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// navradio.cxx -- class to manage a nav radio instance
// Written by Curtis Olson, started April 2000.
// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Curtis L. Olson - http://www.flightgear.org/~curt
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
2006-02-21 01:16:04 +00:00
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
// $Id$
# include <config.h>
#include "navradio.hxx"
#include <sstream>
#include <cstring>
#include <simgear/sg_inlines.h>
#include <simgear/timing/sg_time.hxx>
#include <simgear/math/sg_random.h>
#include <simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx>
#include <simgear/math/sg_geodesy.hxx>
#include <simgear/structure/exception.hxx>
#include <simgear/math/interpolater.hxx>
#include <simgear/misc/strutils.hxx>
#include <Navaids/navrecord.hxx>
#include <Airports/runways.hxx>
#include <Navaids/navlist.hxx>
Torsten Dreyer: Here is a little patch that changes the behaviour of the VOR CDI and OFF-flag for indicators like the HSI when getting outside the range of the VOR station. Currently, when flying at a distance between the effective_range and twice the effective_range of a VOR station, the in-range property is computed based on a random value, causing the OFF Flag and the CDI bar to perform an ugly jitter. The attached patch introduces a new property signal-quality-norm which is computed based on the distance to the station and the range. It is 1.0 when the distance is less than the range and decreases by 1/x^2 for distances greater than the range leading to a signal-quality-norm of 0.25 for distances two times the range, 0.125 for three times the range and so on. The in-range flag is tied to a signal-quality-norm greater than 0.2 (fixed squelch). The CDI and GS needle deflection is multiplied with the signal-quality-norm. The benefit is: - Ability to animate the OFF-Flag with a smooth transition. - CDI and GS needle deflection shows correct values when in range (signal-quality-norm=1.0) and show some wrong indication when the range is exceeded - CDI and GS needle start to move, even when the OFF flag is visible - No more jitter for flag and needles See the new SenecaII ki525a hsi as an example at http://www.t3r.de/fg/navpatch.jpg The numbers on the image are: (1) the new property signal-quality-norm (2) distance exceeds the effective-range by 30% (3) NAV flag has a rotation animation bound to signal-quality-norm and is partially visible (4) CDI is partially deflected even with NAV flag shown This implementation better matches reality - at least, how I observed it ;-)
2008-08-28 21:24:02 +00:00
#include <Main/util.hxx>
using std::string;
// General-purpose sawtooth function. Graph looks like this:
// /\ .
// \/
// Odd symmetry, inversion symmetry about the origin.
// Unit slope at the origin.
// Max 1, min -1, period 4.
// Two zero-crossings per period, one with + slope, one with - slope.
// Useful for false localizer courses.
static double sawtooth(double xx)
return 4.0 * fabs(xx/4.0 + 0.25 - floor(xx/4.0 + 0.75)) - 1.0;
// Calculate a unit vector in the horizontal tangent plane
// starting at the given "tail" of the vector and going off
// with the given heading.
static SGVec3d tangentVector(const SGGeod& tail, const SGVec3d& tail_xyz,
const double heading)
// The fudge factor here is presumably intended to improve
// numerical stability. I don't know if it is necessary.
// It gets divided out later.
