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2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
// JSBsim.cxx -- interface to the JSBsim flight model
// Written by Curtis Olson, started February 1999.
// Copyright (C) 1999 Curtis L. Olson - curt@flightgear.org
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// $Id$
# include <config.h>
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
#include <simgear/compiler.h>
#include <stdio.h> // size_t
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
# include <math.h>
#include STL_STRING
#include <simgear/constants.h>
#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
#include <simgear/math/sg_geodesy.hxx>
#include <simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx>
From: "Jim Wilson" <jimw@kelcomaine.com> This is a new improved patch for the previous tile manager fixes. Rather than building dependencies between FGlocation or the viewer or fdm with tilemgr what I ended up doing was linking the pieces together in the Mainloop in main.cxx. You'll see what I mean...it's been commented fairly well. More than likely we should move that chunk somewhere...just not sure where yet. The changes seem clean now. As I get more ideas there could be some further improvement in organizing the update in tilemgr. You'll note that I left an override in there for the tilemgr::update() function to preserve earlier functionality if someone needs it (e.g. usage independent of an fdm or viewer), not to mention there are a few places in flightgear that call it directly that have not been changed to the new interface (and may not need to be). The code has been optimized to avoid duplicate traversals and seems to run generally quite well. Note that there can be a short delay reloading tiles that have been dropped from static views. We could call the tile scheduler on a view switch, but it's not a big deal and at the moment I'd like to get this in so people can try it and comment on it as it is. Everything has been resycned with CVS tonight and I've included the description submitted earlier (below). Best, Jim Changes synced with CVS approx 20:30EDT 2002-05-09 (after this evenings updates). Files: http://www.spiderbark.com/fgfs/viewer-update-20020516.tar.gz or http://www.spiderbark.com/fgfs/viewer-update-20020516.diffs.gz Description: In a nutshell, these patches begin to take what was one value for ground elevation and calculate ground elevation values seperately for the FDM and the viewer (eye position). Several outstanding view related bugs have been fixed. With the introduction of the new viewer code a lot of that Flight Gear code broke related to use of a global variable called "scenery.cur_elev". Therefore the ground_elevation and other associated items (like the current tile bucket) is maintained per FDM instance and per View. Each of these has a "point" or location that can be identified. See changes to FGLocation class and main.cxx. Most of the problems related to the new viewer in terms of sky, ground and runway lights, and tower views are fixed. There are four minor problems remaining. 1) The sun/moon spins when you pan the "lookat" tower view only (view #3). 2) Under stress (esp. magic carpet full speed with max visibility), there is a memory leak in the tile caching that was not introduced with these changes. 3) I have not tested these changes or made corrections to the ADA or External FDM interfaces. 4) The change view function doesn't call the time/light update (not a problem unless a tower is very far away). Details: FDM/flight.cxx, flight.hxx - FGInterface ties to FGAircraftModel so that it's location data can be accessed for runway (ground elevation under aircraft) elevation. FDM/larsim.cxx, larcsim.hxx - gets runway elevation from FGInterface now. Commented out function that is causing a namespace conflict, hasn't been called with recent code anyway. FDM/JSBSim/JSBSim.cxx, YASim/YASim.cxx - gets runway elevation from FGInterface now. Scenery/newcache.cxx, newcache.hxx - changed caching scheme to time based (oldest tiles discard). Scenery/tileentry.cxx, tileentry.hxx - added place to record time, changed rendering to reference viewer altitude in order to fix a problem with ground and runway lights. Scenery/tilemgr.cxx, tilemgr.hxx - Modified update() to accept values for multiple locations. Refresh function added in order to periodically make the tiles current for a non-moving view (like a tower). Main/fg_init.cxx - register event for making tiles current in a non-moving view (like a tower). Main/location.hxx - added support for current ground elevation data. Main/main.cxx - added second tilemgr call for fdm, fixed places where viewer position data was required for correct sky rendering. Main/options.cxx - fixed segfault reported by Curtis when using --view-offset command line parameter. Main/viewer.cxx, viewer.hxx - removed fudging of view position. Fixed numerous bugs that were causing eye and target values to get mixed up.
2002-05-17 17:25:28 +00:00
#include <FDM/flight.hxx>
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
#include <Aircraft/aircraft.hxx>
#include <Controls/controls.hxx>
#include <Main/globals.hxx>
#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
#include <FDM/JSBSim/FGFDMExec.h>
#include <FDM/JSBSim/FGAircraft.h>
#include <FDM/JSBSim/FGFCS.h>
#include <FDM/JSBSim/FGPosition.h>
#include <FDM/JSBSim/FGRotation.h>
#include <FDM/JSBSim/FGState.h>
#include <FDM/JSBSim/FGTranslation.h>
#include <FDM/JSBSim/FGAuxiliary.h>
#include <FDM/JSBSim/FGInitialCondition.h>
#include <FDM/JSBSim/FGTrim.h>
#include <FDM/JSBSim/FGAtmosphere.h>
#include <FDM/JSBSim/FGMassBalance.h>
#include <FDM/JSBSim/FGAerodynamics.h>
#include <FDM/JSBSim/FGLGear.h>
#include <FDM/JSBSim/FGPropertyManager.h>
#include <FDM/JSBSim/FGEngine.h>
#include <FDM/JSBSim/FGRotor.h>
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
#include "JSBSim.hxx"
static inline double
FMAX (double a, double b)
return a > b ? a : b;
2002-04-11 19:09:15 +00:00
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
FGJSBsim::FGJSBsim( double dt )
: FGInterface(dt)
bool result;
// Set up the debugging level
// FIXME: this will not respond to
// runtime changes
// if flight is excluded, don't bother
if ((logbuf::get_log_classes() & SG_FLIGHT) != 0) {
// do a rough-and-ready mapping to
// the levels documented in FGFDMExec.h
switch (logbuf::get_log_priority()) {
case SG_BULK:
FGJSBBase::debug_lvl = 0x1f;
case SG_DEBUG:
FGJSBBase::debug_lvl = 0x0f;
case SG_INFO:
FGJSBBase::debug_lvl = 0x01;
case SG_WARN:
case SG_ALERT:
FGJSBBase::debug_lvl = 0x00;
fdmex = new FGFDMExec( (FGPropertyManager*)globals->get_props() );
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
State = fdmex->GetState();
Atmosphere = fdmex->GetAtmosphere();
FCS = fdmex->GetFCS();
MassBalance = fdmex->GetMassBalance();
Propulsion = fdmex->GetPropulsion();
Aircraft = fdmex->GetAircraft();
Translation = fdmex->GetTranslation();
Rotation = fdmex->GetRotation();
Position = fdmex->GetPosition();
Auxiliary = fdmex->GetAuxiliary();
Aerodynamics = fdmex->GetAerodynamics();
GroundReactions = fdmex->GetGroundReactions();
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
SGPath aircraft_path( globals->get_fg_root() );
aircraft_path.append( "Aircraft" );
SGPath engine_path( globals->get_fg_root() );
engine_path.append( "Engine" );
State->Setdt( dt );
result = fdmex->LoadModel( aircraft_path.str(),
fgGetString("/sim/aero") );
if (result) {
SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_INFO, " loaded aero.");
} else {
" aero does not exist (you may have mis-typed the name).");
SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_INFO, "After loading aero definition file ..." );
int Neng = Propulsion->GetNumEngines();
SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_INFO, "num engines = " << Neng );
if ( GroundReactions->GetNumGearUnits() <= 0 ) {
SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_ALERT, "num gear units = "
<< GroundReactions->GetNumGearUnits() );
SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_ALERT, "This is a very bad thing because with 0 gear units, the ground trimming");
SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_ALERT, "routine (coming up later in the code) will core dump.");
SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_ALERT, "Halting the sim now, and hoping a solution will present itself soon!");
// Set initial fuel levels if provided.
