Fork 0

Step #1 of some code refactoring and cleanups. The nav radio code was

written very early in the project and has grown and evolved and been added
onto many times.  It is long overdue for a code cleanup/reorg pass.
This commit is contained in:
curt 2005-12-28 16:53:19 +00:00
parent d11df8fcc8
commit c694fe43ee
2 changed files with 340 additions and 451 deletions

View file

@ -48,25 +48,41 @@ FGNavRadio::FGNavRadio(SGPropertyNode *node) :
lon_node(fgGetNode("/position/longitude-deg", true)),
lat_node(fgGetNode("/position/latitude-deg", true)),
alt_node(fgGetNode("/position/altitude-ft", true)),
@ -127,6 +143,50 @@ FGNavRadio::init ()
bus_power =
fgGetNode(("/systems/electrical/outputs/" + name).c_str(), true);
// inputs
power_btn = node->getChild("power-btn", 0, true);
power_btn->setBoolValue( true );
nav_vol_btn = node->getChild("volume", 0, true);
nav_ident_btn = node->getChild("ident", 0, true);
nav_ident_btn->setBoolValue( true );
audio_btn = node->getChild("audio-btn", 0, true);
audio_btn->setBoolValue( true );
// frequencies
SGPropertyNode *subnode = node->getChild("frequencies", 0, true);
nav_freq = subnode->getChild("selected-mhz", 0, true);
nav_alt_freq = subnode->getChild("standby-mhz", 0, true);
fmt_freq = subnode->getChild("selected-mhz-fmt", 0, true);
fmt_alt_freq = subnode->getChild("standby-mhz-fmt", 0, true);
// radials
subnode = node->getChild("radials", 0, true);
nav_sel_radial = subnode->getChild("selected-deg", 0, true);
nav_radial = subnode->getChild("actual-deg", 0, true);
reciprocal_radial = subnode->getChild("reciprocal-radial-deg", 0, true);
nav_target_radial_true = subnode->getChild("target-radial-deg", 0, true);
nav_target_auto_hdg = subnode->getChild("target-auto-hdg-deg", 0, true);
// outputs
nav_heading = node->getChild("heading-deg", 0, true);
nav_to_flag = node->getChild("to-flag", 0, true);
nav_from_flag = node->getChild("from-flag", 0, true);
nav_inrange = node->getChild("in-range", 0, true);
nav_cdi_deflection = node->getChild("heading-needle-deflection", 0, true);
nav_cdi_xtrack_error = node->getChild("crosstrack-error-m", 0, true);
nav_has_gs = node->getChild("has-gs", 0, true);
nav_loc = node->getChild("nav-loc", 0, true);
nav_loc_dist = node->getChild("nav-distance", 0, true);
nav_gs_deflection = node->getChild("gs-needle-deflection", 0, true);
nav_gs_rate_of_climb = node->getChild("gs-rate-of-climb", 0, true);
nav_gs_dist = node->getChild("gs-distance", 0, true);
nav_id = node->getChild("nav-id", 0, true);
nav_id_c1 = node->getChild("nav-id_asc1", 0, true);
nav_id_c2 = node->getChild("nav-id_asc2", 0, true);
nav_id_c3 = node->getChild("nav-id_asc3", 0, true);
nav_id_c4 = node->getChild("nav-id_asc4", 0, true);
nav_serviceable = node->getChild("serviceable", 0, true);
cdi_serviceable = (node->getChild("cdi", 0, true))
->getChild("serviceable", 0, true);
@ -138,6 +198,7 @@ FGNavRadio::init ()
gps_cdi_deflection = fgGetNode("/instrumentation/gps/cdi-deflection", true);
gps_to_flag = fgGetNode("/instrumentation/gps/to-flag", true);
gps_from_flag = fgGetNode("/instrumentation/gps/from-flag", true);
std::ostringstream temp;
temp << name << "nav-ident" << num;
@ -153,110 +214,6 @@ FGNavRadio::bind ()
string branch;
temp << num;
branch = "/instrumentation/" + name + "[" + temp.str() + "]";
// User inputs
fgTie( (branch + "power-btn").c_str(), this,
&FGNavRadio::get_power_btn, &FGNavRadio::set_power_btn );
fgSetArchivable( (branch + "power-btn").c_str() );
fgTie( (branch + "/frequencies/selected-mhz").c_str() , this,
&FGNavRadio::get_nav_freq, &FGNavRadio::set_nav_freq );
fgSetArchivable( (branch + "/frequencies/selected-mhz").c_str() );
fgTie( (branch + "/frequencies/standby-mhz").c_str() , this,
&FGNavRadio::get_nav_alt_freq, &FGNavRadio::set_nav_alt_freq);
fgSetArchivable( (branch + "/frequencies/standby-mhz").c_str() );
fgTie( (branch + "/frequencies/selected-mhz-fmt").c_str() , this,
&FGNavRadio::get_fmt_freq, &FGNavRadio::set_fmt_freq );