double fudge(100.0);
SGGeod head;
double az2; // ignored
SGGeodesy::direct(tail, heading, fudge, head, az2);
SGVec3d head_xyz = SGVec3d::fromGeod(head);
return (head_xyz - tail_xyz) * (1.0/fudge);
// Create a "serviceable" node with a default value of "true"
SGPropertyNode_ptr createServiceableProp(SGPropertyNode* aParent, const char* aName)
SGPropertyNode_ptr n = (aParent->getChild(aName, 0, true)->getChild("serviceable", 0, true));
simgear::props::Type typ = n->getType();
if ((typ == simgear::props::NONE) || (typ == simgear::props::UNSPECIFIED)) {
return n;
// Constructor
FGNavRadio::FGNavRadio(SGPropertyNode *node) :
lon_node(fgGetNode("/position/longitude-deg", true)),
lat_node(fgGetNode("/position/latitude-deg", true)),
alt_node(fgGetNode("/position/altitude-ft", true)),
2005-12-28 18:05:03 +00:00
_name(node->getStringValue("name", "nav")),
_num(node->getIntValue("number", 0)),
SGPath path( globals->get_fg_root() );
SGPath term = path;
term.append( "Navaids/range.term" );
SGPath low = path;
low.append( "Navaids/range.low" );
SGPath high = path;
high.append( "Navaids/range.high" );
term_tbl = new SGInterpTable( term.str() );
low_tbl = new SGInterpTable( low.str() );
high_tbl = new SGInterpTable( high.str() );
string branch("/instrumentation/" + _name);
_radio_node = fgGetNode(branch.c_str(), _num, true);
// Destructor
if (gps_course_node) {
if (nav_slaved_to_gps_node) {
delete term_tbl;
delete low_tbl;
delete high_tbl;
FGNavRadio::init ()
SGSoundMgr *smgr = globals->get_soundmgr();
_sgr = smgr->find("avionics", true);
SGPropertyNode* node = _radio_node.get();
bus_power_node =
fgGetNode(("/systems/electrical/outputs/" + _name).c_str(), true);
// inputs
is_valid_node = node->getChild("data-is-valid", 0, true);
power_btn_node = node->getChild("power-btn", 0, true);
power_btn_node->setBoolValue( true );
vol_btn_node = node->getChild("volume", 0, true);
ident_btn_node = node->getChild("ident", 0, true);
ident_btn_node->setBoolValue( true );
audio_btn_node = node->getChild("audio-btn", 0, true);
audio_btn_node->setBoolValue( true );
backcourse_node = node->getChild("back-course-btn", 0, true);
backcourse_node->setBoolValue( false );
2005-12-28 18:05:03 +00:00
nav_serviceable_node = node->getChild("serviceable", 0, true);
cdi_serviceable_node = createServiceableProp(node, "cdi");
gs_serviceable_node = createServiceableProp(node, "gs");
tofrom_serviceable_node = createServiceableProp(node, "to-from");
dme_serviceable_node = createServiceableProp(node, "dme");
falseCoursesEnabledNode =
if (!falseCoursesEnabledNode) {
falseCoursesEnabledNode =
fgGetNode("/sim/realism/false-radio-courses-enabled", true);
// frequencies
SGPropertyNode *subnode = node->getChild("frequencies", 0, true);
freq_node = subnode->getChild("selected-mhz", 0, true);
alt_freq_node = subnode->getChild("standby-mhz", 0, true);
fmt_freq_node = subnode->getChild("selected-mhz-fmt", 0, true);
fmt_alt_freq_node = subnode->getChild("standby-mhz-fmt", 0, true);
// radials
subnode = node->getChild("radials", 0, true);
sel_radial_node = subnode->getChild("selected-deg", 0, true);
radial_node = subnode->getChild("actual-deg", 0, true);
recip_radial_node = subnode->getChild("reciprocal-radial-deg", 0, true);
target_radial_true_node = subnode->getChild("target-radial-deg", 0, true);
target_auto_hdg_node = subnode->getChild("target-auto-hdg-deg", 0, true);
// outputs
heading_node = node->getChild("heading-deg", 0, true);
time_to_intercept = node->getChild("time-to-intercept-sec", 0, true);
to_flag_node = node->getChild("to-flag", 0, true);
from_flag_node = node->getChild("from-flag", 0, true);
inrange_node = node->getChild("in-range", 0, true);
