Hopefully, we can start another clc06 test with this fix
- add lots of debug, in case more clipper issues uncovered
added --debug-areas= allows turning on debug for an area
can dump the accumulator when using it.
- fixed the swirlies round 2 workaround on tile output, rather than
stopping the load of polygons at arbitrary threshold.
(hopefully, we'll have a fix for this in simgear soon)
- modified ogr-decode (when using --texture-lines) to insert triangles
instead of self-intersecting trapezoids when the turn angle between
segments is too steep (hit this issue when experimenting with cgal-clipping)
we were adding a lot of self intersecting polys on line data
- needed to add gdal library to all executables that link against Polygon
TODO - combne Geometry and Polygon libs - they are completely joined, now.
- genapt850 : some airports (LSMM) have multiple airport boundaries.
This caused a lot of the airport to not get a smoothed base (so some landclass polys were not clipped against the airport). Changed boundary from a single ClosedPolygon to a list. Seems to work.
Some misc warnings cleanup in scheduler, and parser
- Clipper using accumulator results in a significant speed boots - enable clipper and the accumulator by default.
- ogr-decode - most of the crashes I'm getting are due to non-continuous roads. Within a line string, I create adjacent polys that snap correctly. On the ends, I generate 90 degree angles. Some linestrings should be consecutive. As a workaround, I am now extending every start and end poly of linestrings by 0.1 meters. It makes it better, but I need to do a better job of creating continuous roads. This will require some preprocessing of the entire shapefile. (Perhaps all line data shapefiles, to handle correct overpass / underpass logic)
- Increase epsilon when looking for intermediate nodes
(setup method for calling function to specify the bounding box and error
epsilon in case this had adverse effects on genapts)
This fixes many of the small vertical gaps (T-Junctions)
- Fix an issue with merge slivers. The clip mask optimization broke
merge slivers. WHen merging the slivers with a poly segment, it also
needs to be merged with the clip mask, so when the segments are
seperated from the mask, they include the sliver.
- Added to the shapefile debug.
--debug_shape=tileid:all generates shapefiles for every polygon in the tile
This is usefull to setup individual debug polys on subsequent passes.
Also added load, clip, and with_slivers and clean layers for debugging
--debug-dir=pathname points to the debug root directory. each tile will create a sub directory in this existing directory. (default is '.')
--debug-shapes=tileid:shape1,shape2,etc.. lists the shapes to debug within a tile
example: if the tesselator crashes in shape id '123', you can rerun with --debug-shapes=2678440:337
implemented the same bounding box optimization from tesselate in FixTJunctions. Also fixed a bounding box issue that could cause some
elevation points to be missed.
brought in the latest version of clipper - and moved the #define to the construct header
some debug cleanup (especially in polygon loading)
- generates an intermediate file for the whole linestring, but as seperate poly/texcoord pairs
- construct generates the union ofthe polys for the main clip routine
- intersection ot the original segment with the clipped mask gives the clipped segment
This cuts ~75% of clipping time for really complex tiles. 8 tiles for Madeira went from
4:45:00 to 1:04:00
- fix really bad facelist generation.
- add a face area list in superpoly - each triangle area was calculated twice
- cleanup contruct_bucket - calls a function for each step.
TODO : move groups of operations into their own files
i.e. load, clip, elevation, shared edges, and output