Animations are now contained within the scene graph itself and are
updated whenever the graph is traversed -- that saves time by not
updating animations not currently in sight, and it allows animations
to be used for static objects and random objects as well.
Added new FGModelLoader and FGTextureLoader classes. These are intern
tables for models, to guarantee (mostly) that no model is loaded more
than once. FGTextureLoader is not yet used anywhere, but
FGModelLoader is now in place everywhere that ssgLoad* used to be
used (thus adding the ability to use animations).
In the future, FGModelLoader will add some interesting functionality,
including the ability to reload 3D models on the fly.
interface instead of string. This will result in a lot more
efficiency later, once I add in a simple hash table for caching
lookups, since it will avoid creating a lot of temporary string
objects. The major considerations for users will be that they cannot
node->getName() == "foo";
any more, and will have to use c_str() when setting a string value
from a C++ string.
separate header file. This change will help integrate properties into
Also, I (David Megginson) removed most of the SimGear include
statements from globals.hxx, reducing the amount of recompilation
every time SimGear changes. This required making minor changes to a
lot of files that were depending on the side-effects of the inclusions
in globals.hxx.
- automake-1.4 sets default values for INCLUDES which we can't
- automake-1.5 renames this to DEFAULT_INCLUDES and leaves INCLUDES
open for the developer to use.
Thus for automake-1.4 we are forced to 'append' to INCLUDES and in
automake-1.5 we can just set the value to whatever we like.
Unfortunately, the behaviors of the two versions are mutually
The solution I am committing now works for both versions but
automake-1.5 generates a lot of spurious warning messages that are
annoying, but not fatal.
Here's an unusual patch for FlightGear -- I've created .cvsignore
files for every source directory, to make CVS output more informative.
This is especially nice when using cvs-examine from (X)Emacs to look
for changes.
FGOptions is history, and the modules are (starting) to use the property
manager directly. Let me know if I left any files out.
Inevitably, there will be some problems with broken options, etc.,
that I haven't found in my tests, but I'll try to fix them quickly.
We also need to stress that the property names currently in use are
not stable -- we need to reorganize them a bit for clarity.
ing features:
a) ADA Flight model - ADA.cxx, ADA.hxx, flight.hxx
b) Fighter a/c HUD - flight.hxx, hud.hxx, hud.cxx, cockpit.cxx, hud_ladr.c
xx, hud_card.cxx
c) 3-window display - options.hxx, options.cxx, viewer.cxx
d) Moving objects (ship) - main.cxx
e) Patches - main.cxx
ADA.cxx, ADA.hxx
Interface to the external ADA flight dynamics package.
Included prototypes for accepting additional data fron the External flight
model for fighter aircraft HUD
Included prototypes for accepting additional data for fighter HUD from Exernal F
light model.
Defined FIGHTER_HUD pre-processor directive to enable compilation of fighter hud
hud.cxx, cockpit.cxx, hud_ladr.cxx, hud_card.cxx
Included code to initialise additional reticles/text for fighter HUD which is co
compiled if FIGHTER_HUD is defined.
Added window_offset, and function to retrieve its value for 3 windows
Changed few options to suit ADA/CEF projection system/screens and checks for win
dow offset.
Added code to retrieve view offset for window.
Added code to load and move an aircraft carrier.
Patch to enable clouds from command line until Curtis fixes it. By default cloud
s are disabled.
old routines from SRGP. Steve's plib/sg.h does a nice job of completely
replacing this (and since plib is already around) and is a nice clean design
so it just makes sense.