Torsten Dreyer: Here is a little patch that changes the behaviour of the VOR CDI and OFF-flag for indicators like the HSI when getting outside the range of the VOR station. Currently, when flying at a distance between the effective_range and twice the effective_range of a VOR station, the in-range property is computed based on a random value, causing the OFF Flag and the CDI bar to perform an ugly jitter. The attached patch introduces a new property signal-quality-norm which is computed based on the distance to the station and the range. It is 1.0 when the distance is less than the range and decreases by 1/x^2 for distances greater than the range leading to a signal-quality-norm of 0.25 for distances two times the range, 0.125 for three times the range and so on. The in-range flag is tied to a signal-quality-norm greater than 0.2 (fixed squelch). The CDI and GS needle deflection is multiplied with the signal-quality-norm. The benefit is: - Ability to animate the OFF-Flag with a smooth transition. - CDI and GS needle deflection shows correct values when in range (signal-quality-norm=1.0) and show some wrong indication when the range is exceeded - CDI and GS needle start to move, even when the OFF flag is visible - No more jitter for flag and needles See the new SenecaII ki525a hsi as an example at http://www.t3r.de/fg/navpatch.jpg The numbers on the image are: (1) the new property signal-quality-norm (2) distance exceeds the effective-range by 30% (3) NAV flag has a rotation animation bound to signal-quality-norm and is partially visible (4) CDI is partially deflected even with NAV flag shown This implementation better matches reality - at least, how I observed it ;-)
2008-08-28 21:24:02 +00:00
signal_quality_norm_node = node->getChild("signal-quality-norm", 0, true);
cdi_deflection_node = node->getChild("heading-needle-deflection", 0, true);
cdi_deflection_norm_node = node->getChild("heading-needle-deflection-norm", 0, true);
cdi_xtrack_error_node = node->getChild("crosstrack-error-m", 0, true);
= node->getChild("crosstrack-heading-error-deg", 0, true);
has_gs_node = node->getChild("has-gs", 0, true);
loc_node = node->getChild("nav-loc", 0, true);
loc_dist_node = node->getChild("nav-distance", 0, true);
gs_deflection_node = node->getChild("gs-needle-deflection", 0, true);
gs_deflection_deg_node = node->getChild("gs-needle-deflection-deg", 0, true);
gs_deflection_norm_node = node->getChild("gs-needle-deflection-norm", 0, true);
gs_direct_node = node->getChild("gs-direct-deg", 0, true);
gs_rate_of_climb_node = node->getChild("gs-rate-of-climb", 0, true);
gs_rate_of_climb_fpm_node = node->getChild("gs-rate-of-climb-fpm", 0, true);
gs_dist_node = node->getChild("gs-distance", 0, true);
gs_inrange_node = node->getChild("gs-in-range", 0, true);
nav_id_node = node->getChild("nav-id", 0, true);
id_c1_node = node->getChild("nav-id_asc1", 0, true);
id_c2_node = node->getChild("nav-id_asc2", 0, true);
id_c3_node = node->getChild("nav-id_asc3", 0, true);
id_c4_node = node->getChild("nav-id_asc4", 0, true);
2005-12-28 18:05:03 +00:00
// gps slaving support
nav_slaved_to_gps_node = node->getChild("slaved-to-gps", 0, true);
gps_cdi_deflection_node = fgGetNode("/instrumentation/gps/cdi-deflection", true);
gps_to_flag_node = fgGetNode("/instrumentation/gps/to-flag", true);
gps_from_flag_node = fgGetNode("/instrumentation/gps/from-flag", true);
gps_has_gs_node = fgGetNode("/instrumentation/gps/has-gs", true);
gps_course_node = fgGetNode("/instrumentation/gps/desired-course-deg", true);
gps_xtrack_error_nm_node = fgGetNode("/instrumentation/gps/wp/wp[1]/course-error-nm", true);
_magvarNode = fgGetNode("/environment/magnetic-variation-deg", true);
std::ostringstream temp;
temp << _name << "nav-ident" << _num;
nav_fx_name = temp.str();
temp << _name << "dme-ident" << _num;
dme_fx_name = temp.str();
FGNavRadio::bind ()
tie("dme-in-range", SGRawValuePointer<bool>(&_dmeInRange));
tie("operable", SGRawValueMethods<FGNavRadio, bool>(*this, &FGNavRadio::isOperable, NULL));
FGNavRadio::unbind ()
for (unsigned int t=0; t<_tiedNodes.size(); ++t) {
// model standard VOR/DME/TACAN service volumes as per AIM 1-1-8
double FGNavRadio::adjustNavRange( double stationElev, double aircraftElev,
double nominalRange )
if (nominalRange <= 0.0) {
nominalRange = FG_NAV_DEFAULT_RANGE;
// extend out actual usable range to be 1.3x the published safe range
const double usability_factor = 1.3;
// assumptions we model the standard service volume, plus
// ... rather than specifying a cylinder, we model a cone that
// contains the cylinder. Then we put an upside down cone on top
// to model diminishing returns at too-high altitudes.
