.0054
12 -0.0067
13 -0.008
14 -0.0094
15 -0.0109
16 -0.0125
17 -0.0141
-7 0.0111
-6 0.0095
-5 0.0081
-4 0.0069
-3 0.0057
-2 0.0047
-1 0.0038
0 0.003
1 0.0022
2 0.0015
3 0.0008
4 0.0001
5 -0.0006
6 -0.0013
7 -0.002
8 -0.0027
9 -0.0035
10 -0.0042
11 -0.005
12 -0.0058
13 -0.0067
14 -0.0075
15 -0.0084
16 -0.0093
17 -0.0102
-7 0.0058
-6 0.005
-5 0.0043
-4 0.0037
-3 0.0031
-2 0.0025
-1 0.002
0 0.0016
1 0.0011
2 0.0007
3 0.0003
4 -0.0001
5 -0.0005
6 -0.0009
7 -0.0013
8 -0.0018
9 -0.0022
10 -0.0027
11 -0.0032
12 -0.0037
13 -0.0043
14 -0.0048
15 -0.0054
16 -0.006
17 -0.0066
-7 0
-6 0
-5 0
-4 0
-3 0
-2 0
-1 0
0 0
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0
5 0
6 0
7 0
8 0
9 0
10 0
11 0
12 0
13 0
14 0
15 0
16 0
17 0
-7 -0.0028
-6 -0.0021
-5 -0.0015
-4 -0.001
-3 -0.0006
-2 -0.0003
-1 0
0 0.0003
1 0.0005
2 0.0007
3 0.001
4 0.0012
5 0.0014
6 0.0016
7 0.0018
8 0.002
9 0.0023
10 0.0025
11 0.0028
12 0.0031
13 0.0035
14 0.0038
15 0.0041
16 0.0045
17 0.0048
-7 -0.0053
-6 -0.0037
-5 -0.0024
-4 -0.0014
-3 -0.0005
-2 0.0002
-1 0.0008
0 0.0013
1 0.0018
2 0.0022
3 0.0026
4 0.003
5 0.0034
6 0.0039
7 0.0044
8 0.005
9 0.0056
10 0.0063
11 0.007
12 0.0078
13 0.0086
14 0.0095
15 0.0103
16 0.0111
17 0.0119
-7 -0.0063
-6 -0.0043
-5 -0.0025
-4 -0.001
-3 0.0002
-2 0.0013
-1 0.0022
0 0.0031
1 0.0039
2 0.0046
3 0.0053
4 0.006
5 0.0068
6 0.0076
7 0.0084
8 0.0093
9 0.0102
10 0.0112
11 0.0122
12 0.0133
13 0.0144
14 0.0155
15 0.0167
16 0.0177
17 0.0188
-7 -0.0029
-6 -0.0007
-5 0.0012
-4 0.0028
-3 0.0042
-2 0.0053
-1 0.0064
0 0.0074
1 0.0082
2 0.0091
3 0.0099
4 0.0108
5 0.0117
6 0.0126
7 0.0136
8 0.0147
9 0.0158
10 0.017
11 0.0182
12 0.0195
13 0.0209
14 0.0222
15 0.0236
16 0.025
17 0.0263
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# Pioneer CL as function of alpha [deg]
-8 -0.384
-7 -0.294
-6 -0.202
-5 -0.107
-4 -0.010
-3 0.088
-2 0.187
-1 0.286
0 0.385
1 0.483
2 0.580
3 0.674
4 0.766
5 0.855
6 0.940
7 1.022
8 1.098
9 1.170
10 1.235
11 1.295
12 1.347
13 1.392
14 1.430
15 1.458
16 1.478
17 1.488
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
# Pioneer change in CD as function of alpha and elevator defection
-7 -0.088
-6 -0.093
-5 -0.098
-4 -0.103
-3 -0.106
-2 -0.11
-1 -0.113
0 -0.116
1 -0.118
2 -0.119
3 -0.121
4 -0.122
5 -0.122
6 -0.123
7 -0.123
8 -0.122
9 -0.122
10 -0.121
11 -0.119
12 -0.118
13 -0.116
14 -0.114
15 -0.112
16 -0.109
17 -0.107
-7 -0.075
-6 -0.079
-5 -0.083
-4 -0.087
-3 -0.091
-2 -0.094
-1 -0.097
0 -0.1
1 -0.102
2 -0.105
3 -0.107
4 -0.108
5 -0.11
6 -0.111
7 -0.111
8 -0.111
9 -0.111
10 -0.11
11 -0.109
12 -0.108
13 -0.106
14 -0.103
15 -0.1
16 -0.097
17 -0.093
-7 -0.057
-6 -0.061
-5 -0.064
-4 -0.067
-3 -0.07
-2 -0.072
-1 -0.074
0 -0.076
1 -0.078
2 -0.079
3 -0.079
4 -0.08
5 -0.08
6 -0.08
7 -0.08
8 -0.079
9 -0.078
10 -0.077
11 -0.075
12 -0.073
13 -0.071
14 -0.068
15 -0.065
16 -0.062
17 -0.058
-7 -0.036
-6 -0.038
-5 -0.04
-4 -0.041
-3 -0.043
-2 -0.044
-1 -0.045
0 -0.045
1 -0.045
2 -0.045
3 -0.045
4 -0.045
5 -0.044
6 -0.043
7 -0.042
8 -0.041
9 -0.04
10 -0.038
11 -0.037
12 -0.035
13 -0.033
14 -0.031
15 -0.029
16 -0.027
17 -0.025
-7 0
-6 0
-5 0
-4 0
-3 0
-2 0
-1 0
0 0
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0
5 0
6 0
7 0
8 0
9 0
10 0
11 0
12 0
13 0
14 0
15 0
16 0
17 0
-7 0.025
-6 0.026
-5 0.027
-4 0.027
-3 0.028
-2 0.029
-1 0.03
0 0.03
1 0.031
2 0.031
3 0.032
4 0.032
5 0.032
6 0.032
7 0.032
8 0.032
9 0.032
10 0.032
11 0.031
12 0.03
13 0.029
14 0.028
15 0.027
16 0.025
17 0.024
-7 0.058
-6 0.059
-5 0.06
-4 0.061
-3 0.062
-2 0.063
-1 0.064
0 0.065
1 0.066
2 0.066
3 0.067
4 0.067
5 0.068
6 0.068
7 0.068
8 0.068
9 0.067
10 0.066
11 0.065
12 0.064
13 0.062
14 0.061
15 0.058
16 0.055
17 0.052
-7 0.093
-6 0.093
-5 0.094
-4 0.095
-3 0.096
-2 0.097
-1 0.098
0 0.099
1 0.099
2 0.1
3 0.1
4 0.1
5 0.1
6 0.1
7 0.099
8 0.098
9 0.096
10 0.094
11 0.092
12 0.089
13 0.086
14 0.082
15 0.078
16 0.073
17 0.068
-7 0.1
-6 0.101
-5 0.101
-4 0.102
-3 0.103
-2 0.104
-1 0.106
0 0.107
1 0.108
2 0.11
3 0.111
4 0.112
5 0.113
6 0.113
7 0.114
8 0.113
9 0.113
10 0.111
11 0.11
12 0.107
13 0.104
14 0.1
15 0.096
16 0.09
17 0.084
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# Pioneer change in CY as function of beta and rudder deflection
-20 0.19
0 0.24
20 0.29
-20 -0.05
0 0
20 0.05
-20 -0.25
0 -0.22
20 -0.18
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
# Pioneer change in Cl as function of alpha and aileron deflection
-10.31 0.014
-8.22 0.0143
-6.12 0.0148
-4.01 0.0148
-1.91 0.0153
0.2 0.0158
2.29 0.016
4.4 0.016
6.5 0.0152
8.59 0.0144
10.65 0.0128
12.71 0.0118
13.72 0.0109
14.73 0.0105
15.74 0.0093
16.75 0.0093
17.75 0.0087
18.75 0.0073
19.74 0.0061
20.73 0.0016
-10.31 0
-8.22 0
-6.12 0
-4.01 0
-1.91 0
0.2 0
2.29 0
4.4 0
6.5 0
8.59 0
10.65 0
12.71 0
13.72 0
14.73 0
15.74 0
16.75 0
17.75 0
18.75 0
19.74 0
20.73 0
-10.31 -0.014
-8.22 -0.0143
-6.12 -0.0148
-4.01 -0.0148
-1.91 -0.0153
0.2 -0.0158
2.29 -0.016
4.4 -0.016
6.5 -0.0152
8.59 -0.0144
10.65 -0.0128
12.71 -0.0118
13.72 -0.0109
14.73 -0.0105
15.74 -0.0093
16.75 -0.0093
17.75 -0.0087
18.75 -0.0073
19.74 -0.0061
20.73 -0.0016
-10.31 -0.028
-8.22 -0.0281
-6.12 -0.0292
-4.01 -0.0299
-1.91 -0.0296
0.2 -0.0299
2.29 -0.0308
4.4 -0.0308
6.5 -0.0295
8.59 -0.0279
10.65 -0.026
12.71 -0.0238
13.72 -0.0222
14.73 -0.0202
15.74 -0.0177
16.75 -0.0167
17.75 -0.0147
18.75 -0.0105
19.74 -0.0066
20.73 -0.0028
-10.31 -0.0366
-8.22 -0.0375
-6.12 -0.0386
-4.01 -0.0408
-1.91 -0.04
0.2 -0.0405
2.29 -0.0424
4.4 -0.0424
6.5 -0.0422
8.59 -0.0407
10.65 -0.0382
12.71 -0.0364
13.72 -0.0332
14.73 -0.0307
15.74 -0.028
16.75 -0.0267
17.75 -0.0238
18.75 -0.0179
19.74 -0.013
20.73 -0.0077
-10.31 -0.0446
-8.22 -0.0463
-6.12 -0.0482
-4.01 -0.0484
-1.91 -0.0475
0.2 -0.0482
2.29 -0.0519
4.4 -0.0519
6.5 -0.0527
8.59 -0.0521
10.65 -0.0495
12.71 -0.0466
13.72 -0.0437
14.73 -0.0411
15.74 -0.0388
16.75 -0.036
17.75 -0.0333
18.75 -0.0285
19.74 -0.0226
20.73 -0.017
-10.31 -0.0533
-8.22 -0.0553
-6.12 -0.0568
-4.01 -0.0563
-1.91 -0.0568
0.2 -0.0573
2.29 -0.0604
4.4 -0.0604
6.5 -0.0614
8.59 -0.0616
10.65 -0.0597
12.71 -0.0558
13.72 -0.0524
14.73 -0.0487
15.74 -0.0461
16.75 -0.0423
17.75 -0.0376
18.75 -0.0342
19.74 -0.028
20.73 -0.0229
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# Pioneer Cm as function of alpha [deg]
-8 0.411
-7 0.39
-6 0.365
-5 0.338
-4 0.309
-3 0.279
-2 0.251
-1 0.222
0 0.194
1 0.167
2 0.139
3 0.11
4 0.08
5 0.047
6 0.012
7 -0.027
8 -0.07
9 -0.116
10 -0.168
11 -0.223
12 -0.281
13 -0.342
14 -0.404
15 -0.465
16 -0.522
17 -0.573
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
# Pioneer change in Cm as function of alpha and elevator deflection
-6 0.9219
-4 0.8735
-2 0.827
0 0.7798
2 0.7413
4 0.6706
6 0.587
8 0.5293
10 0.4276
12 0.3045
13 0.2379
14 0.1698
15 0.1088
16 0.0503
17 -0.006
18 -0.0704
19 -0.1576
20 -0.2624
-6 0.8532
-4 0.8031
-2 0.7546
0 0.7073
2 0.6698
4 0.5983
6 0.5275
8 0.4822
10 0.3743
12 0.252
13 0.1943
14 0.1367
15 0.0721
16 0.0109
17 -0.0452
18 -0.1072
19 -0.1668
20 -0.2034
-6 0.7722
-4 0.7138
-2 0.6717
0 0.6258
2 0.5939
4 0.5384
6 0.4621
8 0.4109
10 0.3178
12 0.2058
13 0.1426
14 0.0705
15 0.0028
16 -0.0594
17 -0.123
18 -0.1827
19 -0.2384
20 -0.2822
-6 0.6464
-4 0.5998
-2 0.559
0 0.5156
2 0.4682
4 0.4039
6 0.3265
8 0.2551
10 0.1513
12 0.0404
13 -0.0216
14 -0.0911
15 -0.1512
16 -0.2198
17 -0.2834
18 -0.3425
19 -0.3938
20 -0.4234
-6 0.5099
-4 0.4673
-2 0.4248
0 0.3705
2 0.3111
4 0.2426
6 0.1675
8 0.0901
10 -0.0115
12 -0.1199
13 -0.1775
14 -0.2419
15 -0.3048
16 -0.3693
17 -0.429
18 -0.4869
19 -0.5246
20 -0.5369
-6 0.3524
-4 0.305
-2 0.2505
0 0.1922
2 0.1331
4 0.0681
6 -0.0041
8 -0.0826
10 -0.1771
12 -0.285
13 -0.3435
14 -0.4058
15 -0.4655
16 -0.5284
17 -0.583
18 -0.626
19 -0.6414
20 -0.6366
-6 0.2042
-4 0.1561
-2 0.1051
0 0.0403
2 -0.0198
4 -0.0833
6 -0.1556
8 -0.2472
10 -0.3376
12 -0.4361
13 -0.4882
14 -0.5455
15 -0.6097
16 -0.6657
17 -0.7117
18 -0.7409
19 -0.7367
20 -0.726
-6 0.0376
-4 -0.0146
-2 -0.075
0 -0.1391
2 -0.1921
4 -0.2594
6 -0.3327
8 -0.4179
10 -0.5038
12 -0.5937
13 -0.6446
14 -0.7024
15 -0.7536
16 -0.8052
17 -0.8406
18 -0.8481
19 -0.832
20 -0.8175
-6 -0.11
-4 -0.1606
-2 -0.2137
0 -0.2678
2 -0.3162
4 -0.378
6 -0.4518
8 -0.5384
10 -0.6162
12 -0.6994
13 -0.7465
14 -0.8015
15 -0.8507
16 -0.903