fgSetArchivable( (branch + "/frequencies/selected-mhz-fmt").c_str() );
fgTie( (branch + "/frequencies/standby-mhz-fmt").c_str() , this,
&FGNavRadio::get_fmt_alt_freq, &FGNavRadio::set_fmt_alt_freq);
fgSetArchivable( (branch + "/frequencies/standby-mhz-fmt").c_str() );
fgTie( (branch + "/radials/selected-deg").c_str() , this,
&FGNavRadio::get_nav_sel_radial, &FGNavRadio::set_nav_sel_radial );
fgSetArchivable((branch + "/radials/selected-deg").c_str() );
fgTie( (branch + "/volume").c_str() , this,
&FGNavRadio::get_nav_vol_btn, &FGNavRadio::set_nav_vol_btn );
fgSetArchivable( (branch + "/volume").c_str() );
fgTie( (branch + "/ident").c_str(), this,
&FGNavRadio::get_nav_ident_btn, &FGNavRadio::set_nav_ident_btn );
fgSetArchivable( (branch + "/ident").c_str() );
// Radio outputs
fgTie( (branch + "/audio-btn").c_str(), this,
&FGNavRadio::get_audio_btn, &FGNavRadio::set_audio_btn );
fgSetArchivable( (branch + "/audio-btn").c_str() );
fgTie( (branch + "/heading-deg").c_str(),
this, &FGNavRadio::get_nav_heading );
fgTie( (branch + "/radials/actual-deg").c_str(),
this, &FGNavRadio::get_nav_radial );
fgTie( (branch + "/radials/target-radial-deg").c_str(),
this, &FGNavRadio::get_nav_target_radial_true );
fgTie( (branch + "/radials/reciprocal-radial-deg").c_str(),
this, &FGNavRadio::get_nav_reciprocal_radial );
fgTie( (branch + "/radials/target-auto-hdg-deg").c_str(),
this, &FGNavRadio::get_nav_target_auto_hdg );
fgTie( (branch + "/to-flag").c_str(),
this, &FGNavRadio::get_nav_to_flag );
fgTie( (branch + "/from-flag").c_str(),
this, &FGNavRadio::get_nav_from_flag );
fgTie( (branch + "/in-range").c_str(),
this, &FGNavRadio::get_nav_inrange );
fgTie( (branch + "/heading-needle-deflection").c_str(),
this, &FGNavRadio::get_nav_cdi_deflection );
fgTie( (branch + "/crosstrack-error-m").c_str(),
this, &FGNavRadio::get_nav_cdi_xtrack_error );
fgTie( (branch + "/has-gs").c_str(),
this, &FGNavRadio::get_nav_has_gs );
fgTie( (branch + "/nav-loc").c_str(),
this, &FGNavRadio::get_nav_loc );
fgTie( (branch + "/gs-rate-of-climb").c_str(),
this, &FGNavRadio::get_nav_gs_rate_of_climb );
fgTie( (branch + "/gs-needle-deflection").c_str(),
this, &FGNavRadio::get_nav_gs_deflection );
fgTie( (branch + "/gs-distance").c_str(),
this, &FGNavRadio::get_nav_gs_dist_signed );
fgTie( (branch + "/nav-distance").c_str(),
this, &FGNavRadio::get_nav_loc_dist );
fgTie( (branch + "/nav-id").c_str(),
this, &FGNavRadio::get_nav_id );
// put nav_id characters into seperate properties for instrument displays
fgTie( (branch + "/nav-id_asc1").c_str(),
this, &FGNavRadio::get_nav_id_c1 );
fgTie( (branch + "/nav-id_asc2").c_str(),
this, &FGNavRadio::get_nav_id_c2 );
fgTie( (branch + "/nav-id_asc3").c_str(),
this, &FGNavRadio::get_nav_id_c3 );
fgTie( (branch + "/nav-id_asc4").c_str(),
this, &FGNavRadio::get_nav_id_c4 );
// end of binding
@ -267,17 +224,6 @@ FGNavRadio::unbind ()
string branch;
temp << num;
branch = "/instrumentation/" + name + "[" + temp.str() + "]";
fgUntie( (branch + "/frequencies/selected-mhz").c_str() );
fgUntie( (branch + "/frequencies/standby-mhz").c_str() );
fgUntie( (branch + "/radials/actual-deg").c_str() );
fgUntie( (branch + "/radials/selected-deg").c_str() );
fgUntie( (branch + "/ident").c_str() );
fgUntie( (branch + "/to-flag").c_str() );
fgUntie( (branch + "/from-flag").c_str() );
fgUntie( (branch + "/in-range").c_str() );
fgUntie( (branch + "/heading-needle-deflection").c_str() );
fgUntie( (branch + "/gs-needle-deflection").c_str() );
@ -352,7 +298,7 @@ FGNavRadio::update(double dt)
double lat = lat_node->getDoubleValue() * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;
double elev = alt_node->getDoubleValue() * SG_FEET_TO_METER;
need_update = false;
// SGPropertyNode *node = fgGetNode(branch.c_str(), num, true );
Point3D aircraft = sgGeodToCart( Point3D( lon, lat, elev ) );
Point3D station;
@ -361,10 +307,10 @@ FGNavRadio::update(double dt)
// Create "formatted" versions of the nav frequencies for
// consistant display output.
