Fixes an ugly issue with OSG overwriting memory/stack. wxradar triggered
the issue in display mode "ARC" - since it configured a display mask (12
vertices) but all vertices were immediately removed again ("_vertices->clear()").
Issue is fixed, mask now working - however the mask wasn't even properly
aligned for the display (probably never worked since OSG port). The display
mask is only really required for weather display - so disabling for now.
This class and their source files visual_enviro.[h|c]xx were
unused since OSG transition. It's only functionality was to
keep a variable for the enable-state of rendering of precipitation.
This has now been moved to SGPrecipitation.
This patch also removes all references to this class and
visual_enviro.hxx. Wxradar needs a new implementation for cloud
echoes which probably should be part of fgclouds.
See also SimGear commit 4e6159aa07f2817c09fad72db64d713e47f6f3da
New "auto-position" switch to always use closest tower for tower-view.
Exposes new "/sim/airport/closest-airport-id" property.
Display closest airport on groundradar by default.
Property "dme-in-range" should also work with ILS signals, which include
a DME. The nav database (dme_list) doesn't have separate entries for
"ILS-DME" (unlike for "VOR-DME"), so searching a DME by frequency didn't
work for ILS.
=> "instrumentation/nav[*]/dme-in-range" can now be used to enable/disable
cockpit DME displays.
- former mk-viii voiceplayer is now an independent FGVoicePlayer
- voiceplayer still sits in mk-viii module for now
- add option to configure location/prefix of voice samples
- add pause/resume to voiceplayer
ADF bug fixes from John Denker. Changes from current behaviour are:
* Include the power button in the electrical checks
* Raise the required input voltage from 1V to 8V
* Don't reset the heading to 90 degrees when out of range or no power
(heading is now only reset to 90 in ANT or TEST mode)
ADF bug fixes from John Denker. Changes from current behaviour are:
* Include the power button in the electrical checks
* Raise the required input voltage from 1V to 8V
* Don't reset the heading to 90 degrees when out of range or no power
(heading is now only reset to 90 in ANT or TEST mode)
This patch removes the conditional compilation of ATCDCL, compiling both
the old and new ATC systems. The old system only provides ATIS, AWOS and
some dialog lookups, and hence should not conflict with the new system.
Allow switching off slaved-to-gps (resynch NAV radio/update all NAV outputs)
Allow tuning NAV stations and keep DME alive when slaved to GPS
Clear station ID and heading when loosing NAV signal
Uninitialized variables were sources for NaN values.
Once NaNs are passed to Nasal (through (tied) properties), these cause
a crash. Nasal cannot handle NaNs - it interprets these as pointer values...