Fork 0
Peter Sadrozinski b013ad6b7b Fix some gaps in and around airports
- these gaps were caused by a late clipper stage that optomizes the
  resulting polygon after clipping - including removal of nodes
  whose edges have the same slope.  I was unable to disable this
  optomization without breaking clipper - it would just hang.
  So all clipper operations now save the subject nodes before, and
  reinsert after the op.
- cleaned up some debug - genapts is so fast now, that we can just
  print out the summaries.
2012-11-17 11:26:13 -05:00

496 lines
14 KiB

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <list>
#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
#include <simgear/math/sg_geodesy.hxx>
#include <Polygon/polygon.hxx>
#include <Polygon/chop.hxx>
#include <Geometry/poly_support.hxx>
#include "global.hxx"
#include "beznode.hxx"
#include "closedpoly.hxx"
#define NO_BEZIER (0)
static void stringPurifier( string& s )
for ( string::iterator it = s.begin(), itEnd = s.end(); it!=itEnd; ++it) {
if ( static_cast<unsigned int>(*it) < 32 || static_cast<unsigned int>(*it) > 127 ) {
(*it) = ' ';
ClosedPoly::ClosedPoly( char* desc )
is_pavement = false;
if ( desc )
description = desc;
description = "none";
boundary = NULL;
cur_contour = NULL;
cur_feature = NULL;
ClosedPoly::ClosedPoly( int st, float s, float th, char* desc )
surface_type = st;
smoothness = s;
texture_heading = th;
is_pavement = true;
if ( desc )
description = desc;
description = "none";
boundary = NULL;
cur_contour = NULL;
cur_feature = NULL;
SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "Deleting ClosedPoly " << description );
void ClosedPoly::AddNode( BezNode* node )
// if this is the first node of the contour - create a new contour
if (!cur_contour)
cur_contour = new BezContour;
cur_contour->push_back( node );
// For pavement polys, add a linear feature for each contour
if (is_pavement)
if (!cur_feature)
string feature_desc = description + " - ";
if (boundary)
feature_desc += "hole";
feature_desc += "boundary";
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, " Adding node " << node->GetLoc() << " to current linear feature " << cur_feature);
cur_feature = new LinearFeature(feature_desc, 1.0f );
cur_feature->AddNode( node );
void ClosedPoly::CloseCurContour()
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "Close Contour");
// if we are recording a pavement marking - it must be closed -
// add the first node of the poly
if (cur_feature)
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "We still have an active linear feature - add the first node to close it");
cur_feature->Finish(true, features.size() );
cur_feature = NULL;
// add the contour to the poly - first one is the outer boundary
// subsequent contours are holes
if ( boundary == NULL )
boundary = cur_contour;
// generate the convex hull from the bezcontour node locations
// CreateConvexHull();
cur_contour = NULL;
holes.push_back( cur_contour );
cur_contour = NULL;
void ClosedPoly::ConvertContour( BezContour* src, tgContour& dst )
BezNode* curNode;
BezNode* nextNode;
SGGeod curLoc;
SGGeod nextLoc;
SGGeod cp1;
SGGeod cp2;
int curve_type = CURVE_LINEAR;
double total_dist;
int num_segs = BEZIER_DETAIL;
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "Creating a contour with " << src->size() << " nodes");
// clear anything in this point list
// iterate through each bezier node in the contour
for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= src->size()-1; i++)
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "\nHandling Node " << i << "\n\n");
curNode = src->at(i);
if (i < src->size() - 1)
nextNode = src->at(i+1);
// for the last node, next is the first. as all contours are closed
nextNode = src->at(0);
// now determine how we will iterate from current node to next node
