Fork 0
PSadrozinski a547a9ba00 near feature checkpoint 1
- cut in to the terrain
- using asphalt texture, need a test texture to check texcoords
- need offset - it's hardcoded for pavement features, so centerlines are off
2012-03-25 23:52:43 +02:00

647 lines
20 KiB

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <list>
#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
#include <simgear/math/sg_geodesy.hxx>
#include <osg/Geode>
#include <osg/PolygonMode>
#include <osgUtil/Tessellator>
#include <Geometry/poly_support.hxx>
#include "beznode.hxx"
#include "convex_hull.hxx"
#include "closedpoly.hxx"
ClosedPoly::ClosedPoly( int st, float s, float th, char* desc )
surface_type = st;
smoothness = s;
texture_heading = th;
if ( desc )
description = desc;
description = "none";
boundary = NULL;
cur_contour = NULL;
cur_marking = NULL;
void ClosedPoly::AddNode( BezNode* node )
// if this is the first node of the contour - create a new contour
if (!cur_contour)
cur_contour = new BezContour;
cur_contour->push_back( node );
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "CLOSEDPOLY::ADDNODE : (" << node->GetLoc().x() << "," << node->GetLoc().y() << ")");
// TODO: Create ONE linear feature for each contour.
// Parse the polys in linear feature
// if recording a linear feature on the pavement, add this node
// to it as well
// TODO: just doing marking now, need lighting as well
if (!cur_marking)
string marking_desc = description + ":";
if (boundary)
marking_desc += "hole";
marking_desc += "boundary";
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, " Adding node (" << node->GetLoc().x() << "," << node->GetLoc().y() << ") to current linear feature " << cur_marking);
cur_marking = new LinearFeature(marking_desc /* TODO offset */ );
cur_marking->AddNode( node );
void ClosedPoly::CreateConvexHull( void )
TGPolygon convexHull;
point_list nodes;
Point3D p;
int i;
for (i=0; i<boundary->size(); i++)
p = boundary->at(i)->GetLoc();
nodes.push_back( p );
convexHull = convex_hull( nodes );
hull = convexHull.get_contour(0);
int ClosedPoly::CloseCurContour()
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "Close Contour");
// if we are recording a pavement marking - it must be closed -
// add the first node of the poly
if (cur_marking)
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "We still have an active linear feature - add the first node to close it");
// cur_marking->Close();
cur_marking = NULL;
// add the contour to the poly - first one is the outer boundary
// subsequent contours are holes
if ( boundary == NULL )
boundary = cur_contour;
// generate the convex hull from the bezcontour node locations
cur_contour = NULL;
holes.push_back( cur_contour );
cur_contour = NULL;
void ClosedPoly::ConvertContour( BezContour* src, point_list *dst )
BezNode* prevNode;
BezNode* curNode;
BezNode* nextNode;
Point3D prevLoc;
Point3D curLoc;
Point3D nextLoc;
Point3D cp1;
Point3D cp2;
int start, end, inc;
int curve_type = CURVE_LINEAR;
int i;
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "Creating a contour with " << src->size() << " nodes");
// clear anything in this point list
// iterate through each bezier node in the contour
for (i=0; i <= src->size()-1; i++)
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "\nHandling Node " << i << "\n\n");
if (i == 0)
// set prev node to last in the contour, as all contours must be closed
prevNode = src->at( src->size()-1 );
// otherwise, it's just the previous index
prevNode = src->at( i-1 );
curNode = src->at(i);
if (i < src->size() - 1)
nextNode = src->at(i+1);