17 -0.9229
18 -0.9051
19 -0.8863
20 -0.8832
-6 -0.1353
-4 -0.1817
-2 -0.2356
0 -0.3001
2 -0.3675
4 -0.4532
6 -0.5296
8 -0.6121
10 -0.6925
12 -0.7772
13 -0.8266
14 -0.8897
15 -0.9399
16 -0.9818
17 -0.9877
18 -0.9575
19 -0.9439
20 -0.9447
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
# Pioneer change in Cn as function of alpha and aileron deflection
-8 -0.0004
-7 -0.0002
-6 -0.0001
-5 0.0001
-4 0.0002
-3 0.0004
-2 0.0005
-1 0.0007
0 0.0008
1 0.001
2 0.0011
3 0.0013
4 0.0015
5 0.0016
6 0.0018
7 0.0019
8 0.0021
9 0.0022
10 0.0024
11 0.0026
12 0.0027
13 0.0029
14 0.003
15 0.0032
16 0.0034
17 0.0035
-8 0
-7 0
-6 0
-5 0
-4 0
-3 0
-2 0
-1 0
0 0
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0
5 0
6 0
7 0
8 0
9 0
10 0
11 0
12 0
13 0
14 0
15 0
16 0
17 0
-8 0.0004
-7 0.0002
-6 0.0001
-5 -0.0001
-4 -0.0002
-3 -0.0004
-2 -0.0005
-1 -0.0007
0 -0.0008
1 -0.001
2 -0.0011
3 -0.0013
4 -0.0015
5 -0.0016
6 -0.0018
7 -0.0019
8 -0.0021
9 -0.0022
10 -0.0024
11 -0.0026
12 -0.0027
13 -0.0029
14 -0.003
15 -0.0032
16 -0.0034
17 -0.0035
-8 0.0013
-7 0.0009
-6 0.0004
-5 0
-4 -0.0004
-3 -0.0007
-2 -0.0011
-1 -0.0015
0 -0.0018
1 -0.0022
2 -0.0025
3 -0.0029
4 -0.0032
5 -0.0035
6 -0.0038
7 -0.0041
8 -0.0043
9 -0.0046
10 -0.0049
11 -0.0051
12 -0.0054
13 -0.0056
14 -0.0058
15 -0.006
16 -0.0062
17 -0.0064
-8 0.0014
-7 0.0008
-6 0.0003
-5 -0.0002
-4 -0.0007
-3 -0.0011
-2 -0.0016
-1 -0.0021
0 -0.0026
1 -0.003
2 -0.0035
3 -0.004
4 -0.0044
5 -0.0049
6 -0.0053
7 -0.0057
8 -0.0062
9 -0.0066
10 -0.007
11 -0.0074
12 -0.0078
13 -0.0082
14 -0.0086
15 -0.009
16 -0.0094
17 -0.0098
-8 0.0022
-7 0.0015
-6 0.0008
-5 0.0001
-4 -0.0005
-3 -0.0012
-2 -0.0019
-1 -0.0025
0 -0.0032
1 -0.0038
2 -0.0044
3 -0.005
4 -0.0057
5 -0.0063
6 -0.0069
7 -0.0075
8 -0.0081
9 -0.0087
10 -0.0093
11 -0.0098
12 -0.0104
13 -0.011
14 -0.0115
15 -0.0121
16 -0.0126
17 -0.0132
-8 0.0025
-7 0.0018
-6 0.001
-5 0.0003
-4 -0.0004
-3 -0.0012
-2 -0.0019
-1 -0.0026
0 -0.0033
1 -0.004
2 -0.0047
3 -0.0054
4 -0.0061
5 -0.0068
6 -0.0074
7 -0.0081
8 -0.0088
9 -0.0094
10 -0.0101
11 -0.0107
12 -0.0114
13 -0.012
14 -0.0127
15 -0.0133
16 -0.0139
17 -0.0145
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
# Pioneer change in Cn as function of beta and rudder deflection
-20 0.0067
-17.5 0
-15 0.004
-12.5 0.0087
-10 0.0121
-7.5 0.0161
-5 0.02
-2.5 0.0275
0 0.0335
2.5 0.0382
5 0.0429
7.5 0.0476
10 0.0516
11.25 0.0549
12.5 0.0563
13.75 0.057
15 0.0523
16.25 0.0503
17.5 0.0509
18.75 0.0509
20 0.0509
-20 0.0027
-17.5 0.0013
-15 0.002
-12.5 0.0074
-10 0.0101
-7.5 0.0127
-5 0.0174
-2.5 0.0235
0 0.0295
2.5 0.0348
5 0.0389
7.5 0.0429
10 0.0462
11.25 0.0489
12.5 0.0509
13.75 0.0509
15 0.0482
16.25 0.0442
17.5 0.0428
18.75 0.0436
20 0.0442
-20 -0.0027
-17.5 -0.0054
-15 -0.004
-12.5 0.0027
-10 0.0054
-7.5 0.0087
-5 0.0134
-2.5 0.0188
0 0.0255
2.5 0.0288
5 0.0328
7.5 0.0375
10 0.0422
11.25 0.0442
12.5 0.0462
13.75 0.0469
15 0.0429
16.25 0.0415
17.5 0.0422
18.75 0.0429
20 0.0429
-20 -0.0094
-17.5 -0.0127
-15 -0.0114
-12.5 -0.0047
-10 -0.0014
-7.5 0.0013
-5 0.0067
-2.5 0.0127
0 0.0188
2.5 0.0228
5 0.0261
7.5 0.0288
10 0.0348
11.25 0.0375
12.5 0.0395
13.75 0.0402
15 0.0369
16.25 0.0355
17.5 0.0355
18.75 0.0362
20 0.0369
-20 -0.0154
-17.5 -0.0214
-15 -0.02
-12.5 -0.0134
-10 -0.0101
-7.5 -0.0064
-5 -0.002
-2.5 0.0047
0 0.0114
2.5 0.0154
5 0.0121
7.5 0.0248
10 0.0295
11.25 0.0315
12.5 0.0335
13.75 0.0342
15 0.0322
16.25 0.0308
17.5 0.0308
18.75 0.0308
20 0.0322
-20 -0.0214
-17.5 -0.0277
-15 -0.0283
-12.5 -0.0222
-10 -0.0188
-7.5 -0.0161
-5 -0.0131
-2.5 -0.0067
0 0
2.5 0.006
5 0.0101
7.5 0.0154
10 0.0188
11.25 0.0201
12.5 0.0235
13.75 0.0268
15 0.0255
16.25 0.0255
17.5 0.0235
18.75 0.0235
20 0.0248
-20 -0.0274
-17.5 -0.034
-15 -0.0366
-12.5 -0.031
-10 -0.0275
-7.5 -0.0258
-5 -0.0242
-2.5 -0.0181
0 -0.0074
2.5 -0.0034
5 0.0081
7.5 0.006
10 0.0081
11.25 0.0087
12.5 0.0135
13.75 0.0194
15 0.0188
16.25 0.0202
17.5 0.0162
18.75 0.0162
20 0.0174
-20 -0.0334
-17.5 -0.0427
-15 -0.0452
-12.5 -0.0397
-10 -0.0362
-7.5 -0.0335
-5 -0.0329
-2.5 -0.0261
0 -0.0148
2.5 -0.0108
5 -0.0059
7.5 0.002
10 0.0028
11.25 0.0027
12.5 0.0075
13.75 0.0134
15 0.0141
16.25 0.0155
17.5 0.0115
18.75 0.0108
20 0.0127
-20 -0.0401
-17.5 -0.05
-15 -0.0526
-12.5 -0.0471
-10 -0.043
-7.5 -0.0409
-5 -0.0396
-2.5 -0.0322
0 -0.0215
2.5 -0.0168
5 -0.0126
7.5 -0.0067
10 -0.0046
11.25 -0.004
12.5 0.0008
13.75 0.0067
15 0.0081
16.25 0.0095
17.5 0.0048
18.75 0.0041
20 0.0067
-20 -0.0455
-17.5 -0.0567
-15 -0.586
-12.5 -0.0052
-10 -0.0477
-7.5 -0.0449
-5 -0.0436
-2.5 -0.0369
0 -0.0255
2.5 -0.0228
5 -0.0187
7.5 -0.0121
10 -0.0086
11.25 -0.0088
12.5 -0.0039
13.75 0.0027
15 0.0001
16.25 0.0068
17.5 0.0042
18.75 0.0034
20 0.0054
-20 -0.0495
-17.5 -0.0554
-15 -0.0606
-12.5 -0.0531
-10 -0.0497
-7.5 -0.0483
-5 -0.0462
-2.5 -0.0409
0 -0.0295
2.5 -0.0262
5 -0.0227
7.5 -0.0168
10 -0.014
11.25 -0.0147
12.5 -0.0093
13.75 -0.0034
15 -0.0013
16.25 0.0007
17.5 -0.0039
18.75 -0.0039
20 -0.0013
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
# Jeff Scott
# IAI Pioneer
# single piston engine unmanned aircraft (UAV)
# This model was generated from wind tunnel tests done on a full
# scale model of the Pioneer UAV. This version of the Pioneer
# utilizes tabulated data. Data is taken from
# Bray, Robert M. A Wind Tunnel Investigation of the Pioneer
# Remotely Piloted Vehicle. Montery, CA: Naval
# Postgraduate School, June 1991.
# Selig, Michael S. Pioneer aircraft notes.
# 01-25-2000 file creation
# 03-23-2000 corrected sign error on Cn_r
init Dz_cg 2.5 # [ft]
geometry bw 16.90 # [ft] Bray pg 31
geometry cbar 1.80 # [ft] Bray pg 31
geometry Sw 30.42 # [ft^2] Bray pg 31
#geometry iw 3 # [deg] Bray pg 31
#geometry bh 6.07 # [ft] Bray pg 31
#geometry ch 1.0 # [ft] Bray pg 31
#geometry Sh 6.07 # [sq-ft] Bray pg 31
#geometry ih -3 # [deg] Bray pg 31
#geometry bv 2.17 # [ft] Bray pg 31
#geometry cv 6.07 # [ft] Bray pg 31
#geometry Sv 2.17 # [ft^2] Bray pg 31
controlSurface de 20 20 # [deg] Bray pg 31
controlSurface da 20 20 # [deg] Bray pg 31
controlSurface dr 20 20 # [deg] Bray pg 31
#controlSurface df <dfmax> <dfmin> # [deg]
mass Weight 420 # [lb] Bray pg 33
mass I_xx 34.832 # [slug-ft^2] IAI, MSS notes
mass I_yy 67.08 # [slug-ft^2] IAI, MSS notes
mass I_zz 82.22 # [slug-ft^2] IAI, MSS notes
mass I_xz -4.902 # [slug-ft^2] IAI, MSS notes
# aircraft specs: 27 hp
# ~100 lb static thrust
engine simpleSingle 100 # [lb] guess
#CL CLo 0.385 # [] Bray pg 33
#CL CL_a 4.78 # [/rad] Bray pg 33
CL CL_adot 2.42 # [/rad] Bray pg 33
CL CL_q 8.05 # [/rad] Bray pg 33
#CL CL_de 0.401 # [/rad] Bray pg 33
CL CLfa Aircraft-uiuc/Pioneer-TD/CLfa.dat 0 1 # Bray pg 50, Table 4.7
CL CLfade Aircraft-uiuc/Pioneer-TD/CLfade.dat 0 1 1 # Bray pg 41, Table 4.4
#CD CDo 0.060 # [] Bray pg 33
#CD CD_a 0.430 # [/rad] Bray pg 33
#CD CD_de 0.0180 # [/rad] Bray pg 33
CD CDfa Aircraft-uiuc/Pioneer-TD/CDfa.dat 0 1 # Bray pg 50, Table 4.7
CD CDfade Aircraft-uiuc/Pioneer-TD/CDfade.dat 0 1 1 # Bray pg 45, Table 4.6
#Cm Cmo 0.194 # [] Bray pg 33
#Cm Cm_a -2.12 # [/rad] Bray pg 33
Cm Cm_adot -11.0 # [/rad] Bray pg 33
Cm Cm_q -36.6 # [/rad] Bray pg 33
#Cm Cm_de -1.76 # [/rad] Bray pg 33
Cm Cmfa Aircraft-uiuc/Pioneer-TD/Cmfa.dat 0 1 # Bray pg 50, Table 4.7
Cm Cmfade Aircraft-uiuc/Pioneer-TD/Cmfade.dat 0 1 1 # Bray pg 34, Figure 4.2
CY CY_beta -0.819 # [/rad] Bray pg 33
#CY CY_p <CY_p> # [/rad] no data
#CY CY_r <CY_r> # [/rad] no data
#CY CY_da <CY_da> # [/rad] no data
#CY CY_dr 0.191 # [/rad] Bray pg 33
#CY CYfada <CYfada.dat> # [] no data
CY CYfbetadr Aircraft-uiuc/Pioneer-TD/CYfbetadr.dat 0 1 1 # Bray pg 62, Figure 4.19
Cl Cl_beta -0.023 # [/rad] Bray pg 33
Cl Cl_p -0.450 # [/rad] Bray pg 33
Cl Cl_r 0.265 # [/rad] Bray pg 33
#Cl Cl_da -0.161 # [/rad] Bray pg 33 (sign reversed)
Cl Cl_dr -0.00229 # [/rad] Bray pg 33
Cl Clfada Aircraft-uiuc/Pioneer-TD/Clfada.dat 0 1 1 # Bray pg 58, Table 4.8
Cn Cn_beta 0.109 # [/rad] Bray pg 33
Cn Cn_p -0.110 # [/rad] Bray pg 33
Cn Cn_r -0.200 # [/rad] Bray pg 33
#Cn Cn_da 0.0200 # [/rad] Bray pg 33 (sign reversed)
#Cn Cn_dr -0.0917 # [/rad] Bray pg 33
Cn Cnfada Aircraft-uiuc/Pioneer-TD/Cnfada.dat 0 1 1 # Bray pg 61, Table 4.9
Cn Cnfbetadr Aircraft-uiuc/Pioneer-TD/Cnfbetadr.dat 0 1 1 # Bray pg 63, Figure 4.20