char tmp[16];
sprintf( tmp, "%.2f", nav_freq );
fmt_freq = tmp;
sprintf( tmp, "%.2f", nav_alt_freq );
fmt_alt_freq = tmp;
sprintf( tmp, "%.2f", nav_freq->getDoubleValue() );
sprintf( tmp, "%.2f", nav_alt_freq->getDoubleValue() );
// On timeout, scan again
_time_before_search_sec -= dt;
@ -377,20 +323,21 @@ FGNavRadio::update(double dt)
// cout << "nav_valid = " << nav_valid
// << " power_btn = " << power_btn
// << " power_btn = " << power_btn->getBoolValue()
// << " bus_power = " << bus_power->getDoubleValue()
// << " nav_serviceable = " << nav_serviceable->getBoolValue()
// << endl;
if ( nav_valid && power_btn && (bus_power->getDoubleValue() > 1.0)
if ( nav_valid && power_btn->getBoolValue()
&& (bus_power->getDoubleValue() > 1.0)
&& nav_serviceable->getBoolValue() )
station = Point3D( nav_x, nav_y, nav_z );
nav_loc_dist = aircraft.distance3D( station );
// cout << "station = " << station << " dist = " << nav_loc_dist
// << endl;
nav_loc_dist->setDoubleValue( aircraft.distance3D( station ) );
// cout << "station = " << station << " dist = "
// << nav_loc_dist->getDoubleValue() << endl;
if ( nav_has_gs ) {
if ( nav_has_gs->getBoolValue() ) {
// find closest distance to the gs base line
sgdVec3 p;
sgdSetVec3( p, aircraft.x(), aircraft.y(), aircraft.z() );
@ -398,8 +345,9 @@ FGNavRadio::update(double dt)
sgdSetVec3( p0, nav_gs_x, nav_gs_y, nav_gs_z );
double dist = sgdClosestPointToLineDistSquared( p, p0,
gs_base_vec );
nav_gs_dist = sqrt( dist );
// cout << "nav_gs_dist = " << nav_gs_dist << endl;
nav_gs_dist->setDoubleValue( sqrt( dist ) );
// cout << "nav_gs_dist = " << nav_gs_dist->getDoubleValue()
// << endl;
Point3D tmp( nav_gs_x, nav_gs_y, nav_gs_z );
// cout << " (" << aircraft.distance3D( tmp ) << ")" << endl;
@ -414,9 +362,9 @@ FGNavRadio::update(double dt)
while ( r > 180.0 ) { r -= 360.0;}
while ( r < -180.0 ) { r += 360.0;}
if ( r >= -90.0 && r <= 90.0 ) {
nav_gs_dist_signed = nav_gs_dist;
nav_gs_dist_signed = nav_gs_dist->getDoubleValue();
} else {
nav_gs_dist_signed = -nav_gs_dist;
nav_gs_dist_signed = -nav_gs_dist->getDoubleValue();
/* cout << "Target Radial = " << nav_target_radial
<< " Bearing = " << az1
@ -424,80 +372,90 @@ FGNavRadio::update(double dt)
<< endl; */
} else {
nav_gs_dist = 0.0;
nav_gs_dist->setDoubleValue( 0.0 );
// wgs84 heading to localizer
double hdg;
geo_inverse_wgs_84( elev,
nav_loclat, nav_loclon,
&nav_heading, &az2, &s );
&hdg, &az2, &s );
// cout << "az1 = " << az1 << " magvar = " << nav_magvar << endl;
nav_radial = az2 - nav_twist;
nav_heading->setDoubleValue( hdg );
double radial = az2 - nav_twist;
double recip = radial + 180.0;
if ( recip >= 360.0 ) { recip -= 360.0; }
nav_radial->setDoubleValue( radial );
reciprocal_radial->setDoubleValue( recip );
// cout << " heading = " << nav_heading
// << " dist = " << nav_dist << endl;
if ( nav_loc ) {
double offset = nav_radial - nav_target_radial;
if ( nav_loc->getBoolValue() ) {
double offset = radial - nav_target_radial;
while ( offset < -180.0 ) { offset += 360.0; }
while ( offset > 180.0 ) { offset -= 360.0; }
// cout << "ils offset = " << offset << endl;
= adjustILSRange( nav_elev, elev, offset,
nav_loc_dist * SG_METER_TO_NM );
} else {
nav_effective_range = adjustNavRange( nav_elev, elev, nav_range );
// cout << "nav range = " << nav_effective_range
// << " (" << nav_range << ")" << endl;
if ( nav_loc_dist < nav_effective_range * SG_NM_TO_METER ) {
nav_inrange = true;
} else if ( nav_loc_dist < 2 * nav_effective_range * SG_NM_TO_METER ) {
nav_inrange = sg_random() <
( 2 * nav_effective_range * SG_NM_TO_METER - nav_loc_dist ) /
(nav_effective_range * SG_NM_TO_METER);
if ( nav_loc_dist->getDoubleValue()
< nav_effective_range * SG_NM_TO_METER )
nav_inrange->setBoolValue( true );
} else if ( nav_loc_dist->getDoubleValue()
