Rework the LOD ranges.
1. The scenery ranges are now deltas (avoids overlapping values)
2. The AI/MP pixel mode now has a default radius that is 20 for Aircraft, 200 for ships, 350 for carriers. This is a simple constant in a virtual function.
3. Added the ability to set the AI/MP ranges equal which means use the low detail model.
4. Changed high detail only to be indicated by a -ve number in maxRangeDetail
5. Re-ordered the range list to go from lowest detail at [0] to highest detail at the end. This is because OSG always loads the models starting from zero on the assumption that the detail increases with the index.
This fixes the pixel mode, which previously would use the radius of the parent which would be confusingly large, and unrelated to the actual size of the model. With the simple defaults that we have the pixel values set in the ranges won't exactly match the rendered size of the model on screen, but it will be a lot closer and more importantly meaningful.
Make the policy of using models in FGData/AI more flexible, with the
option to prefer normal data sources. Keep the existing behaviour for
everything except multiplayer aircraft, where we now prefer the data
model (presumably, an installed aircraft) over the AI one.
Untangle AI reinit and init methods. Some code in init hooks expects to be
called once only. Derived classes should not redirect their reinit to init,
even if this seems fine for the methods of the derived class itself. This
also triggers the init methods of all base classes, which may not expect
multiple calls to their init methods (or to "init" on "reinit").
- Change AIFlightPlan::waypoint into an independent class FGAIWaypoint
- Don't update leg count until the aircraft has passed the last waypoint that was created by the corresponding leg
- Clear ground network rendering for controllers that are no longer active.
"Flight plans" which can start at a given time (gmt)
WAITUNTIL tokens which pause the flight plans until a given time (gmt)
Submodels can now be attached to any AI objects (except submodels - it can
be done, but in my experimental code it's too expensive in frame rate atm)
"No-roll" attribute added to Ballistic objects - useful for wakes and the
"Random" attribute added to Ballistic objects (adds =- 5% to the Cd) -
useful for smoke, exhausts
If the <trigger> tag is not specified the Ballistic object/s will be
released at start-up (cannot be stopped)
Submodels are not released from AI Objects if the AI Object is more than 15
miles away.
mf: minor code and formatting fixes; submodels.?xx were FUBAR and are thus
astyle formatted;
NOTE that <name> tags END, EOF, WAIT, WAITUNTIL are *depreciated*.
Don't get too used to them. This will have to be moved from the "name"
to regular engries.
"Implement 'flightplans' for AIShips. This patch also introduces the concept
of a 'WAIT' token for AIShips: when the flightplan reaches a 'WAIT', the
AIShip stops and pauses for the specified time (secs)."
This patch removes some useless indirection when creating AIModels. It
obsolets AIScenario*.
AIEntities are just an intermediate copy of an other intermediate copy of an
xml file on the way from the ai scenario configuration file to the AIModels.
As such the AImodels can now be created directly from the property tree read
from the scenario file.
This reduces the amount of work needed to add an other AIModel and reduces the
amount of copy operations done during initialization.
It also moves internal knowledge of special AI models into these special AI
models class instead of spreading that into the whole AIModel subdirectory
which in turn enables to use carrier internal data structures for carrier
internal data ...
Also some unused variables are removed from the AIModel classes.
I believe that there are still more of them, but that is what I stumbled
accross ...
Tested, like the other splitouts these days in a seperate tree and using the
autopilot for some time, and in this case with a carrier start ...
Some quite extensive changes to the AIModel code:
1. Mathias has made major changes to the AICarrier code to provide better
alignment of an aircraft on deck with the carrier - this feature is a major
improvement on the existing, but has a bug which might cause it to fail when
the computer carries out other tasks - changing window size is a known
example. This bug is outwith this code.
2. I have made significant changes to the AIShip code to enable a ship the
turn and roll smoothly.
3. I have added some simple AI which enables the carrier to remain within,
or return to, an operating box.
4. An automated turn into wind for flying operations.
5. A simplistic implementation of TACAN within AICarrier. I am in the course
of implementing this as a generic instrument, but this is some time off
I have done some cleanup where I moved some values out of classes where they
do not belong and such stuff.
Also the fols offsets are now named in the carrier xml file with a more
verbose name (flols-pos/offset-*) than before (only offset-*).
There is a little preparation for definitions of parking positions on the
carrier which should later be used for starting flightgear directly on the
Here's some new AI stuff.
1) AI objects must now be defined in a scenario file, not in preferences.xml
or a *-set file. (Of course this doesn't prevent objects from being created
dynamically, as with Durk's traffic manager).
2) A new demo_scenario file is attached. It creates 3 aircraft, a sailboat,
and a thunderstorm.
3) Objects without flightplans live forever.
4) FGAIShip::ProcessFlightplan() is not yet implemented.
5) preferences.xml should now define only <enabled> and <scenario>
Here's a new batch of AI code which includes a working radar instrument.
I put the radar calculations into the existing AIAircraft class. It was
easier that way, and it can always be migrated out later if we have to.
Every tenth sim cycle the AIManager makes a copy of the current user state
information. When the AIAircraft updates it uses this information to
calculate the radar numbers. It calculates:
1) bearing from user to target
2) range to target in nautical miles
3) "horizontal offset" to target. This is the angle from the nose to the
target, in degrees, from -180 to 180. This will be useful later for a HUD.
4) elevation, in degrees (vertical angle from user's position to target
5) vertical offset, in degrees (this is elevation corrected for user's pitch)
6) rdot (range rate in knots, note: not working yet, so I commented it out)
and three items used by the radar instrument to place the "blip"
7) y_shift, in nautical miles
8) x_shift, in nautical miles
9) rotation, in degrees
The radar instrument uses the above three items, and applies a scale factor to
the x-shift and y-shift in order to match the instrument's scale. Changing
the display scale can be done entirely in the XML code for the instrument.
Right now it's set up only to display a 40 mile scale.
The radar is an AWACS view, which is not very realistic, but it is useful and
demonstrates the technology. With just a little more work I can get a HUD
marker. All I need to do there is make a bank angle adjustment to the
current values.