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// steam.cxx - Steam Gauge Calculations
// Copyright (C) 2000 Alexander Perry - alex.perry@ieee.org
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// $Id$
# include <config.h>
# include <iostream.h>
# include <iostream>
#include <simgear/constants.h>
#include <simgear/math/fg_types.hxx>
#include <Aircraft/aircraft.hxx>
#include <Main/options.hxx>
#include <Main/bfi.hxx>
#include <NetworkOLK/features.hxx>
#include "radiostack.hxx"
#include "steam.hxx"
// Declare the functions that read the variables
// Anything that reads the BFI directly is not implemented at all!
double FGSteam::the_STATIC_inhg = 29.92;
double FGSteam::the_ALT_ft = 0.0;
double FGSteam::get_ALT_ft() { _CatchUp(); return the_ALT_ft; }
double FGSteam::get_ASI_kias() { return FGBFI::getAirspeed(); }
double FGSteam::the_VSI_case = 29.92;
double FGSteam::the_VSI_fps = 0.0;
double FGSteam::get_VSI_fps() { _CatchUp(); return the_VSI_fps; }
double FGSteam::the_VACUUM_inhg = 0.0;
double FGSteam::get_VACUUM_inhg() { _CatchUp(); return the_VACUUM_inhg; }
double FGSteam::the_MH_err = 0.0;
double FGSteam::the_MH_deg = 0.0;
double FGSteam::the_MH_degps = 0.0;
double FGSteam::get_MH_deg () { _CatchUp(); return the_MH_deg; }
2000-06-15 18:36:13 +00:00
double FGSteam::the_DG_err = 0.0;
double FGSteam::the_DG_deg = 0.0;
double FGSteam::the_DG_degps = 0.0;
double FGSteam::the_DG_inhg = 0.0;
double FGSteam::get_DG_deg () { _CatchUp(); return the_DG_deg; }
2000-06-15 18:36:13 +00:00
double FGSteam::get_DG_err () { _CatchUp(); return the_DG_err; }
void FGSteam::set_DG_err ( double approx_magvar ) {
the_DG_err = approx_magvar;
double FGSteam::the_TC_rad = 0.0;
double FGSteam::the_TC_std = 0.0;
double FGSteam::get_TC_rad () { _CatchUp(); return the_TC_rad; }
double FGSteam::get_TC_std () { _CatchUp(); return the_TC_std; }
// Recording the current time
int FGSteam::_UpdatesPending = 1000000; /* Forces filter to reset */
void FGSteam::update ( int timesteps )
_UpdatesPending += timesteps;
void FGSteam::set_lowpass ( double *outthe, double inthe, double tc )
if ( tc < 0.0 )
{ if ( tc < -1.0 )
{ /* time went backwards; kill the filter */
(*outthe) = inthe;
} else
{ /* ignore mildly negative time */
} else
if ( tc < 0.2 )
{ /* Normal mode of operation */
(*outthe) = (*outthe) * ( 1.0 - tc )
+ inthe * tc;
} else
if ( tc > 5.0 )
{ /* Huge time step; assume filter has settled */
(*outthe) = inthe;
} else
{ /* Moderate time step; non linear response */
double keep = exp ( -tc );
2000-04-11 20:38:45 +00:00
// printf ( "ARP: Keep is %f\n", keep );
(*outthe) = (*outthe) * keep
+ inthe * ( 1.0 - keep );
// Here the fun really begins
void FGSteam::_CatchUp()
{ if ( _UpdatesPending != 0 )
{ double dt = _UpdatesPending * 1.0 / current_options.get_model_hz();
double AccN, AccE, AccU;
int i /*,j*/;
double d, the_ENGINE_rpm;
#if 0
There is the possibility that this is the first call.