// for the last node, next is the first. as all contours are closed
nextNode = src->at(0);
// determine the type of curve from prev (just to get correct prev location)
// once we start drawing the curve from cur to next, we can just remember the prev loc
if (prevNode->HasNextCp())
// curve from prev is cubic or quadratic
// curve from prev is cubic : calculate the last location on the curve
prevLoc = CalculateCubicLocation( prevNode->GetLoc(), prevNode->GetNextCp(), curNode->GetPrevCp(), curNode->GetLoc(), (1.0f/BEZIER_DETAIL) * (BEZIER_DETAIL-1) );
// curve from prev is quadratic : use prev node next cp
prevLoc = CalculateQuadraticLocation( prevNode->GetLoc(), prevNode->GetNextCp(), curNode->GetLoc(), (1.0f/BEZIER_DETAIL) * (BEZIER_DETAIL-1) );
// curve from prev is quadratic or linear
if( curNode->HasPrevCp() )
// curve from prev is quadratic : calculate the last location on the curve
prevLoc = CalculateQuadraticLocation( prevNode->GetLoc(), curNode->GetPrevCp(), curNode->GetLoc(), (1.0f/BEZIER_DETAIL) * (BEZIER_DETAIL-1) );
// curve from prev is linear : just use prev node location
prevLoc = prevNode->GetLoc();
// now determine how we will iterate from current node to next node
if( curNode->HasNextCp() )
// next curve is cubic or quadratic
if( nextNode->HasPrevCp() )
// curve is cubic : need both control points
curve_type = CURVE_CUBIC;
cp1 = curNode->GetNextCp();
cp2 = nextNode->GetPrevCp();
// curve is quadratic using current nodes cp as the cp
curve_type = CURVE_QUADRATIC;
cp1 = curNode->GetNextCp();
// next curve is quadratic or linear
if( nextNode->HasPrevCp() )
// curve is quadratic using next nodes cp as the cp
curve_type = CURVE_QUADRATIC;
cp1 = nextNode->GetPrevCp();
// curve is linear
curve_type = CURVE_LINEAR;
// initialize current location
curLoc = curNode->GetLoc();
if (curve_type != CURVE_LINEAR)
for (int p=0; p<BEZIER_DETAIL; p++)
// calculate next location
if (curve_type == CURVE_QUADRATIC)
nextLoc = CalculateQuadraticLocation( curNode->GetLoc(), cp1, nextNode->GetLoc(), (1.0f/BEZIER_DETAIL) * (p+1) );
nextLoc = CalculateCubicLocation( curNode->GetLoc(), cp1, cp2, nextNode->GetLoc(), (1.0f/BEZIER_DETAIL) * (p+1) );
// add the pavement vertex
// convert from lat/lon to geo
// (maybe later) - check some simgear objects...
dst->push_back( curLoc );
if (p==0)
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "adding Curve Anchor node (type " << curve_type << ") at (" << curLoc.x() << "," << curLoc.y() << ")");
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, " add bezier node (type " << curve_type << ") at (" << curLoc.x() << "," << curLoc.y() << ")");
// now set set prev and cur locations for the next iteration
prevLoc = curLoc;
curLoc = nextLoc;
nextLoc = nextNode->GetLoc();
// just add the one vertex - linear
dst->push_back( curLoc );
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "adding Linear Anchor node at (" << curLoc.x() << "," << curLoc.y() << ")");
// Add the first point again?
// dst->push_back( src->at(0)->GetLoc() );
void ExpandPoint( Point3D *prev, Point3D *cur, Point3D *next, double expand_by, double *heading, double *offset )
int turn_direction;
bool reverse_dir = false;
double offset_dir;
double next_dir;
double az1, az2;
double dist;
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "Find average angle for contour: prev (" << *prev << "), "
"cur (" << *cur << "), "
"next (" << *next << ")" );
// first, find if the line turns left or right ar src
// for this, take the cross product of the vectors from prev to src, and src to next.