< 2 * nav_effective_range * SG_NM_TO_METER )
nav_inrange->setBoolValue( sg_random() <
( 2 * nav_effective_range * SG_NM_TO_METER
- nav_loc_dist->getDoubleValue() ) /
(nav_effective_range * SG_NM_TO_METER) );
} else {
nav_inrange = false;
nav_inrange->setBoolValue( false );
if ( !nav_loc ) {
nav_target_radial = nav_sel_radial;
if ( !nav_loc->getBoolValue() ) {
nav_target_radial = nav_sel_radial->getDoubleValue();
// Calculate some values for the nav/ils hold autopilot
double cur_radial = get_nav_reciprocal_radial();
if ( nav_loc ) {
double cur_radial = recip;
if ( nav_loc->getBoolValue() ) {
// ILS localizers radials are already "true" in our
// database
} else {
cur_radial += nav_twist;
if ( get_nav_from_flag() ) {
if ( nav_from_flag->getBoolValue() ) {
cur_radial += 180.0;
while ( cur_radial >= 360.0 ) { cur_radial -= 360.0; }
// determine the target radial in "true" heading
nav_target_radial_true = nav_target_radial;
if ( nav_loc ) {
double trtrue = 0.0;
if ( nav_loc->getBoolValue() ) {
// ILS localizers radials are already "true" in our
// database
trtrue = nav_target_radial;
} else {
// VOR radials need to have that vor's offset added in
nav_target_radial_true += nav_twist;
trtrue = nav_target_radial + nav_twist;
while ( nav_target_radial_true < 0.0 ) {
nav_target_radial_true += 360.0;
while ( nav_target_radial_true > 360.0 ) {
nav_target_radial_true -= 360.0;
while ( trtrue < 0.0 ) { trtrue += 360.0; }
while ( trtrue > 360.0 ) { trtrue -= 360.0; }
nav_target_radial_true->setDoubleValue( trtrue );
// determine the heading adjustment needed.
// over 8km scale by 3.0
@ -507,24 +465,25 @@ FGNavRadio::update(double dt)
// because the overstated error helps drive it to the radial in a
// moderate cross wind.
double adjustment = 0.0;
if (nav_loc_dist > 8000) {
adjustment = get_nav_cdi_deflection() * 3.0;
if (nav_loc_dist->getDoubleValue() > 8000) {
adjustment = nav_cdi_deflection->getDoubleValue() * 3.0;
} else {
adjustment = get_nav_cdi_deflection() * 10.0;
adjustment = nav_cdi_deflection->getDoubleValue() * 10.0;
SG_CLAMP_RANGE( adjustment, -30.0, 30.0 );
// determine the target heading to fly to intercept the
// tgt_radial
nav_target_auto_hdg = nav_target_radial_true + adjustment;
while ( nav_target_auto_hdg < 0.0 ) { nav_target_auto_hdg += 360.0; }
while ( nav_target_auto_hdg > 360.0 ) { nav_target_auto_hdg -= 360.0; }
double nta_hdg = trtrue + adjustment;
while ( nta_hdg < 0.0 ) { nta_hdg += 360.0; }
while ( nta_hdg > 360.0 ) { nta_hdg -= 360.0; }
nav_target_auto_hdg->setDoubleValue( nta_hdg );
// cross track error
// ????
// Calculate desired rate of climb for intercepting the GS
double x = nav_gs_dist;
double x = nav_gs_dist->getDoubleValue();
double y = (alt_node->getDoubleValue() - nav_elev)
double current_angle = atan2( y, x ) * SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
@ -548,31 +507,146 @@ FGNavRadio::update(double dt)
// double horiz_vel = airspeed_node->getFloatValue()
// * SG_FEET_TO_METER * 60.0;
nav_gs_rate_of_climb = -sin( des_angle * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS )
* horiz_vel * SG_METER_TO_FEET;
->setDoubleValue( -sin( des_angle * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS )
* horiz_vel * SG_METER_TO_FEET );
} else {
nav_inrange = false;
nav_inrange->setBoolValue( false );
// cout << "not picking up vor. :-(" << endl;
if ( nav_valid && nav_inrange && nav_serviceable->getBoolValue() ) {
// compute to/from flag status
double value = false;
double offset = fabs(nav_radial->getDoubleValue() - nav_target_radial);
if ( nav_slaved_to_gps->getBoolValue() ) {
value = gps_to_flag->getBoolValue();
} else if ( nav_inrange->getBoolValue()
&& nav_serviceable->getBoolValue()
&& tofrom_serviceable->getBoolValue() )
if ( nav_loc->getBoolValue() ) {
