The Garmin protocol implementation really is an NMEA protocol with a few
extra messages. Instead of duplicating the code, introduce the NMEA protocol
as a base class, which is reused for the Garmin class. The input/output
has not changed at all (and it maintains the FG-specific quirks, like our
NMEA class using LF-only linefeeds, while the Garmin protocol uses
CR-LF linefeeds.
Several checks were off by one, resulting in a segfault when only one
parameter was missing.
Also improve error messages, giving details about what is expected.
Waypoint objects used in Nasal code can now return their airport,
runway or navaid object (Nasal ghost). More precisely:
- if waypoint 'wpt' was made from an airport object[1], then
'wpt.airport' is this airport object;
- if waypoint 'wpt' was made from a runway object[2], then
'wpt.runway' is this runway object, and 'wpt.airport' is the
airport containing that runway;
- if waypoint 'wpt' was made from a navaid object[3], then
'wpt.navaid' is this navaid object.
When one of the three properties 'airport', 'runway', and 'navaid' is
not applicable to a given waypoint due to the type of the underlying
FGPositioned, its value is nil.
The code for these properties was already mostly there, but
unreachable from Nasal.
[1] For instance, with createWPFrom(airportinfo("LOWI"))
[2] For instance, with createWPFrom(airportinfo("LOWI").runway("26"))
[3] For instance, with:
var apt = airportinfo("LOWI");
var navaid = findNavaidByFrequencyMHz(apt, 109.7);
var navaidWpt = createWPFrom(navaid);
For consistency, define these three static methods in FGPositioned.
FGPositioned::isAirportType() is the same as FGAirport::isAirportType()
(piece of code moved from airport.cxx to positioned.cxx, and
FGAirport::isAirportType() now calls FGPositioned::isAirportType()).
- FGPositioned::isAirportType() returns true for AIRPORT, HELIPORT,
- FGPositioned::isRunwayType() returns true for RUNWAY;
- FGPositioned::isNavaidType() returns true for NDB, VOR, ILS, LOC, GS,
The OSG Ctrl to right-click mapping was breaking this on Mac, but
changing that will break other things, so move the ruler feature from
‘ctrl left click’ to a simple ‘right click’ which ends up being the
same on Mac anyway.
Apply the device-pixel-ratio when calculating the initial position of
PUI dialogs, so they appear correctly (eg, centered) when running with
device-pixel-ratio != 1.0
The mapping from aircraft URI to name was wrong for local (non-package)
aircraft, as spotted by Thorsten Renk. Note other data (thumbnail) is
still incorrect, but another change I have pending will replace this
code anyway so only doing the simple fix for now.
Doing the option processing in Options::parseOption() has drawbacks:
- doesn't work well upon reset;
- doesn't work in the built-in launcher Additional Settings box.
Options::processOptions() is invoked both upon reset after the property
tree has been reset, and by the built-in launcher to process options
given in the Additional Settings box. This is not the case of
Options::parseOption() which is better for... parsing. :-)
Also use SGPath::fromLocal8Bit() to decode the path argument of --addon.
* Correct the filename case in the #include directive in PUICamera.cxx,
so that compilation succeeds on case-sensitive filesystems.
they are missing from some systems which ship old versions of the PUI
Move all PUI event and rendering into a custom camera, which can be
rendered via an FBO to account for display-resolution scaling (HiDPI).
Start wrapping PUI calls in #ifdefs so PUI can be disabled at compile
time; a run-time switch is trivial now but not implemented yet.
This makes it considerably easier to reference an item from the currently selected style without having to lookup the selected style index and then use that to select the appropriate element from the styles/ tree