Expose departure+arrival airport + runway on route-manager.
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 401 additions and 191 deletions
@ -1556,3 +1556,42 @@ void FGRouteMgr::setDestinationICAO(const char* aIdent)
FGAirportRef FGRouteMgr::departureAirport() const
return _departure;
FGAirportRef FGRouteMgr::destinationAirport() const
return _destination;
FGRunway* FGRouteMgr::departureRunway() const
if (!_departure) {
return NULL;
string runwayId(departure->getStringValue("runway"));
if (!_departure->hasRunwayWithIdent(runwayId)) {
return NULL;
return _departure->getRunwayByIdent(runwayId);
FGRunway* FGRouteMgr::destinationRunway() const
if (!_destination) {
return NULL;
string runwayId(destination->getStringValue("runway"));
if (!_destination->hasRunwayWithIdent(runwayId)) {
return NULL;
return _destination->getRunwayByIdent(runwayId);
@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ class SGPath;
class PropertyWatcher;
class FGAirport;
class FGRunway;
typedef SGSharedPtr<FGAirport> FGAirportRef;
@ -134,6 +136,12 @@ public:
* - navaid/radial-deg/offset-nm
flightgear::WayptRef waypointFromString(const std::string& target);
FGAirportRef departureAirport() const;
FGAirportRef destinationAirport() const;
FGRunway* departureRunway() const;
FGRunway* destinationRunway() const;
flightgear::WayptVec _route;
int _currentIndex;
@ -31,10 +31,7 @@
#include <osg/PrimitiveSet>
#include <osg/StateSet>
#include <osg/LineWidth>
#include <osg/Version>
#include <osgDB/ReaderWriter>
#include <osgDB/WriteFile>
#include <simgear/constants.h>
#include <simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx>
@ -70,26 +67,18 @@ using std::endl;
#include "instrument_mgr.hxx"
#include "od_gauge.hxx"
static const float UNIT = 1.0f / 8.0f; // 8 symbols in a row/column in the texture
static const int SYMBOL_TEX_DIM = 8;
static const float UNIT = 1.0 / SYMBOL_TEX_DIM;
static const char *DEFAULT_FONT = "typewriter.txf";
NavDisplay::NavDisplay(SGPropertyNode *node) :
_name(node->getStringValue("name", "nd")),
_num(node->getIntValue("number", 0)),
_interval(node->getDoubleValue("update-interval-sec", 1.0)),
_updateInterval(node->getDoubleValue("update-interval-sec", 0.1)),
@ -150,21 +139,28 @@ NavDisplay::init ()
_radar_centre_node = n->getNode("centre", true);
_radar_tcas_node = n->getNode("tcas", true);
_radar_absalt_node = n->getNode("abs-altitude", true);
_radar_arpt_node = n->getNode("airport", true);
_radar_station_node = n->getNode("station", true);
_draw_track_node = n->getNode("ground-track", true);
_draw_heading_node = n->getNode("heading", true);
_draw_north_node = n->getNode("north", true);
_draw_fix_node = n->getNode("fixes", true);
_ai_enabled_node = fgGetNode("/sim/ai/enabled", true);
_route = static_cast<FGRouteMgr*>(globals->get_subsystem("route-manager"));
_navRadio1Node = fgGetNode("/instrumentation/nav[0]", true);
_navRadio2Node = fgGetNode("/instrumentation/nav[1]", true);
// OSG geometry setup
_radarGeode = new osg::Geode;
osg::StateSet *stateSet = _radarGeode->getOrCreateStateSet();
stateSet->setTextureAttributeAndModes(0, _symbols.get());
osg::LineWidth *lw = new osg::LineWidth();
_geom = new osg::Geometry;
osg::StateSet *stateSet = _geom->getOrCreateStateSet();
stateSet->setTextureAttributeAndModes(0, _symbols.get());
// Initially allocate space for 128 quads
_vertices = new osg::Vec2Array;
@ -175,10 +171,9 @@ NavDisplay::init ()
_texCoords->reserve(128 * 4);
_geom->setTexCoordArray(0, _texCoords);
osg::Vec3Array *colors = new osg::Vec3Array;
colors->push_back(osg::Vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)); // color of echos
_quadColors = new osg::Vec3Array;
_symbolPrimSet = new osg::DrawArrays(osg::PrimitiveSet::QUADS);
@ -193,17 +188,21 @@ NavDisplay::init ()
_lineGeometry = new osg::Geometry;
