Switch to defining PU_USE_NONE and providing our own callback
functions to pui for "get window" and "get window size." A new
WindowSystemAdapter class assigns ID numbers to windows for the
purpose of identifying them to plib; the window size can be extracted
from the osg::GraphicsContext class in all the different
implementations (osgViewer, glut, sdl).
Implement a GraphicsContextOperation that runs code in a particular
graphics context, perhaps in another thread, and provides an
isFinished() method to test if the operation has finished. This allows
us to initialize plib PUI properly if there are multiple graphics
contexts without using fgMakeCurrent(). fgMakeCurrent() can't work in
multi-threaded OSG configurations.
Eliminate fgMakeCurrent() and all its uses, either by using
GraphicsContextOperation or by seeing that it is not necessary.
Attach the GUI camera as a slave camera.
Don't manipulate the OSG state in the drawImplementation() functions
for SGHUDAndPanelDrawable and SGPuDrawable; it's not needed.
are not available out-of-the-box on all systems and keyboards, and should
therefore not be used in files committed to CVS. This makes them well
suited for local key bindings, as they aren't likely to get overwritten
with later releases. SDL supports Meta and Super, OSG supports only Meta,
and GLUT supports neither.
This is required to make sure the same letter key gets released,
which got the press event. (After Ctrl-press -> a-press -> Ctrl-release
a-release we want the Ctrl-a binding released, not the a binding.)
- add key listener interface for direct key access from Nasal space
src/Input/input.cxx src/Main/renderer.cxx
src/Main/renderer.hxx src/Scenery/scenery.cxx
src/Scenery/scenery.hxx: Move scenery picking into the renderer.
There is most of the required data defined. Also we can better use
the pick visitor that will be needed with th upcommung panel code.
SGPropertyNode to guarded ones. This is also done for JSBSim/JSBSim.hxx,
for which JSB had given explicit permission a while ago. I postponed that
back then, but now is the time.
the mouse rather than wrapping it. Wrapping around to the other side
of the screen has very bad consequences when using the mouse for
flying or viewing -- it can result in sudden jumps in the controls or
the viewpoint when the mouse jumps to another side of the screen.
Right now, the mouse is constrained to stay between 25% and 75% of the
screen on both the X and Y axis -- whenever it hits an edge, it jumps
back to the centre of the screen again (which causes no control or
view jump).
Display the ground intersection point on mouse click (if click not consumed
by the gui or the panel.) This should eventually get stuffed into the
property tree.
each other out. The problem is this: if we press, for example, "Ctrl-a", but
release the "Ctrl" modifier button *before* the "a" button (which nobody does
intentionally, but which happens all the time), then we don't get the RELEASE
signal on "Ctrl-a" (keycode 1), but on the "a" (79). But "a" hasn't been
pressed, so the signal is dropped. And who releases "Ctrl-a"? Nobody!
So the next PRESSED signal for "Ctrl-a" is ignored, too. It is still
"pressed" after all, isn't it? That's the reason for the occasional
non-functioning of keys.
Due to the nearing 0.9.9 release, I only commit a crude last-minute fix.
It's not as intrusive as it looks, and shouldn't be "dangerous" at all.
It only makes sure that when we get an unexpected RELEASE for one letter
key ("a") that the two twins "A" and "Ctrl-A" are released if they are
still in "pressed" state.
The proper fix will be to let fg_os{,_sdl}.cxx always report presses on the
same key ("a", "Shift-a", "Ctrl-a", "Alt-a", and other combinations of
modifiers) as the *same* key (97), only with modifiers appropriately set.
- automatic detection of axis directionality, so that axis inputs are appropriately inverted only when necessary
- fixed trim axis names for better understandability
- fixed signs for flaps up/down property increments
- button 0 was previously used for skipping axes and buttons in both loops. Now button 0 can be assigned a binding (e.g., brakes). Instead, moving any axis during the button-assignment-loop indicates skipping.
- The user is now told how to skip a control.
- use new removeChildren() to remove the named js nodes that we don't
need any more (they are now *really* removed, not just detached), and
- move it into postinit(). (getChildren() returns a SGPropertyNode_ptr,
so all nodes are refcounted and, thus, after the last sg/props change
no longer removable in that scope ;-) Maybe we'll need an alternative
getChildren() that returns SGPropertyNode* ...
- This doesn't do what the author though it would do:
if (modifiers&KEYMOD_RELEASED == 0) ... (see below)
- MSVC and type fixes
fixing this uncovered an old bug: the "key pressed" branch was
actually never executed -- always only "released". And that is why
the <repeatable> property didn't work. And *that* was the reason
why the Spitfire's starter didn't work with freeglut, and Vivian
had to write a nasty workaround for it.