if( curNode->HasNextCp() )
// next curve is cubic or quadratic
if( nextNode->HasPrevCp() )
// curve is cubic : need both control points
curve_type = CURVE_CUBIC;
cp1 = curNode->GetNextCp();
cp2 = nextNode->GetPrevCp();
total_dist = CubicDistance( curNode->GetLoc(), cp1, cp2, nextNode->GetLoc() );
// curve is quadratic using current nodes cp as the cp
curve_type = CURVE_QUADRATIC;
cp1 = curNode->GetNextCp();
total_dist = QuadraticDistance( curNode->GetLoc(), cp1, nextNode->GetLoc() );
// next curve is quadratic or linear
if( nextNode->HasPrevCp() )
// curve is quadratic using next nodes cp as the cp
curve_type = CURVE_QUADRATIC;
cp1 = nextNode->GetPrevCp();
total_dist = QuadraticDistance( curNode->GetLoc(), cp1, nextNode->GetLoc() );
// curve is linear
curve_type = CURVE_LINEAR;
total_dist = LinearDistance( curNode->GetLoc(), nextNode->GetLoc() );
if (total_dist < 8.0f)
if (curve_type != CURVE_LINEAR)
// If total distance is < 4 meters, then we need to modify num Segments so that each segment >= 2 meters
num_segs = ((int)total_dist + 1);
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "Segment from " << curNode->GetLoc() << " to " << nextNode->GetLoc() );
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, " Distance is " << total_dist << " ( < 16.0) so num_segs is " << num_segs );
num_segs = 1;
else if (total_dist > 800.0f)
// If total distance is > 800 meters, then we need to modify num Segments so that each segment <= 100 meters
num_segs = total_dist / 100.0f + 1;
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "Segment from " << curNode->GetLoc() << " to " << nextNode->GetLoc() );
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, " Distance is " << total_dist << " ( > 100.0) so num_segs is " << num_segs );
if (curve_type != CURVE_LINEAR)
num_segs = 8;
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "Segment from " << curNode->GetLoc() << " to " << nextNode->GetLoc() );
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, " Distance is " << total_dist << " (OK) so num_segs is " << num_segs );
// make sure linear segments don't got over 100m
num_segs = total_dist / 100.0f + 1;
num_segs = 1;
// if only one segment, revert to linear
if (num_segs == 1)
curve_type = CURVE_LINEAR;
// initialize current location
curLoc = curNode->GetLoc();
if (curve_type != CURVE_LINEAR)
for (int p=0; p<num_segs; p++)
// calculate next location
if (curve_type == CURVE_QUADRATIC)
nextLoc = CalculateQuadraticLocation( curNode->GetLoc(), cp1, nextNode->GetLoc(), (1.0f/num_segs) * (p+1) );
nextLoc = CalculateCubicLocation( curNode->GetLoc(), cp1, cp2, nextNode->GetLoc(), (1.0f/num_segs) * (p+1) );
// add the pavement vertex
// convert from lat/lon to geo
// (maybe later) - check some simgear objects...
dst.AddNode( curLoc );
if (p==0)
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "adding Curve Anchor node (type " << curve_type << ") at " << curLoc );
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, " add bezier node (type " << curve_type << ") at " << curLoc );
// now set set cur location for the next iteration
curLoc = nextLoc;
if (num_segs > 1)
for (int p=0; p<num_segs; p++)
// calculate next location
nextLoc = CalculateLinearLocation( curNode->GetLoc(), nextNode->GetLoc(), (1.0f/num_segs) * (p+1) );
// add the feature vertex
dst.AddNode( curLoc );
if (p==0)
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "adding Linear anchor node at " << curLoc );
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, " add linear node at " << curLoc );
// now set set prev and cur locations for the next iteration
curLoc = nextLoc;
nextLoc = nextNode->GetLoc();
// just add the one vertex - dist is small
dst.AddNode( curLoc );
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "adding Linear Anchor node at " << curLoc );
