927 lines
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927 lines
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// array.cxx -- Array management class
// Written by Curtis Olson, started March 1998.
// Copyright (C) 1998 - 1999 Curtis L. Olson - http://www.flightgear.org/~curt
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# include <config.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <iomanip> //for setprecision
#include <simgear/compiler.h>
#include <simgear/io/iostreams/sgstream.hxx>
#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
#include <simgear/misc/strutils.hxx>
#include <simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx>
#include <simgear/io/lowlevel.hxx>
#include "array.hxx"
using std::string;
TGArray::TGArray() :
originx(0.0), originy(0.0),
cols(0), rows(0),
col_step(0.0), row_step(0.0),
TGArray::TGArray( const string &file ) :
// open an Array file (and fitted file if it exists)
// Also open cliffs file if it exists. By default a
// rectified file is searched for, if it doesn't exist
// we load the unrectified version.
bool TGArray::open( const string& file_base ) {
// open array data file
string array_name = file_base + ".arr.rectified.gz";
rectified = true;
array_in = gzopen( array_name.c_str(), "rb" );
if (array_in == NULL) {
// try unrectified
array_name = file_base + ".arr.gz";
array_in = gzopen(array_name.c_str(), "rb");
if (array_in == NULL) {
return false;
} else {
rectified = false;
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL,SG_DEBUG,"Loaded height array " << array_name);
// open fitted data file
string fitted_name = file_base + ".fit.gz";
fitted_in = new sg_gzifstream( fitted_name );
if ( !fitted_in->is_open() ) {
// not having a .fit file is unfortunate, but not fatal. We
// can do a really stupid/crude fit on the fly, but it will
// not be nearly as nice as what the offline terrafit utility
// would have produced.
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, " Cannot open " << fitted_name );
delete fitted_in;
fitted_in = NULL;
} else {
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, " Opening fitted data file: " << fitted_name );
// open any cliffs data file
return (array_in != NULL) ? true : false;
// close an Array file
TGArray::close() {
if (array_in) {
array_in = NULL;
if (fitted_in ) {
delete fitted_in;
fitted_in = NULL;
return true;
//This code adapted from tgconstruct::LoadLandclassPolys
//All polys in the bucket should be contours which we load
//into our contour list.
void TGArray::load_cliffs(const string & height_base)
//Get the directory so we can list the children
tgPolygon poly; //actually a contour but whatever...
SGPath b(height_base);
simgear::Dir d(b.dir());
simgear::PathList files = d.children(simgear::Dir::TYPE_FILE);
for (const SGPath& p: files) {
if (p.file_base() != b.file_base()) {
string lext = p.lower_extension();
if (lext == "cliffs") {
gzFile fp = gzopen( p.c_str(), "rb" );
unsigned int count;
sgReadUInt( fp, &count );
SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, " Load " << count << " contours from " << p.realpath() );
for ( unsigned int i=0; i<count; i++ ) {
poly.LoadFromGzFile( fp );
if ( poly.Contours()==1 ) { //should always have one contour
} else {
SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_WARN, " Found " << poly.Contours() << " contours in " << p.realpath() );
TGArray::unload( void ) {
if (array_in) {
array_in = NULL;
if (fitted_in ) {
delete fitted_in;
fitted_in = NULL;
if (in_data) {
delete[] in_data;
in_data = NULL;
// parse Array file, pass in the bucket so we can make up values when
// the file wasn't found.
TGArray::parse( SGBucket& b ) {
// Parse/load the array data file
if ( array_in ) {
} else {
// file not open (not found?), fill with zero'd data
originx = ( b.get_center_lon() - 0.5 * b.get_width() ) * 3600.0;
originy = ( b.get_center_lat() - 0.5 * b.get_height() ) * 3600.0;
double max_x = ( b.get_center_lon() + 0.5 * b.get_width() ) * 3600.0;
double max_y = ( b.get_center_lat() + 0.5 * b.get_height() ) * 3600.0;
cols = 3;
col_step = (max_x - originx) / (cols - 1);
rows = 3;
row_step = (max_y - originy) / (rows - 1);
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, " origin = " << originx << " " << originy );
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, " cols = " << cols << " rows = " << rows );
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, " col_step = " << col_step << " row_step = " << row_step );
in_data = new short[cols * rows];
memset(in_data, 0, sizeof(short) * cols * rows);
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, " File not open, so using zero'd data" );
// Parse/load the fitted data file
if ( fitted_in && fitted_in->is_open() ) {
int fitted_size;
double x, y, z;
*fitted_in >> fitted_size;
for ( int i = 0; i < fitted_size; ++i ) {
*fitted_in >> x >> y >> z;
fitted_list.push_back( SGGeod::fromDegM(x, y, z) );
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, " loading fitted = " << SGGeod::fromDegM(x, y, z) );
return true;
void TGArray::parse_bin()
int32_t header;
sgReadLong(array_in, &header);
if (header != 0x54474152) {
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "\nThe .arr file is not in the correct binary format."
