--debug-dir=pathname points to the debug root directory. each tile will create a sub directory in this existing directory. (default is '.')
--debug-shapes=tileid:shape1,shape2,etc.. lists the shapes to debug within a tile
example: if the tesselator crashes in shape id '123', you can rerun with --debug-shapes=2678440:337
implemented the same bounding box optimization from tesselate in FixTJunctions. Also fixed a bounding box issue that could cause some
elevation points to be missed.
brought in the latest version of clipper - and moved the #define to the construct header
some debug cleanup (especially in polygon loading)
- generates an intermediate file for the whole linestring, but as seperate poly/texcoord pairs
- construct generates the union ofthe polys for the main clip routine
- intersection ot the original segment with the clipped mask gives the clipped segment
This cuts ~75% of clipping time for really complex tiles. 8 tiles for Madeira went from
4:45:00 to 1:04:00
- fix really bad facelist generation.
- add a face area list in superpoly - each triangle area was calculated twice
- cleanup contruct_bucket - calls a function for each step.
TODO : move groups of operations into their own files
i.e. load, clip, elevation, shared edges, and output
- some small optimizations made by storing triangle nodes in addition to triangle coordinates in TGSuperpoly. More can be done, here.
- Brute force methos of generating alist of faces for each nodes that the face has is completely brute force. Looking at original method, I think I can make it work, which should be a significant speedup.
- fixed exception in find_point_inside.
NOTE: second fix can cause some gaps, as the polygon cleaning can result in a smaller poly than the original. Need to clean polys after diff, before adding the result to the union.
I'm now able to build all of
adeira - and tile matchine looks good. Some gaps visible when roads are cleaned incorrectly.
- fixed tile matching using add_intermediate_nodes
- source code rearrangement phase 1 - remove a lot of libraries that are not used by other apps
- move some of the Buildtiles libraries that are used by other apps (and libs) into terragear lib directory
- debug message overhal - to show some progress.
TODO - not implemented yet
- caculate face nodes and save in superpoly (where the faces are stored)
- calculate node normals, and store in tg_nodes (where the nodes are stored)
TODO - bugs
- find_intermediate_nodes isn't working for a lot of roads - still many t-juntions making visible gaps
- flatten ocean nosed is also creating gaps
- there's a grey poly on madeira - need to investigate