// if the cross product is negetive, we've turned to the left
// if the cross product is positive, we've turned to the right
// if the cross product is 0, then we need to use the direction passed in
SGVec3d dir1 = prev->toSGVec3d() - cur->toSGVec3d();
dir1 = normalize(dir1);
SGVec3d dir2 = next->toSGVec3d() - cur->toSGVec3d();
dir2 = normalize(dir2);
// Now find the average
SGVec3d avg = dir1 + dir2;
avg = normalize(avg);
// find the offset angle
geo_inverse_wgs_84( avg.y(), avg.x(), 0.0f, 0.0f, &offset_dir, &az2, &dist);
// find the direction to the next point
geo_inverse_wgs_84( cur->y(), cur->x(), next->y(), next->x(), &next_dir, &az2, &dist);
// calculate correct distance for the offset point
*offset = (expand_by)/sin(SGMiscd::deg2rad(offset_dir-next_dir));
*heading = offset_dir;
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "heading is " << *heading << " distance is " << *offset );
void ClosedPoly::ExpandContour( point_list& src, TGPolygon& dst, double dist )
point_list expanded_boundary;
Point3D prevPoint, curPoint, nextPoint;
double theta;
double expand_by;
double expanded_x, expanded_y;
Point3D expanded_point;
double h1, h2, h3;
double o1, o2, o3;
double az2;
int i;
// iterate through each bezier node in the contour
for (i=0; i<src.size(); i++)
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "\nExpanding point " << i << "\n\n");
if (i == 0)
// set prev node to last in the contour, as all contours must be closed
prevPoint = src.at( src.size()-1 );
// otherwise, it's just the last index
prevPoint = src.at( i-1 );
curPoint = src.at(i);
if (i<src.size()-1)
nextPoint = src.at(i+1);
// for the last node, next is the first. as all contours are closed
nextPoint = src.at(0);
// calculate the angle between cur->prev and cur->next
theta = SGMiscd::rad2deg(CalculateTheta(prevPoint, curPoint, nextPoint));
if ( theta < 90.0 )
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "\nClosed POLY case 1 (theta < 90) " << description << ": theta is " << theta );
// calculate the expanded point heading and offset from current point
ExpandPoint( &prevPoint, &curPoint, &nextPoint, dist, &h1, &o1 );
if (o1 > dist*2.0)
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "\ntheta is " << theta << " distance is " << o1 << " CLAMPING to " << dist*2 );
o1 = dist*2;
if (o1 > 100)
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "\nClosed POLY " << description << ": theta is " << theta << " distance is " << o1 << " WHAT HAPPENED " );
geo_direct_wgs_84( curPoint.y(), curPoint.x(), h1, o1, &expanded_y, &expanded_x, &az2 );
expanded_point = Point3D( expanded_x, expanded_y, 0.0f );
expanded_boundary.push_back( expanded_point );
else if ( abs(theta - 180.0) < 0.1 )
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "\nClosed POLY case 2 (theta close to 180) " << description << ": theta is " << theta );
// calculate the expanded point heading and offset from current point
ExpandPoint( &prevPoint, &curPoint, &nextPoint, dist, &h1, &o1 );
// straight line blows up math - dist should be exactly as given
o1 = dist;
geo_direct_wgs_84( curPoint.y(), curPoint.x(), h1, o1, &expanded_y, &expanded_x, &az2 );
expanded_point = Point3D( expanded_x, expanded_y, 0.0f );
expanded_boundary.push_back( expanded_point );
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "\nClosed POLY case 3 (fall through) " << description << ": theta is " << theta );
// calculate the expanded point heading and offset from current point
ExpandPoint( &prevPoint, &curPoint, &nextPoint, dist, &h1, &o1 );
if (o1 > dist*2)
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "\ntheta is " << theta << " distance is " << o1 << " WHAT HAPPENED " );
geo_direct_wgs_84( curPoint.y(), curPoint.x(), h1, o1, &expanded_y, &expanded_x, &az2 );
expanded_point = Point3D( expanded_x, expanded_y, 0.0f );
expanded_boundary.push_back( expanded_point );
dst.add_contour( expanded_boundary, 9 );
osg::DrawArrays* ClosedPoly::CreateOsgPrimitive( point_list contour, osg::Vec3Array* vpave )
int i;
Point3D p;
osg::DrawArrays* primitive;
int start_vert = vpave->size();
for (i=0; i<contour.size(); i++)
p = contour[i];
vpave->push_back( osg::Vec3d(p.x(), p.y(), 0.0) );
primitive = new osg::DrawArrays(osg::PrimitiveSet::POLYGON, start_vert, vpave->size()-start_vert);
return primitive;
// finish the poly - convert to TGPolygon, and tesselate
int ClosedPoly::Finish()
BezContour* src_contour;
point_list dst_contour;
BezNode* node;
// error handling
if (boundary == NULL)
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "no boundary");
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "Converting a poly with " << holes.size() << " holes");
if (boundary != NULL)
// create the boundary
ConvertContour( boundary, &dst_contour );
// and add it to the geometry
pre_tess.add_contour( dst_contour, 0 );
// The convert the hole contours
for (int i=0; i<holes.size(); i++)
ConvertContour( holes[i], &dst_contour );
pre_tess.add_contour( dst_contour, 1 );
// save memory by deleting unneeded resources
delete boundary;
boundary = NULL;
// The convert the hole contours
int ClosedPoly::BuildOsg( osg::Group* airport )
BezContour* contour;
BezNode* node;
osg::Geode* geode_pave; // has the stateset, and geometry for this poly
osg::Geometry* pavement;
osg::StateSet* ss_pave; // just a simple stateset for now
osg::PolygonMode* polymode;
osg::Vec4Array* col_pave; // just grey for now...
