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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<name>Before Takeoff Checks</name>
This tutorial covers the before takeoff checklist. This involves the engine checks that are made in the run-up area just prior to taxiing to the runway and taking off.
For more information on the before takeoff checklist, see Section 2-11 of the FAA Airplane Flying Handbook available at http://www.faa.gov/library/manuals/aircraft/airplane_handbook/.
c172p.click("engine-repair", 6.0);
setprop("/engines/active-engine/oil-level", sim/model/c172p/engine_flag_0 ? 7 : 8);
setprop("/engines/active-engine/carb_ice", 0.0);
setprop("/fdm/jsbsim/engine/damage-level", 0.0);
<value>332</value> <!-- PAHOA NDB -->
setprop("/controls/engines/current-engine/mixture", 1.0);
setprop("/controls/switches/starter", 1);
<message>In this lesson we'll cover the pre-takeoff checks.</message>
var listeners = std.Vector.new();
listeners.append(setlistener("/engines/active-engine/running", func (node) {
if (node.getBoolValue()) {
setprop("/controls/switches/starter", 0);
foreach (var listener; listeners.vector) {
}, 1, 0));
<message>You can access the pre-takeoff checklist by selecting Help-&gt;Checklists from the menu.</message>
<message>The parking brakes are already applied, so our first check is that the flight controls are free and correct.
<message>Check that moving the yoke from left to right moves the aileron in the expected manner.</message>
<message>Now, check the other aileron. We're checking that the controls aren't jammed by our seatbelts etc.
and that the aircraft has been rigged correctly.</message>
<message>Check the trim is in position</message>
<message>Set the elevator trim a bit more NOSE UP (scroll down with the mouse wheel)!</message>
<message>Set the elevator trim a bit more NOSE DOWN (scroll up with the mouse wheel)!</message>
<message>Now check that the mixture is set to rich - fully in.</message>
<message>The mixture isn't completely in. Press m to richen the mixture to fully rich.</message>
<message>Set the throttle to 1700 rpm for the engine checks.</message>
<message>That's a bit high. Reduce throttle to 1700 rpm with PgDn, or your joystick throttle control.</message>
<message>That's too low. Increase throttle to 1700 rpm with PgUp, or your joystick throttle control.</message>
<message>This aircraft has a vacuum pump to power some instruments, such as the attitude indicator and directional gyro.</message>
We need to check that the vacuum system is working correct by checking the suction gauge.</message>
<message>Check that the engine instruments are in the green.</message>
<message>Check that the electrical system is also fine.</message>
<message>Now we need to check that the magnetos are working correctly.</message>
<message>Use your middle mouse button, or use your mouse scrollwheel to move the key to the RIGHT (R) position.
There should be a small drop in the tachometer.</message>
<message>Set the key to RIGHT.</message>
<message>Click the key twice with the left mouse button, to switch back to both magnetos.
The tachometer should recover back to 1700rpm.</message>
<message>Set the key to BOTH.</message>
<message>Now we'll check the left magneto. Use your middle mouse button or scroll wheel to switch to the left magneto.
Again, there should be a small drop in the tachometer.</message>
<message>Set the key to LEFT.</message>
<message>Click the key, to switch back to both magnetos.
The tachometer should recover back to 1700rpm.</message>
<message>Set the key to BOTH.</message>
<!-- We should now check for carb heat, but we don't have that modeled yet -->
<message>Set the throttle back to between 800 and 1000 rpm.</message>
<message>That's a bit high. Reduce throttle slightly with PgDn, or your joystick throttle control.</message>
<message>That's too low. Increase throttle slightly with PgUp, or your joystick throttle control.</message>
<message>Our pre-takeoff checks are now complete. We're ready to fly.</message>