record Alpha
record CDfaI
record CLfaI
record CmfaI
record elevator
record CDfadeI
record CLfadeI
record CmfadeI
record aileron
record ClfadaI
record CnfadaI
record Beta
record rudder
record CYfbetadrI
record CnfbetadrI
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
# Jeff Scott
# IAI Pioneer
# single piston engine unmanned aircraft (UAV)
# This model was generated from wind tunnel tests done on a full
# scale model of the Pioneer UAV. This version of the Pioneer
# utilizes stability derivatives (all constants). Data is taken from
# Bray, Robert M. A Wind Tunnel Investigation of the Pioneer
# Remotely Piloted Vehicle. Montery, CA: Naval
# Postgraduate School, June 1991.
# Selig, Michael S. Pioneer aircraft notes.
# 01-25-2000 file creation
# 03-23-2000 corrected sign error on Cn_r
init Dz_cg 2.5 # [ft]
geometry bw 16.90 # [ft] Bray pg 31
geometry cbar 1.80 # [ft] Bray pg 31
geometry Sw 30.42 # [ft^2] Bray pg 31
#geometry iw 3 # [deg] Bray pg 31
#geometry bh 6.07 # [ft] Bray pg 31
#geometry ch 1.0 # [ft] Bray pg 31
#geometry Sh 6.07 # [sq-ft] Bray pg 31
#geometry ih -3 # [deg] Bray pg 31
#geometry bv 2.17 # [ft] Bray pg 31
#geometry cv 6.07 # [ft] Bray pg 31
#geometry Sv 2.17 # [ft^2] Bray pg 31
controlSurface de 20 20 # [deg] Bray pg 31
controlSurface da 20 20 # [deg] Bray pg 31
controlSurface dr 20 20 # [deg] Bray pg 31
mass Weight 420 # [lb] Bray pg 33
mass I_xx 34.832 # [slug-ft^2] IAI, MSS notes
mass I_yy 67.08 # [slug-ft^2] IAI, MSS notes
mass I_zz 82.22 # [slug-ft^2] IAI, MSS notes
mass I_xz -4.902 # [slug-ft^2] IAI, MSS notes
# aircraft specs: 27 hp
# ~100 lb static thrust
engine simpleSingle 100 # [lb] guess
CL CLo 0.385 # [] Bray pg 33
CL CL_a 4.78 # [/rad] Bray pg 33
CL CL_adot 2.42 # [/rad] Bray pg 33
CL CL_q 8.05 # [/rad] Bray pg 33
CL CL_de 0.401 # [/rad] Bray pg 33
#CL CLfa CLfa.dat 0 1 # Bray pg 50, Table 4.7
#CL CLfade CLfade.dat 0 1 1 # Bray pg 41, Table 4.4
CD CDo 0.060 # [] Bray pg 33
CD CD_a 0.430 # [/rad] Bray pg 33
CD CD_de 0.0180 # [/rad] Bray pg 33
#CD CDfa Cdfa.dat 0 1 # Bray pg 50, Table 4.7
#CD CDfade CDfade.dat 0 1 1 # Bray pg 45, Table 4.6
Cm Cmo 0.194 # [] Bray pg 33
Cm Cm_a -2.12 # [/rad] Bray pg 33
Cm Cm_adot -11.0 # [/rad] Bray pg 33
Cm Cm_q -36.6 # [/rad] Bray pg 33
Cm Cm_de -1.76 # [/rad] Bray pg 33
#Cm Cmfade Cmfade.dat 0 1 1 # Bray pg 34, Figure 4.2
CY CY_beta -0.819 # [/rad] Bray pg 33
#CY CY_p <CY_p> # [/rad] no data
#CY CY_r <CY_r> # [/rad] no data
#CY CY_da <CY_da> # [/rad] no data
CY CY_dr 0.191 # [/rad] Bray pg 33
#CY CYfada <CYfada.dat> # [] no data
#CY CYfbetadr CYfbetadr.dat 0 1 1 # [] Bray pg 62, Figure 4.19
Cl Cl_beta -0.023 # [/rad] Bray pg 33
Cl Cl_p -0.450 # [/rad] Bray pg 33
Cl Cl_r 0.265 # [/rad] Bray pg 33
Cl Cl_da -0.161 # [/rad] Bray pg 33 (sign reversed)
Cl Cl_dr -0.00229 # [/rad] Bray pg 33
#Cl Clfada Clfada.dat 0 1 1 # Bray pg 58, Table 4.8
Cn Cn_beta 0.109 # [/rad] Bray pg 33
Cn Cn_p -0.110 # [/rad] Bray pg 33
Cn Cn_r -0.200 # [/rad] Bray pg 33
Cn Cn_da 0.0200 # [/rad] Bray pg 33 (sign reversed)
Cn Cn_dr -0.0917 # [/rad] Bray pg 33
#Cn Cnfada Cnfada.dat 0 1 1 # Bray pg 61, Table 4.9
#Cn Cnfbetadr Cnfbetadr.dat 0 1 1 # Bray pg 63, Figure 4.20
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
<title>UIUC Aircraft Models</title>
* *
* FGFS Reconfigurable Aircraft Flight Model *
* Sample Input Files *
* Version 0.73, June 27, 2000 *
* *
* Authors: *
* Jeff Scott ( *
* Bipin Sehgal ( *
* Michael Selig ( *
* Dept of Aero and Astro Engineering *
* University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign *
* Urbana, IL *
* *
* *
The simulator executable, fgfs.exe, uses the aircraft.dat files
located in Aircraft-uiuc to fly the desired aircraft. This file
should either be in the same directory as fgfs.exe or should be called
from the command line. To do the latter, open a DOS or Cygwin shell
and go to the directory containing fgfs.exe. Type the following:
> fgfs.exe --aircraft-dir=Aircraft-uiuc/Cessna172
The same procedure can be accomplished using a batch file. A sample
batch file (runfgfs.bat) is provided in the top level directory. To
run the desired aircraft, simply delete the "rem" command from the
beginning of the line. Make sure that all the other model lines still
begin with "rem" or you may not actually be flying the plane you
want. Double click the file runfgfs.bat to begin the simulation.
There is also a record feature that generates a file called
uiuc_record.dat. The desired variables can be recorded in this file
using the proper record lines. The syntax of these lines and the
aircraft.dat files in general is provided in the documentation file
<a href="README-uiucDoc.txt">README-uiucDoc.txt</a>.
The runfgfs.bat file also provides samples of other command line
options, including time of day, cloud and fog options, and the airport
from which the flight begins. The airport commands are provided in
<a href="README-airports.html">README-airports.html</a>. An overview
of all the options available for the command line is provided in
<a href="README-options.html">README-options.html</a>.
Note that the proper scenery for that segment of the world must be
provided for the scenery at that airport to be rendered. If the
desired airport is not available (i.e. you see a bluish terrain when
the program begins), you will need to download the additional terrain
at <a href="">
Simply click on the grid containing the desired airport, save to your
computer and unzip the file to the Scenery directory. Note that the
scenery files are very large and occupy a large amount of disk space!
- All aircraft use the C172 gear model, and this gets overloaded for
some of the heavier aircraft. Adding throttle will eventually lead
to enough airspeed to fly. Once airborne, some corrective control
inputs may be necessary.
- For each aircraft, the thrust was set to give more or less
"reasonable" performance characteristics. Users are encouraged to
vary the thrust (see line
> engine simpleSingle [simpleSingleMaxThrust]
and change the value) to improve performance.
- Most aircraft are modeled using cruise condition data only. Takeoff
and landing configurations and associated changes in aerodynamic
characteristics are not currently modeled.
- Some files use "record" lines to produce flight-data recorder
output. These data are written to the file uiuc_record.dat. Be
aware that when flying for an extended period of time this file (if
written by using record lines) can become very large.
To fly, use one of the aircraft.dat files.
The aircraft data used in each of these models is provided in the
<a href="Aircraft-uiuc/models/index.html">Simulation Specifications</a>.
Note that these models may be updated, revised, or extended. For the
most recent versions, be sure to visit the on-line
<a href="">version</a>.
Beech 99, small commercial commuter aircraft
very smooth characteristics
Boeing 747, large commercial jetliner
too heavy for gear so noses down into ground at 70 degree angle, but
this can be fixed by going to max throttle till plane rotates and
becomes airborne; sluggish, but flies well
Cessna 172, small general aviation aircraft
based on Tony Peden's model, but uses stability derivatives only
flies very well
Cessna 172, small general aviation aircraft
uses lift curve data from Peden model to model stall
also flies well
Cessna 310, twin engine general aviation aircraft
elevator seems too effective and slight instability in roll
Cessna 620, four engine business aircraft
very sluggish
Convair 880, medium commercial jetliner
too heavy for gear so noses down into ground, but this can be fixed
by going to max throttle till plane rotates and becomes airborne;
play with the controls to obtain the proper orientation; sluggish,
but flies pretty well
*This model works best already in flight. The example in
runfgfs.bat begins at 35,000 ft. To fly, increase the throttle and
use small elevator and aileron deflections to level the aircraft.
Lockheed F-104, small supersonic fighter
flies pretty smoothly but it's called "the Widow maker" for a reason
McDonnell F-4 Phantom, fighter/attack plane
very difficult to fly and sometimes will have problems taking off
from the ground
*This model is somewhat buggy and behaves differently on different
computers. If it becomes uncontrollable during takeoff, try using
the --altitude command (also with --uBody set to a high number) to
start already in flight. Increase the throttle and use small
elevator and aileron deflections to level the aircraft.
Learjet 24, business jet
flies very well
SIAI-Marchetti S-211 military jet trainer
flies very smoothly, probably the easiest aircraft to fly
IAI Pioneer UAV, small reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle
version uses stability derivatives only
slight roll instability, but very responsive
IAI Pioneer UAV, small reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle
version uses lookup tables for lift and drag and most control
surface deflections
slight roll instability, but very responsive
Cessna T-37 twin jet engine military trainer
flies very well
DeHavilland Canada DHC-6 Twin otter, small commuter aircraft
NASA Glenn Twin Otter for icing research
clean version (no ice), flies well
DeHavilland Canada DHC-6 Twin otter, small commuter aircraft
NASA Glenn Twin Otter for icing research
note the degradation in performance after ice accretion begins
(icing begins 2 minutes into flight; transition from clean to iced
aerodynamics lasts 5 seconds--this is not very realistic, but you
can vary these times and the icing severity factor, eta [0=no ice,
1=max ice], to see the impact on performance)
DeHavilland Canada DHC-6 Twin otter, small commuter aircraft
NASA Glenn Twin Otter for icing research, tail icing only
DeHavilland Canada DHC-6 Twin otter, small commuter aircraft
NASA Glenn Twin Otter for icing research, wing icing only
North American X-15, rocket-powered high-speed research aircraft
go easy on the throttle since this is a very over-powered aircraft,
very slow elevator but extremely responsive ailerons
*This model is somewhat buggy and behaves differently on different
computers. If it becomes uncontrollable during takeoff, try using
the --altitude command (also with --uBody set to a high number) to
start already in flight. Increase the throttle and use small
elevator and aileron deflections to level the aircraft.
