Moon textures have been adapted from the following webpage: NASA's Scientific Visualization Studio
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#version 330 core
uniform vec3 fg_SunDirection;
// gtao.glsl
float get_ambient_occlusion(vec2 uv, vec3 albedo);
// shadowing.glsl
float get_shadowing(vec3 P, vec3 N, vec3 L);
float get_contact_shadow(vec3 P, vec3 L, mat4 projection_matrix);
vec3 debug_shadow_color(vec3 color, vec3 P, vec3 N, vec3 L);
// surface.glsl
vec3 f0_from_pbr(vec3 base_color, float metallic);
vec3 surface_eval_analytical(
vec3 base_color, float metallic, float roughness, vec3 f0,
vec3 light_intensity, float occlusion,
vec3 N, vec3 L, vec3 V);
// ibl.glsl
vec3 get_reflected(vec3 N, vec3 V, mat4 view_matrix_inverse);
vec3 eval_ibl(vec3 base_color, float metallic, float roughness, vec3 f0,
float occlusion, vec3 ws_N, vec3 ws_refl, float NdotV);
// aerial_perspective.glsl
vec3 add_aerial_perspective(vec3 color, vec2 coord, float depth);
// sun.glsl
vec3 get_sun_radiance(vec3 p);
// clustered.glsl
vec3 eval_scene_lights(vec3 base_color, float metallic, float roughness, vec3 f0,
vec3 P, vec3 N, vec3 V);
// exposure.glsl
vec3 apply_exposure(vec3 color);
vec3 eval_lights(
vec3 base_color, float metallic, float roughness, float occlusion,
vec3 emissive, vec3 P, vec3 N, vec3 V, vec2 uv,
mat4 view_matrix_inverse, mat4 projection_matrix)
vec3 f0 = f0_from_pbr(base_color, metallic);
vec3 ws_P = (view_matrix_inverse * vec4(P, 1.0)).xyz;
// Evaluate sunlight
vec3 sun_radiance = get_sun_radiance(ws_P);
float shadow_factor = get_shadowing(P, N, fg_SunDirection);
if (shadow_factor > 0.0)
shadow_factor *= get_contact_shadow(P, fg_SunDirection, projection_matrix);
vec3 color = surface_eval_analytical(
base_color, metallic, roughness, f0,
sun_radiance, shadow_factor,
N, fg_SunDirection, V);
// Evaluate all scene lights
color += eval_scene_lights(
base_color, metallic, roughness, f0,
P, N, V);
// Evaluate image-based lights
float ao = occlusion * get_ambient_occlusion(uv, base_color);
vec3 ws_N = (view_matrix_inverse * vec4(N, 0.0)).xyz;
vec3 ws_refl = get_reflected(N, V, view_matrix_inverse);
float NdotV = max(dot(N, V), 1e-4);
color += eval_ibl(
base_color, metallic, roughness, f0,
ao, ws_N, ws_refl, NdotV);
// Add emissive contribution
color += emissive;
// Add aerial perspective
color = add_aerial_perspective(color, uv, length(P));
// Pre-expose
color = apply_exposure(color);
color = debug_shadow_color(color, P, N, fg_SunDirection);
return color;