If this is the case, we will emit the feature registrations
just to be on the safe side. Doing it more than once will
waste CPU time but doesn't hurt anything really.
if ( _UpdatesPending > 999999 )
{ FGFeature::register_int ( "Avionics/NAV1/Localizer", &NAV1_LOC );
FGFeature::register_double ( "Avionics/NAV1/Latitude", &NAV1_Lat );
FGFeature::register_double ( "Avionics/NAV1/Longitude", &NAV1_Lon );
FGFeature::register_double ( "Avionics/NAV1/Radial", &NAV1_Rad );
FGFeature::register_double ( "Avionics/NAV1/Altitude", &NAV1_Alt );
FGFeature::register_int ( "Avionics/NAV2/Localizer", &NAV2_LOC );
FGFeature::register_double ( "Avionics/NAV2/Latitude", &NAV2_Lat );
FGFeature::register_double ( "Avionics/NAV2/Longitude", &NAV2_Lon );
FGFeature::register_double ( "Avionics/NAV2/Radial", &NAV2_Rad );
FGFeature::register_double ( "Avionics/NAV2/Altitude", &NAV2_Alt );
FGFeature::register_double ( "Avionics/ADF/Latitude", &ADF_Lat );
FGFeature::register_double ( "Avionics/ADF/Longitude", &ADF_Lon );
Someone has called our update function and
it turns out that we are running somewhat behind.
Here, we recalculate everything for a 'dt' second step.
The ball responds to the acceleration vector in the body
frame, only the components perpendicular to the longitudinal
axis of the aircraft. This is only related to actual
side slip for a symmetrical aircraft which is not touching
the ground and not changing its attitude. Math simplifies
by assuming (for small angles) arctan(x)=x in radians.
Obvious failure mode is the absence of liquid in the
tube, which is there to damp the motion, so that instead
the ball will bounce around, hitting the tube ends.
More subtle flaw is having it not move or a travel limit
occasionally due to some dirt in the tube or on the ball.
// the_TC_rad = - ( FGBFI::getSideSlip () ); /* incorrect */
d = - current_aircraft.fdm_state->get_A_Z_pilot();
if ( d < 1 ) d = 1;
set_lowpass ( & the_TC_rad,
current_aircraft.fdm_state->get_A_Y_pilot () / d,
dt );
The rate of turn indication is from an electric gyro.
We should have it spin up with the master switch.
It is mounted at a funny angle so that it detects
both rate of bank (i.e. rolling into and out of turns)
and the rate of turn (i.e. how fast heading is changing).
set_lowpass ( & the_TC_std,
current_aircraft.fdm_state->get_Phi_dot ()
* RAD_TO_DEG / 20.0 +
current_aircraft.fdm_state->get_Psi_dot ()
* RAD_TO_DEG / 3.0 , dt );
We want to know the pilot accelerations,
to compute the magnetic compass errors.
AccN = current_aircraft.fdm_state->get_V_dot_north();
AccE = current_aircraft.fdm_state->get_V_dot_east();
AccU = current_aircraft.fdm_state->get_V_dot_down()
- 9.81 / 0.3;
if ( fabs(the_TC_rad) > 0.2 )
{ /* Massive sideslip jams it; it stops turning */
the_MH_degps = 0.0;
the_MH_err = FGBFI::getHeading () - the_MH_deg;
} else
{ double MagDip, MagVar, CosDip;
double FrcN, FrcE, FrcU, AccTot;
double EdgN, EdgE, EdgU;
double TrqN, TrqE, TrqU, Torque;
/* Find a force vector towards exact magnetic north */
MagVar = FGBFI::getMagVar() / RAD_TO_DEG;
MagDip = FGBFI::getMagDip() / RAD_TO_DEG;
CosDip = cos ( MagDip );
FrcN = CosDip * cos ( MagVar );
FrcE = CosDip * sin ( MagVar );
FrcU = sin ( MagDip );
/* Rotation occurs around acceleration axis,
but axis magnitude is irrelevant. So compute it. */
AccTot = AccN*AccN + AccE*AccE + AccU*AccU;
if ( AccTot > 1.0 ) AccTot = sqrt ( AccTot );
else AccTot = 1.0;
/* Force applies to north marking on compass card */
EdgN = cos ( the_MH_err / RAD_TO_DEG );
EdgE = sin ( the_MH_err / RAD_TO_DEG );
EdgU = 0.0;
