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// FGAIBase - abstract base class for AI objects
// Written by David Culp, started Nov 2003, based on
// David Luff's FGAIEntity class.
// - davidculp2@comcast.net
// With additions by Mathias Froehlich & Vivian Meazza 2004 -2007
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
2006-02-21 01:16:04 +00:00
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# include <config.h>
2011-11-25 12:39:10 +00:00
#include <string.h>
#include <simgear/compiler.h>
2013-06-27 08:37:53 +00:00
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <string>
Modified Files: configure.ac src/AIModel/AIAircraft.cxx src/AIModel/AIBase.cxx src/AIModel/AIBase.hxx src/AIModel/AICarrier.cxx src/AIModel/AICarrier.hxx src/AIModel/AIManager.cxx src/AIModel/AIManager.hxx src/ATC/AIEntity.cxx src/ATC/AIEntity.hxx src/ATC/AIMgr.cxx src/ATC/AIMgr.hxx src/ATC/ATCdisplay.cxx src/ATC/ATCdisplay.hxx src/Cockpit/cockpit.cxx src/Cockpit/cockpit.hxx src/Cockpit/hud.cxx src/Cockpit/hud.hxx src/Cockpit/hud_rwy.cxx src/Cockpit/panel.cxx src/Cockpit/panel.hxx src/Cockpit/built_in/FGMagRibbon.cxx src/Cockpit/built_in/FGMagRibbon.hxx src/FDM/flight.cxx src/FDM/groundcache.cxx src/FDM/groundcache.hxx src/GUI/gui_funcs.cxx src/Input/input.cxx src/Instrumentation/od_gauge.cxx src/Instrumentation/od_gauge.hxx src/Instrumentation/render_area_2d.cxx src/Instrumentation/render_area_2d.hxx src/Instrumentation/wxradar.cxx src/Instrumentation/wxradar.hxx src/Instrumentation/HUD/HUD.cxx src/Instrumentation/HUD/HUD.hxx src/Instrumentation/HUD/HUD_runway.cxx src/Main/Makefile.am src/Main/main.cxx src/Main/renderer.cxx src/Main/renderer.hxx src/Main/viewmgr.cxx src/Model/acmodel.cxx src/Model/acmodel.hxx src/Model/model_panel.cxx src/Model/model_panel.hxx src/Model/modelmgr.cxx src/Model/modelmgr.hxx src/Model/panelnode.cxx src/Model/panelnode.hxx src/Navaids/awynet.cxx src/Scenery/Makefile.am src/Scenery/hitlist.cxx src/Scenery/hitlist.hxx src/Scenery/newcache.cxx src/Scenery/scenery.cxx src/Scenery/scenery.hxx src/Scenery/tileentry.cxx src/Scenery/tileentry.hxx src/Scenery/tilemgr.cxx src/Scripting/NasalSys.cxx src/Scripting/NasalSys.hxx src/Time/light.cxx Big BLOB on the way to OSG.
2006-10-29 19:30:21 +00:00
#include <osg/ref_ptr>
#include <osg/Node>
#include <osgDB/FileUtils>
#include <simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx>
#include <simgear/scene/model/modellib.hxx>
#include <simgear/scene/util/SGNodeMasks.hxx>
#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
#include <simgear/props/props.hxx>
#include <Main/globals.hxx>
#include <Scenery/scenery.hxx>
#include <Scripting/NasalSys.hxx>
2013-02-09 15:33:05 +00:00
#include <Scripting/NasalModelData.hxx>
#include <Sound/fg_fx.hxx>
#include "AIBase.hxx"
#include "AIManager.hxx"
const char *default_model = "Models/Geometry/glider.ac";
const double FGAIBase::e = 2.71828183;
const double FGAIBase::lbs_to_slugs = 0.031080950172; //conversion factor
using std::string;
using namespace simgear;
class FGAIModelData : public simgear::SGModelData {
FGAIModelData(SGPropertyNode *root = NULL)
: _nasal( new FGNasalModelDataProxy(root) ),
virtual FGAIModelData* clone() const { return new FGAIModelData(); }
/** osg callback, thread-safe */
void modelLoaded(const std::string& path, SGPropertyNode *prop, osg::Node *n)
// WARNING: Called in a separate OSG thread! Only use thread-safe stuff here...
if (_ready)
_interiorPath = prop->getStringValue("interior-path");
_hasInteriorPath = true;
_fxpath = prop->getStringValue("sound/path");
_nasal->modelLoaded(path, prop, n);
_ready = true;
/** init hook to be called after model is loaded.