value = true;
} else {
value = !(offset <= 90.0 || offset >= 270.0);
nav_to_flag->setBoolValue( value );
value = false;
if ( nav_slaved_to_gps->getBoolValue() ) {
value = gps_from_flag->getBoolValue();
} else if ( nav_inrange->getBoolValue()
&& nav_serviceable->getBoolValue()
&& tofrom_serviceable->getBoolValue() )
if ( nav_loc->getBoolValue() ) {
value = false;
} else {
value = !(offset > 90.0 && offset < 270.0);
nav_from_flag->setBoolValue( value );
// compute the deflection of the CDI needle, clamped to the range
// of ( -10 , 10 )
double r;
if ( nav_slaved_to_gps->getBoolValue() ) {
r = gps_cdi_deflection->getDoubleValue();
// We want +- 5 dots deflection for the gps, so clamp to -12.5/12.5
if ( r < -12.5 ) { r = -12.5; }
if ( r > 12.5 ) { r = 12.5; }
} else if ( nav_inrange->getBoolValue() && nav_serviceable->getBoolValue()
&& cdi_serviceable->getBoolValue()
&& !nav_slaved_to_gps->getBoolValue() )
r = nav_radial->getDoubleValue() - nav_target_radial;
// cout << "Target radial = " << nav_target_radial
// << " Actual radial = " << nav_radial->getDoubleValue() << endl;
while ( r > 180.0 ) { r -= 360.0;}
while ( r < -180.0 ) { r += 360.0;}
if ( fabs(r) > 90.0 ) {
r = ( r<0.0 ? -r-180.0 : -r+180.0 );
// According to Robin Peel, the ILS is 4x more sensitive than a vor
r = -r; // reverse, since radial is outbound
if ( nav_loc->getBoolValue() ) { r *= 4.0; }
if ( r < -10.0 ) { r = -10.0; }
if ( r > 10.0 ) { r = 10.0; }
} else {
r = 0.0;
nav_cdi_deflection->setDoubleValue( r );
// compute the amount of cross track distance error in meters
double m;
if ( nav_inrange->getBoolValue()
&& nav_serviceable->getBoolValue() && cdi_serviceable->getBoolValue() )
r = nav_radial->getDoubleValue() - nav_target_radial;
// cout << "Target radial = " << nav_target_radial
// << " Actual radial = " << nav_radial->getDoubleValue()
// << " r = " << r << endl;
while ( r > 180.0 ) { r -= 360.0;}
while ( r < -180.0 ) { r += 360.0;}
if ( fabs(r) > 90.0 ) {
r = ( r<0.0 ? -r-180.0 : -r+180.0 );
r = -r; // reverse, since radial is outbound
m = nav_loc_dist->getDoubleValue() * sin(r * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
} else {
m = 0.0;
nav_cdi_xtrack_error->setDoubleValue( m );
// compute the amount of glide slope needle deflection (.i.e. the
// number of degrees we are off the glide slope * 5.0
if ( nav_inrange->getBoolValue() && nav_has_gs->getBoolValue()
&& nav_serviceable->getBoolValue()
&& gs_serviceable->getBoolValue()
&& !nav_slaved_to_gps->getBoolValue() )
double x = nav_gs_dist->getDoubleValue();
double y = (fgGetDouble("/position/altitude-ft") - nav_elev)
// cout << "dist = " << x << " height = " << y << endl;
double angle = asin( y / x ) * SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
r = (nav_target_gs - angle) * 5.0;
} else {
r = 0.0;
nav_gs_deflection->setDoubleValue( r );
// audio effects
if ( nav_valid
&& nav_inrange->getBoolValue()
&& nav_serviceable->getBoolValue() )
// play station ident via audio system if on + ident,
// otherwise turn it off
if ( power_btn && (bus_power->getDoubleValue() > 1.0)
&& nav_ident_btn && audio_btn )
if ( power_btn->getBoolValue() && (bus_power->getDoubleValue() > 1.0)
&& nav_ident_btn->getBoolValue() && audio_btn->getBoolValue() )
SGSoundSample *sound;
sound = globals->get_soundmgr()->find( nav_fx_name );
double vol = nav_vol_btn->getDoubleValue();
if ( vol < 0.0 ) { vol = 0.0; }
if ( vol > 1.0 ) { vol = 1.0; }
if ( sound != NULL ) {
sound->set_volume( nav_vol_btn );
sound->set_volume( vol );
} else {
"Can't find nav-vor-ident sound" );
sound = globals->get_soundmgr()->find( dme_fx_name );
if ( sound != NULL ) {
sound->set_volume( nav_vol_btn );
sound->set_volume( vol );
} else {
"Can't find nav-dme-ident sound" );
@ -631,18 +705,19 @@ void FGNavRadio::search()
// Nav.