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Propulsion->GetNumTanks(); i++) {
SGPropertyNode * node = fgGetNode("/consumables/fuel/tank", i, true);
if (node->getChild("level-gal_us", 0, false) != 0) {
Propulsion->GetTank(i)->SetContents(node->getDoubleValue("level-gal_us") * 6.6);
} else {
node->setDoubleValue("level-lb", Propulsion->GetTank(i)->GetContents());
node->setDoubleValue("level-gal_us", Propulsion->GetTank(i)->GetContents() / 6.6);
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
fgSetDouble("/fdm/trim/pitch-trim", FCS->GetPitchTrimCmd());
fgSetDouble("/fdm/trim/throttle", FCS->GetThrottleCmd(0));
fgSetDouble("/fdm/trim/aileron", FCS->GetDaCmd());
fgSetDouble("/fdm/trim/rudder", FCS->GetDrCmd());
startup_trim = fgGetNode("/sim/presets/trim", true);
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
trimmed = fgGetNode("/fdm/trim/trimmed", true);
pitch_trim = fgGetNode("/fdm/trim/pitch-trim", true );
throttle_trim = fgGetNode("/fdm/trim/throttle", true );
aileron_trim = fgGetNode("/fdm/trim/aileron", true );
rudder_trim = fgGetNode("/fdm/trim/rudder", true );
stall_warning = fgGetNode("/sim/alarms/stall-warning",true);
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
2002-02-26 22:27:42 +00:00
2002-03-01 12:38:37 +00:00
2002-03-01 12:38:37 +00:00
2002-03-01 12:38:37 +00:00
temperature = fgGetNode("/environment/temperature-degc",true);
pressure = fgGetNode("/environment/pressure-inhg",true);
density = fgGetNode("/environment/density-slugft3",true);
turbulence_gain = fgGetNode("/environment/turbulence/magnitude-norm",true);
turbulence_rate = fgGetNode("/environment/turbulence/rate-hz",true);
wind_from_north= fgGetNode("/environment/wind-from-north-fps",true);
wind_from_east = fgGetNode("/environment/wind-from-east-fps" ,true);
wind_from_down = fgGetNode("/environment/wind-from-down-fps" ,true);
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Propulsion->GetNumEngines(); i++) {
SGPropertyNode * node = fgGetNode("engines/engine", i, true);
Propulsion->GetThruster(i)->SetRPM(node->getDoubleValue("rpm") /
2002-02-26 22:27:42 +00:00
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
delete fdmex;
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
// Initialize the JSBsim flight model, dt is the time increment for
// each subsequent iteration through the EOM
void FGJSBsim::init()
double tmp;
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_INFO, "Starting and initializing JSBsim" );
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
// Explicitly call the superclass's
// init method first.
if (fgGetBool("/environment/params/control-fdm-atmosphere")) {
9.0/5.0*(temperature->getDoubleValue()+273.15) );
tmp = turbulence_gain->getDoubleValue();
Atmosphere->SetTurbGain(tmp * tmp * 100.0);
tmp = turbulence_rate->getDoubleValue();
} else {
fgic->SetVnorthFpsIC( wind_from_north->getDoubleValue() );
fgic->SetVeastFpsIC( wind_from_east->getDoubleValue() );
fgic->SetVdownFpsIC( wind_from_down->getDoubleValue() );
SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"T,p,rho: " << fdmex->GetAtmosphere()->GetTemperature()
<< ", " << fdmex->GetAtmosphere()->GetPressure()
<< ", " << fdmex->GetAtmosphere()->GetDensity() );
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
fdmex->RunIC(); //loop JSBSim once w/o integrating
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
copy_from_JSBsim(); //update the bus
SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_INFO, " Initialized JSBSim with:" );
switch(fgic->GetSpeedSet()) {
case setned:
<< Position->GetVn() << ", "
<< Position->GetVe() << ", "
<< Position->GetVd() << " ft/s");
case setuvw:
<< Translation->GetUVW(1) << ", "
<< Translation->GetUVW(2) << ", "
<< Translation->GetUVW(3) << " ft/s");
case setmach:
<< Translation->GetMach() );
case setvc:
SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO, " Indicated Airspeed: "
<< Auxiliary->GetVcalibratedKTS() << " knots" );
SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_INFO, " Bank Angle: "
<< Rotation->Getphi()*RADTODEG << " deg" );
SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_INFO, " Pitch Angle: "
<< Rotation->Gettht()*RADTODEG << " deg" );
SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_INFO, " True Heading: "
<< Rotation->Getpsi()*RADTODEG << " deg" );
SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_INFO, " Latitude: "
<< Position->GetLatitude() << " deg" );
SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_INFO, " Longitude: "
<< Position->GetLongitude() << " deg" );
SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_INFO, " Altitude: "
<< Position->Geth() << " feet" );
SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_INFO, " loaded initial conditions" );
SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_INFO, " set dt" );
SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_INFO, "Finished initializing JSBSim" );
SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_INFO, "FGControls::get_gear_down()= " <<
globals->get_controls()->get_gear_down() );
// Run an iteration of the EOM (equations of motion)
void FGJSBsim::update( double dt )
if (is_suspended())
int multiloop = _calc_multiloop(dt);
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
int i;
// double save_alt = 0.0;
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
if ( needTrim ) {
if ( startup_trim->getBoolValue() ) {
"Ready to trim, terrain altitude is: "
From: "Jim Wilson" <jimw@kelcomaine.com> This is a new improved patch for the previous tile manager fixes. Rather than building dependencies between FGlocation or the viewer or fdm with tilemgr what I ended up doing was linking the pieces together in the Mainloop in main.cxx. You'll see what I mean...it's been commented fairly well. More than likely we should move that chunk somewhere...just not sure where yet. The changes seem clean now. As I get more ideas there could be some further improvement in organizing the update in tilemgr. You'll note that I left an override in there for the tilemgr::update() function to preserve earlier functionality if someone needs it (e.g. usage independent of an fdm or viewer), not to mention there are a few places in flightgear that call it directly that have not been changed to the new interface (and may not need to be). The code has been optimized to avoid duplicate traversals and seems to run generally quite well. Note that there can be a short delay reloading tiles that have been dropped from static views. We could call the tile scheduler on a view switch, but it's not a big deal and at the moment I'd like to get this in so people can try it and comment on it as it is. Everything has been resycned with CVS tonight and I've included the description submitted earlier (below). Best, Jim Changes synced with CVS approx 20:30EDT 2002-05-09 (after this evenings updates). Files: http://www.spiderbark.com/fgfs/viewer-update-20020516.tar.gz or http://www.spiderbark.com/fgfs/viewer-update-20020516.diffs.gz Description: In a nutshell, these patches begin to take what was one value for ground elevation and calculate ground elevation values seperately for the FDM and the viewer (eye position). Several outstanding view related bugs have been fixed. With the introduction of the new viewer code a lot of that Flight Gear code broke related to use of a global variable called "scenery.cur_elev". Therefore the ground_elevation and other associated items (like the current tile bucket) is maintained per FDM instance and per View. Each of these has a "point" or location that can be identified. See changes to FGLocation class and main.cxx. Most of the problems related to the new viewer in terms of sky, ground and runway lights, and tower views are fixed. There are four minor problems remaining. 1) The sun/moon spins when you pan the "lookat" tower view only (view #3). 2) Under stress (esp. magic carpet full speed with max visibility), there is a memory leak in the tile caching that was not introduced with these changes. 3) I have not tested these changes or made corrections to the ADA or External FDM interfaces. 4) The change view function doesn't call the time/light update (not a problem unless a tower is very far away). Details: FDM/flight.cxx, flight.hxx - FGInterface ties to FGAircraftModel so that it's location data can be accessed for runway (ground elevation under aircraft) elevation. FDM/larsim.cxx, larcsim.hxx - gets runway elevation from FGInterface now. Commented out function that is causing a namespace conflict, hasn't been called with recent code anyway. FDM/JSBSim/JSBSim.cxx, YASim/YASim.cxx - gets runway elevation from FGInterface now. Scenery/newcache.cxx, newcache.hxx - changed caching scheme to time based (oldest tiles discard). Scenery/tileentry.cxx, tileentry.hxx - added place to record time, changed rendering to reference viewer altitude in order to fix a problem with ground and runway lights. Scenery/tilemgr.cxx, tilemgr.hxx - Modified update() to accept values for multiple locations. Refresh function added in order to periodically make the tiles current for a non-moving view (like a tower). Main/fg_init.cxx - register event for making tiles current in a non-moving view (like a tower). Main/location.hxx - added support for current ground elevation data. Main/main.cxx - added second tilemgr call for fdm, fixed places where viewer position data was required for correct sky rendering. Main/options.cxx - fixed segfault reported by Curtis when using --view-offset command line parameter. Main/viewer.cxx, viewer.hxx - removed fudging of view position. Fixed numerous bugs that were causing eye and target values to get mixed up.
