Fork 0

Added support for continuous uncompressed save to file.

This allows full-fidelity recordings of arbitrary length (limited only by disc
space) to be created and replayed. These recordings always contain multiplayer
information, regardless of /sim/replay/multiplayer.

When an uncompressed recording is loaded, it is not copied into memory. Instead
we extract individual frame information as required when replaying.

Recording to file is activated by setting /sim/replay/record-continuous to
true. We use the same filename pattern as ordinary fgtapes. The file format
is similar except for being uncompressed (so that replaying can seek within
the recording; gzip etc don't seem to support seeking within the uncompressed
This commit is contained in:
Julian Smith 2020-06-06 22:12:18 +01:00
parent dbec99abc9
commit 15915b5a79
2 changed files with 389 additions and 69 deletions

View file

@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
#include <simgear/misc/sg_dir.hxx>
#include <simgear/misc/stdint.hxx>
#include <simgear/misc/strutils.hxx>
#include <simgear/structure/commands.hxx>
#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
#include <MultiPlayer/mpmessages.hxx>
@ -154,6 +155,90 @@ FGReplay::FGReplay() :
m_pRecorder(new FGFlightRecorder("replay-config")),
SGPropertyNode* continuous = fgGetNode("/sim/replay/record-continuous", true);
SGPropertyNode* fdm = fgGetNode("/sim/signals/fdm-initialized", true);
continuous->addChangeListener(this, true /*initial*/);
fdm->addChangeListener(this, true /*initial*/);
static bool saveSetup(const SGPropertyNode* ConfigData, SGPath& p, SGPropertyNode_ptr& myMetaData, double Duration);
static int PropertiesWrite(SGPropertyNode* root, std::ostream& out)
stringstream buffer;
writeProperties(buffer, root, true /*write_all*/);
size_t buffer_len = buffer.str().size() + 1;
out.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&buffer_len), sizeof(buffer_len));
out.write(buffer.str().c_str(), buffer_len);
return 0;
static int PropertiesRead(std::istream& in, SGPropertyNode* node)
size_t buffer_len;
in.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&buffer_len), sizeof(buffer_len));
std::vector<char> buffer( buffer_len);
in.read(&buffer.front(), buffer.size());
readProperties(&buffer.front(), buffer.size()-1, node);
return 0;
/* Reads uncompressed vector<char> from file. */
static void VectorRead(std::istream& in, std::vector<char>& out)
size_t length;
in.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&length), sizeof(length));
in.read(&out.front(), length);
static void popupTip(const char* message, int delay)
SGPropertyNode_ptr args(new SGPropertyNode);
args->setStringValue("label", message);
args->setIntValue("delay", delay);
globals->get_commands()->execute("show-message", args);
void FGReplay::valueChanged(SGPropertyNode * node)
bool prop_continuous = fgGetBool("/sim/replay/record-continuous");
bool prop_fdm = fgGetBool("/sim/signals/fdm-initialized");
bool continuous = prop_continuous && prop_fdm;
if (continuous == ((m_continuous_out.is_open()) ? true : false)) {
// No change.
if (m_continuous_out) {
// Stop existing continuous recording.
popupTip("Continuous record to file stopped", 5 /*delay*/);
if (continuous) {
// Start continuous recording.
SGPath p;
SGPropertyNode_ptr myMetaData;
bool ok = saveSetup(NULL, p, myMetaData, 0 /*Duration*/);
if (!ok) {
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_ALERT, "Failed to start continuous recording");
popupTip("Continuous record to file failed to start", 5 /*delay*/);
std::ofstream::binary | std::ofstream::trunc
m_continuous_out.write(FlightRecorderFileMagic, strlen(FlightRecorderFileMagic)+1);
PropertiesWrite(myMetaData, m_continuous_out);
SGPropertyNode_ptr Config( new SGPropertyNode);
PropertiesWrite(Config, m_continuous_out);
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_DEBUG, "Starting continuous recording to " << p);
popupTip("Continuous record to file started", 5 /*delay*/);
@ -162,6 +247,9 @@ FGReplay::FGReplay() :
if (m_continuous_out.is_open()) {
delete m_pRecorder;
@ -468,6 +556,54 @@ static void MoveFrontMultiplayerPackets(replay_list_type& list)
* Update the saved data
/** Save raw replay data in a separate container */
static bool
saveRawReplayData(gzContainerWriter& output, const replay_list_type& ReplayData, size_t RecordSize, bool multiplayer)
// get number of records in this stream
size_t Count = ReplayData.size();
// write container header for raw data
if (!output.writeContainerHeader(ReplayContainer::RawData, Count * RecordSize))
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_ALERT, "Failed to save replay data. Cannot write data container. Disk full?");
return false;
// write the raw data (all records in the given list)
replay_list_type::const_iterator it = ReplayData.begin();
size_t CheckCount = 0;
while ((it != ReplayData.end())&&
const FGReplayData* pRecord = *it++;
assert(RecordSize == pRecord->raw_data.size());
output.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&pRecord->sim_time), sizeof(pRecord->sim_time));
output.write(&pRecord->raw_data.front(), pRecord->raw_data.size());
if (multiplayer) {
size_t num_messages = pRecord->multiplayer_messages.size();
output.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&num_messages), sizeof(num_messages));
for ( auto message: pRecord->multiplayer_messages) {
size_t message_size = message->size();
output.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&message_size), sizeof(message_size));
output.write(&message->front(), message_size);
// Did we really write as much as we intended?
