He writes:
Here are the final changes to add threads to the tile loading. All the
thread related code is in the new FGTileLoader class.
Added --with-threads option and corresponding ENABLE_THREADS
definition. The default is no threads.
Removed load_queue and associated references. This has been replaced by
a new class FGTileLoader in FGNewCache.
Made the global variable global_tile_cache a member.
schedule_needed(): removed global_tile_cache.exists() tests since
sched_tile() effectively repeats the test.
initialize_queue(): removed code that loads tiles since this is now
performed by FGTileLoader.
update(): ditto
Added new class FGTileLoader to manage tile queuing and loading.
tile_map typedefs are private.
exists() is a const member function.
fill_in(): deleted
load_tile(): added.
The new threaded tile loader. Maintains a queue of tiles waiting to be
loaded and an array of one or more threads to load the tiles. Currently
only a single thread is created. The queue is guarded by a mutex to
synchronize access. A condition variable signals the thread when the
queue is non-empty.
CLO: I made a few tweaks to address a couple issues, hopefully what we
have is solid, but now we kick it out to the general public to see. :-)
Added fuel-flow and total fuel to the LaRCSim model. Its still a bit
rough for now but it works, except the engine dosn't stop when fuel runs
out at the moment since there's no refuelling capability in the sim just
now. It takes about 4 gallons use before you see the fuel guages begin
to drop since there's 28 gal per tank but the guages go to 26.
FlightGear subsystems -- it isolates some of the config and #ifdef
stuff in a single place.
2. Added a new FGSubsystem interface, defined in fgfs.hxx; so far,
only FGControls implements it, but if that works, we can start letting
it propagate through the system and simplify the code in main.cxx and
fg_init.cxx (which is terrifyingly complex for anyone new to the
3. Added new src/Main/fgfs_props.[hc]xx files with convenience
functions for tying properties under FlightGear.
4. Experimentally modified src/Controls/controls.cxx to tie properties
directly (rather than tying to BFI functions). I'd appreciate it if
you could get this into CVS as soon as possible, so we can see if the
template stuff causes trouble for any other platforms before I add
properties to the other subsystems.
5. Miscellaneous superficial modifications to other files.
In addition, I've made a couple of further changes:
6. Modified BFI to add support for setting the view axes (i.e. with a
joystick hat).
7. Cleaned up bfi.cxx and removed all cout statements.
derive specific viewer classes from it. Here's what I currently have in mind:
|-> FGViewerPRH (current system with orientation specified in
| LaRCsim Euler angle convention)
|-> FGViewerLookAt Feed in a position, view direction, and up vector
|-> FGViewerHPR (similar to PRH, but using ssg hpr euler angle
| convention)
|-> others?
ing features:
a) ADA Flight model - ADA.cxx, ADA.hxx, flight.hxx
b) Fighter a/c HUD - flight.hxx, hud.hxx, hud.cxx, cockpit.cxx, hud_ladr.c
xx, hud_card.cxx
c) 3-window display - options.hxx, options.cxx, viewer.cxx
d) Moving objects (ship) - main.cxx
e) Patches - main.cxx
ADA.cxx, ADA.hxx
Interface to the external ADA flight dynamics package.
Included prototypes for accepting additional data fron the External flight
model for fighter aircraft HUD
Included prototypes for accepting additional data for fighter HUD from Exernal F
light model.
Defined FIGHTER_HUD pre-processor directive to enable compilation of fighter hud
hud.cxx, cockpit.cxx, hud_ladr.cxx, hud_card.cxx
Included code to initialise additional reticles/text for fighter HUD which is co
compiled if FIGHTER_HUD is defined.
Added window_offset, and function to retrieve its value for 3 windows
Changed few options to suit ADA/CEF projection system/screens and checks for win
dow offset.
Added code to retrieve view offset for window.
Added code to load and move an aircraft carrier.
Patch to enable clouds from command line until Curtis fixes it. By default cloud
s are disabled.
from the pre-ssg / render everything ourselves days. Replaced with a
material library manager that is much better suited for working in the
context of ssg. This simplified and cleaned up a ton of old junk.
Added Simulator/Clouds/
Durk fixed a problem in gui.cxx with cursor type.
Durk updated his time zone / time-offset command line parameters
Curt added a cheezy fade in/out as we transition through the cloud layer.
We really need to fog the sky dome, sun, moon, stars as well.
Curt added --enable/disable-clouds and --clouds-asl= to control clouds.
options.cxx: reorder option initializations to match declaration order.
views.cxx: much cleanup of stuff that was depricated by the move to ssg.
I now use ssg to do all the projection/modelview matrix calculation
and setup. (mostly)
vies.hxx: also added the view pan offset to the view matrix calcs.