2002-05-17 17:25:28 +00:00
<< cur_fdm_state->get_Runway_altitude() * SG_METER_TO_FEET );
fgic->SetTerrainAltitudeFtIC( cur_fdm_state->get_ground_elev_ft() );
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
} else {
fdmex->RunIC(); //apply any changes made through the set_ functions
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
needTrim = false;
for ( i=0; i < multiloop; i++ ) {
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
FGJSBBase::Message* msg;
while (fdmex->ReadMessage()) {
msg = fdmex->ProcessMessage();
switch (msg->type) {
case FGJSBBase::Message::eText:
SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_INFO, msg->messageId << ": " << msg->text );
case FGJSBBase::Message::eBool:
SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_INFO, msg->messageId << ": " << msg->text << " " << msg->bVal );
case FGJSBBase::Message::eInteger:
SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_INFO, msg->messageId << ": " << msg->text << " " << msg->iVal );
case FGJSBBase::Message::eDouble:
SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_INFO, msg->messageId << ": " << msg->text << " " << msg->dVal );
SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_INFO, "Unrecognized message type." );
// translate JSBsim back to FG structure so that the
// autopilot (and the rest of the sim can use the updated values
// Convert from the FGInterface struct to the JSBsim generic_ struct
bool FGJSBsim::copy_to_JSBsim()
double tmp;
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
unsigned int i;
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
// copy control positions into the JSBsim structure
FCS->SetDaCmd( globals->get_controls()->get_aileron());
FCS->SetRollTrimCmd( globals->get_controls()->get_aileron_trim() );
FCS->SetDeCmd( globals->get_controls()->get_elevator());
FCS->SetPitchTrimCmd( globals->get_controls()->get_elevator_trim() );
FCS->SetDrCmd( -globals->get_controls()->get_rudder() );
FCS->SetYawTrimCmd( -globals->get_controls()->get_rudder_trim() );
FCS->SetDfCmd( globals->get_controls()->get_flaps() );
FCS->SetDsbCmd( globals->get_controls()->get_speedbrake() );
FCS->SetDspCmd( globals->get_controls()->get_spoilers() );
// Parking brake sets minimum braking
// level for mains.
double parking_brake = globals->get_controls()->get_brake_parking();
FCS->SetLBrake(FMAX(globals->get_controls()->get_brake_left(), parking_brake));
FCS->SetRBrake(FMAX(globals->get_controls()->get_brake_right(), parking_brake));
FCS->SetCBrake( 0.0 );
// FCS->SetCBrake( globals->get_controls()->get_brake(2) );
FCS->SetGearCmd( globals->get_controls()->get_gear_down());
for (i = 0; i < Propulsion->GetNumEngines(); i++) {
SGPropertyNode * node = fgGetNode("engines/engine", i, true);
FCS->SetThrottleCmd(i, globals->get_controls()->get_throttle(i));
FCS->SetMixtureCmd(i, globals->get_controls()->get_mixture(i));
FCS->SetPropAdvanceCmd(i, globals->get_controls()->get_prop_advance(i));
switch (Propulsion->GetEngine(i)->GetType()) {
case FGEngine::etPiston:
{ // FGPiston code block
FGPiston* eng = (FGPiston*)Propulsion->GetEngine(i);
eng->SetMagnetos( globals->get_controls()->get_magnetos(i) );
} // end FGPiston code block
case FGEngine::etSimTurbine:
{ // FGSimTurbine code block
FGSimTurbine* eng = (FGSimTurbine*)Propulsion->GetEngine(i);
eng->SetAugmentation( globals->get_controls()->get_augmentation(i) );
eng->SetReverse( globals->get_controls()->get_reverser(i) );
eng->SetInjection( globals->get_controls()->get_water_injection(i) );
eng->SetCutoff( globals->get_controls()->get_cutoff(i) );
eng->SetIgnition( globals->get_controls()->get_ignition(i) );
} // end FGSimTurbine code block
case FGEngine::etRocket:
{ // FGRocket code block
FGRocket* eng = (FGRocket*)Propulsion->GetEngine(i);
} // end FGRocket code block
{ // FGEngine code block
FGEngine* eng = Propulsion->GetEngine(i);
eng->SetStarter( globals->get_controls()->get_starter(i) );
David Culp: Here's a new FGSimTurbine module. Changes are: 1. Adds starting and stopping functionality 2. Calculate() now calls other functions, based on the engine's state, which gives more readable code. Until now turbine engines were always running as long as fuel was available. With this new module the engine defaults to OFF. To start with the engine running, the variable FGEngine::Running must be set to true at sim startup. In FlightGear this is done with --prop:/engines/engine[n]/running=true. To start the engine (on the ground), first set the starter to ON, i.e. FGEngine::Starter is set to true. In FlightGear this is done by toggling /controls/engines/engine[n]/starter to TRUE. Note that the current FlightGear key binding will not work, as it causes the starter to quit when the key is released. A new key binding is needed, without the mod-up. When N2 reaches 15% or greater, place the fuel cutoff control to FALSE. This is FGEngine::Cutoff. In FlightGear this is done with /controls/engines/engine[n]/cutoff set to FALSE. The engine will then accelerate to idle. Upon reaching idle, the starter is automatically turned off, and the engine is running. There is presently no FlightGear key binding for the fuel cutoff switch. To shut off the engine, place the fuel cutoff control to TRUE. If you shut down the engine in flight it will windmill. To airstart you will need at least 15% N2, just as with a ground start. When you have enough N2, place the cutoff control to FALSE and the engine will restart. Note that if you can't get enough N2 by speeding up, you can get it by using the starter. The reverser still works, and is controlled in FlightGear with /controls/engines/engine[n]/reverser. With the reverser control on (TRUE), the engine will produce negative thrust in proportion to throttle position, i.e. to get more reverse thrust, increase throttle.