if (CheckCount != Count)
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_ALERT, "Failed to save replay data. Expected to write " << Count << " records, but wrote " << CheckCount);
return false;
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, MY_SG_DEBUG, "Saved " << CheckCount << " records of size " << RecordSize);
return !output.fail();
FGReplay::update( double dt )
@ -628,6 +764,22 @@ FGReplay::update( double dt )
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_ALERT, "ReplaySystem: Inconsistent data!");
if (m_continuous_out.is_open()) {
m_continuous_out.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&r->sim_time), sizeof(r->sim_time));
size_t aircraft_data_size = r->raw_data.size();
m_continuous_out.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&aircraft_data_size), sizeof(aircraft_data_size));
m_continuous_out.write(&r->raw_data.front(), r->raw_data.size());
size_t multiplayer_num = r->multiplayer_messages.size();
m_continuous_out.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&multiplayer_num), sizeof(multiplayer_num));
for ( size_t i=0; i<multiplayer_num; ++i) {
size_t length = r->multiplayer_messages[i]->size();
m_continuous_out.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&length), sizeof(length));
m_continuous_out.write(&r->multiplayer_messages[i]->front(), length);
if ( sim_time - st_front->sim_time > m_high_res_time )
@ -766,6 +918,36 @@ FGReplay::replay( double time ) {
double t1, t2;
if (!m_continuous_time_to_offset.empty()) {
// Replay from uncompressed recording file.
auto p = m_continuous_time_to_offset.lower_bound(time);
if (p == m_continuous_time_to_offset.end()) {
// end.
replay( time, p->second);
return true;
else if (p->first > time) {
// Look for preceding item.
if (p == m_continuous_time_to_offset.begin()) {
replay(time, p->second);
return false;
auto prev = p;
replay( time, p->second, prev->second);
return false;
else {
// Exact match.
replay(time, p->second);
return false;
if ( ! short_term.empty() ) {
t1 = short_term.back()->sim_time;
@ -829,9 +1011,58 @@ FGReplay::replay(double time, FGReplayData* pCurrentFrame, FGReplayData* pOldFra
/* Reads a FGReplayData from uncompressed file. */
static std::unique_ptr<FGReplayData> ReadFGReplayData(std::ifstream& in, size_t pos)
/* Need to clear any eof bit, otherwise seekg() will not work (which is
pretty unhelpful). E.g. see:
std::unique_ptr<FGReplayData> ret(new FGReplayData);
in.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&ret->sim_time), sizeof(ret->sim_time));
VectorRead(in, ret->raw_data);
/* Multiplayer information is a vector of vectors. */
size_t n;
in.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&n), sizeof(n));
for (size_t i=0; i<n; ++i) {
ret->multiplayer_messages[i].reset(new std::vector<char>);
VectorRead(in, *ret->multiplayer_messages[i]);
return ret;
/* Replays one iteration from uncompressed file. */
void FGReplay::replay(double time, size_t offset, size_t offset_old)
<< " time=" << time
<< " offset=" << offset
<< " offset_old=" << offset_old
std::unique_ptr<FGReplayData> replay_data = ReadFGReplayData(m_continuous_in, offset);
std::unique_ptr<FGReplayData> replay_data_old;
if (offset_old) {
replay_data_old = ReadFGReplayData(m_continuous_in, offset_old);
m_pRecorder->replay(time, replay_data.get(), replay_data_old.get());
if (!m_continuous_time_to_offset.empty()) {
double ret = m_continuous_time_to_offset.begin()->first;
return ret;
if ( ! long_term.empty() )
return long_term.front()->sim_time;
@ -850,6 +1081,11 @@ FGReplay::get_start_time()
if (!m_continuous_time_to_offset.empty()) {
double ret = m_continuous_time_to_offset.rbegin()->first;
return ret;
if ( ! short_term.empty() )
return short_term.back()->sim_time;
@ -859,54 +1095,6 @@ FGReplay::get_end_time()
/** Save raw replay data in a separate container */
static bool
saveRawReplayData(gzContainerWriter& output, const replay_list_type& ReplayData, size_t RecordSize, bool multiplayer)
// get number of records in this stream
size_t Count = ReplayData.size();
// write container header for raw data