* Not thread-safe. Call from main thread only. */
void init(void) { _initialized = true; }
bool needInitilization(void) { return _ready && !_initialized;}
bool isInitialized(void) { return _initialized;}
inline std::string& get_sound_path() { return _fxpath;}
void setInteriorLoaded(const bool state) { _interiorLoaded = state;}
bool getInteriorLoaded(void) { return _interiorLoaded;}
bool hasInteriorPath(void) { return _hasInteriorPath;}
inline std::string& getInteriorPath() { return _interiorPath; }
std::auto_ptr<FGNasalModelDataProxy> _nasal;
std::string _fxpath;
bool _ready;
bool _initialized;
std::string _interiorPath;
bool _hasInteriorPath;
bool _interiorLoaded;
FGAIBase::FGAIBase(object_type ot, bool enableHot) :
2010-09-27 15:48:38 +00:00
props( NULL ),
model_removed( fgGetNode("/ai/models/model-removed", true) ),
manager( NULL ),
fp( NULL ),
_refID( _newAIModelID() ),
tgt_heading = hdg = tgt_altitude_ft = tgt_speed = 0.0;
tgt_roll = roll = tgt_pitch = tgt_yaw = tgt_vs = vs = pitch = 0.0;
David Culp: Here's a new batch of AI code which includes a working radar instrument. I put the radar calculations into the existing AIAircraft class. It was easier that way, and it can always be migrated out later if we have to. Every tenth sim cycle the AIManager makes a copy of the current user state information. When the AIAircraft updates it uses this information to calculate the radar numbers. It calculates: 1) bearing from user to target 2) range to target in nautical miles 3) "horizontal offset" to target. This is the angle from the nose to the target, in degrees, from -180 to 180. This will be useful later for a HUD. 4) elevation, in degrees (vertical angle from user's position to target position) 5) vertical offset, in degrees (this is elevation corrected for user's pitch) 6) rdot (range rate in knots, note: not working yet, so I commented it out) and three items used by the radar instrument to place the "blip" 7) y_shift, in nautical miles 8) x_shift, in nautical miles 9) rotation, in degrees The radar instrument uses the above three items, and applies a scale factor to the x-shift and y-shift in order to match the instrument's scale. Changing the display scale can be done entirely in the XML code for the instrument. Right now it's set up only to display a 40 mile scale. The radar is an AWACS view, which is not very realistic, but it is useful and demonstrates the technology. With just a little more work I can get a HUD marker. All I need to do there is make a bank angle adjustment to the current values.
2004-02-27 10:20:17 +00:00
bearing = elevation = range = rdot = 0.0;
x_shift = y_shift = rotation = 0.0;
in_range = false;
invisible = false;
no_roll = true;
life = 900;
delete_me = false;
_impact_reported = false;
_collision_reported = false;
_expiry_reported = false;
_subID = 0;
_x_offset = 0;
_y_offset = 0;
_z_offset = 0;
_pitch_offset = 0;
_roll_offset = 0;
_yaw_offset = 0;
pos = SGGeod::fromDeg(0, 0);
speed = 0;
altitude_ft = 0;
speed_north_deg_sec = 0;
speed_east_deg_sec = 0;
turn_radius_ft = 0;
ft_per_deg_lon = 0;
ft_per_deg_lat = 0;
horiz_offset = 0;
vert_offset = 0;
ht_diff = 0;
serviceable = false;
fp = 0;
rho = 1;
T = 280;
p = 1e5;
a = 340;
Mach = 0;
// explicitly disable HOT for (most) AI models
if (!enableHot)
FGAIBase::~FGAIBase() {