stateSet = _lineGeometry->getOrCreateStateSet();
osg::LineWidth *lw = new osg::LineWidth();
_lineVertices = new osg::Vec2Array;
_lineVertices->reserve(128 * 4);
_lineColors = new osg::Vec3Array;
_linePrimSet = new osg::DrawArrays(osg::PrimitiveSet::LINES);
@ -219,7 +218,10 @@ NavDisplay::init ()
osg::Camera *camera = _odg->getCamera();
osg::Texture2D* tex = _odg->getTexture();
camera->setProjectionMatrixAsOrtho2D(0, tex->getTextureWidth(),
0, tex->getTextureHeight());
@ -237,19 +239,6 @@ const osg::Vec2f symbolTexCoords[4] = {
// helper
static void
addQuad(osg::Vec2Array *vertices, osg::Vec2Array *texCoords,
const osg::Matrixf& transform, const osg::Vec2f& texBase)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
const osg::Vec3f coords = transform.preMult(symbolCoords[i]);
texCoords->push_back(texBase + symbolTexCoords[i]);
vertices->push_back(osg::Vec2f(coords.x(), coords.y()));
// Rotate by a heading value
static inline
osg::Matrixf wxRotate(float angle)
@ -271,24 +260,33 @@ NavDisplay::update (double delta_time_sec)
_time += delta_time_sec;
if (_time < _interval){
if (_time < _updateInterval){
_time -= _interval;
_time -= _updateInterval;
string mode = _Instrument->getStringValue("display-mode", "arc");
_rangeNm = _Instrument->getFloatValue("range", 40.0);
_view_heading = fgGetDouble("/orientation/heading-deg") * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;
_scale = 200.0;
bool centre = _radar_centre_node->getBoolValue();
if (centre) {
_centerTrans = osg::Matrixf::identity();
} else {
_centerTrans = osg::Matrixf::identity();
_drawData = _radar_data_node->getBoolValue();
if (_Instrument->getBoolValue("aircraft-heading-up", true)) {
_view_heading = fgGetDouble("/orientation/heading-deg");
} else {
_view_heading = _Instrument->getFloatValue("heading-up-deg", 0.0);
_view_heading *= SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;
_scale = _odg->size() / _rangeNm;
_drawData = _radar_data_node->getBoolValue();
double xCenterFrac = _Instrument->getDoubleValue("x-center", 0.5);
double yCenterFrac = _Instrument->getDoubleValue("y-center", 0.5);
_centerTrans = osg::Matrixf::translate(xCenterFrac * _odg->size(),
yCenterFrac * _odg->size(), 0.0);
// scale from nm to display units, rotate so aircraft heading is up
// (as opposed to north), and compensate for centering
_projectMat = osg::Matrixf::scale(_scale, _scale, 1.0) *
wxRotate(-_view_heading) * _centerTrans;
_pos = SGGeod::fromDegFt(_user_lon_node->getDoubleValue(),
@ -300,8 +298,24 @@ NavDisplay::update (double delta_time_sec)
_textGeode->removeDrawables(0, _textGeode->getNumDrawables());
osg::Vec2 origin = projectGeod(_pos);
if (_draw_heading_node->getBoolValue()) {
addLine(origin, projectBearingRange(fgGetDouble("/orientation/heading-deg"), _rangeNm), osg::Vec3(1, 1, 1));
if (_draw_track_node->getBoolValue()) {
double groundTrackDeg = fgGetDouble("/instrumentation/gps/indicated-track-true-deg");
addLine(origin, projectBearingRange(groundTrackDeg, _rangeNm), osg::Vec3(1, 1, 1));
if (_draw_north_node->getBoolValue()) {
addLine(origin, projectBearingRange(0, _rangeNm), osg::Vec3(0, 1, 1));
_symbolPrimSet->set(osg::PrimitiveSet::QUADS, 0, _vertices->size());
@ -309,6 +323,22 @@ NavDisplay::update (double delta_time_sec)
void NavDisplay::addLine(osg::Vec2 a, osg::Vec2 b, const osg::Vec3& color)
osg::Vec2 NavDisplay::projectBearingRange(double bearingDeg, double rangeNm) const
osg::Vec3 p(0, rangeNm, 0.0);
p = wxRotate(bearingDeg * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS).preMult(p);
p = _projectMat.preMult(p);
return osg::Vec2(p.x(), p.y());
osg::Matrixf NavDisplay::project(const SGGeod& geod) const
double rangeM, bearing, az2;
@ -323,35 +353,42 @@ osg::Matrixf NavDisplay::project(const SGGeod& geod) const