if (!output.writeContainerHeader(ReplayContainer::RawData, Count * RecordSize))
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_ALERT, "Failed to save replay data. Cannot write data container. Disk full?");
return false;
// write the raw data (all records in the given list)
replay_list_type::const_iterator it = ReplayData.begin();
size_t CheckCount = 0;
while ((it != ReplayData.end())&&
const FGReplayData* pRecord = *it++;
assert(RecordSize == pRecord->raw_data.size());
output.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&pRecord->sim_time), sizeof(pRecord->sim_time));
output.write(&pRecord->raw_data.front(), pRecord->raw_data.size());
if (multiplayer) {
size_t num_messages = pRecord->multiplayer_messages.size();
output.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&num_messages), sizeof(num_messages));
for ( auto message: pRecord->multiplayer_messages) {
size_t message_size = message->size();
output.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&message_size), sizeof(message_size));
output.write(&message->front(), message_size);
// Did we really write as much as we intended?
if (CheckCount != Count)
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_ALERT, "Failed to save replay data. Expected to write " << Count << " records, but wrote " << CheckCount);
return false;
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, MY_SG_DEBUG, "Saved " << CheckCount << " records of size " << RecordSize);
return !output.fail();
/** Load raw replay data from a separate container */
static bool
loadRawReplayData(gzContainerReader& input, FGFlightRecorder* pRecorder, replay_list_type& ReplayData, size_t RecordSize, bool multiplayer)
@ -926,6 +1114,8 @@ loadRawReplayData(gzContainerReader& input, FGFlightRecorder* pRecorder, replay_
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_ALERT, "Failed to load replay data. Expected data container, got " << Type);
return false;
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_DEBUG, "multiplayer=" << multiplayer << " RecordSize=" << RecordSize << " Type=" << Type << " Size=" << Size);
// read the raw data
size_t Count = Size / RecordSize;
@ -971,18 +1161,21 @@ loadRawReplayData(gzContainerReader& input, FGFlightRecorder* pRecorder, replay_
/** Write flight recorder tape with given filename and meta properties to disk */
FGReplay::saveTape(const SGPath& Filename, SGPropertyNode* MetaDataProps)
FGReplay::saveTape(const SGPath& Filename, SGPropertyNode* MetaDataProps, bool continuous)
bool ok = true;
/* open output stream *******************************************/
gzContainerWriter output(Filename, FlightRecorderFileMagic);
if (!output.good())
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_ALERT, "Cannot open file" << Filename);
return false;
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_DEBUG, "writing MetaDataProps:");
writeProperties(std::cerr, MetaDataProps, true /*write_all*/);
/* write meta data **********************************************/
ok &= output.writeContainer(ReplayContainer::MetaData, MetaDataProps);
@ -994,13 +1187,13 @@ FGReplay::saveTape(const SGPath& Filename, SGPropertyNode* MetaDataProps)
ok &= output.writeContainer(ReplayContainer::Properties, Config.get());
/* write raw data ***********************************************/
if (Config)
size_t RecordSize = Config->getIntValue("recorder/record-size", 0);
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, MY_SG_DEBUG, "Total signal count: " << Config->getIntValue("recorder/signal-count", 0)
<< ", record size: " << RecordSize);
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, MY_SG_DEBUG, "Config:recorder/signal-count=" << Config->getIntValue("recorder/signal-count", 0)
<< " RecordSize: " << RecordSize);
bool multiplayer = MetaDataProps->getBoolValue("meta/multiplayer", 0);
if (ok)
@ -1018,16 +1211,28 @@ FGReplay::saveTape(const SGPath& Filename, SGPropertyNode* MetaDataProps)
return ok;
/** Write flight recorder tape to disk. User/script command. */
FGReplay::saveTape(const SGPropertyNode* ConfigData)
// Sets things up for writing to a normal or continuous fgtape file.