nav = globals->get_navlist()->findByFreq(nav_freq, lon, lat, elev);
dme = globals->get_dmelist()->findByFreq(nav_freq, lon, lat, elev);
double freq = nav_freq->getDoubleValue();
nav = globals->get_navlist()->findByFreq(freq, lon, lat, elev);
dme = globals->get_dmelist()->findByFreq(freq, lon, lat, elev);
if ( nav == NULL ) {
loc = globals->get_loclist()->findByFreq(nav_freq, lon, lat, elev);
gs = globals->get_gslist()->findByFreq(nav_freq, lon, lat, elev);
loc = globals->get_loclist()->findByFreq(freq, lon, lat, elev);
gs = globals->get_gslist()->findByFreq(freq, lon, lat, elev);
if ( loc != NULL ) {
nav_id = loc->get_ident();
// cout << "localizer = " << nav_id << endl;
nav_id->setStringValue( loc->get_ident() );
// cout << "localizer = " << nav_id->getStringValue() << endl;
nav_valid = true;
if ( last_nav_id != nav_id || last_nav_vor ) {
if ( last_nav_id != nav_id->getStringValue() || last_nav_vor ) {
nav_trans_ident = loc->get_trans_ident();
nav_target_radial = loc->get_multiuse();
while ( nav_target_radial < 0.0 ) { nav_target_radial += 360.0; }
@ -652,12 +727,12 @@ void FGNavRadio::search()
nav_x = loc->get_x();
nav_y = loc->get_y();
nav_z = loc->get_z();
last_nav_id = nav_id;
last_nav_id = nav_id->getStringValue();
last_nav_vor = false;
nav_loc = true;
nav_loc->setBoolValue( true );
nav_has_dme = (dme != NULL);
nav_has_gs = (gs != NULL);
if ( nav_has_gs ) {
nav_has_gs->setBoolValue( gs != NULL );
if ( nav_has_gs->getBoolValue() ) {
nav_gslon = gs->get_lon();
nav_gslat = gs->get_lat();
nav_elev = gs->get_elev_ft();
@ -674,7 +749,7 @@ void FGNavRadio::search()
nav_target_radial + 90,
100.0, &tlat, &tlon, &taz );
// cout << "nav_target_radial = " << nav_target_radial << endl;
// cout << "nav_loc = " << nav_loc << endl;
// cout << "nav_loc = " << nav_loc->getBoolValue() << endl;
// cout << nav_gslon << "," << nav_gslat << " "
// << tlon << "," << tlat << " (" << nav_elev << ")"
// << endl;
@ -725,16 +800,16 @@ void FGNavRadio::search()
// cout << " id = " << loc->get_locident() << endl;
} else if ( nav != NULL ) {
nav_id = nav->get_ident();
// cout << "nav = " << nav_id << endl;
nav_id->setStringValue( nav->get_ident() );
// cout << "nav = " << nav_id->getStringValue() << endl;
nav_valid = true;
if ( last_nav_id != nav_id || !last_nav_vor ) {
last_nav_id = nav_id;
if ( last_nav_id != nav_id->getStringValue() || !last_nav_vor ) {
last_nav_id = nav_id->getStringValue();
last_nav_vor = true;
nav_trans_ident = nav->get_trans_ident();
nav_loc = false;
nav_loc->setBoolValue( false );
nav_has_dme = (dme != NULL);
nav_has_gs = false;
nav_has_gs->setBoolValue( false );
nav_loclon = nav->get_lon();
nav_loclat = nav->get_lat();
nav_elev = nav->get_elev_ft();
@ -742,7 +817,7 @@ void FGNavRadio::search()
nav_range = nav->get_range();
nav_effective_range = adjustNavRange(nav_elev, elev, nav_range);
nav_target_gs = 0.0;
nav_target_radial = nav_sel_radial;
nav_target_radial = nav_sel_radial->getDoubleValue();
nav_x = nav->get_x();
nav_y = nav->get_y();
nav_z = nav->get_z();
@ -780,7 +855,7 @@ void FGNavRadio::search()
} else {
nav_valid = false;
nav_id = "";
nav_id->setStringValue( "" );
nav_target_radial = 0;
nav_trans_ident = "";
last_nav_id = "";
@ -790,160 +865,11 @@ void FGNavRadio::search()
globals->get_soundmgr()->remove( dme_fx_name );
// cout << "not picking up vor1. :-(" << endl;
// return the amount of heading needle deflection, returns a value
// clamped to the range of ( -10 , 10 )
double FGNavRadio::get_nav_cdi_deflection() const {
double r;
if ( nav_inrange && nav_serviceable->getBoolValue()
&& cdi_serviceable->getBoolValue() && !nav_slaved_to_gps->getBoolValue() )
r = nav_radial - nav_target_radial;
// cout << "Target radial = " << nav_target_radial
// << " Actual radial = " << nav_radial << endl;
while ( r > 180.0 ) { r -= 360.0;}
while ( r < -180.0 ) { r += 360.0;}
if ( fabs(r) > 90.0 )
r = ( r<0.0 ? -r-180.0 : -r+180.0 );
// According to Robin Peel, the ILS is 4x more sensitive than a vor
r = -r; // reverse, since radial is outbound
if ( nav_loc ) { r *= 4.0; }
if ( r < -10.0 ) { r = -10.0; }
if ( r > 10.0 ) { r = 10.0; }
} else if ( nav_slaved_to_gps->getBoolValue() ) {
r = gps_cdi_deflection->getDoubleValue();
// We want +- 5 dots deflection for the gps, so clamp to -12.5/12.5
if ( r < -12.5 ) { r = -12.5; }
if ( r > 12.5 ) { r = 12.5; }
} else {
r = 0.0;
return r;
// return the amount of cross track distance error, returns a meters
double FGNavRadio::get_nav_cdi_xtrack_error() const {
double r, m;
if ( nav_inrange
&& nav_serviceable->getBoolValue() && cdi_serviceable->getBoolValue() )
r = nav_radial - nav_target_radial;
// cout << "Target radial = " << nav_target_radial
// << " Actual radial = " << nav_radial
// << " r = " << r << endl;
while ( r > 180.0 ) { r -= 360.0;}
while ( r < -180.0 ) { r += 360.0;}
if ( fabs(r) > 90.0 )
r = ( r<0.0 ? -r-180.0 : -r+180.0 );
r = -r; // reverse, since radial is outbound
m = nav_loc_dist * sin(r * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
} else {
m = 0.0;
return m;
// return the amount of glide slope needle deflection (.i.e. the
// number of degrees we are off the glide slope * 5.0
double FGNavRadio::get_nav_gs_deflection() const {
if ( nav_inrange && nav_has_gs && nav_serviceable->getBoolValue()
&& gs_serviceable->getBoolValue() && !nav_slaved_to_gps->getBoolValue() )
double x = nav_gs_dist;
double y = (fgGetDouble("/position/altitude-ft") - nav_elev)
// cout << "dist = " << x << " height = " << y << endl;
double angle = asin( y / x ) * SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
return (nav_target_gs - angle) * 5.0;
} else {
return 0.0;
* Return true if the NAV TO flag should be active.
