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56 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
James Turner
3b6c2c426d Support a --no-default-config option.
For (future) easier testing of the sim, support a mode where only explicitly named config / option files are loaded, instead of the default ones. (Including, for example, preferences.xml). This currently produces a non-functional sim, but will soon be more useful :)

No behaviour should change unless you try the new option.
2012-09-29 19:02:03 +01:00
James Turner
e50ff87300 Relocate appData fgfsrc loading prior to init of fg-root, so we can specify --fg-root that way. 2011-10-21 16:49:15 +01:00
James Turner
b1c7495fec Restructure option/config handling code, to avoid multiple scans & parses for special options (fg-root/fg-aircraft/aircraft). Push most of the code into a new Options class, inside options.cxx, and clean up various call-sites as a result. 2011-10-16 18:35:40 +01:00
James Turner
c95a5db23d Rewrite --show-aircraft and --aircraft handling to share directory search code.
As a bonus, sort the --show-aircraft list case-insensitively.
2010-07-17 14:12:52 +01:00
c9813d1b5d new FSF address 2006-02-21 01:16:04 +00:00
d05121ef46 Fix my mailing address by replacing it with my web page. 2004-11-19 22:10:41 +00:00
46caf8576b Update --showaircraft and --aircraft= options to recursively search the
$FGROOT/data/Aircraft hierarchy.  There could be some long term performance
concerns if a person has a *huge* collection of aircraft or a really slow
file system, but I see zero performance blip here from recursing the default
CVS tree.  We should also allow the user to specify the whole path to the
-set.xml file if they don't want to recurse ... this way we could eventually
come up with an aircraft selection dialog box on the front end so the user
could manually walk the tree to the desired aircraft.  There also the system
wouldn't have to search for the aircraft.
2003-09-19 20:06:27 +00:00
b7e3f95300 Add support for <aircraft>-set.xml configuration files inside it's own subdirectory. This applies only to the --show-aircraft option for now. 2003-09-15 14:07:50 +00:00
52a322decc Some various massaging and clean ups of initialization code. 2002-11-16 20:17:11 +00:00
61655bb2b2 Add support for a --show-aircraft option. This displays a list of all
available aircraft and a brief description if one is available.
2002-08-28 16:59:40 +00:00
b21333d4f8 Erik Hofman:
I've modified the code to display a brief help message instead of the
whole bunch of options. To get the complete message -v or --verbose has
to be added to the command line.
2002-08-25 22:38:20 +00:00
f29978fb42 Added fullscreen to globals, and fixed compile bug for 3DFX cards. 2002-01-06 16:51:31 +00:00
3cbc6f21c7 Renamed fgParseOptions(int,string) to fgParseArgs, and modified the
function to allow property files as non-option parameters after the
options have finished (and added "--" to terminate options).  It's now
possible to do something like

  fgfs denver-am.fgd

or even

  fgfs at-lax.fgd in-c310.fgd around-sunset.fgd

This works the same way as the --config option, but will be friendlier
for GUIs, where start-up situation files can now be associated easily
with FlightGear.
2002-01-04 20:58:48 +00:00
d1a50b5667 Fixes to get back support for Voodoo-1/2 cards and the voodoo-in-a-window
2001-02-02 22:39:13 +00:00
576432ec75 David Megginson writes:
FGOptions is history, and the modules are (starting) to use the property
manager directly.  Let me know if I left any files out.

Inevitably, there will be some problems with broken options, etc.,
that I haven't found in my tests, but I'll try to fix them quickly.
We also need to stress that the property names currently in use are
not stable -- we need to reorganize them a bit for clarity.
2001-01-13 22:06:39 +00:00
bc99033c96 Integrated FGOptions with the property manager (by David Megginson) 2001-01-12 15:37:40 +00:00
3e7bc24006 Tweaks related to the HUD. 2001-01-05 16:45:14 +00:00
403c740b34 Updates to DCS support and updates to options in preparation for support
the new xml configurable hud.
2000-12-08 20:05:43 +00:00
31b9c763df Added a --visibility= option. 2000-12-06 04:13:16 +00:00
11987d96c3 Removed tile radius option. Range of tiles to be loaded is now controled
by the visibility distance.
2000-12-03 20:13:58 +00:00
bde6c86fce Parse route files by Durk Talsma. 2000-11-28 23:38:24 +00:00
08fd9cc36d Moved fov and win_ration from FGOptions to FGViewer so we can control these
on a per view basis.
Fixed some compile warnings in Main/*.cxx
2000-11-01 23:27:32 +00:00
0175b4cd25 Continued FGViewer cleanups. FGViewer is now a base class so that we can
derive specific viewer classes from it.  Here's what I currently have in mind:

