Suggested on the tracker, keep log files around longer. Currently we
keep the previous ten files.
Note we still don’t log for secondary running copies, since this would
violate the ‘only one copy can write to FGHome’ principle.
This avoids crashing when using Qt : we cannot call exit() safely since
QGuiApplication won’t shut down correctly. Instead throw a special
marker object and catch this in boostrap.
For an instance of this, see:
-D shows speed and drag values at fixed altitude.
--aD shows best speed at different altitudes.
yasim fgaddon-git/Harrier-GR3/Harrier-GR3.xml --aD
Results in tooltips for instrument needles, and control surfaces.
Enabled with /sim/rendering/automatic-animation-tooltips/enabled.
The max number of auto-created tooltips can be specified in
/sim/rendering/automatic-animation-tooltips/max-count (too many can cause
problems, e.g. on 777 i had to set max to 45).
src/Model/acmodel.cxx:fgLoad3DModelPanel(): pass new property values to
simgear::SGModelLib::loadModel(), so we can have auto-created tooltips for
animations in the user's aircraft.
[This all requires matching changes to simgear.]
We get away with things without these includes because
the build concats lots of C++ files together into
build/flightgear/src/GUI/fglauncher_autogen/mocs_compilation.cpp and luckily
earlier ones had the right includes.
Continuous replay:
If the user replays a continuous recording from file and then end replay
with the 'My controls' or 'End replay' buttons, we now forget about the
continuous recording. This enables the usual in-memory record/replay to be
used subsequently. Also added a '-continuous' suffix to continuous fgtape
New recovery system:
If /sim/replay/recovery-period is set and greater than zero, we
periodically save a single-item continuous recording to a recovery file
called <aircraft-type>-recovery.fgtape (with no date or time in the name),
doing so in such a way as to ensure that there is always a valid recovery
file even if flightgear crashes. One can then resume the flight from the
most recently-saved point by loading this from within flightgear or with
the --load-tape=... option.
Also did a fair amount of refactoring and tried to clarify the different
property nodes that we embed within recordings.
This background recording keeps the user aircraft stationary while recording
all movements of multiplayer aircraft. Allows one to look at replay without,
for example, disturbing continuous record to file.
This allows full-fidelity recordings of arbitrary length (limited only by disc
space) to be created and replayed. These recordings always contain multiplayer
information, regardless of /sim/replay/multiplayer.
When an uncompressed recording is loaded, it is not copied into memory. Instead
we extract individual frame information as required when replaying.
Recording to file is activated by setting /sim/replay/record-continuous to
true. We use the same filename pattern as ordinary fgtapes. The file format
is similar except for being uncompressed (so that replaying can seek within
the recording; gzip etc don't seem to support seeking within the uncompressed
Lars T identified some cases where the launcher would fail to include
local aircraft due to them using weird ways to include additional
XML into their -set.xml. Add a temporary resource provider while the
launcher is scanning, to make this work.
Will pick to LTS branch once verified.
Was being shown before locale was selected, so always using default
translation. Fixed by deferring the dialog, and also added an assert
for debug builds, if trying to access translated string too early.