- Runways are now part of an airport, instead of a separate list
- Runways are no longer represented as a boring struct, but as a class
of their own.
-Improved runway access to unify various runway access methods.
- this exposed a bizarre issue on Mac where dragging in <AGL/agl.h> in
extensions.hxx was pulling in all of Carbon to the global namespace
- very scary. As a result, I now need to explicitly include CoreFoundation
in fg_init.cxx.
- change SG_USING_STD(x) to using std::x
- re-enable od_gauge ("owner drawn" render-to-texture instruments)
- implement radar in c++ (unlimited number of clouds/ai/mp/... objects,
better performance)
- Well I finally licked it, the clipping works great now, in 16 and 32
bpp mode, on 2d and 3d panels.
- I tried glScissors, didnt work because clipping was done in screen
- Stencil buffer methods worked great for 2d panel, but messed up 3d
panels,(depth buffer problems I think), and only worked in 32 bpp mode.
- I then tried clip planes , and so far it appears to work with no
problem, and no framerate drop like I had with the stencil buffer
I'm attaching the panel.cxx file for testing...
* Use "const string&" rather than "string" in function calls when appropriate.
* Use "const Point3D&" instead of "Pint3D" in function calls when appropriate.
* Improved course calculation in calc_gc_course_dist()
* Safer thread handling code.
Vassilii Khachaturov:
Dont use "const Point3D&" for return types unless you're absolutely sure.
Erik Hofman:
* Use SGD_(2)PI(_[24]) as defined in simgear/constants.h rather than
calculating it by hand every time.
- replay.cxx :
corrected a bug, now reinitialize the recording data when replay is
- fgclouds.cxx :
cloud layers and weather condition are saved when choosing a weather scenario,
added a new scenario 'none' so we can switch back to standard flightgear
- navradio.cxx :
force a search() on init to initialize some variables, preventing a nearly
infinite loop when delta-time == 0 on the first update()
- electrical.cxx :
uninitialized variable in apply_load() for FG_EXTERNAL supplier
- panel.cxx, panelnode.cxx :
added a property "depth-test" for 2.5D panels so that they update the depth
buffer and are no more visible from the outside of the aircraft when the
aircraft uses textures without an alpha channel
- panel.cxx :
moved the computation of the instruments diffuse color outside the
texturelayer code since this is constant during a frame, this is a big speedup
for 2D panels
The "switch" layer type now takes any number of child layers, and will
use the first child that has a condition that evaluates to 'true' (no
condition is automatically true). Previously, it could take only two
children, controlled by a boolean property.
I've updated the instrument modulator code to allow tricks like the one
described by Andy. It is now possible to define <min>, <max> and
<modulator> in one layer and if <min> and/or <max> ore within the range
of the <modulator> tag, their value will be honoured.
So, if you define
The value will stay at 50, until the modulator forces it back to 0.
Ensure that if a condition for a panel mouse binding fails, other
bindings for the same area will have a chance to run.
Add a repeatable flag for panel mouse bindings (defaults to true).