2003-09-23 09:25:24 +00:00
eng->SetRunning( node->getBoolValue("running") );
} // end FGEngine code block
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
From: "Jim Wilson" <jimw@kelcomaine.com> This is a new improved patch for the previous tile manager fixes. Rather than building dependencies between FGlocation or the viewer or fdm with tilemgr what I ended up doing was linking the pieces together in the Mainloop in main.cxx. You'll see what I mean...it's been commented fairly well. More than likely we should move that chunk somewhere...just not sure where yet. The changes seem clean now. As I get more ideas there could be some further improvement in organizing the update in tilemgr. You'll note that I left an override in there for the tilemgr::update() function to preserve earlier functionality if someone needs it (e.g. usage independent of an fdm or viewer), not to mention there are a few places in flightgear that call it directly that have not been changed to the new interface (and may not need to be). The code has been optimized to avoid duplicate traversals and seems to run generally quite well. Note that there can be a short delay reloading tiles that have been dropped from static views. We could call the tile scheduler on a view switch, but it's not a big deal and at the moment I'd like to get this in so people can try it and comment on it as it is. Everything has been resycned with CVS tonight and I've included the description submitted earlier (below). Best, Jim Changes synced with CVS approx 20:30EDT 2002-05-09 (after this evenings updates). Files: http://www.spiderbark.com/fgfs/viewer-update-20020516.tar.gz or http://www.spiderbark.com/fgfs/viewer-update-20020516.diffs.gz Description: In a nutshell, these patches begin to take what was one value for ground elevation and calculate ground elevation values seperately for the FDM and the viewer (eye position). Several outstanding view related bugs have been fixed. With the introduction of the new viewer code a lot of that Flight Gear code broke related to use of a global variable called "scenery.cur_elev". Therefore the ground_elevation and other associated items (like the current tile bucket) is maintained per FDM instance and per View. Each of these has a "point" or location that can be identified. See changes to FGLocation class and main.cxx. Most of the problems related to the new viewer in terms of sky, ground and runway lights, and tower views are fixed. There are four minor problems remaining. 1) The sun/moon spins when you pan the "lookat" tower view only (view #3). 2) Under stress (esp. magic carpet full speed with max visibility), there is a memory leak in the tile caching that was not introduced with these changes. 3) I have not tested these changes or made corrections to the ADA or External FDM interfaces. 4) The change view function doesn't call the time/light update (not a problem unless a tower is very far away). Details: FDM/flight.cxx, flight.hxx - FGInterface ties to FGAircraftModel so that it's location data can be accessed for runway (ground elevation under aircraft) elevation. FDM/larsim.cxx, larcsim.hxx - gets runway elevation from FGInterface now. Commented out function that is causing a namespace conflict, hasn't been called with recent code anyway. FDM/JSBSim/JSBSim.cxx, YASim/YASim.cxx - gets runway elevation from FGInterface now. Scenery/newcache.cxx, newcache.hxx - changed caching scheme to time based (oldest tiles discard). Scenery/tileentry.cxx, tileentry.hxx - added place to record time, changed rendering to reference viewer altitude in order to fix a problem with ground and runway lights. Scenery/tilemgr.cxx, tilemgr.hxx - Modified update() to accept values for multiple locations. Refresh function added in order to periodically make the tiles current for a non-moving view (like a tower). Main/fg_init.cxx - register event for making tiles current in a non-moving view (like a tower). Main/location.hxx - added support for current ground elevation data. Main/main.cxx - added second tilemgr call for fdm, fixed places where viewer position data was required for correct sky rendering. Main/options.cxx - fixed segfault reported by Curtis when using --view-offset command line parameter. Main/viewer.cxx, viewer.hxx - removed fudging of view position. Fixed numerous bugs that were causing eye and target values to get mixed up.
2002-05-17 17:25:28 +00:00
_set_Runway_altitude( cur_fdm_state->get_Runway_altitude() );
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
Position->SetSeaLevelRadius( get_Sea_level_radius() );
Position->SetRunwayRadius( get_Runway_altitude()
+ get_Sea_level_radius() );
9.0/5.0*(temperature->getDoubleValue()+273.15) );
tmp = turbulence_gain->getDoubleValue();
Atmosphere->SetTurbGain(tmp * tmp * 100.0);
2003-10-19 09:48:44 +00:00
tmp = turbulence_rate->getDoubleValue();
Atmosphere->SetWindNED( wind_from_north->getDoubleValue(),
wind_from_down->getDoubleValue() );
// << get_V_north_airmass() << ", "
// << get_V_east_airmass() << ", "
// << get_V_down_airmass() );
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
for (i = 0; i < Propulsion->GetNumTanks(); i++) {
SGPropertyNode * node = fgGetNode("/consumables/fuel/tank", i, true);
FGTank * tank = Propulsion->GetTank(i);
tank->SetContents(node->getDoubleValue("level-gal_us") * 6.6);
// tank->SetContents(node->getDoubleValue("level-lb"));
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
return true;
// Convert from the JSBsim generic_ struct to the FGInterface struct
bool FGJSBsim::copy_from_JSBsim()
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
unsigned int i, j;
_set_Inertias( MassBalance->GetMass(),
MassBalance->GetIxz() );
_set_CG_Position( MassBalance->GetXYZcg(1),
MassBalance->GetXYZcg(3) );
_set_Accels_Body( Aircraft->GetBodyAccel(1),
Aircraft->GetBodyAccel(3) );
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
_set_Accels_CG_Body_N ( Aircraft->GetNcg(1),
Aircraft->GetNcg(3) );
_set_Accels_Pilot_Body( Auxiliary->GetPilotAccel(1),
Auxiliary->GetPilotAccel(3) );
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
_set_Nlf( Aircraft->GetNlf() );
// Velocities
_set_Velocities_Local( Position->GetVn(),
Position->GetVd() );
_set_Velocities_Wind_Body( Translation->GetUVW(1),
Translation->GetUVW(3) );
_set_V_rel_wind( Translation->GetVt() );
_set_V_equiv_kts( Auxiliary->GetVequivalentKTS() );
_set_V_calibrated_kts( Auxiliary->GetVcalibratedKTS() );
_set_V_ground_speed( Position->GetVground() );
_set_Omega_Body( Rotation->GetPQR(1),
Rotation->GetPQR(3) );
_set_Euler_Rates( Rotation->GetEulerRates(1),
Rotation->GetEulerRates(3) );
Position->Gethdot() );
_set_Mach_number( Translation->GetMach() );
// Positions
_updateGeocentricPosition( Position->GetLatitude(),
Position->Geth() );
// Positions of Visual Reference Point
_updateGeocentricPosition( Position->GetLatitudeVRP(),
Position->GethVRP() );
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
_set_Altitude_AGL( Position->GetDistanceAGL() );
_set_Euler_Angles( Rotation->Getphi(),
Rotation->Getpsi() );
_set_Alpha( Translation->Getalpha() );
_set_Beta( Translation->Getbeta() );
_set_Gamma_vert_rad( Position->GetGamma() );
_set_Earth_position_angle( Auxiliary->GetEarthPositionAngle() );
_set_Climb_Rate( Position->Gethdot() );
for ( i = 1; i <= 3; i++ ) {
for ( j = 1; j <= 3; j++ ) {
_set_T_Local_to_Body( i, j, State->GetTl2b(i,j) );
// Copy the engine values from JSBSim.