  |-> FGViewerPRH     (current system with orientation specified in
  |                    LaRCsim Euler angle convention)
  |-> FGViewerLookAt  Feed in a position, view direction, and up vector
  |-> FGViewerHPR     (similar to PRH, but using ssg hpr euler angle
  |                    convention)
  |-> others?
2000-10-25 22:59:02 +00:00
6515f9072c Checkpoint commit for cleaning up the FGViewer class. External views are
not working right, but this will hopefully be fixed soon.
2000-10-25 15:27:55 +00:00
7cc98ad15f I tested:
LaRCsim c172 on-ground and in-air starts, reset: all work
UIUC Cessna172 on-ground and in-air starts work as expected, reset
results in an aircraft that is upside down but does not crash FG.   I
don't know what it was like before, so it may well be no change.
JSBSim c172 and X15 in-air starts work fine, resets now work (and are
trimmed), on-ground starts do not -- the c172 ends up on its back.  I
suspect this is no worse than before.

I did not test:
Balloon (the weather code returns nan's for the atmosphere data --this
is in the weather module and apparently is a linux only bug)
ADA (don't know how)
MagicCarpet  (needs work yet)
External (don't know how)

known to be broken:
LaRCsim c172 on-ground starts with a negative terrain altitude (this
happens at KPAO when the scenery is not present).   The FDM inits to
about 50 feet AGL and the model falls to the ground.  It does stay
upright, however, and seems to be fine once it settles out, FWIW.

To do:
--implement set_Model on the bus
--bring Christian's weather data into JSBSim
-- add default method to bus for updating things like the sin and cos of
latitude (for Balloon, MagicCarpet)
-- lots of cleanup

The files:
-- all data members now declared protected instead of private.
-- eliminated all but a small set of 'setters', no change to getters.
-- that small set is declared virtual, the default implementation
provided preserves the old behavior
-- all of the vector data members are now initialized.
-- added busdump() method -- FG_LOG's  all the bus data when called,
useful for diagnostics.

-- bus data members now directly assigned to

-- bus data members now directly assigned to
-- changed V_equiv_kts to V_calibrated_kts

-- bus data members now directly assigned to
-- implemented the FGInterface virtual setters with JSBSim specific
-- changed the static FDMExec to a dynamic fdmex (needed so that the
JSBSim object can be deleted when a model change is called for)
-- implemented constructor and destructor, moved some of the logic
formerly in init() to constructor
-- added logic to bring up FGEngInterface objects and set the RPM and
throttle values.

-- bus data members now directly assigned to
-- implemented the FGInterface virtual setters with LaRCsim specific
logic, uses LaRCsimIC
-- implemented constructor and destructor, moved some of the logic
formerly in init() to constructor
-- moved default inertias to here from fg_init.cxx
-- eliminated the climb rate calculation.  The equivalent, climb_rate =
-1*vdown, is now in copy_from_LaRCsim().

-- similar to FGInitialCondition, this class has all the logic needed to
turn data like Vc and Mach into the more fundamental quantities LaRCsim
needs to initialize.
-- put it in src/FDM since it is a class

 -- bus data members now directly assigned to

-- adds LaRCsimIC.hxx and cxx

-- changes to accomodate the new bus

-- surrounded prototypes with #ifdef __cplusplus ... #endif , functions
here are needed in LaRCsimIC

-- changed PI to LS_PI, eliminates preprocessor naming conflict with
weather module

-- added function ls_set_model_dt()

-- eliminated calls that set the NED speeds to body components.  They
are no longer needed and confuse the new bus.

