split). If SimGear is configured --with-jpeg-factory, then FlightGear
will fail to build unless this function is present.
FIXME: this is very messy architecturally -- find a better solution,
like passing this explicitly as a callback to the libJPEG class
(SimGear should not have a dependency on FlightGear).
I've made appropriate changes to Readme.submodels to reflect the
variation of Cd with Mach number.
Spitfire.submodel has been changed to use the variation of Cd with Mach
Submodel.cxx has been changed so that the default value of Cd is the
subsonic Cd of a non-boat tailed bullet.
I've finished the variation of Cd with Mach number.
The calculations are only applicable to ballistic
objects, and then strictly one shape: non boat-tailed bullets/shells, so
I've put them in AIBallistic rather than AIBAase. For all inputs, Cd
should be the sub-sonic value, so bullets will need changing.
I've just posted a graphical analysis here:
I'm attaching a small change to Andy's dialog.cxx that I needed
to make so that it enables XML/Nasal-dialogs to also contain
puLargeInput boxes.
The text will be retrieved/buffered from/within a specified
property tree, like:
The calculation of submodel mass from weight has been moved from AIBallistic
to Submodel so that it is calculated only once, rather than on every
iteration as a present. The parameter <contents> has been added, primarily
so that droptanks will have the proper mass. It is the path to an
appropriate property containing a weight in lbs.
Care has to be taken with the use of <contents> because after a reset there
appears to be a delay in submodel instantiation (dt not properly reset???)
and the weight property is not always picked up before it is set to zero in
the key bindings. Slightly hard to explain. It works fine if FGFS has not
been reset though. There is a partial solution which involves the rejigging
of the fuel and gui nasal scripts, but there is still the visible delay in
instantiation to be resolved. I've nearly done the nasal fixes, which will
form part of an update to the Hunter only. I'll probably complete those
later today.
The value of rho (air density) varies with height. (Including the upper
stratosphere, ust in case someone wants to model ICBMs.) The standard
atmosphere is used (based on a sea-level temperature of 15 deg C.).
Erik Hofman:
I moved this code over the AIBase::update() so all AIModels can make
use of rho, temperature, pressure, etc.
I have added <Cd> and <weight> to the input parameters in the submodels.xml
script. Raw data may be used, thus avoiding the need to guestimate <eda>.
Eda remains, but should now be used to enter the proper cross-sectional
Split up main.cxx into a program manegement part (which remains in
main.cxx) and a render part (the new renderer.?xx files). Also turn
the renderer into a small class of it's own. At this time not really
exctining because most of the stuff is still global, but it allows us
to slowly migrate some of the global definitions into the new class.
The FGRenderer class is now managed by globals, so to get the renderer
just call gloabals->get_renderer()
At some pijt it might be a good idea to also turn the remaining code in
main into a class of it's own. With a bit of luck we end up with a more
robust, and better maintainable code.
I had to reverse a number of signs to get it right. I took the opportunity
to add roll to the submodel so that droptanks will come off with the right
orientation. I have neither added the rotational speed to the submodel, nor
yaw, so if you release droptanks with significant roll rate or yaw angle on
the aircraft the submodel will not be quite right. Straight and level, or
nearly so, is fine.
paging system much more robust when position change is very rapid and sporadic.
Recall that we must load 3d models in the main render thread because model
loading can trigger opengl calls (i.e. with texture loading) and all opengl
calls *must* happen in the main render thread.
To accomplish this we load the base tile in the pager thread and build a work
queue of external models that need to be loaded. We never allow a tile to be
paged out of the tile cache until all it's pending model loads are complete.
However, when changing position very rapidly, we can quickly create a huge
backlog of pending model loads because we are changing positions faster than we
can load the associated models for the existing tiles. The end result is
that tiles that are long out of range can't be removed because there is still
a huge backlog of pending model load requests and memory blows up.
This change being committed allows the tile paging system to remove tiles
if they are out of range, even when there are pending models to load. The
model loading code in the render thread can now check to see if the tile
exists and discard any model load request for tiles that no longer exist.
This situation should never occur in normal operation, but could occur in
"contrived" situations where an external script was rapidly changing
the simulator position to then be able to query FG terrain height, and doing
this for a large number of points that are distributed across a large area.
The maths, so far, is now correct. Roll and pitch are now both in the
correct sense. The aircraft velocity is added correctly to the
submodel velocity, and the submodel is now visible when instantiated.
However, the velocity is measured at the aircraft centre. To be totally
correct we ought to take into account the aircraft's rotational
velocity. We have pitch rate and roll rate available, but not yaw rate
(small anyway).
Here are some things I've added to the submodel code.
First, I added a first_time value that is true when the trigger is pressed and
false when the trigger is released. The true value is also made false after
the first pass through release(). Release() then uses this to force the
first dt (per salvo) to be zero. I was hoping this would make the submodel
appear closer to the airplane, but I don't notice a difference with the
tracers. In a prior test I found that the first dt is about 2.5 times larger
than subsequent ones. Maybe this will be effective with slower submodels,
like smoke, contrails, etc.
Secondly, I updated the IC.elevation and IC.azimuth calcs to correctly add in
the yaw and pitch offsets, corrected for bank angle. Actually this is still
an estimation. A proper calculation will sum the submodels vector with the
airplane's vector. Until that's done only models which are fired forward
will have proper IC.
Testing revealed that the code was not reading y-offset - a
typo in the original code, and roll was in the wrong sense. All readily
fixable, and it now works.
I've added another parameter to the submodel - wind.
It's activated by the entry <wind>true</wind> in the ../submodel.xml file.
If true, the submodel is affected by the local wind, otherwise not. The
parameter defaults to false. This is useful for exhausts and smoke, and
possibly all objects.
Attached are the modified files to add buoyancy as a parameter for a
ballistic object. It may be set by adding
<buoyancy>x</buoyancy> to the submodel .xml file, where x is the appropriate
value (ft per sec2):
32 neutral buoyancy - contrails
>32 positive buoyancy - exhaust plumes
(0 non-op - default value)
If <buoyancy>x</buoyancy> is not used, then there is no effect on the
current ballistic model