for ( i=0; i < Propulsion->GetNumEngines(); i++ ) {
SGPropertyNode * node = fgGetNode("engines/engine", i, true);
char buf[30];
sprintf(buf, "engines/engine[%d]/thruster", i);
SGPropertyNode * tnode = fgGetNode(buf, true);
FGThruster * thruster = Propulsion->GetThruster(i);
switch (Propulsion->GetEngine(i)->GetType()) {
case FGEngine::etPiston:
{ // FGPiston code block
FGPiston* eng = (FGPiston*)Propulsion->GetEngine(i);
node->setDoubleValue("egt-degf", eng->getExhaustGasTemp_degF());
node->setDoubleValue("oil-temperature-degf", eng->getOilTemp_degF());
node->setDoubleValue("oil-pressure-psi", eng->getOilPressure_psi());
node->setDoubleValue("mp-osi", eng->getManifoldPressure_inHg());
node->setDoubleValue("cht-degf", eng->getCylinderHeadTemp_degF());
node->setDoubleValue("rpm", eng->getRPM());
} // end FGPiston code block
case FGEngine::etRocket:
{ // FGRocket code block
FGRocket* eng = (FGRocket*)Propulsion->GetEngine(i);
} // end FGRocket code block
case FGEngine::etSimTurbine:
{ // FGSimTurbine code block
FGSimTurbine* eng = (FGSimTurbine*)Propulsion->GetEngine(i);
node->setDoubleValue("N1", eng->GetN1());
node->setDoubleValue("N2", eng->GetN2());
node->setDoubleValue("EGT_degC", eng->GetEGT());
node->setBoolValue("augmentation", eng->GetAugmentation());
node->setBoolValue("water-injection", eng->GetInjection());
node->setBoolValue("ignition", eng->GetIgnition());
node->setDoubleValue("nozzle-pos-norm", eng->GetNozzle());
node->setDoubleValue("inlet-pos-norm", eng->GetInlet());
node->setBoolValue("reversed", eng->GetReversed());
node->setBoolValue("cutoff", eng->GetCutoff());
globals->get_controls()->set_reverser(i, eng->GetReversed() );
globals->get_controls()->set_cutoff(i, eng->GetCutoff() );
globals->get_controls()->set_water_injection(i, eng->GetInjection() );
globals->get_controls()->set_augmentation(i, eng->GetAugmentation() );
} // end FGSimTurbine code block
{ // FGEngine code block
FGEngine* eng = Propulsion->GetEngine(i);
node->setDoubleValue("fuel-flow-gph", eng->getFuelFlow_gph());
node->setDoubleValue("thrust_lb", thruster->GetThrust());
node->setDoubleValue("fuel-flow_pph", eng->getFuelFlow_pph());
node->setBoolValue("running", eng->GetRunning());
David Culp: Here's a new FGSimTurbine module. Changes are: 1. Adds starting and stopping functionality 2. Calculate() now calls other functions, based on the engine's state, which gives more readable code. Until now turbine engines were always running as long as fuel was available. With this new module the engine defaults to OFF. To start with the engine running, the variable FGEngine::Running must be set to true at sim startup. In FlightGear this is done with --prop:/engines/engine[n]/running=true. To start the engine (on the ground), first set the starter to ON, i.e. FGEngine::Starter is set to true. In FlightGear this is done by toggling /controls/engines/engine[n]/starter to TRUE. Note that the current FlightGear key binding will not work, as it causes the starter to quit when the key is released. A new key binding is needed, without the mod-up. When N2 reaches 15% or greater, place the fuel cutoff control to FALSE. This is FGEngine::Cutoff. In FlightGear this is done with /controls/engines/engine[n]/cutoff set to FALSE. The engine will then accelerate to idle. Upon reaching idle, the starter is automatically turned off, and the engine is running. There is presently no FlightGear key binding for the fuel cutoff switch. To shut off the engine, place the fuel cutoff control to TRUE. If you shut down the engine in flight it will windmill. To airstart you will need at least 15% N2, just as with a ground start. When you have enough N2, place the cutoff control to FALSE and the engine will restart. Note that if you can't get enough N2 by speeding up, you can get it by using the starter. The reverser still works, and is controlled in FlightGear with /controls/engines/engine[n]/reverser. With the reverser control on (TRUE), the engine will produce negative thrust in proportion to throttle position, i.e. to get more reverse thrust, increase throttle.
2003-09-23 09:25:24 +00:00
node->setBoolValue("starter", eng->GetStarter());
node->setBoolValue("cranking", eng->GetCranking());
David Culp: Here's a new FGSimTurbine module. Changes are: 1. Adds starting and stopping functionality 2. Calculate() now calls other functions, based on the engine's state, which gives more readable code. Until now turbine engines were always running as long as fuel was available. With this new module the engine defaults to OFF. To start with the engine running, the variable FGEngine::Running must be set to true at sim startup. In FlightGear this is done with --prop:/engines/engine[n]/running=true. To start the engine (on the ground), first set the starter to ON, i.e. FGEngine::Starter is set to true. In FlightGear this is done by toggling /controls/engines/engine[n]/starter to TRUE. Note that the current FlightGear key binding will not work, as it causes the starter to quit when the key is released. A new key binding is needed, without the mod-up. When N2 reaches 15% or greater, place the fuel cutoff control to FALSE. This is FGEngine::Cutoff. In FlightGear this is done with /controls/engines/engine[n]/cutoff set to FALSE. The engine will then accelerate to idle. Upon reaching idle, the starter is automatically turned off, and the engine is running. There is presently no FlightGear key binding for the fuel cutoff switch. To shut off the engine, place the fuel cutoff control to TRUE. If you shut down the engine in flight it will windmill. To airstart you will need at least 15% N2, just as with a ground start. When you have enough N2, place the cutoff control to FALSE and the engine will restart. Note that if you can't get enough N2 by speeding up, you can get it by using the starter. The reverser still works, and is controlled in FlightGear with /controls/engines/engine[n]/reverser. With the reverser control on (TRUE), the engine will produce negative thrust in proportion to throttle position, i.e. to get more reverse thrust, increase throttle.
2003-09-23 09:25:24 +00:00
globals->get_controls()->set_starter(i, eng->GetStarter() );
} // end FGEngine code block
switch (thruster->GetType()) {
case FGThruster::ttNozzle:
{ // FGNozzle code block
FGNozzle* noz = (FGNozzle*)thruster;
} // end FGNozzle code block
case FGThruster::ttPropeller:
{ // FGPropeller code block
FGPropeller* prop = (FGPropeller*)thruster;
tnode->setDoubleValue("rpm", thruster->GetRPM());
tnode->setDoubleValue("pitch", prop->GetPitch());
tnode->setDoubleValue("torque", prop->GetTorque());
} // end FGPropeller code block
case FGThruster::ttRotor:
{ // FGRotor code block
FGRotor* rotor = (FGRotor*)thruster;
} // end FGRotor code block
case FGThruster::ttDirect:
{ // Direct code block
} // end Direct code block
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
static const SGPropertyNode *fuel_freeze = fgGetNode("/sim/freeze/fuel");
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
// Copy the fuel levels from JSBSim if fuel
// freeze not enabled.