// altitude difference
double alt = ( aircraftElev * SG_METER_TO_FEET - stationElev );
// cout << "aircraft elev = " << aircraftElev * SG_METER_TO_FEET
// << " station elev = " << stationElev << endl;
if ( nominalRange < 25.0 + SG_EPSILON ) {
// Standard Terminal Service Volume
return term_tbl->interpolate( alt ) * usability_factor;
} else if ( nominalRange < 50.0 + SG_EPSILON ) {
// Standard Low Altitude Service Volume
// table is based on range of 40, scale to actual range
return low_tbl->interpolate( alt ) * nominalRange / 40.0
* usability_factor;
} else {
// Standard High Altitude Service Volume
// table is based on range of 130, scale to actual range
return high_tbl->interpolate( alt ) * nominalRange / 130.0
* usability_factor;
// model standard ILS service volumes as per AIM 1-1-9
double FGNavRadio::adjustILSRange( double stationElev, double aircraftElev,
double offsetDegrees, double distance )
// assumptions we model the standard service volume, plus
// altitude difference
// double alt = ( aircraftElev * SG_METER_TO_FEET - stationElev );
// double offset = fabs( offsetDegrees );
// if ( offset < 10 ) {
// } else if ( offset < 35 ) {
// return 10 + (35 - offset) * (FG_ILS_DEFAULT_RANGE - 10) / 25;
// } else if ( offset < 45 ) {
// return (45 - offset);
// } else if ( offset > 170 ) {
// } else if ( offset > 145 ) {
// return 10 + (offset - 145) * (FG_ILS_DEFAULT_RANGE - 10) / 25;
// } else if ( offset > 135 ) {
// return (offset - 135);
// } else {
// return 0;
// }
// Update the various nav values based on position and valid tuned in navs
FGNavRadio::update(double dt)
if (dt <= 0.0) {
return; // paused
// Create "formatted" versions of the nav frequencies for
// instrument displays.
char tmp[16];
sprintf( tmp, "%.2f", freq_node->getDoubleValue() );
sprintf( tmp, "%.2f", alt_freq_node->getDoubleValue() );
if (power_btn_node->getBoolValue()
&& (bus_power_node->getDoubleValue() > 1.0)
&& nav_serviceable_node->getBoolValue() )
_operable = true;
} else {
void FGNavRadio::clearOutputs()
inrange_node->setBoolValue( false );
signal_quality_norm_node->setDoubleValue( 0.0 );
cdi_deflection_node->setDoubleValue( 0.0 );
cdi_deflection_norm_node->setDoubleValue( 0.0 );
cdi_xtrack_error_node->setDoubleValue( 0.0 );
cdi_xtrack_hdg_err_node->setDoubleValue( 0.0 );
time_to_intercept->setDoubleValue( 0.0 );
gs_deflection_node->setDoubleValue( 0.0 );
gs_inrange_node->setBoolValue( false );
loc_node->setBoolValue( false );
to_flag_node->setBoolValue( false );
from_flag_node->setBoolValue( false );
_dmeInRange = false;
_operable = false;
_navaid = NULL;
void FGNavRadio::updateReceiver(double dt)
SGGeod pos = SGGeod::fromDegFt(lon_node->getDoubleValue(),
SGVec3d aircraft = SGVec3d::fromGeod(pos);
double loc_dist = 0;
// Do a nav station search only once a second to reduce
// unnecessary work. (Also, make sure to do this before caching
// any values!)
_time_before_search_sec -= dt;
if ( _time_before_search_sec < 0 ) {
if (_navaid)
loc_dist = dist(aircraft, _navaid->cart());
loc_dist_node->setDoubleValue( loc_dist );
if (nav_slaved_to_gps_node->getBoolValue()) {
// when slaved to GPS: only allow stuff above: tune NAV station
// upate DME. All other data driven by GPS only.
