to run a fg-command with args, POST run.cgi?value=my-command
and post the args node as JSON content like this:
name: '',
children: [
name: 'property',
index: 0,
value: 'first-value is here'
name: 'property',
index: 1,
value: 'first-value is here'
or whatever arguments the requested command takes
This is too destructive for many established things, so revert it.
Instead, make the FDM shell save /fdm state on postinit(), and
restore it on re-init (which reposition invokes).
- Not compiled by default, nor hooked up to anything yet.
- Both libraries licensed under modified BSD license.
- Added top-level CMake file for both, to create a plain static
library for each.
add request parameter 'i' and 'd'
if i=y, indent the output to make it human readable
if i is missing or anything else, send the output unformatted to save bandwith
'd' defines recursion depth with a default of 1 to show the requested node
and the immediate childs (if it has any)
call /json/?i=y&d=999 for a complete property tree backup (use with caution!)
Also set the encoding to UTF-8 as required per RFC 4627
Adds $FG_ROOT/Aircraft/Generic/JSBSim/{Engines,Systems} to the JSBSim
engines and system search paths. Internally JSBSim already searches
$aircraft_dir/Engines and $aircraft_dir/Systems.
A file in $aircraft_dir/{Engines,Systems} have higher priority than one
in the shared directories.
Introduces delay-sec and release-delay-sec properties. The former is how
long to wait to run the binding(s) after pressing the button, the latter
is how long to wait after releasing the button. interval-sec now
specifies the delay before a repeat event occurs.
- Calculate line of sight distance instead of distance over
- Do a nav cache update if carrier_nav.dat.gz timestamp has
- Allow comments in carrier_nav.dat.gz
- "Fix" range calculations (still does not take terrain/weather
and other influences into account)
Added the fallback for realweather fetch disabled, creating
ATIS from present weather
Fixed some formatting errors, mainly missing spaces
Some code cleanup
Calls to updateValues can cause nested calls invalidating
the char* passed as argument, if retrieved from a
Probably SGPropertyNode should also be modified to return
a std::string instead of a pointer to an internal buffer.
- use old-style reset as the basis for a lightweight 'reposition' command. This does not restore state, or reset
time management, but does reset the FDM and re-finalize position.