Fork 0
Peter Sadrozinski ce1f89f832 library reorg step 1
- no more Geometry
- delete unused files
2012-12-14 22:47:35 -05:00

263 lines
9 KiB

#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
#include "tg_nodes.hxx"
const double fgPoint3_Epsilon = 0.000001;
void TGNodes::init_spacial_query( void )
kd_tree_valid = true;
static bool IsWithin( const SGGeod pt, double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax )
return ( (xmin <= pt.getLongitudeDeg()) && (ymin <= pt.getLatitudeDeg()) &&
(xmax >= pt.getLongitudeDeg()) && (ymax >= pt.getLatitudeDeg()) );
static bool IsAlmostWithin( const SGGeod pt, const SGGeod& min, const SGGeod& max )
// make sure we take epsilon into account
return ( IsWithin(pt,
min.getLongitudeDeg() - fgPoint3_Epsilon,
max.getLongitudeDeg() + fgPoint3_Epsilon,
min.getLatitudeDeg() - fgPoint3_Epsilon,
max.getLatitudeDeg() + fgPoint3_Epsilon ) );
bool TGNodes::get_geod_inside( const SGGeod& min, const SGGeod& max, std::vector<SGGeod>& points ) const {
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < tg_node_list.size(); i++ ) {
SGGeod const& pt = tg_node_list[i].GetPosition();
if ( IsAlmostWithin( pt, min, max ) ) {
points.push_back( pt );
return true;
bool TGNodes::get_geod_edge( const SGBucket& b, std::vector<SGGeod>& north, std::vector<SGGeod>& south, std::vector<SGGeod>& east, std::vector<SGGeod>& west ) const {
double north_compare = b.get_center_lat() + 0.5 * b.get_height();
double south_compare = b.get_center_lat() - 0.5 * b.get_height();
double east_compare = b.get_center_lon() + 0.5 * b.get_width();
double west_compare = b.get_center_lon() - 0.5 * b.get_width();
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < tg_node_list.size(); i++ ) {
SGGeod const& pt = tg_node_list[i].GetPosition();
// may save the same point twice - so we get all the corners
if ( fabs(pt.getLatitudeDeg() - north_compare) < SG_EPSILON) {
north.push_back( pt );
if ( fabs(pt.getLatitudeDeg() - south_compare) < SG_EPSILON) {
south.push_back( pt );
if ( fabs(pt.getLongitudeDeg() - east_compare) < SG_EPSILON) {
east.push_back( pt );
if ( fabs(pt.getLongitudeDeg() - west_compare) < SG_EPSILON) {
west.push_back( pt );
return true;
// The spacial search utilizes the boost tuple construct.
// The k-d tree is generated in two dimensions. and the first element of the tuple is this 2d point
// the second element of the tuple is the elevation of this point
// Three dimensional queries is a bit overkill, but the code, although faster, is slightly more cumbersome
// get function for the property map - needed for cgal trait extension
My_point_property_map::reference get(My_point_property_map, My_point_property_map::key_type p) {
return boost::get<0>(p);
// Build the k-d tree
void TGNodes::init_spacial_query( void )
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < tg_node_list.size(); i++) {
// generate the tuple
Point pt( tg_node_list[i].GetPosition().getLongitudeDeg(), tg_node_list[i].GetPosition().getLatitudeDeg() );
double e( tg_node_list[i].GetPosition().getElevationM() );
Point_and_Elevation pande(pt, e);
// and insert into tree
tg_kd_tree.insert( pande );
kd_tree_valid = true;
// Spacial Queries using CGAL and boost tuple
// This query finds all nodes within the bounding box
bool TGNodes::get_geod_inside( const SGGeod& min, const SGGeod& max, std::vector<SGGeod>& points ) const {
// Have we generated the k-d tree?
if ( !kd_tree_valid ) {
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "get_geod_inside called with invalid kdtree" );
return false;
// define an exact rectangulat range query (fuzziness=0)
Point ll( min.getLongitudeDeg() - fgPoint3_Epsilon, min.getLatitudeDeg() - fgPoint3_Epsilon );
Point ur( max.getLongitudeDeg() + fgPoint3_Epsilon, max.getLatitudeDeg() + fgPoint3_Epsilon );
Fuzzy_bb exact_bb(ll, ur);
// list of tuples as a result
std::list<Point_and_Elevation> result;
std::list<Point_and_Elevation>::iterator it;
// perform the query
tg_kd_tree.search(std::back_inserter( result ), exact_bb);
// and convert the tuples back into SGGeod
for ( it = result.begin(); it != result.end(); it++ ) {
points.push_back( SGGeod::fromDegM( boost::get<0>(*it).x(), boost::get<0>(*it).y(), boost::get<1>(*it) ) );
return true;
// This query finds all nodes along the tile borders (north, south, east and west)
bool TGNodes::get_geod_edge( const SGBucket& b, std::vector<SGGeod>& north, std::vector<SGGeod>& south, std::vector<SGGeod>& east, std::vector<SGGeod>& west ) const {
double north_compare = b.get_center_lat() + 0.5 * b.get_height();
double south_compare = b.get_center_lat() - 0.5 * b.get_height();
double east_compare = b.get_center_lon() + 0.5 * b.get_width();
double west_compare = b.get_center_lon() - 0.5 * b.get_width();
Point ll;
Point ur;
Fuzzy_bb exact_bb;
std::list<Point_and_Elevation> result;
std::list<Point_and_Elevation>::iterator it;
// Have we generated the k-d tree?