-- eliminated calls that just brought the bus data up-to-date (e.g.
set_sin_cos_latitude). or set default values.   The bus now handles the
defaults and updates itself when the setters are called (for LaRCsim and
JSBSim).  A default method for doing this needs to be added to the bus.
-- added fgVelocityInit() to set the speed the user asked for.  Both
JSBSim and LaRCsim can now be initialized using any of:
vc,mach, NED components, UVW components.

--eliminated call to fgFDMSetGroundElevation, this data is now 'pulled'
onto the bus every update()

-- added enum to keep track of the speed requested by the user
-- eliminated calls to set NED velocity properties to body speeds, they
are no longer needed.
-- added options for the NED components.

--eliminated calls that just brought the bus data up-to-date (e.g.
set_sin_cos_latitude).  The bus now updates itself when the setters are
called (for LaRCsim and JSBSim).  A default method for doing this needs
to be added to the bus.
-- changed set_V_equiv_kts to set_V_calibrated_kts.  set_V_equiv_kts no
longer exists ( get_V_equiv_kts still does, though)

-- commented out the code to put the weather data on the bus, a
different scheme for this is needed.
2000-10-24 00:34:50 +00:00
152a5902c8 Moved winWidth and winHeight out of FGViewer since these are set on a
per-application level.  We can have multiple viewers ...
Cleaned up fov mistake on startup with panel activated.
2000-10-19 23:09:33 +00:00
01c44cbb99 Code clean ups relating to FGOptions ... and moved it into globals-> space. 2000-10-19 21:24:43 +00:00
ce574d59f5 The following changes were made to flightgear-0.7.5 code to implement the follow
ing features:

a) ADA Flight model - ADA.cxx, ADA.hxx, flight.hxx
b) Fighter a/c HUD       - flight.hxx, hud.hxx, hud.cxx, cockpit.cxx, hud_ladr.c
xx, hud_card.cxx
c) 3-window display      - options.hxx, options.cxx, viewer.cxx
d) Moving objects (ship) - main.cxx
e) Patches               - main.cxx

ADA.cxx, ADA.hxx
Interface to the external ADA flight dynamics package.

Included prototypes for accepting additional data fron the External flight
model for fighter aircraft HUD

Included prototypes for accepting additional data for fighter HUD from Exernal F
light model.
Defined FIGHTER_HUD pre-processor directive to enable compilation of fighter hud

hud.cxx, cockpit.cxx, hud_ladr.cxx, hud_card.cxx
Included code to initialise additional reticles/text for fighter HUD which is co
compiled if FIGHTER_HUD is defined.

Added window_offset, and function to retrieve its value for 3 windows

Changed few options to suit ADA/CEF projection system/screens and checks for win
dow offset.

Added code to retrieve view offset for window.

Added code to load and move an aircraft carrier.
Patch to enable clouds from command line until Curtis fixes it. By default cloud
s are disabled.
2000-10-19 19:46:13 +00:00
df0228e019 Tweaks and massaging relative to the new waypoint route management system.
You can now specify waypoint on the command line with --wp=ID[,alt]
2000-10-12 01:08:09 +00:00
981d4dbd7d Properties:
- /engines/engine0/rpm changed to read-only
- /engines/engine0/egt added (read-only)
- /controls/mixture added
- /controls/propellor-pitch added (not used for C172)


- getEGT() added
- getMixture() and setMixture() added
- getPropAdvance() and setPropAdvance() added (= pitch)
- cleaned up reinit function a bit
- force reinit only when values are actually changed; for example,
  setting the flight model to the current flight model will not cause
  a reinit


- hook up mixture and pitch to FGControls (they were hard-coded
2000-10-04 22:52:34 +00:00
2c59508156 Renamed fg_types.hxx -> sg_types.hxx
Started work on an interactive property manager traverser/setter.
2000-09-26 23:39:29 +00:00
71747eb892 Added support for $FG_SCENERY and --fg-scenery=path 2000-07-14 16:57:55 +00:00
342554fadb Fix up simulator freeze functionality. 2000-07-08 06:29:19 +00:00
312626c5f0 Hopefully final time cleanups. 2000-07-07 21:52:45 +00:00
0ffa19cd32 Updates to JSBsim from Jon's CVS.
Massaging some names inside of SimGear.
2000-07-06 22:13:24 +00:00
d1e4a4bc6f A lot of code reorganization relating to moving some core code from
FlightGear into SimGear so it can be used by other projects.
2000-07-05 02:39:30 +00:00
9835072241 From Tony Peden:
This set of changes cleans up my previous ones quite a bit:
[tony@valkyrie FlightGear]$ tar -ztf tp_changes.tgz

controls.[ch]xx:  removed the trimmed_throttle stuff.  This undoes the
                  changes I submitted last time.