if (!_navaid) {
_cdiDeflection = 0.0;
_cdiCrossTrackErrorM = 0.0;
_toFlag = _fromFlag = false;
_gsNeedleDeflection = 0.0;
_gsNeedleDeflectionNorm = 0.0;
double nav_elev = _navaid->get_elev_ft();
bool is_loc = loc_node->getBoolValue();
double signal_quality_norm = signal_quality_norm_node->getDoubleValue();
double az2, s;
// compute forward and reverse wgs84 headings to localizer
double hdg;
SGGeodesy::inverse(pos, _navaid->geod(), hdg, az2, s);
double radial = az2 - twist;
double recip = radial + 180.0;
SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(recip, 0.0, 360.0);
radial_node->setDoubleValue( radial );
recip_radial_node->setDoubleValue( recip );
// compute the target/selected radial in "true" heading
if (!is_loc) {
target_radial = sel_radial_node->getDoubleValue();
// VORs need twist (mag-var) added; ILS/LOCs don't but we set twist to 0.0
double trtrue = target_radial + twist;
SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(trtrue, 0.0, 360.0);
target_radial_true_node->setDoubleValue( trtrue );
// adjust reception range for altitude
// FIXME: make sure we are using the navdata range now that
// it is valid in the data file
if ( is_loc ) {
2005-12-28 18:05:03 +00:00
double offset = radial - target_radial;
SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(offset, -180.0, 180.0);
2005-12-28 18:05:03 +00:00
= adjustILSRange( nav_elev, pos.getElevationM(), offset,
loc_dist * SG_METER_TO_NM );
} else {
= adjustNavRange( nav_elev, pos.getElevationM(), _navaid->get_range() );
double effective_range_m = effective_range * SG_NM_TO_METER;
// compute signal quality
// 100% within effective_range
// decreases 1/x^2 further out
double last_signal_quality_norm = signal_quality_norm;
if ( loc_dist < effective_range_m ) {
signal_quality_norm = 1.0;
} else {
double range_exceed_norm = loc_dist/effective_range_m;
signal_quality_norm = 1/(range_exceed_norm*range_exceed_norm);
signal_quality_norm = fgGetLowPass( last_signal_quality_norm,
signal_quality_norm, dt );
signal_quality_norm_node->setDoubleValue( signal_quality_norm );
bool inrange = signal_quality_norm > 0.2;
inrange_node->setBoolValue( inrange );
// compute to/from flag status
if (inrange) {
if (is_loc) {
_toFlag = true;
} else {
double offset = fabs(radial - target_radial);
_toFlag = (offset > 90.0 && offset < 270.0);
_fromFlag = !_toFlag;
} else {
_toFlag = _fromFlag = false;
// CDI deflection
double r = target_radial - radial;
SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(r, -180.0, 180.0);
if ( is_loc ) {
if (falseCoursesEnabledNode->getBoolValue()) {
// The factor of 30.0 gives a period of 120 which gives us 3 cycles and six
// zeros i.e. six courses: one front course, one back course, and four
// false courses. Three of the six are reverse sensing.
_cdiDeflection = 30.0 * sawtooth(r / 30.0);
} else {
// no false courses, but we do need to create a back course
if (fabs(r) > 90.0) { // front course
_cdiDeflection = r - copysign(180.0, r);
} else {
_cdiDeflection = r; // back course
_cdiDeflection = -_cdiDeflection; // reverse for outbound radial
} // of false courses disabled
const double VOR_FULL_ARC = 20.0; // VOR is -10 .. 10 degree swing
_cdiDeflection *= VOR_FULL_ARC / _localizerWidth; // increased localiser sensitivity
if (backcourse_node->getBoolValue()) {
_cdiDeflection = -_cdiDeflection;
} else {
// handle the TO side of the VOR
if (fabs(r) > 90.0) {
r = ( r<0.0 ? -r-180.0 : -r+180.0 );
_cdiDeflection = r;
} // of non-localiser case
SG_CLAMP_RANGE(_cdiDeflection, -10.0, 10.0 );
_cdiDeflection *= signal_quality_norm;
// cross-track error (in metres)
_cdiCrossTrackErrorM = loc_dist * sin(r * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
updateGlideSlope(dt, aircraft, signal_quality_norm);
void FGNavRadio::updateGlideSlope(double dt, const SGVec3d& aircraft, double signal_quality_norm)
_gsNeedleDeflection = 0.0;
if (!_gs || !inrange_node->getBoolValue()) {
gs_dist_node->setDoubleValue( 0.0 );
_gsNeedleDeflection = 0.0;
_gsNeedleDeflectionNorm = 0.0;
double gsDist = dist(aircraft, _gsCart);
bool gsInRange = (gsDist < (_gs->get_range() * SG_NM_TO_METER));
if (!gsInRange) return;
SGVec3d pos = aircraft - _gsCart; // relative vector from gs antenna to aircraft
// The positive GS axis points along the runway in the landing direction,
// toward the far end, not toward the approach area, so we need a - sign here:
double dot_h = -dot(pos, _gsAxis);
double dot_v = dot(pos, _gsVertical);
_gsDirect = atan2(dot_v, dot_h) * SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
double deflectionAngle = target_gs - _gsDirect;
if (falseCoursesEnabledNode->getBoolValue()) {
// Construct false glideslopes. The scale factor of 1.5
// in the sawtooth gives a period of 6 degrees.
// There will be zeros at 3, 6r, 9, 12r et cetera
// where "r" indicates reverse sensing.
