Currently this works for all the default views except for Tower Look From (for
which it doesn't really make sense) and Fly-by View.
We now search for and load a -set.xml that matches the model .xml,
when new multiplayer aircraft is set up. This allows us to find view
offsets etc, e.g. allowing cockpit and helicopter views to work with
multiplayer aircraft. Properties from the -set.xml are placed into
/ai/models/multiplayer[]/set, so for example viewing offsets are in
/ai/models/multiplayer[]/set/sim/view[]/config/target-{x,y,z}-offset-m. We also
copy the aircraft's chase-distance into the view config params, similar to how
fgdata:defaults.xml does for the user's aircraft. And we also fill in views'
missing offsets from the Helicopter View config; e.g. this enables the new
Tower View AGL to show aircraft correctly centred, despite aircraft currently
not having this view defined in their -set.xml. [We don't currently attempt to
cache or reuse -set.xml data.]
Have ensured that view position responds to mouse movement in the same way for
viewing the user's aircraft as for multiplayer aircraft (previously, Model View
reversed the affect of vertical mouse movements).
Added new Tower AGL view. Behaves similarly to Tower view, but automatically
scales and pans vertically in order to always show the vertical range
extending from just above the aircraft down to the ground immediately below
the aircraft. We use aircrafts chase-distance as an indication of size. We
damp the ground level value to reduce the viewing jumping around too much
e.g. if the aircraft flies over buildings. The amount of damping is set by
fgdata:defaults.xml's lookat-agl-damping value.
Fixed problem where Tower View eye position moves slightly as target
aircraft heading changes. This was caused by us unnecessarily applying the
aircraft-centre correction to the eye position.
src/FDM/flight.cxx: also make /orientation/true-heading-deg. This allows
local orientation to be used like multiplayer orientation, which only
has /ai/models/multiplayer[]/orientation/true-heading-deg. [A better fix
might be to replace all occurrencies of /orientation/true-heading-deg with
/orientation/heading-deg, but this would be a rather large commit.]
src/Viewer/view.*: removed View::updateData() as is no longer required.
src/MultiPlayer/multiplaymgr.cxx: use helicopter view target offsets as
defaults. E.g. in tower view agl, aircraft won't currently be defining these
offsets. More generally, this allows aircraft to define target offsets only in
helicoter view.
FGMultiplayMgr::FillMsgHdr(): Added tie of /orientation/true-heading-deg to
get_Psi_deg, so it duplictes the existing /orientation/heading-deg.
FGMultiplayMgr::addMultiplayer(): look for and load -set.xml that matches
the model. Patch various view-related things up in similar way to what we
do for the user's aircraft, so that multiplayer views work.
Made FGMultiplayMgr::getMultiplayer() public, so it can be used by
View::View(): Added lookat_agl, lookat_agl_damping params for new Tower
View AGL. Preserve user's field-of-view in separate variable so that Tower
View AGL can modify the actual field of view independently.
Added view_index param so that we can find multiplayer view[]/config/
getViewOffsets(): new fn that finds view offsets for user aircraft or
multiplayer aircraft.
View::recalcLookFrom() View::recalcLookAt: Lots of changes to allow things
to work with multiplayer aircraft. View::recalcLookAt() can now do Tower
View AGL.
View::Damping: support for damping, used by Tower View AGL. Might be good
to use this for other damping.
View::updateData(): removed, as calculations are now all done inside
put properties {x,y,z}-offset-m into new View::_adjust_offset_m member
instead of _offset_m. This avoids confusion between a view's offsets and
the offsets added in by the user via the 'Adjust View Position' dialogue.
FGViewMgr::init(): pass view number to
The _name, get_name(), and set_name() variables and functions have been removed.
The Component::get_name() function is now handled by Subsystem::subsystemId(),
and Component::set_name() replaced by SGSubsystem::set_name(). The
Component::_name variable is replaced by SGSubsystem::_subsystemId.
This is a clean up commit prior to the subsystem API standardisation to simplify
the diffs. It includes all SGSubsystem and SGSubsystemGroup derived classes.
Revert this change - I will re-add the unit-tests again, but we need
a different approach for 8.3 stations, than what I did here.
This reverts commit 91cc83abb5.
In 8.3 mode, ensure that 25 and 75Khz channels can be tuned using the
abbreviated syntax (eg 118.02 for 118.025).
As part of this, add test coverage of the CommRadio for basic and 8.3-
mode operation.
Deal with some cases in STAR -> approach routing better:
- when the IAF is the initial wpt of the approach primary sequence,
just accept this instead of warning. This is common in some XML
files from Navigraph, for example EDDF
- don’t duplicate the IAF into the wpts returned by Approach::route
- when add-noise is false, mute noise completely
- if the CommRadio is not powered by the generic electrical system,
work by default (as was previously the case)
Using Emesary Global Transmitter the following events are notified
* Frame Begin
* Frame End
* Mainloop started
* Mainloop stopped
This integrates with the background threaded Nasal Garbage collection (simgear:nasal/cppbind/NasalEmesaryInterface.hxx) and is also controlled by the properties as follows
* /sim/nasal-gc-threaded (true) - use background threaded GC
* /sim/nasal-gc-threaded-wait (false) - at the start of the frame wait for the previous GC thread to complete.
I initially thought that the wait at the start of the frame would be necessary; however in 100 or so hours of flight without the await for completion at the start of frame no threading problems (or any other problems) were shown; so nasal-gc-threaded-wait is defaulted to false which gives a slight boost in performance.
So what this does is to it removes the GC pause of 10-20ms every 4 seconds (test using the F-15). This change doesn't really give much extra performance per frame because normally GC is only performed when needed.
Neither Torsten nor I can recall why we continued to hard-code this,
so make it dynamic for now. When we remember why we hard-code it,
we can add a BigComment from future-James to future-future-James about
why not to do this again :)
Due to e43fe82094 models in AI scenarios were
being searched down the AI/Aircraft and Aircraft paths, where in fact
they are by default a full path from FGDATA.
This fixes the problem by setting DATA_ONLY as the search order.
Other search orders can be set in the scenario file by setting
the search-order tag to "DATA_ONLY", "PREFER_AI", "PREFER_DATA"
Based on the dew point temperature supplied by FG, JSBSim updates the atmosphere density and computes all the usual parameters (RH, vapor pressure, saturated vapor pressure, etc.)
The mass fraction of water per unit of air mass is capped according to the record high from ISA 1976 standard atmosphere. As a consequence, at very high altitudes, air is always extremely dry (approx. 30 ppm i.e. 30 parts per million) whatever the conditions at sea level.