Mathias: I have done a patch to eliminate the jitter of 3D-objects near the viewpoint (for example 3D cockpit objects). The problem is the roundoff accuracy of the float values used in the scenegraph together with the transforms of the eyepoint relative to the scenery center. The solution will be to move the scenery center near the view point. This way floats relative accuracy is enough to show a stable picture. To get that right I have introduced a transform node for the scenegraph which is responsible for that shift and uses double values as long as possible. The scenery subsystem now has a list of all those transforms required to place objects in the world and will tell all those transforms that the scenery center has changed when the set_scenery_center() of the scenery subsystem is called. The problem was not solvable by SGModelPlacement and SGLocation, since not all objects, especially the scenery, are placed using these classes. The first approach was to have the scenery center exactly at the eyepoint. This works well for the cockpit. But then the ground jitters a bit below the aircraft. With our default views you can't see that, but that F-18 has a camera view below the left engine intake with the nose gear and the ground in its field of view, here I could see that. Having the scenery center constant will still have this roundoff problems, but like it is now too, the roundoff error here is exactly the same in each frame, so you will not notice any jitter. The real solution is now to keep the scenery center constant as long as it is in a ball of 30m radius around the view point. If the scenery center is outside this ball, just put it at the view point. As a sideeffect of now beeing able to switch the scenery center in the whole scenegraph with one function call, I was able to remove a one half of a problem when switching views, where the scenery center was far off for one or two frames past switching from one view to the next. Also included is a fix to the other half of this problem, where the view position was not yet copied into a view when it is switched (at least under glut). This was responsible for the 'Error: ...' messages of the cloud subsystem when views were switched.
2005-04-29 14:38:24 +00:00
// Unregister that one at the scenery manager
if (props) {
SGPropertyNode* parent = props->getParent();
if (parent)
if (fp)
delete fp;
fp = 0;
/** Cleanly remove the model
* and let the scenery database pager do the clean-up work.
if (!_model.valid())
FGScenery* pSceneryManager = globals->get_scenery();
if (pSceneryManager)
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Object> temp = _model.get();
// withdraw from SGModelPlacement and drop own reference (unref)
2013-10-06 16:37:37 +00:00
_modeldata = 0;
_model = 0;
2013-10-06 16:37:37 +00:00
// pass it on to the pager, to be be deleted in the pager thread
SG_LOG(SG_AI, SG_ALERT, "AIBase: Could not unload model. Missing scenery manager!");
void FGAIBase::readFromScenario(SGPropertyNode* scFileNode)
if (!scFileNode)
fgGetString("/sim/multiplay/default-model", default_model)));
setHeading(scFileNode->getDoubleValue("heading", 0.0));
setSpeed(scFileNode->getDoubleValue("speed", 0.0));
setAltitude(scFileNode->getDoubleValue("altitude", 0.0));
setLongitude(scFileNode->getDoubleValue("longitude", 0.0));
setLatitude(scFileNode->getDoubleValue("latitude", 0.0));
setBank(scFileNode->getDoubleValue("roll", 0.0));
SGPropertyNode* submodels = scFileNode->getChild("submodels");
if (submodels) {
setServiceable(submodels->getBoolValue("serviceable", false));
setSMPath(submodels->getStringValue("path", ""));
void FGAIBase::update(double dt) {
if (_otype == otStatic)
if (_otype == otBallistic)
2006-06-15 08:29:43 +00:00
ft_per_deg_lat = 366468.96 - 3717.12 * cos(pos.getLatitudeRad());
ft_per_deg_lon = 365228.16 * cos(pos.getLatitudeRad());
if ( _fx )
// update model's audio sample values
_fx->set_position_geod( pos );
SGQuatd orient = SGQuatd::fromYawPitchRollDeg(hdg, pitch, roll);