/* Apply the force to the edge to get torques */
TrqN = EdgE * FrcU - EdgU * FrcE;
TrqE = EdgU * FrcN - EdgN * FrcU;
TrqU = EdgN * FrcE - EdgE * FrcN;
/* Select the component parallel to the axis */
Torque = ( TrqN * AccN +
TrqE * AccE +
TrqU * AccU ) * 5.0 / AccTot;
/* The magnetic compass has angular momentum,
so we apply a torque to it and wait */
if ( dt < 1.0 )
{ the_MH_degps= the_MH_degps * (1.0 - dt) - Torque;
the_MH_err += dt * the_MH_degps;
if ( the_MH_err > 180.0 ) the_MH_err -= 360.0; else
if ( the_MH_err < -180.0 ) the_MH_err += 360.0;
the_MH_deg = FGBFI::getHeading () - the_MH_err;
This is not actually correct, but provides a
scaling capability for the vacuum pump later on.
When we have a real engine model, we can ask it.
the_ENGINE_rpm = FGBFI::getThrottle() * 26.0;
This is just temporary, until the static source works,
so we just filter the actual value by one second to
account for the line impedance of the plumbing.
set_lowpass ( & the_ALT_ft, FGBFI::getAltitude(), dt );
First, we need to know what the static line is reporting,
which is a whole simulation area in itself. For now, we cheat.
the_STATIC_inhg = 29.92;
i = (int) the_ALT_ft;
while ( i > 9000 )
{ the_STATIC_inhg *= 0.707;
i -= 9000;
the_STATIC_inhg *= ( 1.0 - 0.293 * i / 9000.0 );
NO alternate static source error (student feature),
NO possibility of blockage (instructor feature),
NO slip-induced error, important for C172 for example.
The VSI case is a low-pass filter of the static line pressure.
The instrument reports the difference, scaled to approx ft.
NO option for student to break glass when static source fails.
NO capability for a fixed non-zero reading when level.
NO capability to have a scaling error of maybe a factor of two.
the_VSI_fps = ( the_VSI_case - the_STATIC_inhg )
NAV1 is now the ILS-28R on airport KMYF, NAV2 is now the VOR radial 068 from MZB, ADF is now the Compass locator on the outer marker. This combination is more than the legally required to fly any of KMYF-ILS-28R, KMYF-LOC-28R KMYF-NDB28. If you don't have access to the approach plates and would like them, let me know and I'll scan them (and put them on the webpage area). The approaches do work; I've checked them all out in terms of altitude profile, centerlines and other stuff. In real life, the radar vectoring will basically abandon you overhead KSEE airport at 4000 ft heading 210 or so. Sometime later you'll be turned to a heading of 260 if the controller doesn't have too much else to do, just before you hit the extended centerline. You can't rely on that though. Maintain 3500ft until established, 2100 ft until the outer marker, If non-precision, maintain 1340 until crossing the radial, then 900 thereafter until you miss, based on time from the NDB. The miss takes you heading 270 to intercept a radial which this hacky implementation will not let you set up the computer for. The hacky math implementation does not take range and/or signal strength into account, so you can fly to San Diego from England by following the needle indication on the ADF. It is also fairly inaccurate math; about as accurate as the real-life signals. When we have a _real_ radio module, I will be very happy to throw all that code away. For now, it makes it demonstratable. Please notice the nastiness involving the "VARY_E" constant. This is _not_ something that will go away with the radio module. As far as I know, we don't have a routine that calculates magnetic variation as a function of global position. We will need one, probably within the next two months.
2000-03-26 16:52:36 +00:00
* 10000.0; /* manual scaling factor */
set_lowpass ( & the_VSI_case, the_STATIC_inhg, dt/6.0 );
The engine driven vacuum pump is directly attached
to the engine shaft, so each engine rotation pumps
a fixed volume. The amount of air in that volume
is determined by the vacuum line's internal pressure.
The instruments are essentially leaking air like
a fixed source impedance from atmospheric pressure.
The regulator provides a digital limit setting,
which is open circuit unless the pressure drop is big.
Thus, we can compute the vacuum line pressure directly.
We assume that there is negligible reservoir space.
NO failure of the pump supported (yet)
the_VACUUM_inhg = the_STATIC_inhg *
the_ENGINE_rpm / ( the_ENGINE_rpm + 10000.0 );
if ( the_VACUUM_inhg > 5.0 )
the_VACUUM_inhg = 5.0;
> I was merely going to do the engine rpm driven vacuum pump for both
> the AI and DG, have the gyros spin down down in power off descents,
> have it tumble when you exceed the usual pitch or bank limits,
> put in those insidious turning errors ... for now anyway.
if ( _UpdatesPending > 999999 )
2000-06-15 18:36:13 +00:00
the_DG_err = FGBFI::getMagVar();
the_DG_degps = 0.01; /* HACK! */
2000-06-15 18:36:13 +00:00
if (dt<1.0) the_DG_err += dt * the_DG_degps;
the_DG_deg = FGBFI::getHeading () - the_DG_err;
Finished updates, now clear the timer
_UpdatesPending = 0;
2000-06-15 18:36:13 +00:00
} else {
// cout << "0 Updates pending" << endl;
NAV1 is now the ILS-28R on airport KMYF, NAV2 is now the VOR radial 068 from MZB, ADF is now the Compass locator on the outer marker. This combination is more than the legally required to fly any of KMYF-ILS-28R, KMYF-LOC-28R KMYF-NDB28. If you don't have access to the approach plates and would like them, let me know and I'll scan them (and put them on the webpage area). The approaches do work; I've checked them all out in terms of altitude profile, centerlines and other stuff. In real life, the radar vectoring will basically abandon you overhead KSEE airport at 4000 ft heading 210 or so. Sometime later you'll be turned to a heading of 260 if the controller doesn't have too much else to do, just before you hit the extended centerline. You can't rely on that though. Maintain 3500ft until established, 2100 ft until the outer marker, If non-precision, maintain 1340 until crossing the radial, then 900 thereafter until you miss, based on time from the NDB. The miss takes you heading 270 to intercept a radial which this hacky implementation will not let you set up the computer for. The hacky math implementation does not take range and/or signal strength into account, so you can fly to San Diego from England by following the needle indication on the ADF. It is also fairly inaccurate math; about as accurate as the real-life signals. When we have a _real_ radio module, I will be very happy to throw all that code away. For now, it makes it demonstratable. Please notice the nastiness involving the "VARY_E" constant. This is _not_ something that will go away with the radio module. As far as I know, we don't have a routine that calculates magnetic variation as a function of global position. We will need one, probably within the next two months.
2000-03-26 16:52:36 +00:00
// Everything below is a transient hack; expect it to disappear
double FGSteam::get_HackGS_deg () {
if ( current_radiostack->get_nav1_inrange() &&
current_radiostack->get_nav1_has_gs() )
double x = current_radiostack->get_nav1_gs_dist();
2000-04-27 03:26:36 +00:00
double y = (FGBFI::getAltitude() - current_radiostack->get_nav1_elev())
double angle = atan2( y, x ) * RAD_TO_DEG;
2000-05-12 13:41:12 +00:00
return (current_radiostack->get_nav1_target_gs() - angle) * 5.0;
2000-04-27 03:26:36 +00:00
} else {
return 0.0;
NAV1 is now the ILS-28R on airport KMYF, NAV2 is now the VOR radial 068 from MZB, ADF is now the Compass locator on the outer marker. This combination is more than the legally required to fly any of KMYF-ILS-28R, KMYF-LOC-28R KMYF-NDB28. If you don't have access to the approach plates and would like them, let me know and I'll scan them (and put them on the webpage area). The approaches do work; I've checked them all out in terms of altitude profile, centerlines and other stuff. In real life, the radar vectoring will basically abandon you overhead KSEE airport at 4000 ft heading 210 or so. Sometime later you'll be turned to a heading of 260 if the controller doesn't have too much else to do, just before you hit the extended centerline. You can't rely on that though. Maintain 3500ft until established, 2100 ft until the outer marker, If non-precision, maintain 1340 until crossing the radial, then 900 thereafter until you miss, based on time from the NDB. The miss takes you heading 270 to intercept a radial which this hacky implementation will not let you set up the computer for. The hacky math implementation does not take range and/or signal strength into account, so you can fly to San Diego from England by following the needle indication on the ADF. It is also fairly inaccurate math; about as accurate as the real-life signals. When we have a _real_ radio module, I will be very happy to throw all that code away. For now, it makes it demonstratable. Please notice the nastiness involving the "VARY_E" constant. This is _not_ something that will go away with the radio module. As far as I know, we don't have a routine that calculates magnetic variation as a function of global position. We will need one, probably within the next two months.
2000-03-26 16:52:36 +00:00
double FGSteam::get_HackVOR1_deg () {
double r;
2000-04-27 03:26:36 +00:00
if ( current_radiostack->get_nav1_inrange() ) {
2000-05-12 14:09:52 +00:00
if ( current_radiostack->get_nav1_loc() ) {
// localizer doesn't need magvar offset
r = current_radiostack->get_nav1_heading()
- current_radiostack->get_nav1_radial();
} else {
r = current_radiostack->get_nav1_heading() - FGBFI::getMagVar()
- current_radiostack->get_nav1_radial();
2000-04-27 03:26:36 +00:00
// cout << "Radial = " << current_radiostack->get_nav1_radial()
// << " Bearing = " << current_radiostack->get_nav1_heading()
// << endl;
2000-04-27 03:26:36 +00:00
if (r> 180.0) r-=360.0; else
if (r<-180.0) r+=360.0;
if ( fabs(r) > 90.0 )
r = ( r<0.0 ? -r-180.0 : -r+180.0 );
// According to Robin Peel, the ILS is 4x more sensitive than a vor
if ( current_radiostack->get_nav1_loc() ) r *= 4.0;
2000-04-27 03:26:36 +00:00
} else {
r = 0.0;
return r;
NAV1 is now the ILS-28R on airport KMYF, NAV2 is now the VOR radial 068 from MZB, ADF is now the Compass locator on the outer marker. This combination is more than the legally required to fly any of KMYF-ILS-28R, KMYF-LOC-28R KMYF-NDB28. If you don't have access to the approach plates and would like them, let me know and I'll scan them (and put them on the webpage area). The approaches do work; I've checked them all out in terms of altitude profile, centerlines and other stuff. In real life, the radar vectoring will basically abandon you overhead KSEE airport at 4000 ft heading 210 or so. Sometime later you'll be turned to a heading of 260 if the controller doesn't have too much else to do, just before you hit the extended centerline. You can't rely on that though. Maintain 3500ft until established, 2100 ft until the outer marker, If non-precision, maintain 1340 until crossing the radial, then 900 thereafter until you miss, based on time from the NDB. The miss takes you heading 270 to intercept a radial which this hacky implementation will not let you set up the computer for. The hacky math implementation does not take range and/or signal strength into account, so you can fly to San Diego from England by following the needle indication on the ADF. It is also fairly inaccurate math; about as accurate as the real-life signals. When we have a _real_ radio module, I will be very happy to throw all that code away. For now, it makes it demonstratable. Please notice the nastiness involving the "VARY_E" constant. This is _not_ something that will go away with the radio module. As far as I know, we don't have a routine that calculates magnetic variation as a function of global position. We will need one, probably within the next two months.
2000-03-26 16:52:36 +00:00
double FGSteam::get_HackVOR2_deg () {
double r;
2000-04-27 03:26:36 +00:00
if ( current_radiostack->get_nav2_inrange() ) {
2000-05-12 14:09:52 +00:00
if ( current_radiostack->get_nav2_loc() ) {
// localizer doesn't need magvar offset
r = current_radiostack->get_nav2_heading()
- current_radiostack->get_nav2_radial();
} else {
r = current_radiostack->get_nav2_heading() - FGBFI::getMagVar()
- current_radiostack->get_nav2_radial();
2000-04-27 03:26:36 +00:00
// cout << "Radial = " << current_radiostack->get_nav1_radial()
// << " Bearing = " << current_radiostack->get_nav1_heading() << endl;
2000-04-27 03:26:36 +00:00
if (r> 180.0) r-=360.0; else
if (r<-180.0) r+=360.0;
if ( fabs(r) > 90.0 )
r = ( r<0.0 ? -r-180.0 : -r+180.0 );
} else {
r = 0.0;
return r;
NAV1 is now the ILS-28R on airport KMYF, NAV2 is now the VOR radial 068 from MZB, ADF is now the Compass locator on the outer marker. This combination is more than the legally required to fly any of KMYF-ILS-28R, KMYF-LOC-28R KMYF-NDB28. If you don't have access to the approach plates and would like them, let me know and I'll scan them (and put them on the webpage area). The approaches do work; I've checked them all out in terms of altitude profile, centerlines and other stuff. In real life, the radar vectoring will basically abandon you overhead KSEE airport at 4000 ft heading 210 or so. Sometime later you'll be turned to a heading of 260 if the controller doesn't have too much else to do, just before you hit the extended centerline. You can't rely on that though. Maintain 3500ft until established, 2100 ft until the outer marker, If non-precision, maintain 1340 until crossing the radial, then 900 thereafter until you miss, based on time from the NDB. The miss takes you heading 270 to intercept a radial which this hacky implementation will not let you set up the computer for. The hacky math implementation does not take range and/or signal strength into account, so you can fly to San Diego from England by following the needle indication on the ADF. It is also fairly inaccurate math; about as accurate as the real-life signals. When we have a _real_ radio module, I will be very happy to throw all that code away. For now, it makes it demonstratable. Please notice the nastiness involving the "VARY_E" constant. This is _not_ something that will go away with the radio module. As far as I know, we don't have a routine that calculates magnetic variation as a function of global position. We will need one, probably within the next two months.
2000-03-26 16:52:36 +00:00
2000-04-27 03:26:36 +00:00
double FGSteam::get_HackOBS1_deg () {
return current_radiostack->get_nav1_radial();
NAV1 is now the ILS-28R on airport KMYF, NAV2 is now the VOR radial 068 from MZB, ADF is now the Compass locator on the outer marker. This combination is more than the legally required to fly any of KMYF-ILS-28R, KMYF-LOC-28R KMYF-NDB28. If you don't have access to the approach plates and would like them, let me know and I'll scan them (and put them on the webpage area). The approaches do work; I've checked them all out in terms of altitude profile, centerlines and other stuff. In real life, the radar vectoring will basically abandon you overhead KSEE airport at 4000 ft heading 210 or so. Sometime later you'll be turned to a heading of 260 if the controller doesn't have too much else to do, just before you hit the extended centerline. You can't rely on that though. Maintain 3500ft until established, 2100 ft until the outer marker, If non-precision, maintain 1340 until crossing the radial, then 900 thereafter until you miss, based on time from the NDB. The miss takes you heading 270 to intercept a radial which this hacky implementation will not let you set up the computer for. The hacky math implementation does not take range and/or signal strength into account, so you can fly to San Diego from England by following the needle indication on the ADF. It is also fairly inaccurate math; about as accurate as the real-life signals. When we have a _real_ radio module, I will be very happy to throw all that code away. For now, it makes it demonstratable. Please notice the nastiness involving the "VARY_E" constant. This is _not_ something that will go away with the radio module. As far as I know, we don't have a routine that calculates magnetic variation as a function of global position. We will need one, probably within the next two months.
2000-03-26 16:52:36 +00:00
2000-04-27 03:26:36 +00:00
double FGSteam::get_HackOBS2_deg () {
return current_radiostack->get_nav2_radial();
NAV1 is now the ILS-28R on airport KMYF, NAV2 is now the VOR radial 068 from MZB, ADF is now the Compass locator on the outer marker. This combination is more than the legally required to fly any of KMYF-ILS-28R, KMYF-LOC-28R KMYF-NDB28. If you don't have access to the approach plates and would like them, let me know and I'll scan them (and put them on the webpage area). The approaches do work; I've checked them all out in terms of altitude profile, centerlines and other stuff. In real life, the radar vectoring will basically abandon you overhead KSEE airport at 4000 ft heading 210 or so. Sometime later you'll be turned to a heading of 260 if the controller doesn't have too much else to do, just before you hit the extended centerline. You can't rely on that though. Maintain 3500ft until established, 2100 ft until the outer marker, If non-precision, maintain 1340 until crossing the radial, then 900 thereafter until you miss, based on time from the NDB. The miss takes you heading 270 to intercept a radial which this hacky implementation will not let you set up the computer for. The hacky math implementation does not take range and/or signal strength into account, so you can fly to San Diego from England by following the needle indication on the ADF. It is also fairly inaccurate math; about as accurate as the real-life signals. When we have a _real_ radio module, I will be very happy to throw all that code away. For now, it makes it demonstratable. Please notice the nastiness involving the "VARY_E" constant. This is _not_ something that will go away with the radio module. As far as I know, we don't have a routine that calculates magnetic variation as a function of global position. We will need one, probably within the next two months.
2000-03-26 16:52:36 +00:00
2000-04-27 03:26:36 +00:00
double FGSteam::get_HackADF_deg () {
double r;
if ( current_radiostack->get_adf_inrange() ) {
2000-05-12 13:41:12 +00:00
r = current_radiostack->get_adf_heading() - FGBFI::getHeading();
2000-04-27 03:26:36 +00:00
// cout << "Radial = " << current_radiostack->get_adf_heading()
// << " Heading = " << FGBFI::getHeading() << endl;
} else {
r = 0.0;
return r;
NAV1 is now the ILS-28R on airport KMYF, NAV2 is now the VOR radial 068 from MZB, ADF is now the Compass locator on the outer marker. This combination is more than the legally required to fly any of KMYF-ILS-28R, KMYF-LOC-28R KMYF-NDB28. If you don't have access to the approach plates and would like them, let me know and I'll scan them (and put them on the webpage area). The approaches do work; I've checked them all out in terms of altitude profile, centerlines and other stuff. In real life, the radar vectoring will basically abandon you overhead KSEE airport at 4000 ft heading 210 or so. Sometime later you'll be turned to a heading of 260 if the controller doesn't have too much else to do, just before you hit the extended centerline. You can't rely on that though. Maintain 3500ft until established, 2100 ft until the outer marker, If non-precision, maintain 1340 until crossing the radial, then 900 thereafter until you miss, based on time from the NDB. The miss takes you heading 270 to intercept a radial which this hacky implementation will not let you set up the computer for. The hacky math implementation does not take range and/or signal strength into account, so you can fly to San Diego from England by following the needle indication on the ADF. It is also fairly inaccurate math; about as accurate as the real-life signals. When we have a _real_ radio module, I will be very happy to throw all that code away. For now, it makes it demonstratable. Please notice the nastiness involving the "VARY_E" constant. This is _not_ something that will go away with the radio module. As far as I know, we don't have a routine that calculates magnetic variation as a function of global position. We will need one, probably within the next two months.
2000-03-26 16:52:36 +00:00
// end of steam.cxx