<< "\nPlease rebuild it using the latest TerraGear HGT tools.");
int minX, minY, intColStep, intRowStep;
sgReadInt(array_in, &minX);
sgReadInt(array_in, &minY);
originx = minX;
originy = minY;
sgReadInt(array_in, &cols);
sgReadInt(array_in, &intColStep);
sgReadInt(array_in, &rows);
sgReadInt(array_in, &intRowStep);
col_step = intColStep;
row_step = intRowStep;
in_data = new short[cols * rows];
sgReadShort(array_in, cols * rows, in_data);
// Write out an array. If rectified is true, the heights have been adjusted
// for discontinuities.
void TGArray::write_bin(const string& root_dir, bool rectified, SGBucket& b) {
// generate output file name
string base = b.gen_base_path();
string path = root_dir + "/" + base;
string extension = ".arr.new.gz";
if (rectified)
extension = ".arr.rectified.gz";
SGPath sgp( path );
sgp.append( "dummy" );
sgp.create_dir( 0755 );
string array_file = path + "/" + b.gen_index_str() + extension;
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "array_file = " << array_file );
// write the file
gzFile fp;
if ( (fp = gzopen( array_file.c_str(), "wb9" )) == NULL ) {
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "ERROR: cannot open " << array_file << " for writing!" );
int32_t header = 0x54474152; //'TGAR'
sgWriteShort(fp, rows*cols, in_data);
// write an Array file
bool TGArray::write( const string& root_dir, SGBucket& b ) {
// generate output file name
string base = b.gen_base_path();
string path = root_dir + "/" + base;
SGPath sgp( path );
sgp.append( "dummy" );
sgp.create_dir( 0755 );
string array_file = path + "/" + b.gen_index_str() + ".arr.new.gz";
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "array_file = " << array_file );
// write the file
gzFile fp;
if ( (fp = gzopen( array_file.c_str(), "wb9" )) == NULL ) {
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "ERROR: cannot open " << array_file << " for writing!" );
return false;
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "origin = " << originx << ", " << originy );
gzprintf( fp, "%d %d\n", (int)originx, (int)originy );
gzprintf( fp, "%d %d %d %d\n", cols, (int)col_step, rows, (int)row_step );
for ( int i = 0; i < cols; ++i ) {
for ( int j = 0; j < rows; ++j ) {
gzprintf( fp, "%d ", get_array_elev(i, j) );
gzprintf( fp, "\n" );
return true;
// do our best to remove voids by picking data from the nearest neighbor.
void TGArray::remove_voids( ) {
// need two passes to ensure that all voids are removed (unless entire
// array is a void.)
bool have_void = true;
int last_elev = -32768;
for ( int pass = 0; pass < 2 && have_void; ++pass ) {
// attempt to fill in any void data horizontally
for ( int i = 0; i < cols; i++ ) {
int j;
// fill in front ways
last_elev = -32768;
have_void = false;
for ( j = 0; j < rows; j++ ) {
if ( get_array_elev(i,j) > -9000 ) {
last_elev = get_array_elev(i,j) ;
} else if ( last_elev > -9000 ) {
set_array_elev(i, j, last_elev);
} else {
have_void = true;
// fill in back ways
last_elev = -32768;
have_void = false;
for ( j = rows - 1; j >= 0; j-- ) {
if ( get_array_elev(i,j) > -9000 ) {
last_elev = get_array_elev(i,j);
} else if ( last_elev > -9000 ) {
set_array_elev(i, j, last_elev);
} else {
have_void = true;
// attempt to fill in any void data vertically
for ( int j = 0; j < rows; j++ ) {
int i;
// fill in front ways
last_elev = -32768;
have_void = false;
for ( i = 0; i < cols; i++ ) {
if ( get_array_elev(i,j) > -9999 ) {
last_elev = get_array_elev(i,j);
} else if ( last_elev > -9999 ) {
set_array_elev(i, j, last_elev);
} else {
have_void = true;
// fill in back ways
last_elev = -32768;
have_void = false;
for ( i = cols - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
if ( get_array_elev(i,j) > -9999 ) {
last_elev = get_array_elev(i,j);
} else if ( last_elev > -9999 ) {
set_array_elev(i, j, last_elev);
} else {
have_void = true;
if ( have_void ) {
// after all that work we still have a void, likely the
// entire array is void. Fill in the void areas with zero
// as a panic fall back.