NavDisplay::addSymbol(const SGGeod& pos, int symbolIndex, const std::string& data)
osg::Vec2 NavDisplay::projectGeod(const SGGeod& geod) const
int symbolRow = symbolIndex >> 4;
int symbolColumn = symbolIndex & 0x0f;
const osg::Vec2f texBase(UNIT * symbolColumn, UNIT * symbolRow);
float size = 600 * UNIT;
osg::Matrixf m(osg::Matrixf::scale(size, size, 1.0f)
* project(pos));
addQuad(_vertices, _texCoords, m, texBase);
if (!_drawData) {
double rangeM, bearing, az2;
SGGeodesy::inverse(_pos, geod, bearing, az2, rangeM);
return projectBearingRange(bearing, rangeM * SG_METER_TO_NM);
NavDisplay::addSymbol(const SGGeod& pos, int symbolIndex, const std::string& data, const osg::Vec3& color)
osg::Vec2 xy = projectGeod(pos);
double scale = 20.0;
int symbolRow = (SYMBOL_TEX_DIM - 1) - (symbolIndex >> 4);
int symbolColumn = symbolIndex & 0x0f;
const osg::Vec2f texBase(UNIT * symbolColumn, UNIT * symbolRow);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
_texCoords->push_back(texBase + symbolTexCoords[i]);
osg::Vec2 coord(symbolCoords[i].x() * scale, symbolCoords[i].y() * scale);
_vertices->push_back(xy + coord);
// add data drawable
osgText::Text* text = new osgText::Text;
text->setFontResolution(12, 12);
osg::Vec3 dataPos = m.preMult(osg::Vec3(16, 16, 0));
text->setPosition(osg::Vec3((int) dataPos.x(), (int)dataPos.y(), 0));
osg::Vec4 textColor(color.x(), color.y(), color.z(), 1);
text->setPosition( osg::Vec3(xy.x() + 16, xy.y(), 0));
@ -364,35 +401,199 @@ NavDisplay::update_route()
RoutePath path(_route->waypts());
for (int w=0; w<_route->numWaypts(); ++w) {
bool isPast = w < _route->currentIndex();
osg::Vec3 color(1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
SGGeodVec gv(path.pathForIndex(w));
if (!gv.empty()) {
osg::Vec3 color(1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
if (isPast) {
color = osg::Vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
osg::Vec3 pr = project(gv[0]).preMult(osg::Vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
osg::Vec2 pr = projectGeod(gv[0]);
for (unsigned int i=1; i<gv.size(); ++i) {
_lineVertices->push_back(osg::Vec2(pr.x(), pr.y()));
pr = project(gv[i]).preMult(osg::Vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
_lineVertices->push_back(osg::Vec2(pr.x(), pr.y()));
osg::Vec2 p = projectGeod(gv[i]);
addLine(pr, p, color);
pr = p;
} // of line drawing
flightgear::WayptRef wpt(_route->wayptAtIndex(w));
SGGeod g = path.positionForIndex(w);
int symbolIndex = isPast ? 1 : 0;
if (!(g == SGGeod())) {
std::string data = wpt->ident();
addSymbol(g, symbolIndex, data);
int symbolIndex = (6 << 4);
osg::Vec3 color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
// active waypoint is magenta, not white
if (w == _route->currentIndex()) {
color = osg::Vec3(1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
addSymbol(g, symbolIndex, wpt->ident(), color);
} // of waypoints iteration
FGNavRecord* nav1 = drawTunedNavaid(_navRadio1Node);
FGNavRecord* nav2 = drawTunedNavaid(_navRadio2Node);
if (_radar_station_node->getBoolValue()) {
osg::Vec3 cyanColor(0, 1, 1);
FGPositioned::TypeFilter filt(FGPositioned::VOR);
FGPositioned::List stations =
FGPositioned::findWithinRange(_pos, _rangeNm, &filt);
FGPositioned::List::const_iterator it;
for (it = stations.begin(); it != stations.end(); ++it) {
FGPositioned* sta = *it;
if ((sta == nav1) || (sta == nav2)) {
int symbolIndex = (6 << 4) + 2;
addSymbol(sta->geod(), symbolIndex, sta->ident(), cyanColor);
} // of stations beiong drawn
class FixFilter : public FGPositioned::Filter
virtual bool pass(FGPositioned* aPos) const
// ignore fixes which end in digits
if (isdigit(aPos->ident()[3]) && isdigit(aPos->ident()[4])) {
return false;
return true;
virtual FGPositioned::Type minType() const {
return FGPositioned::FIX;