FGNavRadio::get_nav_to_flag () const
if ( nav_inrange
&& nav_serviceable->getBoolValue()
&& tofrom_serviceable->getBoolValue()
&& !nav_slaved_to_gps->getBoolValue() )
double offset = fabs(nav_radial - nav_target_radial);
if (nav_loc) {
return true;
} else {
return !(offset <= 90.0 || offset >= 270.0);
} else if( nav_slaved_to_gps->getBoolValue() ) {
return( gps_to_flag->getBoolValue() );
} else {
return false;
* Return true if the NAV FROM flag should be active.
FGNavRadio::get_nav_from_flag () const
if ( nav_inrange
&& nav_serviceable->getBoolValue()
&& tofrom_serviceable->getBoolValue() ) {
double offset = fabs(nav_radial - nav_target_radial);
if (nav_loc) {
return false;
} else {
return !(offset > 90.0 && offset < 270.0);
} else {
return false;
* Return the true heading to station
FGNavRadio::get_nav_heading () const
return nav_heading;
* Return the current radial.
FGNavRadio::get_nav_radial () const
return nav_radial;
FGNavRadio::get_nav_reciprocal_radial () const
double recip = nav_radial + 180;
if ( recip >= 360 ) {
recip -= 360;
return recip;
char tmpid[5];
strncpy( tmpid, nav_id->getStringValue(), 5 );
nav_id_c1->setIntValue( (int)tmpid[0] );
nav_id_c2->setIntValue( (int)tmpid[1] );
nav_id_c3->setIntValue( (int)tmpid[2] );
nav_id_c4->setIntValue( (int)tmpid[3] );

View file

@ -47,10 +47,52 @@ class FGNavRadio : public SGSubsystem
SGPropertyNode *lat_node;
SGPropertyNode *alt_node;
SGPropertyNode *bus_power;
// inputs
SGPropertyNode *power_btn;
SGPropertyNode *nav_freq; // primary freq
SGPropertyNode *nav_alt_freq; // standby freq
SGPropertyNode *nav_sel_radial; // selected radial
SGPropertyNode *nav_vol_btn;
SGPropertyNode *nav_ident_btn;
SGPropertyNode *audio_btn;
// outputs
SGPropertyNode *fmt_freq; // formated frequency
SGPropertyNode *fmt_alt_freq; // formated alternate frequency
SGPropertyNode *nav_heading; // true heading to nav station
SGPropertyNode *nav_radial; // current radial we are on (taking
// into consideration the vor station
// alignment which likely doesn't
// match the magnetic alignment
// exactly.)
SGPropertyNode *reciprocal_radial;
// nav_radial + 180 (convenience value)
SGPropertyNode *nav_target_radial_true;
// true heading of selected radial
SGPropertyNode *nav_target_auto_hdg;
SGPropertyNode *nav_to_flag;
SGPropertyNode *nav_from_flag;
SGPropertyNode *nav_inrange;
SGPropertyNode *nav_cdi_deflection;
SGPropertyNode *nav_cdi_xtrack_error;
SGPropertyNode *nav_has_gs;
SGPropertyNode *nav_loc;
SGPropertyNode *nav_loc_dist;
SGPropertyNode *nav_gs_deflection;
SGPropertyNode *nav_gs_rate_of_climb;
SGPropertyNode *nav_gs_dist;
SGPropertyNode *nav_id;
SGPropertyNode *nav_id_c1;
SGPropertyNode *nav_id_c2;
SGPropertyNode *nav_id_c3;
SGPropertyNode *nav_id_c4;
// unfiled
SGPropertyNode *nav_serviceable;
SGPropertyNode *cdi_serviceable, *gs_serviceable, *tofrom_serviceable;
SGPropertyNode *nav_slaved_to_gps;
SGPropertyNode *gps_cdi_deflection, *gps_to_flag;
SGPropertyNode *gps_cdi_deflection, *gps_to_flag, *gps_from_flag;
string last_nav_id;
bool last_nav_vor;
@ -61,38 +103,16 @@ class FGNavRadio : public SGSubsystem
string nav_fx_name;
string dme_fx_name;
bool need_update;
bool power_btn;
bool audio_btn;
string nav_id;
// internal (unexported) values
string nav_trans_ident;
bool nav_valid;
bool nav_inrange;
bool nav_has_dme;
bool nav_has_gs;
bool nav_loc;
double nav_freq;
double nav_alt_freq;
string fmt_freq; // formated frequency
string fmt_alt_freq; // formated alternate frequency
double nav_heading; // true heading to nav station
double nav_radial; // current radial we are on (taking
// into consideration the vor station
// alignment which likely doesn't
// match the magnetic alignment
// exactly.)