// This is is consistent with conventional pilot lore
// e.g. http://www.allstar.fiu.edu/aerojava/ILS.htm
// but inconsistent with
// http://www.freepatentsonline.com/3757338.html
// It may be that some of each exist.
if (deflectionAngle < 0) {
deflectionAngle = 1.5 * sawtooth(deflectionAngle / 1.5);
} else {
// no false GS below the true GS
_gsNeedleDeflection = deflectionAngle * 5.0;
_gsNeedleDeflection *= signal_quality_norm;
SG_CLAMP_RANGE(deflectionAngle, -0.7, 0.7);
_gsNeedleDeflectionNorm = (deflectionAngle / 0.7) * signal_quality_norm;
// Calculate desired rate of climb for intercepting the GS
double gs_diff = target_gs - _gsDirect;
// convert desired vertical path angle into a climb rate
double des_angle = _gsDirect - 10 * gs_diff;
/* printf("target_gs=%.1f angle=%.1f gs_diff=%.1f des_angle=%.1f\n",
target_gs, _gsDirect, gs_diff, des_angle); */
// estimate horizontal speed towards ILS in meters per minute
double elapsedDistance = last_x - gsDist;
last_x = gsDist;
double new_vel = ( elapsedDistance / dt );
horiz_vel = 0.99 * horiz_vel + 0.01 * new_vel;
/* printf("vel=%.1f (dist=%.1f dt=%.2f)\n", horiz_vel, elapsedDistance, dt);*/
->setDoubleValue( -sin( des_angle * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS )
* horiz_vel * SG_METER_TO_FEET );
->setDoubleValue( gs_rate_of_climb_node->getDoubleValue() * 60 );
void FGNavRadio::updateDME(const SGVec3d& aircraft)
if (!_dme || !dme_serviceable_node->getBoolValue()) {
_dmeInRange = false;
double dme_distance = dist(aircraft, _dme->cart());
_dmeInRange = (dme_distance < _dme->get_range() * SG_NM_TO_METER);
void FGNavRadio::valueChanged (SGPropertyNode* prop)
if (prop == gps_course_node) {
if (!nav_slaved_to_gps_node->getBoolValue()) {
// GPS desired course has changed, sync up our selected-course
double v = prop->getDoubleValue();
if (v != sel_radial_node->getDoubleValue()) {
} else if (prop == nav_slaved_to_gps_node) {
if (prop->getBoolValue()) {
// slaved-to-GPS activated, clear obsolete NAV outputs and sync up selected course
// slave-to-GPS enabled/disabled, resync NAV station (update all outputs)
_navaid = NULL;
_time_before_search_sec = 0;
void FGNavRadio::updateGPSSlaved()
_toFlag = gps_to_flag_node->getBoolValue();
_fromFlag = gps_from_flag_node->getBoolValue();
bool gpsValid = (_toFlag | _fromFlag);
if (!gpsValid) {
_cdiDeflection = 0.0;
_cdiCrossTrackErrorM = 0.0;
_gsNeedleDeflection = 0.0;
_gsNeedleDeflectionNorm = 0.0;
// this is unfortunate, but panel instruments use this value to decide
// if the navradio output is valid.
_cdiDeflection = gps_cdi_deflection_node->getDoubleValue();
// clmap to some range (+/- 10 degrees) as the regular deflection
SG_CLAMP_RANGE(_cdiDeflection, -10.0, 10.0 );
_cdiCrossTrackErrorM = gps_xtrack_error_nm_node->getDoubleValue() * SG_NM_TO_METER;
_gsNeedleDeflection = 0.0; // FIXME, supply this
double trtrue = gps_course_node->getDoubleValue() + _magvarNode->getDoubleValue();
SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(trtrue, 0.0, 360.0);
target_radial_true_node->setDoubleValue( trtrue );
void FGNavRadio::updateCDI(double dt)
bool cdi_serviceable = cdi_serviceable_node->getBoolValue();
bool inrange = inrange_node->getBoolValue();
if (tofrom_serviceable_node->getBoolValue()) {
} else {
if (!cdi_serviceable) {
_cdiDeflection = 0.0;
_cdiCrossTrackErrorM = 0.0;
cdi_deflection_norm_node->setDoubleValue(_cdiDeflection * 0.1);
// compute an approximate ground track heading error
double hdg_error = 0.0;
if ( inrange && cdi_serviceable ) {
double vn = fgGetDouble( "/velocities/speed-north-fps" );
double ve = fgGetDouble( "/velocities/speed-east-fps" );
double gnd_trk_true = atan2( ve, vn ) * SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
if ( gnd_trk_true < 0.0 ) { gnd_trk_true += 360.0; }
SGPropertyNode *true_hdg
= fgGetNode("/orientation/heading-deg", true);
hdg_error = gnd_trk_true - true_hdg->getDoubleValue();
// cout << "ground track = " << gnd_trk_true
// << " orientation = " << true_hdg->getDoubleValue() << endl;
cdi_xtrack_hdg_err_node->setDoubleValue( hdg_error );
// Calculate a suggested target heading to smoothly intercept
// a nav/ils radial.