// On exit:
// p: Contains path of the fgtape file.
// myMetaData: points to a new SGPropertyNode containing information on
// aircraft type etc.
static bool saveSetup(const SGPropertyNode* ConfigData, SGPath& p, SGPropertyNode_ptr& myMetaData, double Duration)
const char* tapeDirectory = fgGetString("/sim/replay/tape-directory", "");
const char* aircraftType = fgGetString("/sim/aircraft", "unknown");
SGPropertyNode_ptr myMetaData = new SGPropertyNode();
myMetaData = new SGPropertyNode();
SGPropertyNode* meta = myMetaData->getNode("meta", 0, true);
" ConfigData=" << ConfigData
<< " tapeDirectory=" << tapeDirectory
<< " aircraftType=" << aircraftType
// add some data to the file - so we know for which aircraft/version it was recorded
meta->setStringValue("aircraft-type", aircraftType);
meta->setStringValue("aircraft-description", fgGetString("/sim/description", ""));
@ -1039,7 +1244,7 @@ FGReplay::saveTape(const SGPropertyNode* ConfigData)
meta->setStringValue("aircraft-version", aircraft_version);
// add information on the tape's recording duration
double Duration = get_end_time()-get_start_time();
//double Duration = get_end_time()-get_start_time();
meta->setDoubleValue("tape-duration", Duration);
char StrBuffer[30];
printTimeStr(StrBuffer, Duration, false);
@ -1047,18 +1252,19 @@ FGReplay::saveTape(const SGPropertyNode* ConfigData)
// add simulator version
copyProperties(fgGetNode("/sim/version", 0, true), meta->getNode("version", 0, true));
if (ConfigData->getNode("user-data"))
if (ConfigData && ConfigData->getNode("user-data"))
copyProperties(ConfigData->getNode("user-data"), meta->getNode("user-data", 0, true));
meta->setBoolValue("multiplayer", fgGetBool("/sim/replay/multiplayer", false));
bool multiplayer = fgGetBool("/sim/replay/multiplayer", false);
meta->setBoolValue("multiplayer", multiplayer);
// store replay messages
copyProperties(fgGetNode("/sim/replay/messages", 0, true), myMetaData->getNode("messages", 0, true));
// generate file name (directory + aircraft type + date + time + suffix)
SGPath p(tapeDirectory);
p = SGPath(tapeDirectory);
time_t calendar_time = time(NULL);
@ -1077,24 +1283,123 @@ FGReplay::saveTape(const SGPropertyNode* ConfigData)
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_ALERT, "Error, flight recorder tape file with same name already exists.");
ok = false;
return ok;
/** Write flight recorder tape to disk. User/script command. */
FGReplay::saveTape(const SGPropertyNode* ConfigData, bool continuous)
SGPath p;
SGPropertyNode_ptr myMetaData;
bool ok = saveSetup(ConfigData, p, myMetaData, get_end_time()-get_start_time());
if (ok)
ok &= saveTape(p, myMetaData.get());
ok &= saveTape(p, myMetaData.get(), continuous);
if (ok)
guiMessage("Flight recorder tape saved successfully!");
guiMessage("Failed to save tape! See log output.");
if (continuous) {
if (ok)
guiMessage("Flight recorder continuous started successfully!");
guiMessage("Flight recorder continuous start failed. See log output.");
else {
if (ok)
guiMessage("Flight recorder tape saved successfully!");
guiMessage("Failed to save tape! See log output.");
return ok;
/** Read a flight recorder tape with given filename from disk and return meta properties.
* Actual data and signal configuration is not read when in "Preview" mode.