_fx->set_orientation( orient );
SGVec3d velocity;
velocity = SGVec3d( speed_north_deg_sec, speed_east_deg_sec,
pitch*speed );
_fx->set_velocity( velocity );
else if ((_modeldata)&&(_modeldata->needInitilization()))
2011-11-25 12:39:10 +00:00
// process deferred nasal initialization,
// which must be done in main thread
// sound initialization
if (fgGetBool("/sim/sound/aimodels/enabled",false))
2011-11-25 12:39:10 +00:00
const string& fxpath = _modeldata->get_sound_path();
if (fxpath != "")
props->setStringValue("sim/sound/path", fxpath.c_str());
// initialize the sound configuration
std::stringstream name;
name << "aifx:";
name << _refID;
_fx = new FGFX(name.str(), props);
2011-11-25 12:39:10 +00:00
void FGAIBase::updateInterior()
if(!_modeldata || !_modeldata->hasInteriorPath())
if(!_modeldata->getInteriorLoaded()){ // interior is not yet load
double d2 = dist(SGVec3d::fromGeod(pos), globals->get_aircraft_position_cart());
if(d2 <= _maxRangeInterior){ // if the AI is in-range we load the interior
_interior = SGModelLib::loadPagedModel(_modeldata->getInteriorPath(), props, _modeldata);
_interior->setRange(0, 0.0, _maxRangeInterior);
SG_LOG(SG_AI, SG_INFO, "AIBase: Loaded interior model " << _interior->getName());
/** update LOD properties of the model */
void FGAIBase::updateLOD()
double maxRangeDetail = fgGetDouble("/sim/rendering/static-lod/ai-detailed", 10000.0);
// double maxRangeBare = fgGetDouble("/sim/rendering/static-lod/ai-bare", 20000.0);
_maxRangeInterior = fgGetDouble("/sim/rendering/static-lod/ai-interior", 50.0);
if (_model.valid())
if( maxRangeDetail == 0.0 )
// disable LOD
_model->setRange(0, 0.0, FLT_MAX);
_model->setRange(1, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX);
if( fgGetBool("/sim/rendering/static-lod/ai-range-mode-pixel", false ) )
_model->setRangeMode( osg::LOD::PIXEL_SIZE_ON_SCREEN );
_model->setRange(0, maxRangeDetail, 100000 );
} else {
_model->setRangeMode( osg::LOD:: DISTANCE_FROM_EYE_POINT);
_model->setRange(0, 0.0, maxRangeDetail);
void FGAIBase::Transform() {
if (!invisible) {
2008-02-15 11:06:27 +00:00
if (no_roll)
aip.setOrientation(0.0, pitch, hdg);
aip.setOrientation(roll, pitch, hdg);
2008-02-15 11:06:27 +00:00
} else {
bool FGAIBase::init(bool search_in_AI_path)
if (_model.valid())
SG_LOG(SG_AI, SG_ALERT, "AIBase: Cannot initialize a model multiple times! " << model_path);
return false;
string f;
2013-06-27 08:37:53 +00:00
BOOST_FOREACH(SGPath p, globals->get_data_paths("AI")) {
if (p.exists()) {
f = p.str();
} // of AI data paths iteration
} // of search in AI path
if (f.empty()) {
f = simgear::SGModelLib::findDataFile(model_path);
f = fgGetString("/sim/multiplay/default-model", default_model);
_installed = true;
_modeldata = new FGAIModelData(props);
_model= SGModelLib::loadPagedModel(f, props, _modeldata);
_model->setName("AI-model range animation node");
// _model->setCenterMode(osg::LOD::USE_BOUNDING_SPHERE_CENTER);
// _model->setRangeMode(osg::LOD::DISTANCE_FROM_EYE_POINT);
// We really need low-resolution versions of AI/MP aircraft.
// Or at least dummy "stubs" with some default silhouette.
// _model->addChild( SGModelLib::loadPagedModel(fgGetString("/sim/multiplay/default-model", default_model),
// props, new FGNasalModelData(props)), FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX);
if (_model.valid() && _initialized == false) {
aip.init( _model.get() );
invisible = false;
_initialized = true;
2012-07-15 08:15:10 +00:00
SG_LOG(SG_AI, SG_DEBUG, "AIBase: Loaded model " << model_path);
} else if (!model_path.empty()) {
SG_LOG(SG_AI, SG_WARN, "AIBase: Could not load model " << model_path);
// not properly installed...