double nav_sel_radial;
double nav_target_radial;
double nav_target_radial_true;
double nav_target_auto_hdg;
double nav_loclon;
double nav_loclat;
double nav_x;
double nav_y;
double nav_z;
double nav_loc_dist;
double nav_gslon;
double nav_gslat;
double nav_elev; // use gs elev if available
@ -100,17 +120,13 @@ class FGNavRadio : public SGSubsystem
double nav_gs_y;
double nav_gs_z;
sgdVec3 gs_base_vec;
double nav_gs_dist;
double nav_gs_dist_signed;
double nav_gs_rate_of_climb;
SGTimeStamp prev_time;
SGTimeStamp curr_time;
double nav_range;
double nav_effective_range;
double nav_target_gs;
double nav_twist;
double nav_vol_btn;
bool nav_ident_btn;
double horiz_vel;
double last_x;
@ -148,86 +164,33 @@ public:
// NavCom Setters
inline void set_power_btn( bool val ) { power_btn = val; }
inline void set_audio_btn( bool val ) { audio_btn = val; }
// NAV Setters
inline void set_nav_freq( double freq ) {
nav_freq = freq; need_update = true;
inline void set_fmt_freq( const char *freq ) { fmt_freq = freq; }
inline void set_nav_alt_freq( double freq ) { nav_alt_freq = freq; }
inline void set_fmt_alt_freq( const char *freq ) { fmt_alt_freq = freq; }
inline void set_nav_sel_radial( double radial ) {
nav_sel_radial = radial; need_update = true;
inline void set_nav_vol_btn( double val ) {
if ( val < 0.0 ) val = 0.0;
if ( val > 1.0 ) val = 1.0;
nav_vol_btn = val;
inline void set_nav_ident_btn( bool val ) { nav_ident_btn = val; }
// NavCom Accessors
inline bool has_power() const {
return power_btn && (bus_power->getDoubleValue() > 1.0);
return power_btn->getBoolValue() && (bus_power->getDoubleValue() > 1.0);
inline bool get_power_btn() const { return power_btn; }
inline bool get_audio_btn() const { return audio_btn; }
// NAV Accessors
inline double get_nav_freq () const { return nav_freq; }
inline const char *get_fmt_freq () const { return fmt_freq.c_str(); }
inline double get_nav_alt_freq () const { return nav_alt_freq; }
inline const char *get_fmt_alt_freq () const {
return fmt_alt_freq.c_str();
inline double get_nav_sel_radial() const { return nav_sel_radial; }
inline double get_nav_target_radial() const { return nav_target_radial; }
inline double get_nav_target_radial_true() const {
return nav_target_radial_true;
inline double get_nav_target_auto_hdg() const {
return nav_target_auto_hdg;
// Calculated values.
inline bool get_nav_inrange() const { return nav_inrange; }
bool get_nav_to_flag () const;
bool get_nav_from_flag () const;
inline bool get_nav_has_dme() const { return nav_has_dme; }
inline bool get_nav_dme_inrange () const {
return nav_inrange && nav_has_dme;
return nav_inrange->getBoolValue() && nav_has_dme;
inline bool get_nav_has_gs() const { return nav_has_gs; }
inline bool get_nav_loc() const { return nav_loc; }
inline double get_nav_loclon() const { return nav_loclon; }
inline double get_nav_loclat() const { return nav_loclat; }
inline double get_nav_loc_dist() const { return nav_loc_dist; }
inline double get_nav_gslon() const { return nav_gslon; }
inline double get_nav_gslat() const { return nav_gslat; }
inline double get_nav_gs_dist() const { return nav_gs_dist; }
inline double get_nav_gs_dist_signed() const { return nav_gs_dist_signed; }
inline double get_nav_gs_rate_of_climb() const {
return nav_gs_rate_of_climb;
inline double get_nav_elev() const { return nav_elev; }
double get_nav_heading() const;
double get_nav_radial() const;
double get_nav_reciprocal_radial() const;
inline double get_nav_target_gs() const { return nav_target_gs; }
inline double get_nav_twist() const { return nav_twist; }
double get_nav_cdi_deflection() const;
double get_nav_cdi_xtrack_error() const;
double get_nav_gs_deflection() const;
inline double get_nav_vol_btn() const { return nav_vol_btn; }
inline bool get_nav_ident_btn() const { return nav_ident_btn; }
inline const char * get_nav_id() const { return nav_id.c_str(); }
inline int get_nav_id_c1() const { return nav_id.c_str()[0]; }
inline int get_nav_id_c2() const { return nav_id.c_str()[1]; }
inline int get_nav_id_c3() const { return nav_id.c_str()[2]; }
inline int get_nav_id_c4() const { return nav_id.c_str()[3]; }
//inline const char * get_nav_id() const { return nav_id.c_str(); }
//inline int get_nav_id_c1() const { return nav_id.c_str()[0]; }
//inline int get_nav_id_c2() const { return nav_id.c_str()[1]; }
//inline int get_nav_id_c3() const { return nav_id.c_str()[2]; }
//inline int get_nav_id_c4() const { return nav_id.c_str()[3]; }