virtual FGPositioned::Type maxType() const {
return FGPositioned::FIX;
bool _fixes, _navaids;
if (!_draw_fix_node->getBoolValue()) {
std::set<FGPositioned*> routeWaypts;
for (int w=0; w<_route->numWaypts(); ++w) {
flightgear::WayptRef wpt(_route->wayptAtIndex(w));
osg::Vec3 cyanColor(0, 1, 1);
FixFilter filt;
FGPositioned::List fixes =
FGPositioned::findWithinRange(_pos, _rangeNm, &filt);
FGPositioned::List::const_iterator it;
for (it = fixes.begin(); it != fixes.end(); ++it) {
FGPositioned* fix = *it;
if (routeWaypts.count(fix)) {
continue; // part of active route, don't draw here
int symbolIndex = (6 << 4) + 0;
addSymbol(fix->geod(), symbolIndex, fix->ident(), cyanColor);
} // of draw fixes iteration
NavDisplay::drawTunedNavaid(const SGPropertyNode_ptr& radio )
double mhz = radio->getDoubleValue("frequencies/selected-mhz", 0.0);
FGNavRecord* nav = globals->get_navlist()->findByFreq(mhz, _pos);
if (!nav || (nav->ident() != radio->getStringValue("nav-id"))) {
// station was not found
return NULL;
osg::Vec3 greenColor(0, 1, 0);
int symbolIndex = (6 << 4) + 2;
addSymbol(nav->geod(), symbolIndex, nav->ident(), greenColor);
// Boeing: only show radial + reciprocal if manually tuned ... hmmmm
osg::Vec2 stationXY = projectGeod(nav->geod());
SGGeod radialEnd;
double az2;
double trueRadial = radio->getDoubleValue("radials/target-radial-deg");
SGGeodesy::direct(nav->geod(), trueRadial,
nav->get_range() * SG_NM_TO_METER, radialEnd, az2);
osg::Vec2 radialXY = projectGeod(radialEnd);
osg::Vec2 d = radialXY - stationXY;
addLine(stationXY - d, radialXY, greenColor);
// Boeing: if POS is selected, show radial to station
osg::Vec2 posXY = projectGeod(_pos);
addLine(posXY, stationXY, greenColor);
osgText::Text* text = new osgText::Text;
text->setFontResolution(12, 12);
text->setColor(osg::Vec4(0, 1, 0, 1));
stringstream s;
s << "R-" << setw(3) << setfill('0') << static_cast<int>(trueRadial);
osg::Vec2 mid = (posXY + stationXY) * 0.5; // radial mid-point
text->setPosition( osg::Vec3(mid.x(), mid.y(), 0));
return nav;
FGAirport* dep = _route->departureAirport(),
*arr = _route->destinationAirport();
if (_radar_arpt_node->getBoolValue()) {
osg::Vec3 cyanColor(0, 1, 1);
int symbolIndex = (6 << 4) + 3;
double minRunway = _Instrument->getDoubleValue("display-controls/min-runway-len-ft", 0.0);
FGAirport::HardSurfaceFilter filt(minRunway);
FGPositioned::List apts =
FGPositioned::findWithinRange(_pos, _rangeNm, &filt);
FGPositioned::List::const_iterator it;
for (it = apts.begin(); it != apts.end(); ++it) {
FGPositioned* apt = *it;
if ((apt == dep) || (apt == arr)) {
// added seperately
addSymbol(apt->geod(), symbolIndex, apt->ident(), cyanColor);
} // of airports iteration
int symbolIndex = (7 << 4) + 1;
osg::Vec3 whiteColor(1, 1, 1);
FGRunway* rwy = _route->departureRunway();
if (rwy) {
addSymbol(dep->geod(), symbolIndex, dep->ident() + "\n" + rwy->ident(), whiteColor);
rwy = _route->destinationRunway();
if (rwy) {
addSymbol(arr->geod(), symbolIndex, arr->ident() + "\n" + rwy->ident(), whiteColor);
@ -401,12 +602,11 @@ NavDisplay::update_aircraft()
bool draw_tcas = _radar_tcas_node->getBoolValue();
bool draw_absolute = _radar_absalt_node->getBoolValue();
bool draw_echoes = _radar_position_node->getBoolValue();
bool draw_symbols = _radar_symbol_node->getBoolValue();
bool draw_data = _radar_data_node->getBoolValue();
if (!draw_echoes && !draw_symbols && !draw_data)
if (!draw_tcas) {
bool draw_absolute = _radar_absalt_node->getBoolValue();
const SGPropertyNode *ai = fgGetNode("/ai/models", true);
for (int i = ai->nChildren() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
@ -422,14 +622,6 @@ NavDisplay::update_aircraft()
echo_radius = 1, sigma = 1;
else if (name == "multiplayer" || name == "wingman" || name == "static")
echo_radius = 1.5, sigma = 1;