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
if ( ! fuel_freeze->getBoolValue() ) {
for (i = 0; i < Propulsion->GetNumTanks(); i++) {
SGPropertyNode * node = fgGetNode("/consumables/fuel/tank", i, true);
double contents = Propulsion->GetTank(i)->GetContents();
node->setDoubleValue("level-gal_us", contents/6.6);
node->setDoubleValue("level-lb", contents);
// node->setDoubleValue("temperature_degC",
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
stall_warning->setDoubleValue( Aerodynamics->GetStallWarn() );
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
elevator_pos_pct->setDoubleValue( FCS->GetDePos(ofNorm) );
left_aileron_pos_pct->setDoubleValue( FCS->GetDaLPos(ofNorm) );
right_aileron_pos_pct->setDoubleValue( -1*FCS->GetDaLPos(ofNorm) );
rudder_pos_pct->setDoubleValue( -1*FCS->GetDrPos(ofNorm) );
2002-03-23 00:27:16 +00:00
flap_pos_pct->setDoubleValue( FCS->GetDfPos(ofNorm) );
speedbrake_pos_pct->setDoubleValue( FCS->GetDsbPos(ofNorm) );
spoilers_pos_pct->setDoubleValue( FCS->GetDspPos(ofNorm) );
2002-02-26 22:27:42 +00:00
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
return true;
bool FGJSBsim::ToggleDataLogging(void)
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
return fdmex->GetOutput()->Toggle();
bool FGJSBsim::ToggleDataLogging(bool state)
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
if (state) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
void FGJSBsim::set_Latitude(double lat)
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
static const SGPropertyNode *altitude = fgGetNode("/position/altitude-ft");
double alt;
double sea_level_radius_meters, lat_geoc;
// In case we're not trimming
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
if ( altitude->getDoubleValue() > -9990 ) {
alt = altitude->getDoubleValue();
} else {
alt = 0.0;
SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"FGJSBsim::set_Latitude: " << lat );
SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO," cur alt (ft) = " << alt );
sgGeodToGeoc( lat, alt * SG_FEET_TO_METER,
&sea_level_radius_meters, &lat_geoc );
_set_Sea_level_radius( sea_level_radius_meters * SG_METER_TO_FEET );
fgic->SetSeaLevelRadiusFtIC( sea_level_radius_meters * SG_METER_TO_FEET );
From: "Jim Wilson" <jimw@kelcomaine.com> This is a new improved patch for the previous tile manager fixes. Rather than building dependencies between FGlocation or the viewer or fdm with tilemgr what I ended up doing was linking the pieces together in the Mainloop in main.cxx. You'll see what I mean...it's been commented fairly well. More than likely we should move that chunk somewhere...just not sure where yet. The changes seem clean now. As I get more ideas there could be some further improvement in organizing the update in tilemgr. You'll note that I left an override in there for the tilemgr::update() function to preserve earlier functionality if someone needs it (e.g. usage independent of an fdm or viewer), not to mention there are a few places in flightgear that call it directly that have not been changed to the new interface (and may not need to be). The code has been optimized to avoid duplicate traversals and seems to run generally quite well. Note that there can be a short delay reloading tiles that have been dropped from static views. We could call the tile scheduler on a view switch, but it's not a big deal and at the moment I'd like to get this in so people can try it and comment on it as it is. Everything has been resycned with CVS tonight and I've included the description submitted earlier (below). Best, Jim Changes synced with CVS approx 20:30EDT 2002-05-09 (after this evenings updates). Files: http://www.spiderbark.com/fgfs/viewer-update-20020516.tar.gz or http://www.spiderbark.com/fgfs/viewer-update-20020516.diffs.gz Description: In a nutshell, these patches begin to take what was one value for ground elevation and calculate ground elevation values seperately for the FDM and the viewer (eye position). Several outstanding view related bugs have been fixed. With the introduction of the new viewer code a lot of that Flight Gear code broke related to use of a global variable called "scenery.cur_elev". Therefore the ground_elevation and other associated items (like the current tile bucket) is maintained per FDM instance and per View. Each of these has a "point" or location that can be identified. See changes to FGLocation class and main.cxx. Most of the problems related to the new viewer in terms of sky, ground and runway lights, and tower views are fixed. There are four minor problems remaining. 1) The sun/moon spins when you pan the "lookat" tower view only (view #3). 2) Under stress (esp. magic carpet full speed with max visibility), there is a memory leak in the tile caching that was not introduced with these changes. 3) I have not tested these changes or made corrections to the ADA or External FDM interfaces. 4) The change view function doesn't call the time/light update (not a problem unless a tower is very far away). Details: FDM/flight.cxx, flight.hxx - FGInterface ties to FGAircraftModel so that it's location data can be accessed for runway (ground elevation under aircraft) elevation. FDM/larsim.cxx, larcsim.hxx - gets runway elevation from FGInterface now. Commented out function that is causing a namespace conflict, hasn't been called with recent code anyway. FDM/JSBSim/JSBSim.cxx, YASim/YASim.cxx - gets runway elevation from FGInterface now. Scenery/newcache.cxx, newcache.hxx - changed caching scheme to time based (oldest tiles discard). Scenery/tileentry.cxx, tileentry.hxx - added place to record time, changed rendering to reference viewer altitude in order to fix a problem with ground and runway lights. Scenery/tilemgr.cxx, tilemgr.hxx - Modified update() to accept values for multiple locations. Refresh function added in order to periodically make the tiles current for a non-moving view (like a tower). Main/fg_init.cxx - register event for making tiles current in a non-moving view (like a tower). Main/location.hxx - added support for current ground elevation data. Main/main.cxx - added second tilemgr call for fdm, fixed places where viewer position data was required for correct sky rendering. Main/options.cxx - fixed segfault reported by Curtis when using --view-offset command line parameter. Main/viewer.cxx, viewer.hxx - removed fudging of view position. Fixed numerous bugs that were causing eye and target values to get mixed up.
2002-05-17 17:25:28 +00:00
_set_Runway_altitude( cur_fdm_state->get_Runway_altitude() );
fgic->SetTerrainAltitudeFtIC( cur_fdm_state->get_ground_elev_ft() );
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
fgic->SetLatitudeRadIC( lat_geoc );
void FGJSBsim::set_Longitude(double lon)
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"FGJSBsim::set_Longitude: " << lon );
// In case we're not trimming
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
fgic->SetLongitudeRadIC( lon );
From: "Jim Wilson" <jimw@kelcomaine.com> This is a new improved patch for the previous tile manager fixes. Rather than building dependencies between FGlocation or the viewer or fdm with tilemgr what I ended up doing was linking the pieces together in the Mainloop in main.cxx. You'll see what I mean...it's been commented fairly well. More than likely we should move that chunk somewhere...just not sure where yet. The changes seem clean now. As I get more ideas there could be some further improvement in organizing the update in tilemgr. You'll note that I left an override in there for the tilemgr::update() function to preserve earlier functionality if someone needs it (e.g. usage independent of an fdm or viewer), not to mention there are a few places in flightgear that call it directly that have not been changed to the new interface (and may not need to be). The code has been optimized to avoid duplicate traversals and seems to run generally quite well. Note that there can be a short delay reloading tiles that have been dropped from static views. We could call the tile scheduler on a view switch, but it's not a big deal and at the moment I'd like to get this in so people can try it and comment on it as it is. Everything has been resycned with CVS tonight and I've included the description submitted earlier (below). Best, Jim Changes synced with CVS approx 20:30EDT 2002-05-09 (after this evenings updates). Files: http://www.spiderbark.com/fgfs/viewer-update-20020516.tar.gz or http://www.spiderbark.com/fgfs/viewer-update-20020516.diffs.gz Description: In a nutshell, these patches begin to take what was one value for ground elevation and calculate ground elevation values seperately for the FDM and the viewer (eye position). Several outstanding view related bugs have been fixed. With the introduction of the new viewer code a lot of that Flight Gear code broke related to use of a global variable called "scenery.cur_elev". Therefore the ground_elevation and other associated items (like the current tile bucket) is maintained per FDM instance and per View. Each of these has a "point" or location that can be identified. See changes to FGLocation class and main.cxx. Most of the problems related to the new viewer in terms of sky, ground and runway lights, and tower views are fixed. There are four minor problems remaining. 1) The sun/moon spins when you pan the "lookat" tower view only (view #3). 2) Under stress (esp. magic carpet full speed with max visibility), there is a memory leak in the tile caching that was not introduced with these changes. 3) I have not tested these changes or made corrections to the ADA or External FDM interfaces. 4) The change view function doesn't call the time/light update (not a problem unless a tower is very far away). Details: FDM/flight.cxx, flight.hxx - FGInterface ties to FGAircraftModel so that it's location data can be accessed for runway (ground elevation under aircraft) elevation. FDM/larsim.cxx, larcsim.hxx - gets runway elevation from FGInterface now. Commented out function that is causing a namespace conflict, hasn't been called with recent code anyway. FDM/JSBSim/JSBSim.cxx, YASim/YASim.cxx - gets runway elevation from FGInterface now. Scenery/newcache.cxx, newcache.hxx - changed caching scheme to time based (oldest tiles discard). Scenery/tileentry.cxx, tileentry.hxx - added place to record time, changed rendering to reference viewer altitude in order to fix a problem with ground and runway lights. Scenery/tilemgr.cxx, tilemgr.hxx - Modified update() to accept values for multiple locations. Refresh function added in order to periodically make the tiles current for a non-moving view (like a tower). Main/fg_init.cxx - register event for making tiles current in a non-moving view (like a tower). Main/location.hxx - added support for current ground elevation data. Main/main.cxx - added second tilemgr call for fdm, fixed places where viewer position data was required for correct sky rendering. Main/options.cxx - fixed segfault reported by Curtis when using --view-offset command line parameter. Main/viewer.cxx, viewer.hxx - removed fudging of view position. Fixed numerous bugs that were causing eye and target values to get mixed up.