_installed = false;
return true;
void FGAIBase::initModel()
if (_model.valid()) {
if( _path != ""){
props->setStringValue("submodels/path", _path.c_str());
SG_LOG(SG_AI, SG_DEBUG, "AIBase: submodels/path " << _path);
if( _parent!= ""){
props->setStringValue("parent-name", _parent.c_str());
fgSetString("/ai/models/model-added", props->getPath().c_str());
} else if (!model_path.empty()) {
SG_LOG(SG_AI, SG_WARN, "AIBase: Could not load model " << model_path);
bool FGAIBase::isa( object_type otype ) {
return otype == _otype;
void FGAIBase::bind() {
tie("id", SGRawValueMethods<FGAIBase,int>(*this,
tie("velocities/true-airspeed-kt", SGRawValuePointer<double>(&speed));
SGRawValueMethods<FGAIBase,const char*>(*this,
tie("orientation/pitch-deg", SGRawValuePointer<double>(&pitch));
tie("orientation/roll-deg", SGRawValuePointer<double>(&roll));
tie("orientation/true-heading-deg", SGRawValuePointer<double>(&hdg));
tie("radar/in-range", SGRawValuePointer<bool>(&in_range));
tie("radar/bearing-deg", SGRawValuePointer<double>(&bearing));
tie("radar/elevation-deg", SGRawValuePointer<double>(&elevation));
tie("radar/range-nm", SGRawValuePointer<double>(&range));
tie("radar/h-offset", SGRawValuePointer<double>(&horiz_offset));
tie("radar/v-offset", SGRawValuePointer<double>(&vert_offset));
tie("radar/x-shift", SGRawValuePointer<double>(&x_shift));
tie("radar/y-shift", SGRawValuePointer<double>(&y_shift));
tie("radar/rotation", SGRawValuePointer<double>(&rotation));
tie("radar/ht-diff-ft", SGRawValuePointer<double>(&ht_diff));
tie("subID", SGRawValuePointer<int>(&_subID));
tie("controls/lighting/nav-lights", SGRawValueFunctions<bool>(_isNight));
props->setBoolValue("controls/lighting/beacon", true);
props->setBoolValue("controls/lighting/strobe", true);
props->setBoolValue("controls/glide-path", true);
props->setStringValue("controls/flight/lateral-mode", "roll");
props->setDoubleValue("controls/flight/target-hdg", hdg);
props->setDoubleValue("controls/flight/target-roll", roll);
props->setStringValue("controls/flight/longitude-mode", "alt");
props->setDoubleValue("controls/flight/target-alt", altitude_ft);
props->setDoubleValue("controls/flight/target-pitch", pitch);
props->setDoubleValue("controls/flight/target-spd", speed);
props->setBoolValue("sim/sound/avionics/enabled", false);
props->setDoubleValue("sim/sound/avionics/volume", 0.0);
props->setBoolValue("sim/sound/avionics/external-view", false);
props->setBoolValue("sim/current-view/internal", false);
void FGAIBase::unbind() {
props->setBoolValue("/sim/controls/radar", true);
2009-07-11 23:02:58 +00:00
void FGAIBase::removeSoundFx() {
// drop reference to sound effects now
if (_fx)
// must remove explicitly - since the sound manager also keeps a reference
// now drop last reference - kill the object
_fx = 0;
double FGAIBase::UpdateRadar(FGAIManager* manager)
2009-07-11 23:02:58 +00:00
bool control = fgGetBool("/sim/controls/radar", true);
if(!control) return 0;
double radar_range_m = fgGetDouble("/instrumentation/radar/range");
bool force_on = fgGetBool("/instrumentation/radar/debug-mode", false);
radar_range_m *= SG_NM_TO_METER * 1.1; // + 10%
radar_range_m *= radar_range_m; // squared
double d2 = distSqr(SGVec3d::fromGeod(pos), globals->get_aircraft_position_cart());
double range_ft = sqrt(d2) * SG_METER_TO_FEET;
if (!force_on && (d2 > radar_range_m)) {
return range_ft * range_ft;
props->setBoolValue("radar/in-range", true);
// copy values from the AIManager
double user_heading = manager->get_user_heading();
double user_pitch = manager->get_user_pitch();
range = range_ft * SG_FEET_TO_METER * SG_METER_TO_NM;
// calculate bearing to target
bearing = SGGeodesy::courseDeg(globals->get_aircraft_position(), pos);
// calculate look left/right to target, without yaw correction
horiz_offset = bearing - user_heading;
SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(horiz_offset, -180.0, 180.0);
// calculate elevation to target
ht_diff = altitude_ft - globals->get_aircraft_position().getElevationFt();
elevation = atan2( ht_diff, range_ft ) * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
// calculate look up/down to target
vert_offset = elevation - user_pitch;
/* this calculation needs to be fixed, but it isn't important anyway
// calculate range rate
double recip_bearing = bearing + 180.0;
if (recip_bearing > 360.0) recip_bearing -= 360.0;
double my_horiz_offset = recip_bearing - hdg;
if (my_horiz_offset > 180.0) my_horiz_offset -= 360.0;
if (my_horiz_offset < -180.0) my_horiz_offset += 360.0;
rdot = (-user_speed * cos( horiz_offset * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS ))
+(-speed * 1.686 * cos( my_horiz_offset * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS ));
// now correct look left/right for yaw
// horiz_offset += user_yaw; // FIXME: WHY WOULD WE WANT TO ADD IN SIDE-SLIP HERE?