curLoc = nextLoc;
// finish the poly - convert to TGPolygon, and tesselate
void ClosedPoly::Finish()
tgContour dst_contour;
// error handling
if (boundary == NULL)
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "no boundary");
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "Converting a poly with " << holes.size() << " holes");
if (boundary != NULL)
// create the boundary
ConvertContour( boundary, dst_contour );
dst_contour.SetHole( false );
// and add it to the geometry
pre_tess.AddContour( dst_contour );
// Then convert the hole contours
for (unsigned int i=0; i<holes.size(); i++)
ConvertContour( holes[i], dst_contour );
dst_contour.SetHole( true );
pre_tess.AddContour( dst_contour );
pre_tess = tgPolygon::Snap( pre_tess, gSnap );
pre_tess = tgPolygon::RemoveDups( pre_tess );
// save memory by deleting unneeded resources
for (unsigned int i=0; i<boundary->size(); i++)
delete boundary->at(i);
delete boundary;
boundary = NULL;
// and the hole contours
for (unsigned int i=0; i<holes.size(); i++)
for (unsigned int j=0; j<holes[i]->size(); j++)
delete holes[i]->at(j);
std::string ClosedPoly::GetMaterial( int surface )
std::string material;
switch( surface ) {
case 1:
material = "pa_tiedown";
case 2:
material = "pc_tiedown";
case 3:
material = "grass_rwy";
// TODO Differentiate more here:
case 4:
case 5:
case 12:
case 13:
case 14:
case 15:
material = "grass_rwy";
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "ClosedPoly::BuildBtg: unknown surface type " << surface_type );
return material;
int ClosedPoly::BuildBtg( tgpolygon_list& rwy_polys, tgcontour_list& slivers, tgPolygon& apt_base, tgPolygon& apt_clearing, std::string& shapefile_name )
if (is_pavement && pre_tess.Contours() )
tgPolygon base, safe_base;
BuildBtg( rwy_polys, slivers, shapefile_name );
base = tgPolygon::Expand( pre_tess, 20.0 );
safe_base = tgPolygon::Expand( pre_tess, 50.0);
// add this to the airport clearing
apt_clearing = tgPolygon::Union( safe_base, apt_clearing);
// and add the clearing to the base
apt_base = tgPolygon::Union( base, apt_base );
// clean up to save ram : we're done here...
return 1;
int ClosedPoly::BuildBtg( tgpolygon_list& rwy_polys, tgcontour_list& slivers, std::string& shapefile_name )
if ( is_pavement && pre_tess.Contours() )
if( shapefile_name.size() ) {
tgPolygon::ToShapefile( pre_tess, "./airport_dbg", std::string("preclip"), shapefile_name );
tgPolygon::AccumulatorToShapefiles( "./airport_dbg", "accum" );
tgPolygon clipped = tgPolygon::DiffWithAccumulator( pre_tess );
if ( clipped.Contours() ) {
if( shapefile_name.size() ) {
tgPolygon::ToShapefile( clipped, "./airport_dbg", std::string("postclip"), shapefile_name );
tgPolygon::RemoveSlivers( clipped, slivers );
clipped.SetMaterial( GetMaterial( surface_type ) );
clipped.SetTexParams( clipped.GetNode(0,0), 5.0, 5.0, texture_heading );
clipped.SetTexLimits( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
clipped.SetTexMethod( TG_TEX_BY_TPS_NOCLIP );
rwy_polys.push_back( clipped );
tgPolygon::AddToAccumulator( pre_tess );
return 1;
// Just used for user defined border - add a little bit, as some modelers made the border exactly on the edges
// - resulting in no base, which we can't handle
int ClosedPoly::BuildBtg( tgPolygon& apt_base, tgPolygon& apt_clearing, std::string& shapefile_name )
tgPolygon base, safe_base;
// verify the poly has been generated, and the contour isn't a pavement
if ( !is_pavement && pre_tess.Contours() )
base = tgPolygon::Expand( pre_tess, 2.0);
safe_base = tgPolygon::Expand( pre_tess, 5.0);
// add this to the airport clearing
apt_clearing = tgPolygon::Union( safe_base, apt_clearing);
// and add the clearing to the base
apt_base = tgPolygon::Union( base, apt_base );
return 1;