2002-05-17 17:25:28 +00:00
_set_Runway_altitude( cur_fdm_state->get_Runway_altitude() );
fgic->SetTerrainAltitudeFtIC( cur_fdm_state->get_ground_elev_ft() );
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
void FGJSBsim::set_Altitude(double alt)
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
static const SGPropertyNode *latitude = fgGetNode("/position/latitude-deg");
double sea_level_radius_meters,lat_geoc;
SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO, "FGJSBsim::set_Altitude: " << alt );
SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO, " lat (deg) = " << latitude->getDoubleValue() );
// In case we're not trimming
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
sgGeodToGeoc( latitude->getDoubleValue() * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS, alt,
&sea_level_radius_meters, &lat_geoc);
_set_Sea_level_radius( sea_level_radius_meters * SG_METER_TO_FEET );
fgic->SetSeaLevelRadiusFtIC( sea_level_radius_meters * SG_METER_TO_FEET );
From: "Jim Wilson" <jimw@kelcomaine.com> This is a new improved patch for the previous tile manager fixes. Rather than building dependencies between FGlocation or the viewer or fdm with tilemgr what I ended up doing was linking the pieces together in the Mainloop in main.cxx. You'll see what I mean...it's been commented fairly well. More than likely we should move that chunk somewhere...just not sure where yet. The changes seem clean now. As I get more ideas there could be some further improvement in organizing the update in tilemgr. You'll note that I left an override in there for the tilemgr::update() function to preserve earlier functionality if someone needs it (e.g. usage independent of an fdm or viewer), not to mention there are a few places in flightgear that call it directly that have not been changed to the new interface (and may not need to be). The code has been optimized to avoid duplicate traversals and seems to run generally quite well. Note that there can be a short delay reloading tiles that have been dropped from static views. We could call the tile scheduler on a view switch, but it's not a big deal and at the moment I'd like to get this in so people can try it and comment on it as it is. Everything has been resycned with CVS tonight and I've included the description submitted earlier (below). Best, Jim Changes synced with CVS approx 20:30EDT 2002-05-09 (after this evenings updates). Files: http://www.spiderbark.com/fgfs/viewer-update-20020516.tar.gz or http://www.spiderbark.com/fgfs/viewer-update-20020516.diffs.gz Description: In a nutshell, these patches begin to take what was one value for ground elevation and calculate ground elevation values seperately for the FDM and the viewer (eye position). Several outstanding view related bugs have been fixed. With the introduction of the new viewer code a lot of that Flight Gear code broke related to use of a global variable called "scenery.cur_elev". Therefore the ground_elevation and other associated items (like the current tile bucket) is maintained per FDM instance and per View. Each of these has a "point" or location that can be identified. See changes to FGLocation class and main.cxx. Most of the problems related to the new viewer in terms of sky, ground and runway lights, and tower views are fixed. There are four minor problems remaining. 1) The sun/moon spins when you pan the "lookat" tower view only (view #3). 2) Under stress (esp. magic carpet full speed with max visibility), there is a memory leak in the tile caching that was not introduced with these changes. 3) I have not tested these changes or made corrections to the ADA or External FDM interfaces. 4) The change view function doesn't call the time/light update (not a problem unless a tower is very far away). Details: FDM/flight.cxx, flight.hxx - FGInterface ties to FGAircraftModel so that it's location data can be accessed for runway (ground elevation under aircraft) elevation. FDM/larsim.cxx, larcsim.hxx - gets runway elevation from FGInterface now. Commented out function that is causing a namespace conflict, hasn't been called with recent code anyway. FDM/JSBSim/JSBSim.cxx, YASim/YASim.cxx - gets runway elevation from FGInterface now. Scenery/newcache.cxx, newcache.hxx - changed caching scheme to time based (oldest tiles discard). Scenery/tileentry.cxx, tileentry.hxx - added place to record time, changed rendering to reference viewer altitude in order to fix a problem with ground and runway lights. Scenery/tilemgr.cxx, tilemgr.hxx - Modified update() to accept values for multiple locations. Refresh function added in order to periodically make the tiles current for a non-moving view (like a tower). Main/fg_init.cxx - register event for making tiles current in a non-moving view (like a tower). Main/location.hxx - added support for current ground elevation data. Main/main.cxx - added second tilemgr call for fdm, fixed places where viewer position data was required for correct sky rendering. Main/options.cxx - fixed segfault reported by Curtis when using --view-offset command line parameter. Main/viewer.cxx, viewer.hxx - removed fudging of view position. Fixed numerous bugs that were causing eye and target values to get mixed up.