FGReplay::loadTape(const SGPath& Filename, bool Preview, SGPropertyNode* UserData)
/* Try to load as uncompressed first. */
m_continuous_in.open( Filename.str());
std::vector<char> buffer(strlen( FlightRecorderFileMagic) + 1);
m_continuous_in.read(&buffer.front(), buffer.size());
if (strcmp(&buffer.front(), FlightRecorderFileMagic)) {
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_DEBUG, "fgtape prefix doesn't match FlightRecorderFileMagic: " << Filename);
else {
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_DEBUG, "fgtap is uncompressed: " << Filename);
SGPropertyNode_ptr MetaDataProps = new SGPropertyNode();
PropertiesRead(m_continuous_in, MetaDataProps.get());
if (UserData) {
copyProperties(MetaDataProps->getNode("meta", 0, true), UserData);
SGPropertyNode_ptr Config = new SGPropertyNode();
PropertiesRead(m_continuous_in, Config.get());
if (Preview) {
return true;
time_t t = time(NULL);
size_t pos = 0;
pos = m_continuous_in.tellg();
double sim_time;
m_continuous_in.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&sim_time), sizeof(sim_time));
"pos=" << pos
<< " m_continuous_in.tellg()=" << m_continuous_in.tellg()
<< " sim_time=" << sim_time
size_t length_aircraft;
m_continuous_in.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&length_aircraft), sizeof(length_aircraft));
m_continuous_in.seekg(length_aircraft, std::ios_base::cur);
size_t num_multiplayer;
m_continuous_in.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&num_multiplayer), sizeof(num_multiplayer));
for ( size_t i=0; i<num_multiplayer; ++i) {
size_t length;
m_continuous_in.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&length), sizeof(length));
m_continuous_in.seekg(length, std::ios_base::cur);
<< " pos=" << pos
<< " sim_time=" << sim_time
<< " length_aircraft=" << length_aircraft
<< " num_multiplayer=" << num_multiplayer
if (!m_continuous_in) {
m_continuous_time_to_offset[sim_time] = pos;
t = time(NULL) - t;
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_DEBUG, "Indexed uncompressed recording"
<< ". time taken: " << t << "s"
<< ". recording size: " << pos
<< ". numrecording items: " << m_continuous_time_to_offset.size()
sim_time = get_end_time();
return true;
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_DEBUG, "Filename=" << Filename);
bool ok = true;
/* open input stream ********************************************/
@ -1200,7 +1505,10 @@ FGReplay::loadTape(const SGPath& Filename, bool Preview, SGPropertyNode* UserDat
if (ok)
size_t RecordSize = m_pRecorder->getRecordSize();
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_DEBUG, "RecordSize=" << RecordSize);
size_t OriginalSize = Config->getIntValue("recorder/record-size", 0);
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_DEBUG, "OriginalSize=" << OriginalSize);
// check consistency - ugly things happen when data vs signals mismatch
if ((OriginalSize != RecordSize)&&
(OriginalSize != 0))
@ -1211,6 +1519,7 @@ FGReplay::loadTape(const SGPath& Filename, bool Preview, SGPropertyNode* UserDat
bool multiplayer = UserData->getBoolValue("multiplayer", 0);
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_DEBUG, "multiplayer=" << multiplayer);
if (ok)
ok &= loadRawReplayData(input, m_pRecorder, short_term, RecordSize, multiplayer);

View file

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
#include <simgear/math/sg_types.hxx>
#include <simgear/props/props.hxx>
#include <simgear/structure/subsystem_mgr.hxx>
#include <simgear/io/iostreams/gzcontainerfile.hxx>
#include <MultiPlayer/multiplaymgr.hxx>
@ -88,7 +89,7 @@ typedef std::vector < FGReplayMessages > replay_messages_type;
class FGReplay : public SGSubsystem
class FGReplay : public SGSubsystem, SGPropertyChangeListener
FGReplay ();
@ -106,13 +107,14 @@ public:
bool start(bool NewTape=false);
bool saveTape(const SGPropertyNode* ConfigData);
bool saveTape(const SGPropertyNode* ConfigData, bool continuous=false);
bool loadTape(const SGPropertyNode* ConfigData);
void clear();
FGReplayData* record(double time);
void interpolate(double time, const replay_list_type &list);
void replay(double time, size_t offset, size_t offset_old=0);
void replay(double time, FGReplayData* pCurrentFrame, FGReplayData* pOldFrame=NULL);
void guiMessage(const char* message);
void loadMessages();
@ -125,7 +127,7 @@ private:
double get_end_time();
bool listTapes(bool SameAircraftFilter, const SGPath& tapeDirectory);
bool saveTape(const SGPath& Filename, SGPropertyNode* MetaData);
bool saveTape(const SGPath& Filename, SGPropertyNode* MetaData, bool continuous=false);
bool loadTape(const SGPath& Filename, bool Preview, SGPropertyNode* UserData);
double sim_time;
@ -160,7 +162,16 @@ private:
FGFlightRecorder* m_pRecorder;
FGMultiplayMgr* m_MultiplayMgr;
FGMultiplayMgr* m_MultiplayMgr;
void valueChanged(SGPropertyNode * node);
// Things for replaying from uncompressed fgtape file.
std::ifstream m_continuous_in;
std::map<double, size_t> m_continuous_time_to_offset;
// For writing uncompressed fgtape file.
std::ofstream m_continuous_out;
#endif // _FG_REPLAY_HXX