JSBsim.cxx:       updates for the removal of the trimmed_throttle stuff

fg_init.cxx:      removed the autothrottle logic.  The autothrottle is now
                  by default.

options.[ch]xx:   Sets trim_mode to false by default.  It is enabled only
                  when --notrim is not used and JSBsim is the FDM.

joystick.cxx:     Added logic for syncing the throttle lever.  This is
                  only enabled when trim_mode is enabled.   The way I
                  did it is, I hope, a good way of going about it.

I tested:
fgfs --fdm=larcsim
fgfs --fdm=jsb --aircraft=c172 --vc=100 --altitude=500
fgfs --notrim --fdm=jsb --aircraft=c172 --vc=100 --altitude=500

All work as intended, at least for me.

Make sure your joystick is calibrated and give:
fgfs --fdm=jsb --aircraft=c172 --vc=100 --altitude=500
a try, I think you just might be impressed.

I am. ;-)
2000-05-19 16:29:23 +00:00
c4a1cc047e Updates from the Jon and Tony show.
Tony submitted:

Added trimming routine, it is longitudinal & in-air only at this point
Added support for taking wind & weather data from external source
Added support for flaps.
Added independently settable pitch trim
Added alphamin and max to config file, stall modeling and warning to

Adjusted Cmo, model should be speed stable now

Hooked up Christian's weather code, should be using it soon.
Hooked up the trimming routine.  Note that the X-15 will not trim.
  This is not a model or trimming routine deficiency, just the
  nature of the X-15
The trimming routine sets the pitch trim and and throttle at startup.
The throttle is set using Norman's code for the autothrottle so the
autothrottle is on by default.  --notrim will turn it off.
Added --vc, --mach, and --notrim switches
      (vc is airspeed in knots)
uBody, vBody, and wBody are still supported, last one entered
on the command line counts, i.e. you can set vc or mach or u,v,
and w but any combination will be ignored.
2000-05-16 21:35:11 +00:00
365b26d093 HUD updates/cleanups from Norman Vine. 2000-05-13 00:02:43 +00:00
109088a84e Updated save file and bfi code from David Megginson. 2000-05-06 21:47:53 +00:00
749462f9bb Make NetworkOLK optional even if compiled in. 2000-02-28 04:16:12 +00:00
1294aed465 One more pass at a reorg. 2000-02-16 23:01:03 +00:00
485230b443 Code reorganization. 2000-02-15 03:30:01 +00:00
7f9c6d72ab Added a load/save state function contributed by David Megginson. 2000-02-11 22:27:23 +00:00
5c487a7803 Allow JSBsim aircraft model file to be specified from the command line. 1999-12-20 20:26:18 +00:00
1fd9270267 Revamping I/O system. 1999-11-19 02:10:24 +00:00
37220833ed Added Durk's first stab at clouds.
Added Simulator/Clouds/
Durk fixed a problem in gui.cxx with cursor type.
Durk updated his time zone / time-offset command line parameters
Curt added a cheezy fade in/out as we transition through the cloud layer.
  We really need to fog the sky dome, sun, moon, stars as well.
Curt added --enable/disable-clouds and --clouds-asl= to control clouds.
1999-10-22 00:27:49 +00:00
c9b58a1e44 Rename screen dump to snap shot.
Updated view enums.
1999-10-15 13:55:44 +00:00
f8df262633 Added a simple auto-coordination capability.
Can be enabled/disabled from the command line.
1999-10-06 20:58:57 +00:00
1b45c9ee54 Fiddling around with views, fdm data passing and management to try to be
more sensible so we can do a more reasonable external view.
1999-09-09 00:16:28 +00:00