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
# Jeff Scott
# Cessna A-37/T-37, cruise configuration
# small twin jet engine military trainer, data from:
# Roskam, Jan. Airplane Flight Dynamics and Automatic Flight
# Controls, Part I. Lawrence KS: DARcorporation, 1995,
# pg 501-503
# 03-23-2000 file creation
init Dz_cg 2.5 # [ft]
geometry bw 33.8 # [ft]
geometry cbar 5.47 # [ft]
geometry Sw 182.0 # [ft^2]
controlSurface de 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
controlSurface da 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
controlSurface dr 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
mass Weight 6360 # [lb]
mass I_xx 7985 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_yy 3326 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_zz 11183 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_xz 0 # [slug-ft^2]
# Roskam: CTx=0.158 (SL conditions) --> 850 lb
# aircraft specs: 2 engines of 2850 lb static thrust each
engine simpleSingle 2850 # [lb]
CL CLo 0.2 # []
CL CL_a 5.15 # [/rad]
CL CL_adot 2.0 # [/rad]
CL CL_q 4.1 # [/rad]
CL CL_de 0.5 # [/rad]
CD CDo 0.048 # []
CD CD_a 0.384 # [/rad]
CD CD_de 0.0 # [/rad]
Cm Cmo 0.025 # []
Cm Cm_a -0.7 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_adot -6.95 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_q -14.9 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_de -1.12 # [/rad]
CY CY_beta -0.346 # [/rad]
CY CY_p -0.0827 # [/rad]
CY CY_r 0.3 # [/rad]
CY CY_da 0.0 # [/rad] sign reversed
CY CY_dr 0.2 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_beta -0.0944 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_p -0.442 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_r 0.0926 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_da -0.181 # [/rad] sign reversed
Cl Cl_dr 0.015 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_beta 0.1106 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_p -0.0243 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_r -0.139 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_da 0.0254 # [/rad] sign reversed
Cn Cn_dr -0.0365 # [/rad]
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
# Jeff Scott
# DHC-6 Twin Otter
# small twin turboprop engine commuter aircraft
# This model was developed by Devesh Pokhariyal of the Smart Icing
# Systems Aerodynamics group (Prof. Michael Bragg, head) at the
# University of Illinois. The aircraft data is from:
# Pokhariyal, Devesh and Merret, Jason. FDC flight simulator
# Twin Otter input file (version5_bat), 5/23/00.
# 05-23-2000 file creation
geometry bw 65.0 # [ft]
geometry cbar 6.5 # [ft]
geometry Sw 420.0 # [ft^2]
controlSurface de 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
controlSurface da 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
controlSurface dr 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
#controlSurface set_Long_trim_deg -3.0
#controlSurface elevator_input Aircraft-uiuc/TwinOtter/deft.dat 1 0 700
mass Weight 10141 # [lb]
mass I_xx 16039.3 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_yy 22841.6 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_zz 35807.4 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_xz 1102.8 # [slug-ft^2]
# aircraft specs: 2 engines of 462 kW each
# ~2000 lb static thrust each
engine simpleSingle 2000 # [lb]
CL CZo -0.360 # []
CL CZ_a -5.660 # [/rad]
#CL CZ_a2 0.0 # [/rad]
#CL CZ_a3 0.0 # [/rad]
CL CZ_q -19.97 # [/rad]
CL CZ_de -0.608 # [/rad]
#CL CZ_deb2 0.0 # [/rad]
#CL CZ_df 0.0 # [/rad]
#CL CZ_adf 0.0 # [/rad]
CD CXo -0.0488 # []
CD CX_a 0.223 # [/rad]
CD CX_a2 1.659 # [/rad]
#CD CX_a3 0.0 # [/rad]
#CD CX_q 0.0 # [/rad]
#CD CX_de 0.0 # [/rad]
#CD CX_dr 0.0 # [/rad]
#CD CX_df 0.0 # [/rad]
#CD CX_adf 0.0 # [/rad]
Cm Cmo 0.040 # []
Cm Cm_a -1.310 # [/rad]
#Cm Cm_a2 0.0 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_q -34.2 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_de -1.740 # [/rad]
#Cm Cm_b2 0.0 # [/rad]
#Cm Cm_r 0.0 # [/rad]
#Cm Cm_df 0.0 # [/rad]
#CY CYo 0.0 # []
CY CY_beta -0.6 # [/rad]
CY CY_p -0.2 # [/rad]
CY CY_r 0.4 # [/rad]
#CY CY_da 0.0 # [/rad]
CY CY_dr 0.15 # [/rad]
#CY CY_dra 0.0 # [/rad]
#CY CY_bdot 0.0 # [/rad]
#Cl Clo 0.0 # []
Cl Cl_beta -0.08 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_p -0.5 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_r 0.06 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_da -0.15 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_dr 0.015 # [/rad]
#Cl Cl_daa 0.0 # [/rad]
#Cn Cno 0.0 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_beta 0.1 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_p -0.06 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_r -0.18 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_da -0.001 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_dr -0.125 # [/rad]
#Cn Cn_q 0.0 # [/rad]
#Cn Cn_b3 0.0 # [/rad]
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,491 @@
#time elevator
0 0
0 0
0.0006 0
0.001 0
0.001 0
0.001 0
0.0013 0
0.0016 0
0.0021 0
0.0032 0
0.0055 0
0.0099 0
0.0189 0
0.0368 -0.0011
0.0644 -0.0009
0.0946 -0.0047
0.1279 -0.0052
0.1601 -0.0017
0.191 -0.0015
0.2231 0.0053
0.2531 0.0138
0.2864 0.0262
0.3197 0.0321
0.3437 0.0349
0.3677 0.0326
0.3941 0.0271
0.4222 0.0241
0.4556 0.0193
0.4889 0.0147
0.5222 0.0084
0.5503 0.0112
0.5764 0.0191
0.6026 0.0262
0.6254 0.0332
0.6554 0.0379
0.6888 0.0338
0.721 0.0288
0.7543 0.0202
0.7876 0.0161
0.821 0.0161
0.8543 0.0184
0.8876 0.025
0.9209 0.0325
0.9543 0.0387
0.9816 0.0402
1 0.0387
1 0.0387
1 0.0387
1.0124 0.0366
1.0248 0.0346
1.0495 0.0337
1.0791 0.0306
1.1114 0.0285
1.1448 0.0258
1.1757 0.0283
1.2091 0.0322
1.2424 0.041
1.274 0.0473
1.3073 0.0515
1.3406 0.0564
1.374 0.0525
1.4073 0.0467
1.437 0.0407
1.4703 0.0369
1.5028 0.0375
1.5321 0.0393
1.5566 0.0413
1.5819 0.0418
1.6085 0.0392
1.6377 0.0354
1.671 0.0288
1.6989 0.0227
1.7315 0.0209
1.7649 0.0209
1.7941 0.0258
1.8262 0.0274
1.8595 0.0258
1.8928 0.0241
1.9237 0.0213
1.9502 0.021
1.9793 0.0255
2 0.0274
2 0.0274
2 0.0274
2.0136 0.0301
2.0273 0.0333
2.0545 0.0361
2.0879 0.0367
2.1201 0.0354
2.1498 0.029
2.1832 0.0177
2.2165 0.007
2.2498 0.0016
2.2829 0.0032
2.3118 0.0037
2.3402 0.0129
2.3667 0.0214
2.3933 0.0247
2.4196 0.0273
2.4522 0.0266
2.4818 0.0219
2.5151 0.0169
2.5485 0.0104
2.5785 0.0115
2.6088 0.0173
2.633 0.0241
2.6573 0.0322
2.6787 0.0382
2.712 0.0522
2.7453 0.0587
2.7786 0.0596
2.812 0.0509
2.8453 0.0393
2.8774 0.0326
2.9107 0.0325
2.9401 0.0403
2.9734 0.0484
3.0002 0.0612
3.0279 0.0653
3.0612 0.063
3.0886 0.0584
3.1219 0.0426
3.1527 0.0297
3.1819 0.0187
3.2084 0.0085
3.24 0.0032
3.2734 0.0021
3.3067 0.0016
3.3196 0.0031
3.3325 0.0065
3.3473 0.0039
3.3673 0.0044
3.3912 0.0032
3.4245 0.0032
3.4579 0.0087
3.4894 0.0332
3.5227 0.0979
3.5559 0.174
3.5773 0.1884
3.5987 0.1383
3.6152 0.0311
3.6266 -0.0827
3.638 -0.2344
3.6482 -0.3955
3.6583 -0.5849
3.6722 -0.8857
3.688 -1.2767
3.7072 -1.79
3.7305 -2.4417
3.7609 -3.2313
3.7866 -3.7775
3.8074 -4.1196
3.8256 -4.3384
3.841 -4.4691
3.8534 -4.5317
3.8662 -4.5721
3.8827 -4.5846
3.9041 -4.5512
3.9375 -4.4382
3.9708 -4.3129
4.0041 -4.2171
4.0359 -4.166
4.0683 -4.1532
4.1005 -4.163
4.1258 -4.1722
4.1511 -4.1719
4.1788 -4.1573
4.2062 -4.1239
4.2343 -4.075
4.2656 -4.0111
4.2989 -3.9462
4.3323 -3.8927
4.3606 -3.8596
4.392 -3.8311
4.4254 -3.806
4.4586 -3.7851
4.4889 -3.7693
4.5157 -3.7635
4.5364 -3.7508
4.5571 -3.7192
4.5776 -3.6297
4.5964 -3.4636
4.6078 -3.3125
4.6192 -3.1128
4.6326 -2.803
4.6437 -2.4949
4.6542 -2.1585
4.6652 -1.7653
4.6779 -1.2648
4.6959 -0.499
4.7166 0.405
4.7388 1.3243
4.7593 2.0473
4.7773 2.5493
4.7925 2.8654
4.8063 3.0589
4.8197 3.1717
4.8333 3.2069
4.8446 3.1887
4.8563 3.1272
4.8675 3.0397
4.8787 2.9216
4.8926 2.7577
4.9096 2.5405
4.9429 2.1417
4.9626 1.9645
4.9771 1.8716
4.9915 1.8143
5.0042 1.7903
5.017 1.7999
5.0356 1.8528
5.0601 1.9567
5.0903 2.0994
5.112 2.1896
5.1336 2.2603
5.1669 2.3253
5.1939 2.3383
5.2273 2.3255
5.2606 2.2991
5.2939 2.2746
5.3273 2.263
5.3606 2.2594
5.3939 2.26
5.4272 2.2582
5.4606 2.2595
5.4925 2.2614
5.5258 2.2623
5.5592 2.2596
5.591 2.2507
5.6244 2.2326
5.6522 2.2151
5.6827 2.2014
5.7143 2.1949
5.7446 2.1941
5.7779 2.1949
5.8112 2.1928
5.841 2.1932
5.8686 2.1887
5.902 2.1798
5.9353 2.1682
5.9686 2.1597
6.002 2.1499
6.0311 2.1602
6.0553 2.1857
6.0796 2.2341
6.1129 2.3257
6.1403 2.3667
6.1508 2.3518
6.1612 2.3158
6.1705 2.2576
6.1797 2.1726
6.1977 1.9126
6.2158 1.5282
6.2304 1.1298
6.2428 0.7244
6.254 0.3235
6.2655 -0.1195
6.2806 -0.7266
6.2992 -1.4872
6.321 -2.3393
6.3359 -2.8622
6.3507 -3.3307
6.3629 -3.6579
6.3736 -3.9054
6.3846 -4.1228
6.3961 -4.3025
6.407 -4.4337
6.4179 -4.5275
6.4309 -4.5954
6.4419 -4.6196
6.4549 -4.6147
6.4684 -4.5813
6.4904 -4.4777
6.5169 -4.3134
6.5459 -4.1446
6.5725 -4.0261
6.5962 -3.9654
6.619 -3.9504
6.6443 -3.9736
6.6769 -4.0413
6.7102 -4.1265
6.7435 -4.202
6.7707 -4.246
6.7955 -4.2745
6.8289 -4.2899
6.8604 -4.295
6.8937 -4.2889
6.927 -4.2688
6.9571 -4.2411
6.9815 -4.2095
7.0045 -4.1814
7.0275 -4.1538
7.0495 -4.1264
7.0762 -4.0949
7.1095 -4.0526
7.1428 -4.0104
7.175 -3.9503
7.197 -3.8586
7.219 -3.6748
7.2386 -3.3871
7.2555 -3.0236
7.2692 -2.6437
7.2834 -2.1555
7.2948 -1.7068
7.3068 -1.1916
7.3256 -0.3038
7.3439 0.6002
7.3653 1.6223
7.3788 2.2297
7.3923 2.7619
7.4078 3.2783
7.4192 3.5938
7.4307 3.8375
7.44 3.9892
7.4566 4.149
7.4704 4.1944
7.4822 4.1669
7.4935 4.0956
7.5047 3.9926
7.5177 3.841
7.544 3.4644
7.5724 3.0485
7.5959 2.7663
7.618 2.5772
7.6384 2.4774
7.6577 2.4504
7.6784 2.4797
7.701 2.5603
7.7245 2.6722
7.7465 2.7804
7.7686 2.8705
7.8019 2.9561
7.8352 2.9776
7.8674 2.9537
7.895 2.917
7.9283 2.8812
7.9614 2.8614
7.9947 2.86
8.0233 2.8675
8.0515 2.8761
8.0806 2.8793
8.1139 2.8755
8.1473 2.8738
8.177 2.8724
8.2103 2.8714
8.2417 2.8726
8.2714 2.8699