if ( !kd_tree_valid ) {
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "get_geod_edge called with invalid kdtree" );
return false;
// find northern points
ll = Point( west_compare - fgPoint3_Epsilon, north_compare - fgPoint3_Epsilon );
ur = Point( east_compare + fgPoint3_Epsilon, north_compare + fgPoint3_Epsilon );
exact_bb = Fuzzy_bb(ll, ur);
tg_kd_tree.search(std::back_inserter( result ), exact_bb);
for ( it = result.begin(); it != result.end(); it++ ) {
north.push_back( SGGeod::fromDegM( boost::get<0>(*it).x(), boost::get<0>(*it).y(), boost::get<1>(*it) ) );
// find southern points
ll = Point( west_compare - fgPoint3_Epsilon, south_compare - fgPoint3_Epsilon );
ur = Point( east_compare + fgPoint3_Epsilon, south_compare + fgPoint3_Epsilon );
exact_bb = Fuzzy_bb(ll, ur);
tg_kd_tree.search(std::back_inserter( result ), exact_bb);
for ( it = result.begin(); it != result.end(); it++ ) {
south.push_back( SGGeod::fromDegM( boost::get<0>(*it).x(), boost::get<0>(*it).y(), boost::get<1>(*it) ) );
// find eastern points
ll = Point( east_compare - fgPoint3_Epsilon, south_compare - fgPoint3_Epsilon );
ur = Point( east_compare + fgPoint3_Epsilon, north_compare + fgPoint3_Epsilon );
exact_bb = Fuzzy_bb(ll, ur);
tg_kd_tree.search(std::back_inserter( result ), exact_bb);
for ( it = result.begin(); it != result.end(); it++ ) {
east.push_back( SGGeod::fromDegM( boost::get<0>(*it).x(), boost::get<0>(*it).y(), boost::get<1>(*it) ) );
// find western points
ll = Point( west_compare - fgPoint3_Epsilon, south_compare - fgPoint3_Epsilon );
ur = Point( west_compare + fgPoint3_Epsilon, north_compare + fgPoint3_Epsilon );
exact_bb = Fuzzy_bb(ll, ur);
tg_kd_tree.search(std::back_inserter( result ), exact_bb);
for ( it = result.begin(); it != result.end(); it++ ) {
west.push_back( SGGeod::fromDegM( boost::get<0>(*it).x(), boost::get<0>(*it).y(), boost::get<1>(*it) ) );
return true;
void TGNodes::get_geod_nodes( std::vector<SGGeod>& points ) const {
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < tg_node_list.size(); i++ ) {
points.push_back( tg_node_list[i].GetPosition() );
void TGNodes::get_wgs84_nodes( std::vector<SGVec3d>& points ) const {
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < tg_node_list.size(); i++ ) {
points.push_back( tg_node_list[i].GetWgs84() );
void TGNodes::get_normals( std::vector<SGVec3f>& normals ) const {
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < tg_node_list.size(); i++ ) {
normals.push_back( tg_node_list[i].GetNormal() );
void TGNodes::Dump( void ) {
for (unsigned int i=0; i<tg_node_list.size(); i++) {
TGNode const& node = tg_node_list[ i ];
std::string fixed;
if ( node.GetFixedPosition() ) {
fixed = " z is fixed elevation ";
} else {
fixed = " z is interpolated elevation ";
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Point[" << i << "] is " << node.GetPosition() << fixed );
if ( node.GetFaces().size() ) {
TGFaceList faces = node.GetFaces();
for (unsigned int j=0; j<faces.size(); j++) {
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "\tface " << faces[j].area << "," << faces[j].poly << "," << faces[j].tri );
void TGNodes::SaveToGzFile( gzFile& fp )
tg_node_list.SaveToGzFile( fp );
void TGNodes::LoadFromGzFile( gzFile& fp )
tg_node_list.LoadFromGzFile( fp );