Christian Schmitt
Set default threads number to 1 and add switches to enable multithreading:
"--threads" enables autodetection of available cores
"--threads=x" sets a custom threads value
Update help test and remove duplicate dem option
2012-09-05 11:26:11 +02:00
Christian Schmitt
activate external threshold light bar function and clean up
2012-09-02 12:52:35 +02:00
Christian Schmitt
Remove individual threshold bar lights routines from the ALS functions
2012-09-02 12:52:35 +02:00
Christian Schmitt
Adapt threshold lights routine to displaced threshold generation
move threshold bar creation here and make the routine generic for
all ALS that use threshold bars
2012-09-02 12:52:30 +02:00
Christian Schmitt
Create centerlines lights over the reciprocal displaced thresholds, too
2012-09-01 12:00:01 +02:00
Christian Schmitt
Change edge lights routine to work with displaced thresholds as well
2012-09-01 11:57:28 +02:00
Christian Schmitt
Adapt to SG changes
2012-08-26 22:22:40 +02:00
Christian Schmitt
Use gen_corners function for the vector calculation as well
2012-08-16 13:03:51 +02:00
Christian Schmitt
Fix the runway centerline, threshold and edge lights. They still used calculations in ft,
which were no longer compatible and led to wrong results.
Also, apply some more of the FAA specs on the edge lights now.
2012-08-15 21:22:13 +02:00
Christian Schmitt
Further tweak the displaced threshold routine for short variants.
Explicitly fixes EDCJ but many more, too
2012-08-12 12:44:15 +02:00
Christian Schmitt
Fix displaced threshold calculation and convert measurements to meters
2012-08-12 09:52:54 +02:00
Christian Schmitt
genapts850: fix a bug that can lead to the parser reading beyond one airport definition
and thus create another airport instead.
2012-08-09 18:31:47 +02:00
Christian Schmitt
genapts850: make sure we do not hang forever in a parse loop
when there are actually no airports to parse within the bounding box
2012-08-06 19:41:36 +02:00
Christian Schmitt
Put default max_slope value for airports back to 2%. We have a command line option to increase this, if necessary
2012-08-06 12:58:11 +02:00
Christian Schmitt
Cleanup the genapts850 lights routine and move duplicate code into
a seperate function
2012-08-01 11:08:31 +02:00
Christian Schmitt
genapts scheduler: fix a buffer overflow. 512 bytes should be enough for everyone :)
2012-07-09 13:03:53 +02:00
Peter Sadrozinski
remove hard coded work directory in multicore api
2012-07-01 04:33:52 -04:00
Frederic Bouvier
Fix windows build
2012-06-28 08:43:09 +02:00
Christian Schmitt
runway/taxiway: add dry lakebed texture
2012-06-24 17:49:22 +02:00
Christian Schmitt
Add POCO dep to the cmake files
2012-06-17 10:51:58 +02:00
Christian Schmitt
Add signs size support to the STG files
2012-06-17 10:47:45 +02:00
Peter Sadrozinski
Add multicore support for genapt850.
- fix launch
- fix taxiway debug uninitialized variable
- fixed issue when child crashes, not timed out - detect the error
when we get notified that the socket has data, but no line is received
2012-06-16 09:09:55 -04:00
Christian Schmitt
Fix FSF address in headers and add a proper header to GenAirports850/main.cxx
2012-05-05 12:20:21 +02:00
Christian Schmitt
Some output cosmetics
2012-04-16 10:41:00 +02:00
Peter Sadrozinski
Add support for legacy taxiway '10'
2012-04-14 17:08:52 -04:00
Christian Schmitt
Partially revert commit b7ec098859
The heading calculation was right. I was unaware of stg using
counter-clockwise notation :(
2012-04-12 23:21:44 +02:00
Christian Schmitt
-Fix taxisign heading calculation leading to wrong values in certain cases
-Unify space between yellow lights
2012-04-12 12:49:00 +02:00
Peter Sadrozinski
- Build runway shoulders at the same time as runway segments
- hook up --dump-rwy=x to shapefile generation for debugging runway
and shoulder polys using qgis
2012-04-11 18:35:27 -04:00
Christian Schmitt
Fix Windows-build linking issue and unify CMake files a bit
2012-04-07 14:57:22 +02:00
Peter Sadrozinski
Use SGTimestamp for statistics gathering.