8.2998 2.8744
8.3299 2.8921
8.3632 2.9041
8.388 2.8682
8.4043 2.7996
8.4206 2.6764
8.4351 2.5128
8.449 2.3081
8.4658 1.9953
8.4814 1.6524
8.4944 1.3368
8.5083 0.9808
8.5416 0.1367
8.5686 -0.4439
8.5864 -0.7312
8.6041 -0.9362
8.6187 -1.0453
8.6404 -1.1027
8.6572 -1.0704
8.6741 -0.988
8.6895 -0.8807
8.716 -0.6496
8.7422 -0.4128
8.7684 -0.2036
8.8009 -0.0242
8.8315 0.055
8.862 0.0664
8.8954 0.0314
8.9287 -0.0144
8.962 -0.0448
8.9922 -0.0564
9.0196 -0.0452
9.0451 -0.0281
9.0764 -0.0072
9.1097 0.0095
9.1431 0.0193
9.1702 0.0241
9.2034 0.0241
9.2367 0.0236
9.2673 0.0225
9.3006 0.0192
9.334 0.0165
9.3624 0.0109
9.3897 0.0081
9.4227 0.0044
9.454 0
9.4869 -0.0005
9.5202 0
9.5533 0.0048
9.5866 0.0128
9.6199 0.024
9.6533 0.0333
9.684 0.0441
9.7173 0.0499
9.7506 0.0578
9.779 0.0579
9.8115 0.0579
9.842 0.0544
9.8715 0.0531
9.9 0.0499
9.9333 0.0493
9.9629 0.0515
9.9883 0.0529
10.0216 0.0534
10.0545 0.0564
10.0878 0.0592
10.1212 0.0551
10.1492 0.058
10.1812 0.0543
10.2068 0.0499
10.2401 0.0435
10.2734 0.0402
10.3067 0.0435
10.3401 0.0467
10.3711 0.0483
10.4045 0.0499
10.4378 0.0442
10.4711 0.0354
10.5044 0.0259
10.533 0.0193
10.5579 0.0193
10.5912 0.0193
10.6242 0.0193
10.6576 0.0193
10.6909 0.0176
10.7233 0.0139
10.7566 0.0139
10.79 0.0161
10.8233 0.0214
10.8566 0.0295
10.8899 0.029
10.9233 0.0258
10.9516 0.0209
10.9849 0.0153
11.0183 0.0115
11.0516 0.0083
11.082 0.0094
11.1153 0.0064
11.1486 0.0018
11.182 0.0006
11.2126 0.0045
11.2386 0.011
11.2719 0.0221
11.3017 0.0376
11.3351 0.0499
11.363 0.0547
11.3916 0.0528
11.4187 0.0443
11.4464 0.0323
11.4798 0.0194
11.5131 0.0102
11.5441 0.0135
11.5774 0.0233
11.6108 0.0355
11.6441 0.0425
11.6774 0.0451
11.7107 0.0466
11.7392 0.048
11.7711 0.0514
11.7993 0.0515
11.824 0.0506
11.8486 0.0451
11.882 0.0367
11.9138 0.029
11.9471 0.0278
11.9805 0.029
12.0138 0.036
12.0471 0.0414
12.0804 0.0499
12.1137 0.0579
12.1417 0.0571
12.1669 0.0557
12.192 0.0524
12.2164 0.043
12.2461 0.0334
12.2794 0.0195
12.3128 0.0092
12.3436 0.0112
12.3755 0.0155
12.4088 0.0207
12.4421 0.0258
12.4734 0.0241
12.49 0.0225
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
# Jeff Scott
# DHC-6 Twin Otter
# small twin turboprop engine commuter aircraft with simulated
# icing characteristics (entire aircraft iced)
# This model was developed by Devesh Pokhariyal of the Smart Icing
# Systems Aerodynamics group (Prof. Michael Bragg, head) at the
# University of Illinois. The aircraft data is from:
# Pokhariyal, Devesh and Merret, Jason. FDC flight simulator
# Twin Otter input file (version5_bat), 5/23/00.
# Pokhariyal, Devesh and Merret, Jason. FDC flight simulator
# Twin Otter icing file (icesev_bat), 5/30/00.
# Ratvasky, T.P. and Ranaudo, R.J. "Icing Effects on Aircraft
# Stability and Control Determined from Flight Data," 31st
# Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 11-14 Jan 1993,
# AIAA-93-0398.
# 05-30-2000 file creation
geometry bw 65.0 # [ft]
geometry cbar 6.5 # [ft]
geometry Sw 420.0 # [ft^2]
geometry bh 20.7 # [ft] AIAA 93-0398 Table 1
geometry ch 4.8 # [ft] AIAA 93-0398 Table 1
geometry Sh 97.8 # [ft^2] AIAA 93-0398 Table 1
controlSurface de 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
controlSurface da 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
controlSurface dr 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
mass Weight 10141 # [lb]
mass I_xx 16039.3 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_yy 22841.6 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_zz 35807.4 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_xz 1102.8 # [slug-ft^2]
# aircraft specs: 2 engines of 462 kW each
# ~2000 lb static thrust each
engine simpleSingle 2000 # [lb]
CL CZo -0.360 # []
CL CZ_a -5.660 # [/rad]
#CL CZ_a2 0.0 # [/rad]
#CL CZ_a3 0.0 # [/rad]
CL CZ_q -19.97 # [/rad]
CL CZ_de -0.608 # [/rad]
#CL CZ_deb2 0.0 # [/rad]
#CL CZ_df 0.0 # [/rad]
#CL CZ_adf 0.0 # [/rad]
CD CXo -0.0488 # []
CD CX_a 0.223 # [/rad]
CD CX_a2 1.659 # [/rad]
#CD CX_a3 0.0 # [/rad]
#CD CX_q 0.0 # [/rad]
#CD CX_de 0.0 # [/rad]
#CD CX_dr 0.0 # [/rad]
#CD CX_df 0.0 # [/rad]
#CD CX_adf 0.0 # [/rad]
Cm Cmo 0.040 # []
Cm Cm_a -1.310 # [/rad]
#Cm Cm_a2 0.0 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_q -34.2 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_de -1.740 # [/rad]
#Cm Cm_b2 0.0 # [/rad]
#Cm Cm_r 0.0 # [/rad]
#Cm Cm_df 0.0 # [/rad]
#CY CYo 0.0 # []
CY CY_beta -0.6 # [/rad]
CY CY_p -0.2 # [/rad]
CY CY_r 0.4 # [/rad]
#CY CY_da 0.0 # [/rad]
CY CY_dr 0.15 # [/rad]
#CY CY_dra 0.0 # [/rad]
#CY CY_bdot 0.0 # [/rad]
#Cl Clo 0.0 # []
Cl Cl_beta -0.08 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_p -0.5 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_r 0.06 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_da -0.15 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_dr 0.015 # [/rad]
#Cl Cl_daa 0.0 # [/rad]
#Cn Cno 0.0 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_beta 0.1 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_p -0.06 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_r -0.18 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_da -0.001 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_dr -0.125 # [/rad]
#Cn Cn_q 0.0 # [/rad]
#Cn Cn_b3 0.0 # [/rad]
ice iceTime 120 # [s]
ice transientTime 30 # [s]
ice eta_ice_final 0.3 # [] do not set higher than about 0.4!
ice kCXo 6.52696 # []
ice kCX_a -0.14296 # []
ice kCX_a2 -1.59837 # []
#ice kCX_a3 0.0 # []
#ice kCX_q 0.0 # []
#ice kCX_de 0.0 # []
#ice kCX_df 0.0 # []
#ice kCX_dr 0.0 # []
#ice kCX_adf 0.0 # []
ice kCZo 0.0 # []
ice kCZ_a -1.48148 # []
#ice kCZ_a2 0.0 # []
#ice kCZ_a3 0.0 # []
ice kCZ_q -0.20741 # []
ice kCZ_de -1.40741 # []
#ice kCZ_df 0.0 # []
#ice kCZ_adf 0.0 # []
#ice kCZ_deb2 0.0 # []
ice kCmo 0.0 # []
ice kCm_a -1.46667 # []
#ice kCm_a2 0.0 # []
#ice kCm_b2 0.0 # []
ice kCm_q -0.51852 # []
#ice kCm_r 0.0 # []
ice kCm_de -1.48148 # []
#ice kCm_df 0.0 # []
#ice kCYo 0.0 # []
ice kCY_beta -2.96296 # []
ice kCY_p 0.0 # []
ice kCY_r 0.0 # []
#ice kCY_da 0.0 # []
ice kCY_dr -1.18519 # []
#ice kCY_dra 0.0 # []
#ice kCY_bdot 0.0 # []
#ice kClo 0.0 # []
ice kCl_beta -1.48148 # []
ice kCl_p -1.48148 # []
ice kCl_r 0.0 # []
ice kCl_da -1.48148 # []
ice kCl_dr -1.18519 # []
#ice kCl_daa 0.0 # []
#ice kCno 0.0 # []
ice kCn_beta -2.96296 # []
#ice kCn_b3 0.0 # []
ice kCn_p 0.0 # []
#ice kCn_q 0.0 # []
ice kCn_r -0.88889 # []
ice kCn_da 0.0 # []
ice kCn_dr -1.18519 # []
ice beta_probe_wing 5.0 # [ft]
ice beta_probe_tail 3.5 # [ft]
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
# Jeff Scott
# DHC-6 Twin Otter
# small twin turboprop engine commuter aircraft with simulated
# icing characteristics (tail iced)
# This model was developed by Devesh Pokhariyal of the Smart Icing
# Systems Aerodynamics group (Prof. Michael Bragg, head) at the
# University of Illinois. The aircraft data is from:
# Pokhariyal, Devesh and Merret, Jason. FDC flight simulator
# Twin Otter input file (version5_bat), 5/23/00.
# Pokhariyal, Devesh and Merret, Jason. FDC flight simulator
# Twin Otter icing file (icetailsev_bat), 5/30/00.
# Ratvasky, T.P. and Ranaudo, R.J. "Icing Effects on Aircraft
# Stability and Control Determined from Flight Data," 31st
# Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 11-14 Jan 1993,
# AIAA-93-0398.
# 05-30-2000 file creation
geometry bw 65.0 # [ft]
geometry cbar 6.5 # [ft]
geometry Sw 420.0 # [ft^2]
geometry bh 20.7 # [ft] AIAA 93-0398 Table 1
geometry ch 4.8 # [ft] AIAA 93-0398 Table 1
geometry Sh 97.8 # [ft^2] AIAA 93-0398 Table 1
controlSurface de 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
controlSurface da 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
controlSurface dr 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
mass Weight 10141 # [lb]
mass I_xx 16039.3 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_yy 22841.6 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_zz 35807.4 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_xz 1102.8 # [slug-ft^2]
# aircraft specs: 2 engines of 462 kW each
# ~2000 lb static thrust each
engine simpleSingle 2000 # [lb]
CL CZo -0.360 # []
CL CZ_a -5.660 # [/rad]
#CL CZ_a2 0.0 # [/rad]
#CL CZ_a3 0.0 # [/rad]
CL CZ_q -19.97 # [/rad]
CL CZ_de -0.608 # [/rad]
#CL CZ_deb2 0.0 # [/rad]
#CL CZ_df 0.0 # [/rad]
#CL CZ_adf 0.0 # [/rad]
CD CXo -0.0488 # []
CD CX_a 0.223 # [/rad]
CD CX_a2 1.659 # [/rad]
#CD CX_a3 0.0 # [/rad]
#CD CX_q 0.0 # [/rad]
#CD CX_de 0.0 # [/rad]
#CD CX_dr 0.0 # [/rad]
#CD CX_df 0.0 # [/rad]
#CD CX_adf 0.0 # [/rad]
Cm Cmo 0.040 # []
Cm Cm_a -1.310 # [/rad]
#Cm Cm_a2 0.0 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_q -34.2 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_de -1.740 # [/rad]
#Cm Cm_b2 0.0 # [/rad]
#Cm Cm_r 0.0 # [/rad]
#Cm Cm_df 0.0 # [/rad]
#CY CYo 0.0 # []
CY CY_beta -0.6 # [/rad]
CY CY_p -0.2 # [/rad]
CY CY_r 0.4 # [/rad]
#CY CY_da 0.0 # [/rad]
CY CY_dr 0.15 # [/rad]
#CY CY_dra 0.0 # [/rad]
#CY CY_bdot 0.0 # [/rad]
#Cl Clo 0.0 # []
Cl Cl_beta -0.08 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_p -0.5 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_r 0.06 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_da -0.15 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_dr 0.015 # [/rad]
#Cl Cl_daa 0.0 # [/rad]
#Cn Cno 0.0 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_beta 0.1 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_p -0.06 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_r -0.18 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_da -0.001 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_dr -0.125 # [/rad]
#Cn Cn_q 0.0 # [/rad]
#Cn Cn_b3 0.0 # [/rad]
ice iceTime 120 # [s]
ice transientTime 30 # [s]
ice eta_ice_final 0.3 # [] do not set higher than about 0.4!
