- fix breakage due to former commit (AIManager.cxx, r1.72)
- make AI properties available in AIBase
- add <valid> property for animations/nasal scripts
- support more MP and AI targets
- add target select and altitude display
their XML wrapper/animation file. They can access their /ai/models node
via cmdarg() function. Example:
print("Hi, I'm the Nimitz. My data are under ",
Note, however, that the <unload> block is only called on exit at the moment,
not when the tile is unloaded.
"Flight plans" which can start at a given time (gmt)
WAITUNTIL tokens which pause the flight plans until a given time (gmt)
Submodels can now be attached to any AI objects (except submodels - it can
be done, but in my experimental code it's too expensive in frame rate atm)
"No-roll" attribute added to Ballistic objects - useful for wakes and the
"Random" attribute added to Ballistic objects (adds =- 5% to the Cd) -
useful for smoke, exhausts
If the <trigger> tag is not specified the Ballistic object/s will be
released at start-up (cannot be stopped)
Submodels are not released from AI Objects if the AI Object is more than 15
miles away.
mf: minor code and formatting fixes; submodels.?xx were FUBAR and are thus
astyle formatted;
NOTE that <name> tags END, EOF, WAIT, WAITUNTIL are *depreciated*.
Don't get too used to them. This will have to be moved from the "name"
to regular engries.
"Implement 'flightplans' for AIShips. This patch also introduces the concept
of a 'WAIT' token for AIShips: when the flightplan reaches a 'WAIT', the
AIShip stops and pauses for the specified time (secs)."
Here is a patch for two bugs in the AI/multiplayer part:
1. Cannot find model file *.ac error message (was only a false message,
anything worked correctly, the model was loaded from the correct path
2. Often many multiplayer aircrafts are missing in the property-tree.
(but I need them for aerotowing). There is still another bug: The
property in some circumstances seems not to be cleaned up after logout
of a multiplayer. I have added a workaround for this, but I don't now,
if it 100% works (should have no side effects, just aerotow would not
work sometimes). For testing I need more traffic on the mp-server.
- Ground network slow-down finally works as expected
(although occasionally causing a traffic jam)
- Hold position instruction now really sets speed to zero, in addition
it actually works now for crossing and two-way traffic
- Attempt to limit execution time of ground network trace algorithm
to make performance acceptable at high-density networks
- Removed remaining terminal messages
- Various minor tweaks and clean-ups
- Moved AIModels/Traffic Manager related AI functions to a new file
- Rewrote the traffic manager so that the containers use pointers to
objects instead of the objects themselves, which will allow for a
more flexible memory management.
- Rewrote parts of the airport groundnetwork code, also because the
stl containers now contain object pointers instead of the objects
- Fixed an uninitialized iterator in the AI distance tracking code
- Fixed flawed logic in some of the traffic controller's while loops
- Added a tower controller, which paces take-off behavior of AITraffic
in a more realistic way.
- Various other minor fixes and fine tuning.
maintain a resonable distance from each other while taxiing on the same
route. The current code does not yet take crossing routes or aircraft
taxiing into opposite directions into account.
work for ground based distance separation of AIAircraft.
Traffic manager initialization related changes:
- Schedules initialize "on the fly", instead of during initialization
- Invalid routes are no longer deleted, but marked as BOGUS and ignored
- Changed loading order from a distance based prioritization to a point-
score based prioritization, resulting in a much faster establisment of
AIAircraft near the user's plane.
Preparatory work for ground-based separation of Aircraft.
- The groundnetwork findShrortestRoute function not only returns a list
of waypoints, but also a list of taxi "segments" (a.k.a. taxiways).
- The taxiway list is stored in the Flightplan, and updated everytime
a new taxi leg is created.
using Curt's new speed adjustment code. 2) Separated the function
FlightPlanCreateCruise() into a new source file in preparation of a more
elaborate airway following scheme.
and tgt_altitude -> tgt_altitude_ft. Also fix a comment in AIBase.hxx
indicating that the altitude is in meters, even though the usage throughout the
code was most definitely feet.
- In AIMultiplayer.cxx, update the altitude_ft variable so that the altitude
is reported correctly in the entity's property subtree.
- In AIMultiplayer.cxx, compute a velocity value in kts to fill in the speed
entry in the entity's property subtree. Note, this is not an earth centered
reference speed, not an indicated speed and not a speed relative to the local
airmass (that would be much harder to do.)
AI aircraft are out of range or the piloted aircraft has no radar system.
These computation include range, bearing, and angular offset relative to the
piloted aircraft. This gives some external script the control the behavior
of the AI aircraft relative to the piloted aircraft without requiring a radar
system, and without requiring the AI aircraft to be within radar range.
flightplan. Such aircraft are given some initial conditions that they
fly with. They proceed on in "freeflight" mode indefinitely. For example,
there is a refueling demo where the tanker starts at 3000', 280 kts, and
in a 15 degree bank, and then continues to orbit indefinitely.
For these aircraft with no flightplan, I have added several control nodes in
controls/flight that allow a script or menu or external application to set
heading, altitude, bank angle, and speed. This permits some level of interactive
or scripted control over AI aircraft.
src/AIModel/AIAircraft.cxx src/ATC/AILocalTraffic.cxx
src/FDM/flight.cxx src/FDM/flight.hxx src/FDM/groundcache.cxx
src/FDM/groundcache.hxx src/Main/fg_init.cxx src/Main/main.cxx
src/Scenery/hitlist.cxx src/Scenery/hitlist.hxx
src/Scenery/scenery.cxx src/Scenery/scenery.hxx
Make use of the attached SGMaterial reference userdata on scenegraph
leafs. Make the SGMaterial pointer available to the ground query
SGPropertyNode to guarded ones. This is also done for JSBSim/JSBSim.hxx,
for which JSB had given explicit permission a while ago. I postponed that
back then, but now is the time.
"Bug Fix - amend the code so that JSBSIm can have more than one tanker in
the environment at the same time. A nasal script has to be added to each
aar-capable JSBSim model to complete this fix."