osg::Vec3Array* v_pave; // ALL verticies (boundary and holes)
osg::DrawArrays* primitive; // an index array for boundary / hole
int num_verts; // number of verticies in a contour
int i; // ?
if ( pre_tess.contours() )
// Setup a polygonmode for wireframe debuging
polymode = new osg::PolygonMode;
polymode->setMode( osg::PolygonMode::FRONT_AND_BACK, osg::PolygonMode::LINE );
// Create a drawable for the pavement poly (boundary and holes)
pavement = new osg::Geometry;
// make pavement grey : do this when reading the poly
col_pave = new osg::Vec4Array;
// set up pavement stateset
geode_pave = new osg::Geode();
ss_pave = new osg::StateSet();
ss_pave->setAttribute( polymode );
v_pave = new osg::Vec3Array;
// create the boundary
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, " Adding pavement boundary");
primitive = CreateOsgPrimitive( pre_tess.get_contour( 0 ), v_pave );
if (hull.size() > 0)
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, " boundary has " << hull.size() << "verts" );
// add the hole contours
for (i=1; i<pre_tess.contours(); i++)
primitive = CreateOsgPrimitive( pre_tess.get_contour( i ), v_pave );
osgUtil::Tessellator *tess = new osgUtil::Tessellator;
#if 0 // debug ExpandPoly
TGPolygon base;
ExpandPoly( hull, base, 20 );
primitive = CreateOsgPrimitive( base.get_contour( 0 ), v_pave );
// add the pavement markings
#if 0
printf("ClosedPoly::Finish - Finish %d linear features\n", features.size());
for (int feat=0; feat<features.size(); feat++)
int ClosedPoly::BuildBtg( float alt_m, superpoly_list* rwy_polys, texparams_list* texparams, TGPolygon* accum, TGPolygon* apt_base, TGPolygon* apt_clearing )
TGPolygon base, safe_base;
string material;
int j, k;
switch( surface_type )
case 1:
material = "pa_tiedown";
case 2:
material = "pc_tiedown";
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "ClosedPoly::BuildBtg: unknown material " << surface_type );
// verify the poly has been generated
if ( pre_tess.contours() )
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "BuildBtg: original poly has " << pre_tess.contours() << " contours");
// do this before clipping and generating the base
pre_tess = remove_dups( pre_tess );
pre_tess = reduce_degeneracy( pre_tess );
for (int c=0; c<pre_tess.contours(); c++)
for (int pt=0; pt<pre_tess.contour_size(c); pt++)
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "BuildBtg: contour " << c << " pt " << pt << ": (" << pre_tess.get_pt(c, pt).x() << "," << pre_tess.get_pt(c, pt).y() << ")" );
TGSuperPoly sp;
TGTexParams tp;
TGPolygon clipped = tgPolygonDiff( pre_tess, *accum );
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "BuildBtg: clipped poly has " << clipped.contours() << " contours");
TGPolygon split = tgPolygonSplitLongEdges( clipped, 400.0 );
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "BuildBtg: split poly has " << split.contours() << " contours");
sp.set_poly( split );
sp.set_material( material );
rwy_polys->push_back( sp );
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "clipped = " << clipped.contours());
*accum = tgPolygonUnion( pre_tess, *accum );
tp = TGTexParams( pre_tess.get_pt(0,0), 20.0 /* TODO poly width */, 20.0 /* TODO poly length */, texture_heading );
texparams->push_back( tp );
ExpandContour( hull, base, 20.0 );
ExpandContour( hull, safe_base, 50.0 );
// add this to the airport clearing
*apt_clearing = tgPolygonUnion( safe_base, *apt_clearing);
// and add the clearing to the base
*apt_base = tgPolygonUnion( base, *apt_base );
// clean up to save ram : we're done here...
return 1;