ice kCXo 1.58844 # []
ice kCX_a -0.04504 # []
ice kCX_a2 -0.58415 # []
#ice kCX_a3 0.0 # []
#ice kCX_q 0.0 # []
#ice kCX_de 0.0 # []
#ice kCX_df 0.0 # []
#ice kCX_dr 0.0 # []
#ice kCX_adf 0.0 # []
ice kCZo 0.0 # []
ice kCZ_a -0.36593 # []
#ice kCZ_a2 0.0 # []
#ice kCZ_a3 0.0 # []
ice kCZ_q -0.20741 # []
ice kCZ_de -1.05556 # []
#ice kCZ_df 0.0 # []
#ice kCZ_adf 0.0 # []
#ice kCZ_deb2 0.0 # []
ice kCmo 0.0 # []
ice kCm_a -0.53244 # []
#ice kCm_a2 0.0 # []
#ice kCm_b2 0.0 # []
ice kCm_q -0.51852 # []
#ice kCm_r 0.0 # []
ice kCm_de -1.24756 # []
#ice kCm_df 0.0 # []
#ice kCYo 0.0 # []
ice kCY_beta -2.96296 # []
ice kCY_p 0.0 # []
ice kCY_r 0.0 # []
#ice kCY_da 0.0 # []
ice kCY_dr -1.18519 # []
#ice kCY_dra 0.0 # []
#ice kCY_bdot 0.0 # []
#ice kClo 0.0 # []
ice kCl_beta -1.48148 # []
ice kCl_p -1.48148 # []
ice kCl_r 0.0 # []
ice kCl_da -1.48148 # []
ice kCl_dr -1.18519 # []
#ice kCl_daa 0.0 # []
#ice kCno 0.0 # []
ice kCn_beta -2.96296 # []
#ice kCn_b3 0.0 # []
ice kCn_p 0.0 # []
#ice kCn_q 0.0 # []
ice kCn_r -0.88889 # []
ice kCn_da 0.0 # []
ice kCn_dr -1.18519 # []
ice beta_probe_wing 5.0 # [ft]
ice beta_probe_tail 3.5 # [ft]
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
# Jeff Scott
# DHC-6 Twin Otter
# small twin turboprop engine commuter aircraft with simulated
# icing characteristics (wing iced)
# This model was developed by Devesh Pokhariyal of the Smart Icing
# Systems Aerodynamics group (Prof. Michael Bragg, head) at the
# University of Illinois. The aircraft data is from:
# Pokhariyal, Devesh and Merret, Jason. FDC flight simulator
# Twin Otter input file (version5_bat), 5/23/00.
# Pokhariyal, Devesh and Merret, Jason. FDC flight simulator
# Twin Otter icing file (icewingsev_bat), 5/30/00.
# Ratvasky, T.P. and Ranaudo, R.J. "Icing Effects on Aircraft
# Stability and Control Determined from Flight Data," 31st
# Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 11-14 Jan 1993,
# AIAA-93-0398.
# 05-30-2000 file creation
geometry bw 65.0 # [ft]
geometry cbar 6.5 # [ft]
geometry Sw 420.0 # [ft^2]
geometry bh 20.7 # [ft] AIAA 93-0398 Table 1
geometry ch 4.8 # [ft] AIAA 93-0398 Table 1
geometry Sh 97.8 # [ft^2] AIAA 93-0398 Table 1
controlSurface de 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
controlSurface da 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
controlSurface dr 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
mass Weight 10141 # [lb]
mass I_xx 16039.3 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_yy 22841.6 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_zz 35807.4 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_xz 1102.8 # [slug-ft^2]
# aircraft specs: 2 engines of 462 kW each
# ~2000 lb static thrust each
engine simpleSingle 2000 # [lb]
CL CZo -0.360 # []
CL CZ_a -5.660 # [/rad]
#CL CZ_a2 0.0 # [/rad]
#CL CZ_a3 0.0 # [/rad]
CL CZ_q -19.97 # [/rad]
CL CZ_de -0.608 # [/rad]
#CL CZ_deb2 0.0 # [/rad]
#CL CZ_df 0.0 # [/rad]
#CL CZ_adf 0.0 # [/rad]
CD CXo -0.0488 # []
CD CX_a 0.223 # [/rad]
CD CX_a2 1.659 # [/rad]
#CD CX_a3 0.0 # [/rad]
#CD CX_q 0.0 # [/rad]
#CD CX_de 0.0 # [/rad]
#CD CX_dr 0.0 # [/rad]
#CD CX_df 0.0 # [/rad]
#CD CX_adf 0.0 # [/rad]
Cm Cmo 0.040 # []
Cm Cm_a -1.310 # [/rad]
#Cm Cm_a2 0.0 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_q -34.2 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_de -1.740 # [/rad]
#Cm Cm_b2 0.0 # [/rad]
#Cm Cm_r 0.0 # [/rad]
#Cm Cm_df 0.0 # [/rad]
#CY CYo 0.0 # []
CY CY_beta -0.6 # [/rad]
CY CY_p -0.2 # [/rad]
CY CY_r 0.4 # [/rad]
#CY CY_da 0.0 # [/rad]
CY CY_dr 0.15 # [/rad]
#CY CY_dra 0.0 # [/rad]
#CY CY_bdot 0.0 # [/rad]
#Cl Clo 0.0 # []
Cl Cl_beta -0.08 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_p -0.5 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_r 0.06 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_da -0.15 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_dr 0.015 # [/rad]
#Cl Cl_daa 0.0 # [/rad]
#Cn Cno 0.0 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_beta 0.1 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_p -0.06 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_r -0.18 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_da -0.001 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_dr -0.125 # [/rad]
#Cn Cn_q 0.0 # [/rad]
#Cn Cn_b3 0.0 # [/rad]
ice iceTime 120 # [s]
ice transientTime 30 # [s]
ice eta_ice_final 0.3 # [] do not set higher than about 0.4!
ice kCXo 2.64444 # []
ice kCX_a -0.03156 # []
ice kCX_a2 -0.13719 # []
#ice kCX_a3 0.0 # []
#ice kCX_q 0.0 # []
#ice kCX_de 0.0 # []
#ice kCX_df 0.0 # []
#ice kCX_dr 0.0 # []
#ice kCX_adf 0.0 # []
ice kCZo 0.0 # []
ice kCZ_a -0.83259 # []
#ice kCZ_a2 0.0 # []
#ice kCZ_a3 0.0 # []
ice kCZ_q -0.20741 # []
ice kCZ_de -0.33970 # []
#ice kCZ_df 0.0 # []
#ice kCZ_adf 0.0 # []
#ice kCZ_deb2 0.0 # []
ice kCmo 0.0 # []
ice kCm_a -0.28346 # []
#ice kCm_a2 0.0 # []
#ice kCm_b2 0.0 # []
ice kCm_q -0.51852 # []
#ice kCm_r 0.0 # []
ice kCm_de -0.26504 # []
#ice kCm_df 0.0 # []
#ice kCYo 0.0 # []
ice kCY_beta -2.96296 # []
ice kCY_p 0.0 # []
ice kCY_r 0.0 # []
#ice kCY_da 0.0 # []
ice kCY_dr -1.18519 # []
#ice kCY_dra 0.0 # []
#ice kCY_bdot 0.0 # []
#ice kClo 0.0 # []
ice kCl_beta -1.48148 # []
ice kCl_p -1.48148 # []
ice kCl_r 0.0 # []
ice kCl_da -1.48148 # []
ice kCl_dr -1.18519 # []
#ice kCl_daa 0.0 # []
#ice kCno 0.0 # []
ice kCn_beta -2.96296 # []
#ice kCn_b3 0.0 # []
ice kCn_p 0.0 # []
#ice kCn_q 0.0 # []
ice kCn_r -0.88889 # []
ice kCn_da 0.0 # []
ice kCn_dr -1.18519 # []
ice beta_probe_wing 5.0 # [ft]
ice beta_probe_tail 3.5 # [ft]
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
# Jeff Scott
# North American X-15
# rocket-powered high-speed research aircraft, data from:
# Flight Gear JSBsim X15.cfg file
# Jon Brendt's X-15 web site
# 03-28-2000 file creation
init Dz_cg 5.0 # [ft]
geometry bw 22.36 # [ft]
geometry cbar 10.27 # [ft]
geometry Sw 200.0 # [ft^2]
controlSurface de 35 15 # [deg]
controlSurface da 15 15 # [deg]
controlSurface dr 20 20 # [deg] guess for now
mass Weight 31240 # [lb]
mass I_xx 3650 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_yy 80000 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_zz 82000 # [slug-ft^2]
mass I_xz 590 # [slug-ft^2]
# aircraft specs: 51090 lb at sea level
# 57000 lb at 45,000 ft
# 70000 lb at peak altitude
engine simpleSingle 51090 # [lb]
#CL CLo <CLo> # []
CL CL_a 3.5 # [/rad]
#CL CL_adot <CL_adot> # [/rad]
#CL CL_q <CL_q> # [/rad]
CL CL_de 0.54 # [/rad]
CD CDo 0.095 # []
#CD CDK # []
CD CD_a 0.6 # [/rad]
#CD CD_de <CD_de> # [/rad]
#Cm Cmo <Cmo> # []
Cm Cm_a -1.2 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_adot 0.0 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_q -6.2 # [/rad]
Cm Cm_de -0.9 # [/rad]
CY CY_beta -1.4 # [/rad]
#CY CY_p <CY_p> # [/rad]
#CY CY_r <CY_r> # [/rad]
CY CY_da 0.05 # [/rad] sign reversed
CY CY_dr 0.45 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_beta -0.01 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_p -0.35 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_r 0.04 # [/rad]
Cl Cl_da -0.06 # [/rad] sign reversed
Cl Cl_dr 0.012 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_beta 0.5 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_p 0.0 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_r -1.5 # [/rad]
Cn Cn_da -0.04 # [/rad] sign reversed
Cn Cn_dr -0.3 # [/rad]
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
<title>Beech 99 Simulation Model</title>
bgcolor="FFFFFF" text="000000" link="0800FF"
vlink="FF0000" alink="FF0FF8">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
Beech 99 Simulation Model
<b><i>Graduate Research done by <a href="">Jeff Scott</a><br>
Advisor: <a href="">Prof. Michael Selig</a><br>
Applied Aerodynamics Group<br>
Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering<br>
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801<p>
Last updated April 11, 2000</i></b>
This site provides the data needed to model the Beech 99 small
twin-engine commuter aircraft.
<h2>Go to</h2>
<li><a href="linear.html">Linear Model</a></li>
<li><a href="refs.html">References</a></li>
<a href="../index.html">Back to Aircraft Models</a> *
<a href="">Go to SIS Flight Sim page</a>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
<title>Beech 99 -- References</title>
bgcolor="FFFFFF" text="000000" link="0800FF"
vlink="FF0000" alink="FF0FF8">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
Beech 99 -- References
<b><i>Graduate Research done by <a href="">Jeff Scott</a><br>
Advisor: <a href="">Prof. Michael Selig</a><br>
Applied Aerodynamics Group<br>
Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering<br>
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801<p>
Last updated April 11, 2000</i></b>
David, Donald. <b>The Complete Encyclopedia of World Aircraft</b>.
NY: Barnes & Noble, 1997, pg 103.
Roskam, Jan. <b>Airplane Flight Dynamics and Automatic Flight Controls,
Part I</b>. Lawrence KS: DARcorporation, 1995, pg 508-510.
<a href="">Flight Sim Home</a> *
<a href="../index.html">Aircraft Models</a> *
<a href="index.html">Beech 99 Model</a> *
<a href="refs.html">Beech 99 References
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
<title>Boeing 747 Simulation Model</title>
bgcolor="FFFFFF" text="000000" link="0800FF"
vlink="FF0000" alink="FF0FF8">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
Boeing 747 Simulation Model
<b><i>Graduate Research done by <a href="">Jeff Scott</a><br>
Advisor: <a href="">Prof. Michael Selig</a><br>
Applied Aerodynamics Group<br>
Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering<br>
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801<p>
Last updated April 11, 2000</i></b>
This site provides the data needed to model the Boeing 747 large
commercial jetliner.
<h2>Go to</h2>
<li><a href="linear.html">Linear Model</a></li>
<li><a href="refs.html">References</a></li>
<a href="../index.html">Back to Aircraft Models</a> *
<a href="">Go to SIS Flight Sim page</a>
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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
<title>Boeing 747 -- References</title>
bgcolor="FFFFFF" text="000000" link="0800FF"
vlink="FF0000" alink="FF0FF8">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
Boeing 747 -- References
<b><i>Graduate Research done by <a href="">Jeff Scott</a><br>
Advisor: <a href="">Prof. Michael Selig</a><br>
Applied Aerodynamics Group<br>
Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering<br>
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801<p>
Last updated April 11, 2000</i></b>
David, Donald. <b>The Complete Encyclopedia of World Aircraft</b>.
NY: Barnes & Noble, 1997, pg 171-172.
Roskam, Jan. <b>Airplane Flight Dynamics and Automatic Flight Controls,
Part I</b>. Lawrence KS: DARcorporation, 1995, pg 543-545.