// calculate values for radar display
y_shift = range * cos( horiz_offset * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
x_shift = range * sin( horiz_offset * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
rotation = hdg - user_heading;
SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(rotation, 0.0, 360.0);
return range_ft * range_ft;
* Getters and Setters
SGVec3d FGAIBase::getCartPosAt(const SGVec3d& _off) const {
// Transform that one to the horizontal local coordinate system.
SGQuatd hlTrans = SGQuatd::fromLonLat(pos);
// and postrotate the orientation of the AIModel wrt the horizontal
// local frame
hlTrans *= SGQuatd::fromYawPitchRollDeg(hdg, pitch, roll);
Mathias Frhlich: I have introduced the posibility to start directly on the carrier. With that patch you will have a --carrrier=id argument where id can either be the pennant number configured in the nimitz scenario or the carriers name also configured in the carriers scenario. Additionaly you can use --parkpos=id to select different positions on the carrier. They are also configured in the scenario file. That includes the switch of the whole FGInterface class to make use of the groundcache. That means that an aircraft no longer uses the current elevation value from the scenery class. It rather has its own local cache of the aircrafts environment which is setup in the common_init method of FGInterface and updated either manually by calling FGInterface::get_groundlevel_m(lat, lon, alt_m); or implicitly by calling the above method in the FGInterface::_updateGeo*Position(lat, lon, alt); methods. A call get_groundlevel_m rebuilds the groundcache if the request is outside the range of the cache. Note that for the real usage of the groundcache including the correct information about the movement of objects and the velocity information, you still need to set up the groundcache in the usual way like YASim and JSBSim currently does. If you use the native interface, you will get only static objects correctly. But for FDM's only using one single ground level for a whole step this is IMO sufficient. The AIManager gets a way to return the location of a object which is placed wrt an AI Object. At the moment it only honours AICarriers for that. That method is a static one, which loads the scenario file for that reason and throws it away afterwards. This looked like the aprioriate way, because the AIManager is initialized much later in flightgears bootstrap, and I did not find an easy way to reorder that for my needs. Since this additional load is very small and does only happen if such a relative location is required, I think that this is ok. Note that moving on the carrier will only work correctly for JSBSim and YASim, but you should now be able to start and move on every not itself moving object with any FDM.
