130 lines
4.2 KiB
130 lines
4.2 KiB
#include <boost/unordered_set.hpp>
#include <simgear/math/SGMisc.hxx>
// Implement Unique SGVec3f list
// We use a hash to store the indices. All iterators returned from find are
// constant, because modifying a value will modify the hash - rendering the
// set invalid.
// Selection of the bucket is tightly linked to the key equality function.
// If any value is considered equal to another, than the hash function MUST
// compute the same hash for each value.
// So close_enough_2d will remain our testo of equality. It simply rounds to
// 6 decimal places. Our hash function will round to 5, so at most 10 points in the
// same bucket.
// We could experiment with making it so 1 point per bucket, but I'm nervous...
#define PROXIMITY_EPSILON ((double) 1 / (double)( PROXIMITY_MULTIPLIER * 10 ) )
class SGVec3fIndex {
SGVec3fIndex( SGVec3f v ) {
vec = v;
std::size_t FNV_prime;
std::size_t offset_basis;
switch( sizeof( std::size_t ) ) {
case 4: // 32 bit system
FNV_prime = 16777619ULL;
offset_basis = 2166136261ULL;
case 8: // 64 bit system
FNV_prime = 1099511628211ULL;
offset_basis = 14695981039346656037ULL;
hash = (std::size_t)offset_basis;
/* only hash lon, lat - we want to detect dups in 2d only */
unsigned long long raw_pt[3];
raw_pt[0] = (unsigned long long)( SGMisc<float>::round(vec.x() * PROXIMITY_MULTIPLIER) );
raw_pt[1] = (unsigned long long)( SGMisc<float>::round(vec.y() * PROXIMITY_MULTIPLIER) );
raw_pt[2] = (unsigned long long)( SGMisc<float>::round(vec.z() * PROXIMITY_MULTIPLIER) );
unsigned char* it = (unsigned char*)raw_pt;
for ( unsigned i=0; i<sizeof( raw_pt ); i++ ) {
hash = hash ^ *it++;
hash = hash * FNV_prime;
// SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, " GetHash x: " << raw_pt[0] << " y: " << raw_pt[1] << " = " << hash );
inline void SetOrderedIndex( unsigned int i ) { ordered_index = i; }
inline unsigned int GetOrderedIndex( void ) const { return ordered_index; }
inline std::size_t GetHash( void ) const { return hash; }
friend bool operator == (const SGVec3fIndex& a, const SGVec3fIndex& b);
friend std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream&, const SGVec3fIndex& );
SGVec3f vec;
std::size_t hash;
unsigned int ordered_index;
inline bool operator == (const SGVec3fIndex& a, const SGVec3fIndex& b) {
return (( fabs(a.vec.x() - b.vec.x()) < PROXIMITY_EPSILON ) &&
( fabs(a.vec.y() - b.vec.y()) < PROXIMITY_EPSILON ) &&
( fabs(a.vec.z() - b.vec.z()) < PROXIMITY_EPSILON ));
struct SGVec3fIndexHash : std::unary_function<SGVec3fIndex, std::size_t>
std::size_t operator()(SGVec3fIndex const& vi) const {
return vi.GetHash();
typedef boost::unordered_set<SGVec3fIndex, SGVec3fIndexHash> unique_vec3f_set;
typedef unique_vec3f_set::iterator unique_vec3f_set_iterator;
typedef unique_vec3f_set::const_iterator const_unique_vec3f_set_iterator;
class UniqueSGVec3fSet {
UniqueSGVec3fSet() {}
unsigned int add( const SGVec3f& v );
int find( const SGVec3f& v ) const;
std::vector<SGVec3f>& get_list( void ) { return vector_list; }
unique_vec3f_set index_list;
std::vector<SGVec3f> vector_list;
unsigned int UniqueSGVec3fSet::add( const SGVec3f& v ) {
unique_vec3f_set_iterator it;
SGVec3fIndex lookup( v );
it = index_list.find( lookup );
if ( it == index_list.end() ) {
lookup.SetOrderedIndex( vector_list.size() );
index_list.insert( lookup );
} else {
lookup = *it;
return lookup.GetOrderedIndex();
int UniqueSGVec3fSet::find( const SGVec3f& v ) const {
unique_vec3f_set_iterator it;
SGVec3fIndex lookup( v );
int index = -1;
it = index_list.find( lookup );
if ( it != index_list.end() ) {
index = it->GetOrderedIndex();
return index;