Scott, Jeff. Modern Aviation Museum,
<a href=""></a>.
<a href="">Flight Sim Home</a> *
<a href="../index.html">Aircraft Models</a> *
<a href="index.html">Boeing 747 Model</a> *
<a href="refs.html">Boeing 747 References
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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
<title>Cessna 172 Simulation Model</title>
bgcolor="FFFFFF" text="000000" link="0800FF"
vlink="FF0000" alink="FF0FF8">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
Cessna 172 Simulation Model
<b><i>Graduate Research done by <a href="">Jeff Scott</a><br>
Advisor: <a href="">Prof. Michael Selig</a><br>
Applied Aerodynamics Group<br>
Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering<br>
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801<p>
Last updated April 10, 2000</i></b>
This site provides the data needed to model the Cessna 172 small
single-engine general aviation aircraft. Currently two versions of
this model exist, a linear model using only stability derivatives
and a nonlinear model including a lift vs. angle of attack curve to
model stall.
<h2>Go to</h2>
<li><a href="linear.html">Linear Model</a></li>
<li><a href="nonlinear.html">Nonlinear Model</a></li>
<li><a href="refs.html">References</a></li>
<a href="../index.html">Back to Aircraft Models</a> *
<a href="">Go to SIS Flight Sim page</a>
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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
<title>Cessna 172 -- References</title>
bgcolor="FFFFFF" text="000000" link="0800FF"
vlink="FF0000" alink="FF0FF8">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
Cessna 172 -- References
<b><i>Graduate Research done by <a href="">Jeff Scott</a><br>
Advisor: <a href="">Prof. Michael Selig</a><br>
Applied Aerodynamics Group<br>
Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering<br>
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801<p>
Last updated April 10, 2000</i></b>
Peden, Tony. Flight Gear Cessna 172 model provided with Flight Gear
0.7.1: c172_aero.c, c_172_init.c, c172_engine.c.
Note that this data is very similar to that available for the Cessna
182 in:
Roskam, Jan. <b>Airplane Flight Dynamics and Automatic Flight Controls,
Part I</b>. Lawrence KS: DARcorporation, 1995, pg 480-482.
<a href="">Flight Sim Home</a> *
<a href="../index.html">Aircraft Models</a> *
<a href="index.html">Cessna 172 Model</a> *
<a href="refs.html">Cessna 172 References
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
<title>Cessna 310 Simulation Model</title>
bgcolor="FFFFFF" text="000000" link="0800FF"
vlink="FF0000" alink="FF0FF8">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
Cessna 310 Simulation Model
<b><i>Graduate Research done by <a href="">Jeff Scott</a><br>
Advisor: <a href="">Prof. Michael Selig</a><br>
Applied Aerodynamics Group<br>
Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering<br>
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801<p>
Last updated May 31, 2000</i></b>
This site provides the data needed to model the Cessna 310 small
twin-engine general aviation aircraft.
<h2>Go to</h2>
<li><a href="linear.html">Linear Model</a></li>
<li><a href="refs.html">References</a></li>
<a href="../index.html">Back to Aircraft Models</a> *
<a href="">Go to SIS Flight Sim page</a>
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
<title>Cessna 310 -- References</title>
bgcolor="FFFFFF" text="000000" link="0800FF"
vlink="FF0000" alink="FF0FF8">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
Cessna 310 -- References
<b><i>Graduate Research done by <a href="">Jeff Scott</a><br>
Advisor: <a href="">Prof. Michael Selig</a><br>
Applied Aerodynamics Group<br>
Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering<br>
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801<p>
Last updated May 31, 2000</i></b>
David, Donald. <b>The Complete Encyclopedia of World Aircraft</b>.
NY: Barnes & Noble, 1997, pg 249-250.
Roskam, Jan. <b>Airplane Flight Dynamics and Automatic Flight Controls,
Part I</b>. Lawrence KS: DARcorporation, 1995, pg 487-489.
<a href="">Flight Sim Home</a> *
<a href="../index.html">Aircraft Models</a> *
<a href="index.html">Cessna 310 Model</a> *
<a href="refs.html">Cessna 310 References
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
<title>Cessna 620 Simulation Model</title>
bgcolor="FFFFFF" text="000000" link="0800FF"
vlink="FF0000" alink="FF0FF8">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
Cessna 620 Simulation Model
<b><i>Graduate Research done by <a href="">Jeff Scott</a><br>
Advisor: <a href="">Prof. Michael Selig</a><br>
Applied Aerodynamics Group<br>
Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering<br>
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801<p>
Last updated June 1, 2000</i></b>
This site provides the data needed to model the Cessna 620 four-engine
general aviation aircraft.
<h2>Go to</h2>
<li><a href="linear.html">Linear Model</a></li>
<li><a href="refs.html">References</a></li>
<a href="../index.html">Back to Aircraft Models</a> *
<a href="">Go to SIS Flight Sim page</a>
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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
<title>Cessna 620 -- References</title>
bgcolor="FFFFFF" text="000000" link="0800FF"
vlink="FF0000" alink="FF0FF8">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
Cessna 620 -- References
<b><i>Graduate Research done by <a href="">Jeff Scott</a><br>
Advisor: <a href="">Prof. Michael Selig</a><br>
Applied Aerodynamics Group<br>
Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering<br>
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801<p>
Last updated June 1, 2000</i></b>
Roskam, Jan. <b>Airplane Flight Dynamics and Automatic Flight Controls,
Part I</b>. Lawrence KS: DARcorporation, 1995, pg 515-517.
<a href="">Flight Sim Home</a> *
<a href="../index.html">Aircraft Models</a> *
<a href="index.html">Cessna 620 Model</a> *
<a href="refs.html">Cessna 620 References
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
<title>Convair 880 Simulation Model</title>
bgcolor="FFFFFF" text="000000" link="0800FF"
vlink="FF0000" alink="FF0FF8">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
Convair 880 Simulation Model
<b><i>Graduate Research done by <a href="">Jeff Scott</a><br>
Advisor: <a href="">Prof. Michael Selig</a><br>
Applied Aerodynamics Group<br>
Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering<br>
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801<p>
Last updated June 1, 2000</i></b>
This site provides the data needed to model the Convair 880 medium
commercial jetliner.
<h2>Go to</h2>
<li><a href="linear.html">Linear Model</a></li>
<li><a href="refs.html">References</a></li>
<a href="../index.html">Back to Aircraft Models</a> *
<a href="">Go to SIS Flight Sim page</a>
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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
<title>Convair 880 -- References</title>
bgcolor="FFFFFF" text="000000" link="0800FF"
vlink="FF0000" alink="FF0FF8">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
Convair 880 -- References
<b><i>Graduate Research done by <a href="">Jeff Scott</a><br>
Advisor: <a href="">Prof. Michael Selig</a><br>
Applied Aerodynamics Group<br>
Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering<br>
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801<p>
Last updated June 1, 2000</i></b>
David, Donald. <b>The Complete Encyclopedia of World Aircraft</b>.
NY: Barnes & Noble, 1997, pg 274.
McCormick, Barnes W. <b>Aerodynamics, Aeronautics, and Flight
Mechanics</b>, 2nd ed. NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1995, pg 623-624.
Nelson, Robert. <b>Flight Stability and Automatic Control</b>, 2nd
ed., pg 414-415.
<a href="">Flight Sim Home</a> *
<a href="../index.html">Aircraft Models</a> *
<a href="index.html">Convair 880 Model</a> *
<a href="refs.html">Convair 880 References
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
<title>F-104 Starfighter Simulation Model</title>
bgcolor="FFFFFF" text="000000" link="0800FF"
vlink="FF0000" alink="FF0FF8">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
F-104 Starfighter Simulation Model
<b><i>Graduate Research done by <a href="">Jeff Scott</a><br>
Advisor: <a href="">Prof. Michael Selig</a><br>
Applied Aerodynamics Group<br>
Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering<br>
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801<p>
Last updated June 2, 2000</i></b>
This site provides the data needed to model the F-104 Starfighter
small single jet engine supersonic fighter.
<h2>Go to</h2>
<li><a href="linear.html">Linear Model</a></li>
<li><a href="refs.html">References</a></li>
<a href="../index.html">Back to Aircraft Models</a> *
<a href="">Go to SIS Flight Sim page</a>
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
<title>F-104 Starfighter -- References</title>
bgcolor="FFFFFF" text="000000" link="0800FF"
vlink="FF0000" alink="FF0FF8">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
F-104 Starfighter -- References
<b><i>Graduate Research done by <a href="">Jeff Scott</a><br>
Advisor: <a href="">Prof. Michael Selig</a><br>
Applied Aerodynamics Group<br>
Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering<br>
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801<p>
Last updated June 2, 2000</i></b>
Roskam, Jan. <b>Airplane Flight Dynamics and Automatic Flight Controls,
Part I</b>. Lawrence KS: DARcorporation, 1995, pg 529-531.
Scott, Jeff. Modern Aviation Museum,
<a href=""></a>.
<a href="">Flight Sim Home</a> *
<a href="../index.html">Aircraft Models</a> *
<a href="index.html">F-104 Model</a> *
<a href="refs.html">F-104 References
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
<title>F-4 Phantom Simulation Model</title>
bgcolor="FFFFFF" text="000000" link="0800FF"
vlink="FF0000" alink="FF0FF8">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
F-4 Phantom Simulation Model
<b><i>Graduate Research done by <a href="">Jeff Scott</a><br>
Advisor: <a href="">Prof. Michael Selig</a><br>
Applied Aerodynamics Group<br>
Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering<br>
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801<p>
Last updated June 2, 2000</i></b>
This site provides the data needed to model the F-4 Phantom
twin jet engine supersonic fighter.
<h2>Go to</h2>
<li><a href="linear.html">Linear Model</a></li>
<li><a href="refs.html">References</a></li>
<a href="../index.html">Back to Aircraft Models</a> *
<a href="">Go to SIS Flight Sim page</a>
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
<title>F-4 Phantom -- References</title>
bgcolor="FFFFFF" text="000000" link="0800FF"
vlink="FF0000" alink="FF0FF8">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
F-4 Phantom -- References
<b><i>Graduate Research done by <a href="">Jeff Scott</a><br>
Advisor: <a href="">Prof. Michael Selig</a><br>
Applied Aerodynamics Group<br>
Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering<br>
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801<p>
Last updated June 2, 2000</i></b>
Roskam, Jan. <b>Airplane Flight Dynamics and Automatic Flight Controls,
Part I</b>. Lawrence KS: DARcorporation, 1995, pg 536-538.
Scott, Jeff. Modern Aviation Museum,
<a href=""></a>.
<a href="">Flight Sim Home</a> *
<a href="../index.html">Aircraft Models</a> *
<a href="index.html">F-4 Model</a> *
<a href="refs.html">F-4 References
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@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
<title>Simulation Specifications</title>
bgcolor="FFFFFF" text="000000" link="0800FF"
vlink="FF0000" alink="FF0FF8">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
Simulation Specifications
<b><i>Graduate Research done by <a href="">Jeff Scott</a><br>
Advisor: <a href="">Prof. Michael Selig</a><br>
Applied Aerodynamics Group<br>
Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering<br>
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801<p>
Last updated June 9, 2000</i></b>
The UIUC Aero Model incorporated into Flight Gear utilizes
several sets of aircraft-related data to realisticly model
the aircraft behavior. Listed below are the models currently
available in the UIUC Aircraft model.
<table border="0">
<th bgcolor="FFFFCC">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
<th bgcolor="FFFFCC">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
<th bgcolor="FFFFCC">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
Data Type
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
<a href="beech99/index.html">Beech 99</a>
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
small commuter
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
linear stability derivatives
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
<a href="boeing747/index.html">Boeing 747</a>
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
large jetliner
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
linear stability derivatives
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
<a href="cessna172/index.html">Cessna 172</a>
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
general aviation
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
models stall but mostly<br>
linear stability derivatives
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
<a href="cessna310/index.html">Cessna 310</a>
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
general aviation
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
linear stability derivatives
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
<a href="cessna620/index.html">Cessna 620</a>
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
general aviation
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
linear stability derivatives
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
<a href="convair880/index.html">Convair 880</a>
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
medium jetliner
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
linear stability derivatives
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
<a href="f104/index.html">F-104 Starfighter</a>
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
linear stability derivatives
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
<a href="f4/index.html">F-4 Phantom</a>
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
linear stability derivatives
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
<a href="learjet24/index.html">Learjet 24</a>
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
business jet
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
linear stability derivatives
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
<a href="marchetti/index.html">Marchetti S-211</a>
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
jet trainer
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
linear stability derivatives
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
<a href="pioneer/index.html">Pioneer</a>
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
unmanned aerial vehicle
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
mostly nonlinear data with some<br>
linear stability derivatives
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
<a href="t37/index.html">T-37</a>
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
jet trainer
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
linear stability derivatives
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
<a href="">Twin Otter</a>
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
small commuter
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
linear stability derivatives<br>
model still under development
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
<a href="x15/index.html">X-15</a>
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
research aircraft
<td valign="top">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
linear stability derivatives
<a href="">Go to SIS Flight Sim page</a>
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<title>Learjet 24 Simulation Model</title>
bgcolor="FFFFFF" text="000000" link="0800FF"
vlink="FF0000" alink="FF0FF8">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
Learjet 24 Simulation Model
<b><i>Graduate Research done by <a href="">Jeff Scott</a><br>
Advisor: <a href="">Prof. Michael Selig</a><br>
Applied Aerodynamics Group<br>
Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering<br>
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801<p>
Last updated June 2, 2000</i></b>
This site provides the data needed to model the Learjet 24 twin
jet engine business jet.