2002-05-17 17:25:28 +00:00
_set_Runway_altitude( cur_fdm_state->get_Runway_altitude() );
fgic->SetTerrainAltitudeFtIC( cur_fdm_state->get_ground_elev_ft() );
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
From: "Jim Wilson" <jimw@kelcomaine.com> This is a new improved patch for the previous tile manager fixes. Rather than building dependencies between FGlocation or the viewer or fdm with tilemgr what I ended up doing was linking the pieces together in the Mainloop in main.cxx. You'll see what I mean...it's been commented fairly well. More than likely we should move that chunk somewhere...just not sure where yet. The changes seem clean now. As I get more ideas there could be some further improvement in organizing the update in tilemgr. You'll note that I left an override in there for the tilemgr::update() function to preserve earlier functionality if someone needs it (e.g. usage independent of an fdm or viewer), not to mention there are a few places in flightgear that call it directly that have not been changed to the new interface (and may not need to be). The code has been optimized to avoid duplicate traversals and seems to run generally quite well. Note that there can be a short delay reloading tiles that have been dropped from static views. We could call the tile scheduler on a view switch, but it's not a big deal and at the moment I'd like to get this in so people can try it and comment on it as it is. Everything has been resycned with CVS tonight and I've included the description submitted earlier (below). Best, Jim Changes synced with CVS approx 20:30EDT 2002-05-09 (after this evenings updates). Files: http://www.spiderbark.com/fgfs/viewer-update-20020516.tar.gz or http://www.spiderbark.com/fgfs/viewer-update-20020516.diffs.gz Description: In a nutshell, these patches begin to take what was one value for ground elevation and calculate ground elevation values seperately for the FDM and the viewer (eye position). Several outstanding view related bugs have been fixed. With the introduction of the new viewer code a lot of that Flight Gear code broke related to use of a global variable called "scenery.cur_elev". Therefore the ground_elevation and other associated items (like the current tile bucket) is maintained per FDM instance and per View. Each of these has a "point" or location that can be identified. See changes to FGLocation class and main.cxx. Most of the problems related to the new viewer in terms of sky, ground and runway lights, and tower views are fixed. There are four minor problems remaining. 1) The sun/moon spins when you pan the "lookat" tower view only (view #3). 2) Under stress (esp. magic carpet full speed with max visibility), there is a memory leak in the tile caching that was not introduced with these changes. 3) I have not tested these changes or made corrections to the ADA or External FDM interfaces. 4) The change view function doesn't call the time/light update (not a problem unless a tower is very far away). Details: FDM/flight.cxx, flight.hxx - FGInterface ties to FGAircraftModel so that it's location data can be accessed for runway (ground elevation under aircraft) elevation. FDM/larsim.cxx, larcsim.hxx - gets runway elevation from FGInterface now. Commented out function that is causing a namespace conflict, hasn't been called with recent code anyway. FDM/JSBSim/JSBSim.cxx, YASim/YASim.cxx - gets runway elevation from FGInterface now. Scenery/newcache.cxx, newcache.hxx - changed caching scheme to time based (oldest tiles discard). Scenery/tileentry.cxx, tileentry.hxx - added place to record time, changed rendering to reference viewer altitude in order to fix a problem with ground and runway lights. Scenery/tilemgr.cxx, tilemgr.hxx - Modified update() to accept values for multiple locations. Refresh function added in order to periodically make the tiles current for a non-moving view (like a tower). Main/fg_init.cxx - register event for making tiles current in a non-moving view (like a tower). Main/location.hxx - added support for current ground elevation data. Main/main.cxx - added second tilemgr call for fdm, fixed places where viewer position data was required for correct sky rendering. Main/options.cxx - fixed segfault reported by Curtis when using --view-offset command line parameter. Main/viewer.cxx, viewer.hxx - removed fudging of view position. Fixed numerous bugs that were causing eye and target values to get mixed up.
2002-05-17 17:25:28 +00:00
"Terrain altitude: " << cur_fdm_state->get_Runway_altitude() * SG_METER_TO_FEET );
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
fgic->SetLatitudeRadIC( lat_geoc );
void FGJSBsim::set_V_calibrated_kts(double vc)
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO, "FGJSBsim::set_V_calibrated_kts: " << vc );
// In case we're not trimming
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
void FGJSBsim::set_Mach_number(double mach)
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO, "FGJSBsim::set_Mach_number: " << mach );
// In case we're not trimming
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
void FGJSBsim::set_Velocities_Local( double north, double east, double down )
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO, "FGJSBsim::set_Velocities_Local: "
<< north << ", " << east << ", " << down );
// In case we're not trimming
FGInterface::set_Velocities_Local(north, east, down);
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
void FGJSBsim::set_Velocities_Wind_Body( double u, double v, double w)
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO, "FGJSBsim::set_Velocities_Wind_Body: "
<< u << ", " << v << ", " << w );
// In case we're not trimming
FGInterface::set_Velocities_Wind_Body(u, v, w);
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
//Euler angles
void FGJSBsim::set_Euler_Angles( double phi, double theta, double psi )
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO, "FGJSBsim::set_Euler_Angles: "
<< phi << ", " << theta << ", " << psi );
// In case we're not trimming
FGInterface::set_Euler_Angles(phi, theta, psi);
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
//Flight Path
void FGJSBsim::set_Climb_Rate( double roc)
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO, "FGJSBsim::set_Climb_Rate: " << roc );
// In case we're not trimming
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
//since both climb rate and flight path angle are set in the FG
//startup sequence, something is needed to keep one from cancelling
//out the other.
if( !(fabs(roc) > 1 && fabs(fgic->GetFlightPathAngleRadIC()) < 0.01) ) {
void FGJSBsim::set_Gamma_vert_rad( double gamma)
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO, "FGJSBsim::set_Gamma_vert_rad: " << gamma );
if( !(fabs(gamma) < 0.01 && fabs(fgic->GetClimbRateFpsIC()) > 1) ) {
void FGJSBsim::init_gear(void )
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
FGGroundReactions* gr=fdmex->GetGroundReactions();
int Ngear=GroundReactions->GetNumGearUnits();
for (int i=0;i<Ngear;i++) {
SGPropertyNode * node = fgGetNode("gear/gear", i, true);
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
node->setBoolValue("wow", gr->GetGearUnit(i)->GetWOW());
node->setBoolValue("has-brake", gr->GetGearUnit(i)->GetBrakeGroup() > 0);
2002-03-01 20:56:15 +00:00
node->setDoubleValue("position-norm", FCS->GetGearPos());
2003-10-19 09:48:44 +00:00
node->setDoubleValue("tire-pressure-norm", gr->GetGearUnit(i)->GetTirePressure());
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
void FGJSBsim::update_gear(void)
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
FGGroundReactions* gr=fdmex->GetGroundReactions();
int Ngear=GroundReactions->GetNumGearUnits();
for (int i=0;i<Ngear;i++) {
SGPropertyNode * node = fgGetNode("gear/gear", i, true);
node->getChild("wow", 0, true)->setBoolValue(gr->GetGearUnit(i)->GetWOW());
node->getChild("position-norm", 0, true)->setDoubleValue(FCS->GetGearPos());
2003-10-19 09:48:44 +00:00
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
void FGJSBsim::do_trim(void)
FGTrim *fgtrim;
if ( fgGetBool("/sim/presets/onground") )
fgtrim = new FGTrim(fdmex,tGround);
} else {
fgtrim = new FGTrim(fdmex,tLongitudinal);
if ( !fgtrim->DoTrim() ) {
} else {
if (FGJSBBase::debug_lvl > 0)
delete fgtrim;
pitch_trim->setDoubleValue( FCS->GetPitchTrimCmd() );
throttle_trim->setDoubleValue( FCS->GetThrottleCmd(0) );
aileron_trim->setDoubleValue( FCS->GetDaCmd() );
rudder_trim->setDoubleValue( FCS->GetDrCmd() );
globals->get_controls()->set_rudder( FCS->GetDrCmd());
SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_INFO, " Trim complete" );
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
void FGJSBsim::update_ic(void)
if ( !needTrim ) {
2002-02-24 20:54:23 +00:00
fgic->SetLatitudeRadIC(get_Lat_geocentric() );
fgic->SetLongitudeRadIC( get_Longitude() );
fgic->SetAltitudeFtIC( get_Altitude() );
fgic->SetVcalibratedKtsIC( get_V_calibrated_kts() );
fgic->SetPitchAngleRadIC( get_Theta() );
fgic->SetRollAngleRadIC( get_Phi() );
fgic->SetTrueHeadingRadIC( get_Psi() );
fgic->SetClimbRateFpsIC( get_Climb_Rate() );