immediate end to glut, only that I'm going through and cleaning up (and
taking inventory of the actual glut dependencies in case I want to investigate
I have added a fledgling replay system that records flight data and control
positions during the flight.
I have added an internal command called "replay" which will trigger a replay
of the entire saved flight data set. This could be bound to a keyboard or
menu command, in fact this entire module is screaming for someone to build
a gui to control playback speed, amount of playback, etc.
This is the initial version so there are kinks that still need to be worked
out, please be patient.
Improved the weather system to interpolate between different
elevations and deal with boundary-layer conditions. The configuration
properties are now different (see $FG_ROOT/preferences.xml).
requested parameters to determine if this should be an on-ground vs. in-air
start. The problem was that we never defaulted the value to anything so
if we didn't match an in-air condition, we simply inherited whatever value
was there from before.
scene management code and organizing it within simgear. My strategy is
to identify the code I want to move, and break it's direct flightgear
dependencies. Then it will be free to move over into the simgear package.
- Moved some property specific code into simgear/props/
- Split out the condition code from fgfs/src/Main/fg_props and put it
in it's own source file in simgear/props/
- Created a scene subdirectory for scenery, model, and material property
related code.
- Moved location.[ch]xx into simgear/scene/model/
- The location and condition code had dependencies on flightgear's global
state (all the globals-> stuff, the flightgear property tree, etc.) SimGear
code can't depend on it so that data has to be passed as parameters to the
- This need to pass data as function parameters had a dramatic cascading
effect throughout the FlightGear code.
The one to fg_init.cxx initialises the AI subsystem regardless of whether it's enabled or not so that later enabling by the user doesn't crash it, and the one to main.cxx avoids running the ATC manager and ATC display system unless enabled.
I've fixed a bug in FGRunways::search(aptid, tgt_hdg) which wasn't working properly for airports with multiple parallel runways. I've also firmed up and pulled out into it's own function the GetReverseRunwayNo code, and done some input checking.
As a result of fixing the above in runways.cxx, I've pulled out the
parallel implementation in the functions that set position by airport and
heading/runway number in fg_init.cxx and called the runways functions
earlier, before fgInitSubsystems().
Modify fgInitPos() so that the plane is not automatically aligned with
a runway when an airport is the reference point unless (a) a runway
was explicitly requested, or (b) the plane is on the ground with no
offset distance specified. To set up the plane lined up on an
approach to a runway, use something like
fgfs --airport=CYOW --runway=32 --altitude=300 --offset-distance=0.5
This way, it's possible to specify a starting position relative to an
airport without getting snapped onto a runway approach (unless you
want to be).
04Feb. Actually been running since the beginning of January with these
patches. All changes work without crashing with the current base package cvs,
but there are some visual problems with the views (other than pilot view)
without changes to the base package.
As soon as you can build test and commit I can add in those base package
updates that will make it all work nicely. I will also go through all the 3D
Aircraft configs to make sure the change in the "pitch-offset" for cockpit
views (see below) are made to maintain current behavior.
Here are the files (changes listed below):
if the station is too far away. Instead, simply return the closest station.
All the code that searches navaids does it's own range checking anyway.
This will make the navlist query functions a bit more useful for other
types of functionality where you may need to lookup a station without
consideration of range (i.e. presetting your position relative to a navaid.)
input bindings. They will work only with the latest CVS; otherwise,
./configure will disable them. There is a new command, 'script',
which takes a single argument, also called 'script', containing PSL
code (currently PSL requires a main() function).
Erik Hofman has written some more elaborate code for triggering PSL
code from drop-down menus and scheduling events; I will look at
integrating that next.
option to specify a starting airport + specific runway. If you don't specify
a runway, you get the one that's closest to your specified (or default)