<h2>Go to</h2>
<li><a href="linear.html">Linear Model</a></li>
<li><a href="refs.html">References</a></li>
<a href="../index.html">Back to Aircraft Models</a> *
<a href="">Go to SIS Flight Sim page</a>
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
<title>Learjet 24 -- References</title>
bgcolor="FFFFFF" text="000000" link="0800FF"
vlink="FF0000" alink="FF0FF8">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
Learjet 24 -- References
<b><i>Graduate Research done by <a href="">Jeff Scott</a><br>
Advisor: <a href="">Prof. Michael Selig</a><br>
Applied Aerodynamics Group<br>
Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering<br>
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801<p>
Last updated June 2, 2000</i></b>
David, Donald. <b>The Complete Encyclopedia of World Aircraft</b>.
NY: Barnes & Noble, 1997, pg 559-560.
Roskam, Jan. <b>Airplane Flight Dynamics and Automatic Flight Controls,
Part I</b>. Lawrence KS: DARcorporation, 1995, pg 522-524.
<a href="">Flight Sim Home</a> *
<a href="../index.html">Aircraft Models</a> *
<a href="index.html">Learjet 24 Model</a> *
<a href="refs.html">Learjet 24 References
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
<title>Marchetti S-211 Simulation Model</title>
bgcolor="FFFFFF" text="000000" link="0800FF"
vlink="FF0000" alink="FF0FF8">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
Marchetti S-211 Simulation Model
<b><i>Graduate Research done by <a href="">Jeff Scott</a><br>
Advisor: <a href="">Prof. Michael Selig</a><br>
Applied Aerodynamics Group<br>
Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering<br>
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801<p>
Last updated June 7, 2000</i></b>
This site provides the data needed to model the Marchetti S-211
single jet engine military trainer.
<h2>Go to</h2>
<li><a href="linear.html">Linear Model</a></li>
<li><a href="refs.html">References</a></li>
<a href="../index.html">Back to Aircraft Models</a> *
<a href="">Go to SIS Flight Sim page</a>
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
<title>Marchetti S-211 -- References</title>
bgcolor="FFFFFF" text="000000" link="0800FF"
vlink="FF0000" alink="FF0FF8">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
Marchetti S-211 -- References
<b><i>Graduate Research done by <a href="">Jeff Scott</a><br>
Advisor: <a href="">Prof. Michael Selig</a><br>
Applied Aerodynamics Group<br>
Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering<br>
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801<p>
Last updated June 7, 2000</i></b>
David, Donald. <b>The Complete Encyclopedia of World Aircraft</b>.
NY: Barnes & Noble, 1997, pg 800-801.
Roskam, Jan. <b>Airplane Flight Dynamics and Automatic Flight Controls,
Part I</b>. Lawrence KS: DARcorporation, 1995, pg 494-496.
<a href="">Flight Sim Home</a> *
<a href="../index.html">Aircraft Models</a> *
<a href="index.html">Marchetti S-211 Model</a> *
<a href="refs.html">Marchetti S-211 References
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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
<title>Pioneer UAV Simulation Model</title>
bgcolor="FFFFFF" text="000000" link="0800FF"
vlink="FF0000" alink="FF0FF8">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
Pioneer UAV Simulation Model
<b><i>Graduate Research done by <a href="">Jeff Scott</a><br>
Advisor: <a href="">Prof. Michael Selig</a><br>
Applied Aerodynamics Group<br>
Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering<br>
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801<p>
Last updated April 10, 2000</i></b>
This site provides the data needed to model the Pioneer unmanned
aerial vehicle. Currently two versions of this model exist, a
linear model using only stability derivatives and a nonlinear model
including 2D and 3D matrices of tabulated data for most aerodynamic
<h2>Go to</h2>
<li><a href="linear.html">Linear Model</a></li>
<li><a href="nonlinear.html">Nonlinear Model</a></li>
<li><a href="refs.html">References</a></li>
<a href="../index.html">Back to Aircraft Models</a> *
<a href="">Go to SIS Flight Sim page</a>
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
<title>Pioneer -- References</title>
bgcolor="FFFFFF" text="000000" link="0800FF"
vlink="FF0000" alink="FF0FF8">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
Pioneer -- References
<b><i>Graduate Research done by <a href="">Jeff Scott</a><br>
Advisor: <a href="">Prof. Michael Selig</a><br>
Applied Aerodynamics Group<br>
Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering<br>
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801<p>
Last updated April 10, 2000</i></b>
Bray, Robert M. <b>A Wind Tunnel Investigation of the Pioneer
Remotely Piloted Vehicle</b>. Montery, CA: Naval Postgraduate
School, June 1991.
Selig, Michael S. Pioneer aircraft notes.
<a href="">Flight Sim Home</a> *
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<title>T-37A Tweet Simulation Model</title>
bgcolor="FFFFFF" text="000000" link="0800FF"
vlink="FF0000" alink="FF0FF8">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
T-37A Tweet Simulation Model
<b><i>Graduate Research done by <a href="">Jeff Scott</a><br>
Advisor: <a href="">Prof. Michael Selig</a><br>
Applied Aerodynamics Group<br>
Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering<br>
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801<p>
Last updated June 7, 2000</i></b>
This site provides the data needed to model the T-37A Tweet
twin jet engine military trainer.
<h2>Go to</h2>
<li><a href="linear.html">Linear Model</a></li>
<li><a href="refs.html">References</a></li>
<a href="../index.html">Back to Aircraft Models</a> *
<a href="">Go to SIS Flight Sim page</a>
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
<title>T-37A Tweet -- References</title>
bgcolor="FFFFFF" text="000000" link="0800FF"
vlink="FF0000" alink="FF0FF8">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
T-37A Tweet -- References
<b><i>Graduate Research done by <a href="">Jeff Scott</a><br>
Advisor: <a href="">Prof. Michael Selig</a><br>
Applied Aerodynamics Group<br>
Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering<br>
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801<p>
Last updated June 7, 2000</i></b>
David, Donald. <b>The Complete Encyclopedia of World Aircraft</b>.
NY: Barnes & Noble, 1997, pg 250-251.
Roskam, Jan. <b>Airplane Flight Dynamics and Automatic Flight Controls,
Part I</b>. Lawrence KS: DARcorporation, 1995, pg 501-503.
<a href="">Flight Sim Home</a> *
<a href="../index.html">Aircraft Models</a> *
<a href="index.html">T-37 Model</a> *
<a href="refs.html">T-37 References
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
<title>X-15 Simulation Model</title>
bgcolor="FFFFFF" text="000000" link="0800FF"
vlink="FF0000" alink="FF0FF8">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
X-15 Simulation Model
<b><i>Graduate Research done by <a href="">Jeff Scott</a><br>
Advisor: <a href="">Prof. Michael Selig</a><br>
Applied Aerodynamics Group<br>
Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering<br>
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801<p>
Last updated April 11, 2000</i></b>
This site provides the data needed to model the X-15 high-speed research
<h2>Go to</h2>
<li><a href="linear.html">Linear Model</a></li>
<li><a href="refs.html">References</a></li>
<a href="../index.html">Back to Aircraft Models</a> *
<a href="">Back to SIS Flight Sim page</a>
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
<title>X-15 -- References</title>
bgcolor="FFFFFF" text="000000" link="0800FF"
vlink="FF0000" alink="FF0FF8">
<font face="arial,helvetica">
X-15 -- References
<b><i>Graduate Research done by <a href="">Jeff Scott</a><br>
Advisor: <a href="">Prof. Michael Selig</a><br>
Applied Aerodynamics Group<br>
Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering<br>
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801<p>
Last updated April 11, 2000</i></b>
Berndt, Jon. JSBsim X-15 input file and X-15 website,
<a href=""></a>.
David, Donald. <b>The Complete Encyclopedia of World Aircraft</b>.
NY: Barnes & Noble, 1997, pg 706.
<a href="">Flight Sim Home</a> *
<a href="../index.html">Aircraft Models</a> *
<a href="index.html">X-15 Model</a> *
<a href="refs.html">X-15 References
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@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
rem Skip ahead to CONT1 if FG_ROOT has a value
rem Check for the existance of the executable
rem Now that FG_ROOT has been set, run the program
rem Cessna 172
%FG_ROOT%\BIN\FGFS.EXE --aircraft-dir=Aircraft-uiuc/Cessna172 --time-offset=-0:00:00
rem Cessna 172 (with lift curve) from Flight Gear 0.7.1
rem %FG_ROOT%\BIN\FGFS.EXE --aircraft-dir=Aircraft-uiuc/Cessna172-71 --time-offset=-8:00:00
rem Cessna 172 (with lift curve) from Flight Gear 0.7.3
rem %FG_ROOT%\BIN\FGFS.EXE --aircraft-dir=Aircraft-uiuc/Cessna172-73 --time-offset=-5:00:00
rem Cessna 310
rem %FG_ROOT%\BIN\FGFS.EXE --aircraft-dir=Aircraft-uiuc/Cessna310 --time-offset=-0:00:00
rem Cessna 620
rem %FG_ROOT%\BIN\FGFS.EXE --aircraft-dir=Aircraft-uiuc/Cessna620 --time-offset=-2:00:00
rem Twin Otter
rem %FG_ROOT%\BIN\FGFS.EXE --aircraft-dir=Aircraft-uiuc/TwinOtter --time-offset=-0:00:00
rem Twin Otter with ice accretion in flight
rem %FG_ROOT%\BIN\FGFS.EXE --aircraft-dir=Aircraft-uiuc/TwinOtterAllIce --time-offset=10:00:00 --altitude=10000 --uBody=1000
rem Twin Otter with tail ice accretion in flight
rem %FG_ROOT%\BIN\FGFS.EXE --aircraft-dir=Aircraft-uiuc/TwinOtterTailIce --time-offset=10:00:00
rem Twin Otter with wing ice accretion in flight
rem %FG_ROOT%\BIN\FGFS.EXE --aircraft-dir=Aircraft-uiuc/TwinOtterWingIce --time-offset=10:00:00
rem Beech 99
rem %FG_ROOT%\BIN\FGFS.EXE --aircraft-dir=Aircraft-uiuc/Beech99 --time-offset=-0:00:00
rem Marchetti trainer at Aspen, CO
rem %FG_ROOT%\BIN\FGFS.EXE --aircraft-dir=Aircraft-uiuc/Marchetti --time-offset=-0:00:00 --airport-id=25U --heading=10 --disable-clouds
rem T-37 trainer
rem %FG_ROOT%\BIN\FGFS.EXE --aircraft-dir=Aircraft-uiuc/T37 --time-offset=-0:00:00
rem F-104 at Aspen, CO
rem %FG_ROOT%\BIN\FGFS.EXE --aircraft-dir=Aircraft-uiuc/F104 --time-offset=-0:00:00 --airport-id=25U --heading=10 --disable-clouds
rem %FG_ROOT%\BIN\FGFS.EXE --aircraft-dir=Aircraft-uiuc/F4 --time-offset=-0:00:00
rem Boeing 747
rem %FG_ROOT%\BIN\FGFS.EXE --aircraft-dir=Aircraft-uiuc/Boeing747 --time-offset=-0:00:00
rem Convair 880 ! DIFFICULT TO FLY !
rem %FG_ROOT%\BIN\FGFS.EXE --aircraft-dir=Aircraft-uiuc/Convair880 --time-offset=-0:00:00 --altitude=35000 --uBody=1000
rem Learjet 24
rem %FG_ROOT%\BIN\FGFS.EXE --aircraft-dir=Aircraft-uiuc/Learjet24 --time-offset=-0:00:00
rem Pioneer at Aspen, CO
rem %FG_ROOT%\BIN\FGFS.EXE --aircraft-dir=Aircraft-uiuc/Pioneer --time-offset=-0:00:00 --airport-id=25U --heading=270 --disable-clouds
rem Pioneer at Aspen, CO
rem %FG_ROOT%\BIN\FGFS.EXE --aircraft-dir=Aircraft-uiuc/Pioneer-TD --time-offset=-0:00:00 --airport-id=25U --heading=270 --disable-clouds
rem X-15 at Aspen, CO ! DIFFICULT TO FLY !
rem %FG_ROOT%\BIN\FGFS.EXE --aircraft-dir=Aircraft-uiuc/X15 --time-offset=-0:00:00 --airport-id=25U --disable-clouds
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@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.
Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors' reputations.
Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
along with the Program.
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License.
c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.
3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange; or,
c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.
If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
parties remain in full compliance.
5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Program or works based on it.
6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.
7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.
8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
when it starts in an interactive mode:
Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
`Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
<signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
Ty Coon, President of Vice
This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
Public License instead of this License.
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I haven't found a good way to maintain this file. For now you can view
the CVS logs at: