It's not that leading or trailing whitespace in translated strings is forbidden *in principle*, but I think it is unwanted in most of these cases. Remove these spaces that could cause confusion, possibly useless work for translators and/or ugly displays. The only cases where the spaces seem to have been intentional are the trailing ones in menu labels (Translations/*/menu.xml), in order to obtain right alignment of keyboard shortcuts. However, there is only one case in English where the spacing looks approximately correct (File -> Reset). In all other cases, it looks awful. And this poor way of obtaining right alignment gives bad results in other languages, where translators use the same number of spaces as in English. Bottom line: if right alignment of keyboard shortcuts is indeed desired in the menu labels (I think it is), it should be done in a smarter way...
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149 lines
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<!-- FlightGear menu: Spanish language resource -->
<!-- ###
### This file is automatically synchronized with the master (=English language) resource.
### Please do not add comments, change order or restructure the file.
### To translate:
### * Replace "???" entries with appropriate translation.
### * Keep untranslated items unmodified (leave the "???"). English original is the
### automatic default.
### * Remove enclosing "<!-_ ... _->" tags for completed translations.
### * Keep the original English text unmodified (the '<!-_ English: "..." -_>)',
### so we know which version of the English original the translation is based upon
### (and we can identify translations which need to be updated, when the original changes).
### * Replace "-_" occurences with a double "-" in all translations (XML does not allow
### consecutive "-" characters in comments).
### Last synchronized with English master resource on 2012-July-13 for FlightGear 2.8.0
### -->
<!-- File menu -->
<file>Archivo</file> <!-- English: "File" -->
<reset>Reiniciar</reset> <!-- English: "Reset" -->
<load-tape>Cargar grabación de vuelo</load-tape> <!-- English: "Load Flight Recorder Tape" -->
<save-tape>Guardar grabación de vuelo</save-tape> <!-- English: "Save Flight Recorder Tape" -->
<snap-shot>Capturar pantalla</snap-shot> <!-- English: "Screenshot " -->
<snap-shot-dir>Directorio capturas</snap-shot-dir> <!-- English: "Screenshot Directory" -->
<sound-config>Configurar sonido</sound-config> <!-- English: "Sound Configuration" -->
<input-config>Configurar dispositivos de entrada</input-config> <!-- English: "Input Configuration" -->
<exit>Salir</exit> <!-- English: "Quit " -->
<!-- View menu -->
<view>Vista</view> <!-- English: "View" -->
<toggle-fullscreen>Pantalla completa</toggle-fullscreen> <!-- English: "Toggle Fullscreen" -->
<rendering-options>Opciones renderizado</rendering-options> <!-- English: "Rendering Options" -->
<view-options>Opciones de vistas</view-options> <!-- English: "View Options" -->
<cockpit-view-options>Opciones de vista de cabina</cockpit-view-options> <!-- English: "Cockpit View Options" -->
<adjust-lod>Nivel de detalle</adjust-lod> <!-- English: "Adjust LOD Ranges" -->
<pilot-offset>Posición del piloto</pilot-offset> <!-- English: "Adjust View Position" -->
<adjust-hud>Cambiar Propiedades del HUD</adjust-hud> <!-- English: "Adjust HUD Properties" -->
<toggle-glide-slope>Activar senda de planeo</toggle-glide-slope> <!-- English: "Toggle Glide Slope Tunnel" -->
<replay>Replay instantáneo</replay> <!-- English: "Instant Replay" -->
<stereoscopic-options>Opciones vista estereoscópica</stereoscopic-options> <!-- English: "Stereoscopic View Options" -->
<!-- Location menu -->
<location>Localización</location> <!-- English: "Location" -->
<position-in-air>Ubicar aeronave en vuelo</position-in-air> <!-- English: "Position Aircraft In Air" -->
<goto-airport>Seleccionar aeropuerto</goto-airport> <!-- English: "Select Airport" -->
<random-attitude>Dirección al azar</random-attitude> <!-- English: "Random Attitude" -->
<tower-position>Posición de la torre</tower-position> <!-- English: "Tower Position" -->
<!-- Autopilot menu -->
<autopilot>Autopiloto</autopilot> <!-- English: "Autopilot" -->
<autopilot-settings>Configurar AP</autopilot-settings> <!-- English: "Autopilot Settings" -->
<route-manager>Configurar rutas</route-manager> <!-- English: "Route Manager" -->
<previous-waypoint>Waypoint previo</previous-waypoint> <!-- English: "Previous Waypoint" -->
<next-waypoint>Waypoint siguiente</next-waypoint> <!-- English: "Next Waypoint" -->
<!-- Environment menu -->
<environment>Ambiente</environment> <!-- English: "Environment" -->
<global-weather>Clima</global-weather> <!-- English: "Weather" -->
<environment-settings>Configurar ambiente</environment-settings> <!-- English: "Environment Settings" -->
<time-settings>Configurar horario</time-settings> <!-- English: "Time Settings" -->
<wildfire-settings>Configurar incendios</wildfire-settings> <!-- English: "Wildfire Settings" -->
<terrasync>Descargar escenarios</terrasync> <!-- English: "Scenery Download" -->
<!-- Equipment menu -->
<equipment>Equipamiento</equipment> <!-- English: "Equipment" -->
<map>Mapa</map> <!-- English: "Map" -->
<stopwatch>Cronómetro</stopwatch> <!-- English: "Stopwatch" -->
<fuel-and-payload>Combustible y cargamento</fuel-and-payload> <!-- English: "Fuel and Payload" -->
<radio>Configurar radio</radio> <!-- English: "Radio Settings" -->
<gps>Configurar GPS</gps> <!-- English: "GPS Settings" -->
<instrument-settings>Configurar instrumentos</instrument-settings> <!-- English: "Instrument Settings" -->
<failure-submenu>--- Fallas ---</failure-submenu> <!-- English: " -_- Failures -_-" -->
<random-failures>Fallas al azar</random-failures> <!-- English: "Random Failures" -->
<system-failures>Fallas de sistemas</system-failures> <!-- English: "System Failures" -->
<instrument-failures>Fallas de instrumental</instrument-failures> <!-- English: "Instrument Failures" -->
<!-- AI menu -->
<ai>IA</ai> <!-- English: "AI" -->
<scenario>Configurar tráfico y escenarios</scenario> <!-- English: "Traffic and Scenario Settings" -->
<atc-in-range>Servicios ATC en cercanía</atc-in-range> <!-- English: "ATC Services in Range" -->
<wingman>Controles vuelo en formación</wingman> <!-- English: "Wingman Controls" -->
<tanker>Controles reabastecimiento en vuelo</tanker> <!-- English: "Tanker Controls" -->
<carrier>Controles portaaviones</carrier> <!-- English: "Carrier Controls" -->
<jetway>Configurar manga</jetway> <!-- English: "Jetway Settings" -->
<!-- Multiplayer menu -->
<multiplayer>Multijugador</multiplayer> <!-- English: "Multiplayer" -->
<mp-settings>Configuración multijugador</mp-settings> <!-- English: "Multiplayer Settings" -->
<mp-chat>Ventana de chat</mp-chat> <!-- English: "Chat Dialog" -->
<mp-chat-menu>Menú de chat</mp-chat-menu> <!-- English: "Chat Menu" -->
<mp-list>Lista de pilotos</mp-list> <!-- English: "Pilot List" -->
<mp-carrier>Selección de portaaviones multijugador</mp-carrier> <!-- English: "MPCarrier Selection" -->
<!-- Debug menu -->
<debug>Depurar</debug> <!-- English: "Debug" -->
<!-- Note: Debug menu items may not need to be translated
since these options are not useful to end users anyway. -->
<reload-gui>Reiniciar interfaz gráfica</reload-gui> <!-- English: "Reload GUI" -->
<reload-input>Reiniciar interfaz de control</reload-input> <!-- English: "Reload Input" -->
<reload-hud>Reiniciar HUD</reload-hud> <!-- English: "Reload HUD" -->
<reload-panel>Reiniciar panel</reload-panel> <!-- English: "Reload Panel" -->
<reload-autopilot>Reiniciar autopiloto</reload-autopilot> <!-- English: "Reload Autopilot" -->
<reload-network>Reiniciar conexión de red</reload-network> <!-- English: "Reload Network" -->
<reload-model>Recargar modelo de la aeronave</reload-model> <!-- English: "Reload Aircraft Model" -->
<reload-materials>Recargar materiales</reload-materials> <!-- English: "Reload Materials" -->
<reload-scenery>Recargar escenarios</reload-scenery> <!-- English: "Reload Scenery" -->
<nasal-console>Consola nasal</nasal-console> <!-- English: "Nasal Console" -->
<development-keys>Teclas de desarrollo</development-keys> <!-- English: "Development Keys" -->
<configure-dev-extension>Configurar extensiones de desarrollo</configure-dev-extension> <!-- English: "Configure Development Extensions" -->
<display-marker>Mostrar marcadores de tutorial</display-marker> <!-- English: "Display Tutorial Marker" -->
<dump-scene-graph>Mostrar datos escena gráfica</dump-scene-graph> <!-- English: "Dump Scene Graph" -->
<print-rendering-statistics>Mostrar estadísticas de renderizado</print-rendering-statistics> <!-- English: "Print Rendering Statistics" -->
<statistics-display>Mostrar estadísticas en pantalla</statistics-display> <!-- English: "Cycle On-Screen Statistics" -->
<performance-monitor>Monitor de performance del sistema</performance-monitor> <!-- English: "Monitor System Performance" -->
<property-browser>Visor de propiedades internas</property-browser> <!-- English: "Browse Internal Properties" -->
<logging>Registro</logging> <!-- English: "Logging" -->
<local_weather>Clima local (pruebas)</local_weather> <!-- English: "Local Weather (Test)" -->
<print-scene-info>Información escena visible</print-scene-info> <!-- English: "Print Visible Scene Info" -->
<rendering-buffers>Ocultar/Mostrar buffers de renderizado</rendering-buffers> <!-- English: "Hide/Show Rendering Buffers" -->
<rembrandt-buffers-choice>Seleccionar buffers de renderizado</rembrandt-buffers-choice> <!-- English: "Select Rendering Buffers" -->
<!-- Help menu -->
<help>Ayuda</help> <!-- English: "Help" -->
<help-browser>Ayuda (abre en el navegador)</help-browser> <!-- English: "Help (opens in browser)" -->
<doc-browser>Navegador de documentación</doc-browser> <!-- English: "Documentation Browser" -->
<aircraft-keys>Ayuda de aeronave</aircraft-keys> <!-- English: "Aircraft Help" -->
<aircraft-checklists>Listas de chequeo de aeronave</aircraft-checklists> <!-- English: "Aircraft Checklists" -->
<common-keys>Teclas comunes a toda aeronave</common-keys> <!-- English: "Common Aircraft Keys" -->
<basic-keys>Teclas básicas del simulador</basic-keys> <!-- English: "Basic Simulator Keys" -->
<joystick-config>Configuración de joystick</joystick-config> <!-- English: "Joystick Configuration" -->
<joystick-info>Información de joystick</joystick-info> <!-- English: "Joystick Information" -->
<tutorial-start>Tutoriales</tutorial-start> <!-- English: "Tutorials" -->
<menu-about>Acerca de</menu-about> <!-- English: "About" -->
<!-- Aircraft menu (only frequent/common custom menu entries are supported) -->
<select-livery>Seleccionar livery</select-livery> <!-- English: "Select livery" -->
<show-hide-yokes>Mostrar/ocultar cuernos</show-hide-yokes> <!-- English: "Show/hide yokes" -->
<immatriculation>Matrícula</immatriculation> <!-- English: "Immatriculation" -->
<pushback>Pushback</pushback> <!-- English: "Pushback" -->
<autostart>Autoencendido</autostart> <!-- English: "Autostart" -->
<tiller-steering>Timón de dirección</tiller-steering> <!-- English: "Tiller Steering" -->