// Now that we have cross track heading adjustment built in,
// we shouldn't need to overdrive the heading angle within 8km
// of the station.
// The cdi deflection should be +/-10 for a full range of deflection
// so multiplying this by 3 gives us +/- 30 degrees heading
// compensation.
double adjustment = _cdiDeflection * 3.0;
SG_CLAMP_RANGE( adjustment, -30.0, 30.0 );
// determine the target heading to fly to intercept the
// tgt_radial = target radial (true) + cdi offset adjustmest -
// xtrack heading error adjustment
double nta_hdg;
double trtrue = target_radial_true_node->getDoubleValue();
if ( loc_node->getBoolValue() && backcourse_node->getBoolValue() ) {
// tuned to a localizer and backcourse mode activated
trtrue += 180.0; // reverse the target localizer heading
SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(trtrue, 0.0, 360.0);
nta_hdg = trtrue - adjustment - hdg_error;
} else {
nta_hdg = trtrue + adjustment - hdg_error;
SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(nta_hdg, 0.0, 360.0);
target_auto_hdg_node->setDoubleValue( nta_hdg );
// compute the time to intercept selected radial (based on
// current and last cross track errors and dt)
double t = 0.0;
if ( inrange && cdi_serviceable ) {
double cur_rate = (last_xtrack_error - _cdiCrossTrackErrorM) / dt;
xrate_ms = 0.99 * xrate_ms + 0.01 * cur_rate;
if ( fabs(xrate_ms) > 0.00001 ) {
t = _cdiCrossTrackErrorM / xrate_ms;
} else {
t = 9999.9;
time_to_intercept->setDoubleValue( t );
if (!gs_serviceable_node->getBoolValue() ) {
_gsNeedleDeflection = 0.0;
_gsNeedleDeflectionNorm = 0.0;
gs_deflection_deg_node->setDoubleValue(_gsNeedleDeflectionNorm * 0.7);
last_xtrack_error = _cdiCrossTrackErrorM;
void FGNavRadio::updateAudio()
if (!_navaid || !inrange_node->getBoolValue() || !nav_serviceable_node->getBoolValue()) {
// play station ident via audio system if on + ident,
// otherwise turn it off
if (!power_btn_node->getBoolValue()
|| !(bus_power_node->getDoubleValue() > 1.0)
|| !ident_btn_node->getBoolValue()
|| !audio_btn_node->getBoolValue() ) {
_sgr->stop( nav_fx_name );
_sgr->stop( dme_fx_name );
SGSoundSample *sound = _sgr->find( nav_fx_name );
double vol = vol_btn_node->getFloatValue();
SG_CLAMP_RANGE(vol, 0.0, 1.0);
if ( sound != NULL ) {
sound->set_volume( vol );
} else {
SG_LOG( SG_COCKPIT, SG_ALERT, "Can't find nav-vor-ident sound" );
sound = _sgr->find( dme_fx_name );
if ( sound != NULL ) {
sound->set_volume( vol );
} else {
SG_LOG( SG_COCKPIT, SG_ALERT, "Can't find nav-dme-ident sound" );
const int NUM_IDENT_SLOTS = 5;
const time_t SLOT_LENGTH = 5; // seconds
// There are N slots numbered 0 through (NUM_IDENT_SLOTS-1) inclusive.
// Each slot is 5 seconds long.