2005-07-03 09:39:14 +00:00
// The offset converted to the usual body fixed coordinate system
// rotated to the earth fixed coordinates axis
SGVec3d off = hlTrans.backTransform(_off);
// Add the position offset of the AIModel to gain the earth centered position
SGVec3d cartPos = SGVec3d::fromGeod(pos);
return cartPos + off;
Mathias Frhlich: I have introduced the posibility to start directly on the carrier. With that patch you will have a --carrrier=id argument where id can either be the pennant number configured in the nimitz scenario or the carriers name also configured in the carriers scenario. Additionaly you can use --parkpos=id to select different positions on the carrier. They are also configured in the scenario file. That includes the switch of the whole FGInterface class to make use of the groundcache. That means that an aircraft no longer uses the current elevation value from the scenery class. It rather has its own local cache of the aircrafts environment which is setup in the common_init method of FGInterface and updated either manually by calling FGInterface::get_groundlevel_m(lat, lon, alt_m); or implicitly by calling the above method in the FGInterface::_updateGeo*Position(lat, lon, alt); methods. A call get_groundlevel_m rebuilds the groundcache if the request is outside the range of the cache. Note that for the real usage of the groundcache including the correct information about the movement of objects and the velocity information, you still need to set up the groundcache in the usual way like YASim and JSBSim currently does. If you use the native interface, you will get only static objects correctly. But for FDM's only using one single ground level for a whole step this is IMO sufficient. The AIManager gets a way to return the location of a object which is placed wrt an AI Object. At the moment it only honours AICarriers for that. That method is a static one, which loads the scenario file for that reason and throws it away afterwards. This looked like the aprioriate way, because the AIManager is initialized much later in flightgears bootstrap, and I did not find an easy way to reorder that for my needs. Since this additional load is very small and does only happen if such a relative location is required, I think that this is ok. Note that moving on the carrier will only work correctly for JSBSim and YASim, but you should now be able to start and move on every not itself moving object with any FDM.
2005-07-03 09:39:14 +00:00
2004-05-25 08:58:36 +00:00
SGVec3d FGAIBase::getCartPos() const {
SGVec3d cartPos = SGVec3d::fromGeod(pos);
return cartPos;
bool FGAIBase::getGroundElevationM(const SGGeod& pos, double& elev,
const simgear::BVHMaterial** material) const {
return globals->get_scenery()->get_elevation_m(pos, elev, material,
double FGAIBase::_getCartPosX() const {
SGVec3d cartPos = getCartPos();
return cartPos.x();
double FGAIBase::_getCartPosY() const {
SGVec3d cartPos = getCartPos();
return cartPos.y();
double FGAIBase::_getCartPosZ() const {
SGVec3d cartPos = getCartPos();
return cartPos.z();
void FGAIBase::_setLongitude( double longitude ) {
2006-06-15 08:29:43 +00:00
2004-05-25 08:58:36 +00:00
void FGAIBase::_setLatitude ( double latitude ) {
2006-06-15 08:29:43 +00:00
2004-05-25 08:58:36 +00:00
void FGAIBase::_setSubID( int s ) {
_subID = s;
bool FGAIBase::setParentNode() {
if (_parent == ""){
SG_LOG(SG_AI, SG_ALERT, "AIBase: " << _name
<< " parent not set ");
return false;
const SGPropertyNode_ptr ai = fgGetNode("/ai/models", true);
for (int i = ai->nChildren() - 1; i >= -1; i--) {
SGPropertyNode_ptr model;
if (i < 0) { // last iteration: selected model
model = _selected_ac;
} else {
model = ai->getChild(i);
//const string& path = ai->getPath();
const string name = model->getStringValue("name");
if (!model->nChildren()){
if (name == _parent) {
_selected_ac = model; // save selected model for last iteration
if (!model)
}// end for loop
if (_selected_ac != 0){
const string name = _selected_ac->getStringValue("name");
return true;
} else {
SG_LOG(SG_AI, SG_ALERT, "AIBase: " << _name
