- Only render the canvas if something has actually changed
(Currently checked by looking for modified properties).
- Only write bounding box to property tree if it has been
recalculated (until now this happened every frame).
- Refactor CanvasMgr into PropertyBasedMgr to be also used
for the Canvas GUI system.
- Get rid of tied properties in the Canvas system.
- Add new placement type 'window' for placing canvases onto
- Pass mouse events to Window class (only if cursor is over
- Refactor canvas placement clean up
- re-enable od_gauge ("owner drawn" render-to-texture instruments)
- implement radar in c++ (unlimited number of clouds/ai/mp/... objects,
better performance)
- acmodel.cxx :
we now have an optional new property (/sim/model/texture-path) that is used
as the first path in wich aircraft textures are searched. If textures are not
found there then the usual texture path or model path is used ;
This allows to replace only needed textures for liveries ;
- options.cxx :
added a new --livery=xxx option for the user pleasure ;
this will just set the /sim/model/texture-path property with /livery/xxxx
- od_gauge.cxx, og_gauge.hxx, cockpit.cxx, cockpit.hxx,
generic-instrumentation.xml :
added an helper class that contain a rendering context for glass instrument
or any other opengl drawn instrument ;
- wxradar.cxx, instrument_mgr.cxx, wxradar.hxx :
first experimentation of a weather radar ;