I have added a fledgling replay system that records flight data and control
positions during the flight.
I have added an internal command called "replay" which will trigger a replay
of the entire saved flight data set. This could be bound to a keyboard or
menu command, in fact this entire module is screaming for someone to build
a gui to control playback speed, amount of playback, etc.
This is the initial version so there are kinks that still need to be worked
out, please be patient.
Square the normalized direction acceleration for the y and z axes, so
that turbulence predominantly affects pitch.
Bind to the /environment/turbulence/magnitude-norm and
/environment/turbulence/rate-hz properties in FlightGear.
This version handles a zero fuel load better. I found that if you try to consume fuel from an empty tank, with zero fuel flow, the FGEngine::Starved flag alternates
> > Here's a patch to add manual-pitch control to the propeller in YASim. A new
> > control axis "PROPPITCH" is added. Requires "manual-pitch" boolean property
> > in the "propeller" tag.
> >
> > Tags and Properties to add in order to enable:
> >
> > manual-pitch="true"
> >
> > <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/propeller-pitch"
> > control="PROPPITCH" src0="0" src1="1" dst0="0.40" dst1="0.80"/>
> >
> > Note that for the time being, excessively low RPM or excessively high RPM is
> > brought undercontrol by a scaling range defined in the control-input tag
> > (see "dst0" and "dst1" properties).
I have attached some revisions for the UIUCModel and some LaRCsim.
The only thing you should need to check is LaRCsim.cxx. The file
I attached is a revised version of 1.5 and the latest is 1.7. Also,
uiuc_getwind.c and uiuc_getwind.h are no longer in the LaRCsim
directory. They have been moved over to UIUCModel.
I split the FGModelPlacement code out into it's own set of source files.
I created two versions of the fgLoad3DModel() routine. One that is
unecumbered by a panelnode dependency and one that is. acmodel.cxx is
the only place that needs to load an aircraft with instrument panels.
model.[ch]xx are now pretty much free to move over into simgear.
loader.[ch]xx should be able to follow closely behind.
This will be a big step towards being able to move the material management
code over into simgear.
scene management code and organizing it within simgear. My strategy is
to identify the code I want to move, and break it's direct flightgear
dependencies. Then it will be free to move over into the simgear package.
- Moved some property specific code into simgear/props/
- Split out the condition code from fgfs/src/Main/fg_props and put it
in it's own source file in simgear/props/
- Created a scene subdirectory for scenery, model, and material property
related code.
- Moved location.[ch]xx into simgear/scene/model/
- The location and condition code had dependencies on flightgear's global
state (all the globals-> stuff, the flightgear property tree, etc.) SimGear
code can't depend on it so that data has to be passed as parameters to the
- This need to pass data as function parameters had a dramatic cascading
effect throughout the FlightGear code.
that after a reset or reposition, several FDM variable were not unbound
correctly and left dangling pointing to unallocated memory. This wasn't
a crash type bug, but those properties then had bogus values. This
specifically prevented the turn coordinator gyro modeling from working after
a reset or reposition.