<< " parent not found: dying ");
return false;
double FGAIBase::_getLongitude() const {
2006-06-15 08:29:43 +00:00
return pos.getLongitudeDeg();
2004-05-25 08:58:36 +00:00
double FGAIBase::_getLatitude() const {
2006-06-15 08:29:43 +00:00
return pos.getLatitudeDeg();
2004-05-25 08:58:36 +00:00
double FGAIBase::_getElevationFt() const {
return pos.getElevationFt();
double FGAIBase::_getRdot() const {
return rdot;
2004-05-25 08:58:36 +00:00
double FGAIBase::_getVS_fps() const {
return vs/60.0;
2004-05-25 08:58:36 +00:00
double FGAIBase::_get_speed_east_fps() const {
return speed_east_deg_sec * ft_per_deg_lon;
double FGAIBase::_get_speed_north_fps() const {
return speed_north_deg_sec * ft_per_deg_lat;
void FGAIBase::_setVS_fps( double _vs ) {
vs = _vs*60.0;
2004-05-25 08:58:36 +00:00
double FGAIBase::_getAltitude() const {
return altitude_ft;
2004-05-25 08:58:36 +00:00
double FGAIBase::_getAltitudeAGL(SGGeod inpos, double start){
getGroundElevationM(SGGeod::fromGeodM(inpos, start),
_elevation_m, NULL);
return inpos.getElevationFt() - _elevation_m * SG_METER_TO_FEET;
bool FGAIBase::_getServiceable() const {
return serviceable;
SGPropertyNode* FGAIBase::_getProps() const {
return props;
void FGAIBase::_setAltitude( double _alt ) {
setAltitude( _alt );
2004-05-25 08:58:36 +00:00
2004-05-28 19:03:55 +00:00
bool FGAIBase::_isNight() {
2004-05-25 08:58:36 +00:00
return (fgGetFloat("/sim/time/sun-angle-rad") > 1.57);
bool FGAIBase::_getCollisionData() {
return _collision_reported;
bool FGAIBase::_getExpiryData() {
return _expiry_reported;
bool FGAIBase::_getImpactData() {
return _impact_reported;
double FGAIBase::_getImpactLat() const {
return _impact_lat;
double FGAIBase::_getImpactLon() const {
return _impact_lon;
double FGAIBase::_getImpactElevFt() const {
return _impact_elev * SG_METER_TO_FEET;
double FGAIBase::_getImpactPitch() const {
return _impact_pitch;
double FGAIBase::_getImpactRoll() const {
return _impact_roll;
double FGAIBase::_getImpactHdg() const {
return _impact_hdg;
double FGAIBase::_getImpactSpeed() const {
return _impact_speed;
int FGAIBase::getID() const {
return _refID;
int FGAIBase::_getSubID() const {
return _subID;
double FGAIBase::_getSpeed() const {
return speed;
double FGAIBase::_getRoll() const {
return roll;
double FGAIBase::_getPitch() const {
return pitch;
double FGAIBase::_getHeading() const {
return hdg;
2008-02-15 11:06:27 +00:00
double FGAIBase::_getXOffset() const {
return _x_offset;
double FGAIBase::_getYOffset() const {
return _y_offset;
double FGAIBase::_getZOffset() const {
return _z_offset;
const char* FGAIBase::_getPath() const {
return model_path.c_str();
const char* FGAIBase::_getSMPath() const {
return _path.c_str();
const char* FGAIBase::_getName() const {
return _name.c_str();
const char* FGAIBase::_getCallsign() const {
return _callsign.c_str();
const char* FGAIBase::_getSubmodel() const {
return _submodel.c_str();
void FGAIBase::CalculateMach() {
// Calculate rho at altitude, using standard atmosphere
// For the temperature T and the pressure p,
double altitude = altitude_ft;
if (altitude < 36152) { // curve fits for the troposphere
T = 59 - 0.00356 * altitude;
p = 2116 * pow( ((T + 459.7) / 518.6) , 5.256);
} else if ( 36152 < altitude && altitude < 82345 ) { // lower stratosphere
T = -70;
p = 473.1 * pow( e , 1.73 - (0.000048 * altitude) );
} else { // upper stratosphere
T = -205.05 + (0.00164 * altitude);
p = 51.97 * pow( ((T + 459.7) / 389.98) , -11.388);
rho = p / (1718 * (T + 459.7));
// calculate the speed of sound at altitude
// a = sqrt ( g * R * (T + 459.7))
// where:
// a = speed of sound [ft/s]
// g = specific heat ratio, which is usually equal to 1.4
// R = specific gas constant, which equals 1716 ft-lb/slug/R
a = sqrt ( 1.4 * 1716 * (T + 459.7));
// calculate Mach number
Mach = speed/a;
// cout << "Speed(ft/s) "<< speed <<" Altitude(ft) "<< altitude << " Mach " << Mach << endl;
int FGAIBase::_newAIModelID() {
static int id = 0;
if (!++id)
id++; // id = 0 is not allowed.
return id;
bool FGAIBase::isValid() {
//Either no flightplan or it is valid
return !fp || fp->isValidPlan();