else if (name == "ship" || name == "carrier" || name == "escort" ||name == "storm")
echo_radius = 1.5, sigma = 100;
else if (name == "thermal")
echo_radius = 2, sigma = 100;
else if (name == "rocket")
echo_radius = 0.1, sigma = 0.1;
else if (name == "ballistic")
echo_radius = 0.001, sigma = 0.001;
@ -441,91 +633,45 @@ NavDisplay::update_aircraft()
double rangeM, bearing, az2;
SGGeodesy::inverse(_pos, aiModelPos, bearing, az2, rangeM);
// if (!inRadarRange(sigma, rangeM))
// continue;
float radius = rangeM * _scale;
// float angle = relativeBearing(bearing, _view_heading);
bool is_tcas_contact = false;
if (draw_tcas)
is_tcas_contact = update_tcas(model,rangeM,
bool is_tcas_contact = update_tcas(model,aiModelPos,
// data mode
if (draw_symbols && (!draw_tcas)) {
const osg::Vec2f texBase(0, 3 * UNIT);
float size = 600 * UNIT;
osg::Matrixf m(osg::Matrixf::scale(size, size, 1.0f)
* wxRotate(heading - bearing)
* osg::Matrixf::translate(0.0f, radius, 0.0f)
* wxRotate(bearing) * _centerTrans);
addQuad(_vertices, _texCoords, m, texBase);
if (draw_data || is_tcas_contact) {
update_data(model, aiModelPos.getElevationFt(), heading, radius, bearing, false);
update_data(model, aiModelPos.getElevationFt(), heading, radius, bearing, false);
} // of ai models iteration
/** Update TCAS display.
* Return true when processed as TCAS contact, false otherwise. */
NavDisplay::update_tcas(const SGPropertyNode *model,double range,double user_alt,double alt,
double bearing,double radius,bool absMode)
NavDisplay::update_tcas(const SGPropertyNode *model, const SGGeod& modelPos,
double user_alt,double alt, bool absMode)
int threatLevel=0;
// update TCAS symbol
osg::Vec2f texBase;
threatLevel = model->getIntValue("tcas/threat-level",-1);
if (threatLevel == -1)
// no TCAS information (i.e. no transponder) => not visible to TCAS
return false;
int row = 7 - threatLevel;
int col = 4;
double vspeed = model->getDoubleValue("velocities/vertical-speed-fps");
if (vspeed < -3.0) // descending
if (vspeed > 3.0) // climbing
texBase = osg::Vec2f(col*UNIT,row * UNIT);
float size = 200 * UNIT;
osg::Matrixf m(osg::Matrixf::scale(size, size, 1.0f)
* wxRotate(-bearing)
* osg::Matrixf::translate(0.0f, radius, 0.0f)
* wxRotate(bearing) * _centerTrans);
addQuad(_vertices, _texCoords, m, texBase);
int threatLevel = model->getIntValue("tcas/threat-level",-1);
if (threatLevel == -1) {
// no TCAS information (i.e. no transponder) => not visible to TCAS
return false;
// update TCAS data
osgText::Text *altStr = new osgText::Text;
altStr->setFontResolution(12, 12);
osg::Matrixf m(wxRotate(-bearing)
* osg::Matrixf::translate(0.0f, radius, 0.0f)
* wxRotate(bearing) * _centerTrans);
osg::Vec3 pos = m.preMult(osg::Vec3(16, 16, 0));
// cast to int's, otherwise text comes out ugly
int row = 4;
int col = threatLevel;
double vspeed = model->getDoubleValue("velocities/vertical-speed-fps");
if (vspeed < -3.0) // descending
// else
// if (vspeed > 3.0) // climbing
// col+=2;
osg::Vec4 color = _tcas_colors[threatLevel];
stringstream text;
// altStr->setAlignment(osgText::Text::LEFT_CENTER);
int altDif = (alt-user_alt+50)/100;
char sign = 0;
int dy=0;
@ -541,7 +687,7 @@ NavDisplay::update_tcas(const SGPropertyNode *model,double range,double user_alt
altDif = -altDif;
altStr->setPosition(osg::Vec3((int)pos.x()-30, (int)pos.y()+dy, 0));
// altStr->setPosition(osg::Vec3((int)pos.x()-30, (int)pos.y()+dy, 0));
if (absMode)
// absolute altitude display
@ -555,11 +701,10 @@ NavDisplay::update_tcas(const SGPropertyNode *model,double range,double user_alt
<< setprecision(0) << fixed
<< setw(2) << setfill('0') << altDif << endl;
addSymbol(modelPos, (col << 4) | row, text.str(),
osg::Vec3(color.r(), color.g(), color.b()));
return true;
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