// Slots 0 is for DME
// the rest are for azimuth.
time_t now = globals->get_time_params()->get_cur_time();
if ((now >= last_time) && (now < last_time + SLOT_LENGTH)) {
return; // wait longer
last_time = now;
play_count = ++play_count % NUM_IDENT_SLOTS;
// Previous ident is out of time; if still playing, cut it off:
_sgr->stop( nav_fx_name );
_sgr->stop( dme_fx_name );
if (play_count == 0) { // the DME slot
if (_dmeInRange && dme_serviceable_node->getBoolValue()) {
// play DME ident
if (vol > 0.05) _sgr->play_once( dme_fx_name );
} else { // NAV slot
if (inrange_node->getBoolValue() && nav_serviceable_node->getBoolValue()) {
if (vol > 0.05) _sgr->play_once(nav_fx_name);
FGNavRecord* FGNavRadio::findPrimaryNavaid(const SGGeod& aPos, double aFreqMHz)
FGNavRecord* nav = globals->get_navlist()->findByFreq(aFreqMHz, aPos);
if (nav) {
return nav;
return globals->get_loclist()->findByFreq(aFreqMHz, aPos);
// Update current nav/adf radio stations based on current postition
void FGNavRadio::search()
_time_before_search_sec = 1.0;
SGGeod pos = SGGeod::fromDegFt(lon_node->getDoubleValue(),
lat_node->getDoubleValue(), alt_node->getDoubleValue());
double freq = freq_node->getDoubleValue();
FGNavRecord* nav = findPrimaryNavaid(pos, freq);
if (nav == _navaid) {
return; // found the same as last search, we're done
_navaid = nav;
string identBuffer(4, ' ');
if (nav) {
_dme = globals->get_dmelist()->findByFreq(freq, pos);
identBuffer = simgear::strutils::rpad( nav->ident(), 4, ' ' );
effective_range = adjustNavRange(nav->get_elev_ft(), pos.getElevationM(), nav->get_range());
loc_node->setBoolValue(nav->type() != FGPositioned::VOR);
twist = nav->get_multiuse();
if (nav->type() == FGPositioned::VOR) {
target_radial = sel_radial_node->getDoubleValue();
_gs = NULL;
} else { // ILS or LOC
_gs = globals->get_gslist()->findByFreq(freq, pos);
has_gs_node->setBoolValue(_gs != NULL);
2010-03-27 16:55:33 +00:00
_localizerWidth = nav->localizerWidth();
twist = 0.0;
effective_range = nav->get_range();
target_radial = nav->get_multiuse();
SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(target_radial, 0.0, 360.0);
if (_gs) {
int tmp = (int)(_gs->get_multiuse() / 1000.0);
target_gs = (double)tmp / 100.0;
// until penaltyForNav goes away, we cannot assume we always pick
// paired LOC/GS trasmsitters. As we pass over a runway threshold, we
// often end up picking the 'wrong' LOC, but the correct GS. To avoid
// breaking the basis computation, ensure we use the GS radial and not
// the (potentially reversed) LOC radial.
double gs_radial = fmod(_gs->get_multiuse(), 1000.0);
SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(gs_radial, 0.0, 360.0);
// GS axis unit tangent vector
// (along the runway)
_gsCart = _gs->cart();
_gsAxis = tangentVector(_gs->geod(), _gsCart, gs_radial);
// GS baseline unit tangent vector
// (perpendicular to the runay along the ground)
SGVec3d baseline = tangentVector(_gs->geod(), _gsCart, gs_radial + 90.0);
_gsVertical = cross(baseline, _gsAxis);
} // of have glideslope
} // of found LOC or ILS
} else { // found nothing
_gs = NULL;
_dme = NULL;
_sgr->remove( nav_fx_name );
_sgr->remove( dme_fx_name );
is_valid_node->setBoolValue(nav != NULL);
id_c1_node->setIntValue( (int)identBuffer[0] );
id_c2_node->setIntValue( (int)identBuffer[1] );
id_c3_node->setIntValue( (int)identBuffer[2] );
id_c4_node->setIntValue( (int)identBuffer[3] );
void FGNavRadio::audioNavidChanged()
if (_sgr->exists(nav_fx_name)) {
try {
string trans_ident(_navaid->get_trans_ident());
SGSoundSample* sound = morse.make_ident(trans_ident, LO_FREQUENCY);
sound->set_volume( 0.3 );
if (!_sgr->add( sound, nav_fx_name )) {
SG_LOG(SG_COCKPIT, SG_WARN, "Failed to add v1-vor-ident sound");
if ( _sgr->exists( dme_fx_name ) ) {
_sgr->remove( dme_fx_name );
sound = morse.make_ident( trans_ident, HI_FREQUENCY );
sound->set_volume( 0.3 );
_sgr->add( sound, dme_fx_name );
int offset = (int)(sg_random() * 30.0);
play_count = offset / 4;
last_time = globals->get_time_params()->get_cur_time() - offset;
} catch (sg_io_exception& e) {
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, e.getFormattedMessage());