E.g. for --load-tape=http[s]://foo.com/foo/bar/wibble.fgtape, we download in
the background to a file called foo.com_[MD5]_wibble.fgtape, where [MD5] is an
8-character hash of /foo/bar.
We assume any existing file contains valid data and only download any remaining
data (by specifying an http Range header).
Also, when loading/downloading and replaying continuous recordings at startup,
we set the aircraft and airport from the recording.
Loads properties from Continuous recording's header, distinguishing
between failure due to incorrect header, or due to a truncated file.
Contains Continuous recording indexing code, in a form that can be used
in background while we are downloading.
Added a mutex to protect m_continuous_in_time_to_frameinfo, which can now
be modified in background as Continuous recording is downloaded.
Modified to handle --load-tape=<url>. We start download, and read
the header before returning, so that we can force the FDM to use the
recording's aircraft instead of the user's default. Limit recording
download rate if /sim/replay/download-max-bytes-per-sec is set, by
calling new filerequest->setMaxBytesPerSec().
Recording of extra properties is only supported in Continuous recordings.
Modified Continuous recording format to allow future forwards
compatibility. See docs-mini/README-recordings.md for details. This breaks
compatibility with previously-generated Continuous recordings, but this only
affects next.
To reduce overhead we record all extra property values in the first frame and
then later frames contain only extra property changes. When replaying, if the
user jumps backwards we replay all extra property changes since the start of
the recording. Similarly if the user jumps forwards, we replay any intervening
extra property changes.
Recording extra properties:
This is enabled by:
The extra properties that are recorded are identified by the property
paths in the values of /sim/replay/record-extra-properties-paths/path[]
properties. We record the entire tree for each specified path.
Recording of main window position size:
We have specific support for record and replay of main window position/size.
This is enabled by:
Recording of main window view:
We have specific support for recording the view type and direction/zoom
This is enabled by:
We record the /sim/current-view/ property tree, excluding some subtrees
that continuously vary but are not required for replaying of the view.
When replaying, we allow separate control of what extra property changes are
replayed, with:
We work around some problems caused by the use of tied properties when
replaying changes to view-number.
Window position issue:
When replaying window position and size changes, things get a little tricky
because osgViewer::GraphicsWindow::setWindowRectangle() takes a position
for the entire window, but osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::RESIZE events contain
the position of the interior of the window; for example the y values will
differ by the height of the window's titlebar. This can cause windows to
move progressively further down each time they are positioned or resized.
There doesn't seem to be a way of finding the size of a window's
furniture directly. So instead this commit adds a new method
osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::setWindowRectangleInteriorWithCorrection() which
wraps osgViewer::GraphicsWindow::setWindowRectangle(). We listen for the
following osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::RESIZE event and calculate corrections
for x and y position that are used for subsequent calls.
Updated to document new Continuous format.
New script to test various aspects of record/replay.
We now create convenience softlink to most recent continuous recording, using
SGPath::makeLink(). Note that SGPath::makeLink() currently does nothing on
Changed format of Continuous recordings to contain a single property tree
in header. This is much simpler than having separate Config and Meta trees.
Continuous replay:
If the user replays a continuous recording from file and then end replay
with the 'My controls' or 'End replay' buttons, we now forget about the
continuous recording. This enables the usual in-memory record/replay to be
used subsequently. Also added a '-continuous' suffix to continuous fgtape
New recovery system:
If /sim/replay/recovery-period is set and greater than zero, we
periodically save a single-item continuous recording to a recovery file
called <aircraft-type>-recovery.fgtape (with no date or time in the name),
doing so in such a way as to ensure that there is always a valid recovery
file even if flightgear crashes. One can then resume the flight from the
most recently-saved point by loading this from within flightgear or with
the --load-tape=... option.
Also did a fair amount of refactoring and tried to clarify the different
property nodes that we embed within recordings.
This background recording keeps the user aircraft stationary while recording
all movements of multiplayer aircraft. Allows one to look at replay without,
for example, disturbing continuous record to file.