class FGODGauge;
class FGRouteMgr;
class FGNavRecord;
class NavDisplay : public SGSubsystem
@ -52,10 +53,7 @@ protected:
string _name;
int _num;
double _time;
double _interval;
double _elapsed_time;
double _persistance;
bool _sim_init_done;
double _updateInterval;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _serviceable_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _Instrument;
@ -80,13 +78,7 @@ private:
DisplayMode _display_mode;
float _scale; // factor to convert nm to display units
float _angle_offset;
float _view_heading;
float _x_offset, _y_offset;
double _radar_ref_rng;
double _lat, _lon;
bool _drawData;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _Radar_controls;
@ -95,7 +87,9 @@ private:
SGPropertyNode_ptr _radar_position_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _radar_data_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _radar_symbol_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _radar_arpt_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _radar_station_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _radar_centre_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _radar_coverage_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _radar_ref_rng_node;
@ -104,9 +98,16 @@ private:
SGPropertyNode_ptr _radar_tcas_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _radar_absalt_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _draw_track_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _draw_heading_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _draw_north_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _draw_fix_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _font_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _ai_enabled_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _navRadio1Node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _navRadio2Node;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Texture2D> _resultTexture;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Texture2D> _symbols;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geode> _radarGeode;
@ -117,7 +118,8 @@ private:
osg::DrawArrays* _symbolPrimSet;
osg::Vec2Array *_vertices;
osg::Vec2Array *_texCoords;
osg::Vec3Array* _quadColors;
osg::Geometry* _lineGeometry;
osg::DrawArrays* _linePrimSet;
osg::Vec2Array* _lineVertices;
@ -125,6 +127,8 @@ private:
osg::Matrixf _centerTrans;
osg::Matrixf _projectMat;
osg::ref_ptr<osgText::Font> _font;
osg::Vec4 _font_color;
osg::Vec4 _tcas_colors[4];
@ -137,14 +141,26 @@ private:
void update_route();
void update_aircraft();
bool update_tcas(const SGPropertyNode *model,double range,double user_alt,double alt,
double bearing,double radius, bool absMode);
void update_stations();
void update_airports();
void update_waypoints();
bool update_tcas(const SGPropertyNode *model, const SGGeod& modelPos,
double user_alt,double alt, bool absMode);
void update_data(const SGPropertyNode *ac, double altitude, double heading,
double radius, double bearing, bool selected);
void updateFont();
osg::Matrixf project(const SGGeod& geod) const;
void addSymbol(const SGGeod& pos, int symbolIndex, const std::string& data);
osg::Vec2 projectBearingRange(double bearingDeg, double rangeNm) const;
osg::Vec2 projectGeod(const SGGeod& geod) const;
void addSymbol(const SGGeod& pos, int symbolIndex,
const std::string& data, const osg::Vec3& color);
void addLine(osg::Vec2 a, osg::Vec2 b, const osg::Vec3& color);
FGNavRecord* drawTunedNavaid(const SGPropertyNode_ptr& radio );
#endif // _INST_ND_HXX
@ -43,7 +43,9 @@ public:
virtual void update (double dt);
void setSize(int viewSize);
int size() const
{ return textureWH; }
* Say if we can render to a texture.
* @return true if rtt is available
Add table
Reference in a new issue