Use time(0) and standard C++ <ctime> for date / time
2012-03-31 22:09:18 -04:00
Peter Sadrozinski
one more boneheaded fix - don't access the timevals if they aren't included
2012-03-31 11:50:30 -04:00
Peter Sadrozinski
remove time statistics from windows build
will investigate porting gettimeofday later
2012-03-31 11:43:45 -04:00
Peter Sadrozinski
better fix for sys/time.h windows problem in genapt850
2012-03-31 11:22:48 -04:00
Peter Sadrozinski
fix for time.h on Windows
2012-03-31 11:15:47 -04:00
Peter Sadrozinski
hopefully fix windows build
2012-03-31 10:31:37 -04:00
Christian Schmitt
Set RWY_YELLOW_PULSE_LIGHTS as name for blinking hold-short lights.
Support for this is coming in SG and fgdata
2012-03-30 19:23:30 +02:00
Christian Schmitt
Fix the stopway texturing. Cleanup a bit.
This needs negative pct values.
2012-03-29 21:08:40 +02:00
Christian Schmitt
Make sure the runways are long enough for desired markings.
This prevents texture glitches on too short runways where
there is simply not enough space for all the needed runway parts.
2012-03-26 10:07:34 +02:00
Peter Sadrozinski
A fix for LFPG problem in expand poly. If there are dups when expanding,
the resultant poly was huge, and I could run out of memory.
For closed polys, remove_dups() after snapping.
Also cleaned up the dump_xxx debug command line switches.
- now 1 based, not 0.
- debug_cp directory is the datasource name, so the directory need
not exist before running genapt850.
2012-03-25 23:54:18 +02:00
Peter Sadrozinski
- modified grid size from 1 cm to 1 mm
- snap runway and pavement polys to grid after adding slivers.
2012-03-25 23:54:18 +02:00
Peter Sadrozinski
Instead of snapping whenever clipper converts a poly, just snap before clipping,
and after intermediate nodes are added.
If we snap before intermediate nodes are added, we generate extra slivers, as
the proximity for node insertion may fail when the extra node is snapped away
from the line we are checking
2012-03-25 23:54:17 +02:00
Peter Sadrozinski
onvert cout to SG_LOG in lights.cxx.
remove unused dead code in airport.cxx
2012-03-25 23:54:17 +02:00
Peter Sadrozinski
Remove unused convex_hull.hxx / .cxx, now that we can expand polys
using the clipper library
2012-03-25 23:54:17 +02:00
Peter Sadrozinski
Add material_prefix to runway class, so we don't have to pass it around so much
2012-03-25 23:54:17 +02:00
Peter Sadrozinski
More consolidation for runway generation
- remove gen_overrun, and the 'generic' gen_tex functions.
- removed rwy_common.cxx
NOTE: now, helipads don't share the same generate function as runway sections.
Maybe later they can be remerged...
2012-03-25 23:54:17 +02:00
Peter Sadrozinski
Remove gen_runway_marking(). Trying to minimize the number of functions needed to generate a runway,
which should make it easier to understand the code. If there are parts that can be generalized, I'll
pull these out. gen_runway_marking was only called from one place however...
2012-03-25 23:54:17 +02:00
Peter Sadrozinski
Removing alt_m from all the BuildBTG functions. It isn't used byt SimGear
int the geo_direct_wgs_84() calls.
2012-03-25 23:54:17 +02:00
Peter Sadrozinski
A bit of a re-work (again) but looks to be worth it.
Instead of cleaning polys after clipping, to get good triangulation, try to
clean them before clipping, snap the verticies to 1 1cm x 1cm grid, and
merge any resultant slivers back into adjacent polys.
This is very similar to how fgfs-construct worked.
Although the previous methos only failed on 3 airports, the results weren't
very good. There were lots of cracks, and mmissing triangles, as the polys were
New methos freezes on two airports during base triangulation, and crashes on four.
I think the quality of the generated airports overcomes the slight regression.
I also added some debug switches so I don't have to keep rebuilding from source
to debug crashes. --dump-rwy=xxx --dump-pvmt=xxx, --dump-feat=xxx and --dum-base=1
can be used to create shapefiles to debug the particular polys before clipping.
Currently, there needs to be a cp_debug directory to place the shapefiles into.
Probably need better debug infrastructure going forward...
NOTE: I turned off runway shoulder generation in this build. Polygon snapping for runways,
helipads, and shoulders not implemented yet. This may help on the failing airports.
This is next on my todo list.
2012-03-25 23:54:17 +02:00
Christian Schmitt
Runway VASI support
2012-03-25 23:54:17 +02:00
Christian Schmitt
Correctly output the numbers of built features
2012-03-25 23:54:17 +02:00