This allows full-fidelity recordings of arbitrary length (limited only by disc
space) to be created and replayed. These recordings always contain multiplayer
information, regardless of /sim/replay/multiplayer.
When an uncompressed recording is loaded, it is not copied into memory. Instead
we extract individual frame information as required when replaying.
Recording to file is activated by setting /sim/replay/record-continuous to
true. We use the same filename pattern as ordinary fgtapes. The file format
is similar except for being uncompressed (so that replaying can seek within
the recording; gzip etc don't seem to support seeking within the uncompressed
If multipayer replay is active we write multiplayer packet information to
fgtape files. We also add /sim/replay/multiplayer to the properties written
to fgtape file so at load time we knows whether to expect multiplayer
New builds of fg can load and replay old recordings.
It is expected (but has not been tested) that old builds of fg will be able
to read new fgtape recordings where /sim/replay/multiplayer was unset or
false (currently the default).
Old builds of fg will not be able to load fgtape recordings that include
multiplayer data.
Avoid incorrect removal of multiplayer aircraft when replaying:
We now clear multiplayer motion history when we jump forwards or backwards
during replay. This ensures that multiplayer code doesn't remove
multiplayer aircraft because of inconsistent-looking time stamps.
We preserve some multiplay information when purging recorded information
to save space. This ensures that when replaying we get frequent enough
packets to avoid the multiplayer code thinking that multiplayer aircraft
have disappeared.
At the moment this only works for live replays - we don't (yet) write the
multiplayer information to fgtape files.
Enable with:
This works by copying all raw multiplayer packets into a buffer in
FGMultiplayMgr. Each time it is called, FGFlightRecorder::capture() moves all
the available packet from this buffer into its FGReplayData. Thus we store
roughly syncronised multiplayer packets along with the user aircraft's detailed
replay properties.
When replaying, FGFlightRecorder pushes packets into a buffer in
FGMultiplayMgr, which are used instead of live multiplayer packets. [Actually
when replaying FGMultiplayMgr still reads live packets in order to handle live
chat messages, and ignores chat messages from FGFlightRecorder.]
Requires corresponding SimGear change. With this last round, we work
with FGData on non-Latin1 path on Windows. (Final fixes are for
Nasal io.readfile, which needed io.stat to work, and SGSky allowing
correct SGPath use)
This is a clean up commit prior to the subsystem API standardisation to simplify
the diffs. It includes all SGSubsystem and SGSubsystemGroup derived classes.
Upcoming flight-planning changes want to use the perf computation code
in route-path, so move it to a public class, and implement some of the
missing functionality, especially correct GS computation for altitude.
This change is the logical counterpart of SimGear's change from commit
79f869a7f32910197be72b21f6489fbbba02c836 that moved the following files
from simgear/misc to simgear/io/iostreams:
gzfstream.cxx (formerly zfstream.cxx)
gzfstream.hxx (formerly zfstream.hxx)
Requires FGData commit: 0565eaab10a5d466cd485766b17d1870936a0a57
(which actually renames the file).
Also disables the preferences-load command since I don’t believe it
would actually be safe to reload the defaults without doing a simulator
reset (aircraft -set.xml values would be overwritten, for example)
Remove uses of .str(), .c_str() and some other methods of SGPath.
Pass SGPath directly where possible, or explicitly convert to the
appropriate 8-bit encoding.
- consistent with pause (freeze), /sim/speed-up is now applied to the
dt value for all subsystems, not just the FDM and some instruments.
For example AI traffic can now be sped-up or slowed down.
- requires both an FGData and Simgear update.
When using the default (generic) config, which references many props which may not exist in a particular aircraft, suppress the 'recording non-existent' property warning.
Record the historical flight-path (by default, since last takeoff). Optionally display the flight-path in the map; other visualisations (e.g., an 'in-world' view) could also be created. Nasal API to follow so Canvas-map or FMS can show the same data.
Altitude and attitude (Euler angles) are currently recorded but not used anywhere.