for ( int i = 0; i < cols; i++ ) {
for ( int j = 0; j < rows; j++ ) {
if ( get_array_elev(i,j) <= -9999 ) {
set_array_elev(i, j, 0);
// Return the elevation of the closest non-void grid point to lon, lat
// Lon, lat in arcsec
double TGArray::closest_nonvoid_elev( double lon, double lat ) const {
double mindist = 99999999999.9;
double minelev = -9999.0;
SGGeod p0 = SGGeod::fromDeg( lon/3600.0, lat/3600.0 );
for ( int row = 0; row < rows; row++ ) {
for ( int col = 0; col < cols; col++ ) {
SGGeod p1 = SGGeod::fromDeg( (originx + col * col_step)/3600.0, (originy + row * row_step)/3600.0 );
double dist = SGGeodesy::distanceM( p0, p1 );
double elev = get_array_elev(col, row);
if ( dist < mindist && elev > -9000 ) {
mindist = dist;
minelev = elev;
if ( minelev > -9999.0 ) {
return minelev;
} else {
return 0.0;
//Find and remember all points that are bad because they are
//too close to a cliff
std::vector<int> TGArray::collect_bad_points(const double bad_zone) {
std::vector<int> bad_points; //local to avoid multi-thread issues
for( int horiz=0;horiz<cols;horiz++ ) {
double lon = (originx + col_step*horiz)/3600;
for( int vert=0;vert<rows;vert++ ) {
double lat = (originy + row_step*vert)/3600;
if( is_near_cliff(lon,lat,bad_zone) ) {
return bad_points;
// Check to see if the specified grid point is bad
bool TGArray::is_bad_point(const int xgrid, const int ygrid, const std::vector<int>& bad_points) const {
int grididx;
grididx = xgrid+ygrid*cols;
auto result = std::find( std::begin(bad_points),std::end(bad_points),grididx );
if ( result != std::end(bad_points) ) return true;
return false;
//This may collide with other threads, but as they will both be writing
//the correct height, this is harmless.
void TGArray::rectify_heights( const double bad_zone ) {
double new_ht;
std::vector<int> rectified,bad_points;
int total_rectified;
bad_points = collect_bad_points( bad_zone );
do {
for ( auto pt : bad_points ) {
int ygrid = pt/cols;
int xgrid = pt - ygrid*cols;
new_ht = rectify_point( xgrid,ygrid,bad_points );
if (new_ht > -9999) {
set_array_elev( xgrid,ygrid,(int) new_ht );
total_rectified = rectified.size();
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "Rectified " << total_rectified << " points ");
if( total_rectified > 0 ) {
for( auto r : rectified ) {
bad_points.erase( std::remove( std::begin(bad_points), std::end(bad_points),r) );
} while ( total_rectified > 0 );
if( bad_points.size() > 0 ) {
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "Failed to rectify " << bad_points.size() << " points");
/* If we have cliffs, it is possible that a grid point will be too close
to the cliff. In this case, the SRTM-3 data appears to average the height
in the region of the point, which makes the height unreliable. This routine
searches for three neighbouring points that are reliable, and form a rectangle
with the target point, and calculates the height from the plane passing
through the three known points.
* * *
* x *
* * *
TODO: Handle points on the boundaries. */
double TGArray::rectify_point(const int xgrid, const int ygrid, const std::vector<int>& bad_points) const {
//xgrid: grid units horizontally
//ygrid: grid units vertically
//Loop over corner points, if no points available, give up
int corners[4][2]; //possible corners
int pt_cnt = 0;
double centre_long, centre_lat;
int original_height = get_array_elev(xgrid,ygrid);
centre_long = (originx + col_step*xgrid)/3600;
centre_lat = (originy + row_step*ygrid)/3600;
for ( int horiz = -1; horiz <= 1; horiz+=2 ) {
if (xgrid + horiz >= cols || xgrid + horiz < 0) continue; //edge of bucket
double test_long = centre_long + (col_step*horiz)/3600;
for ( int vert = -1; vert <= 1; vert+=2 ) {
if (ygrid + vert >= rows || ygrid + vert < 0) continue; //edge of bucket
double test_lat = centre_lat + (row_step*vert)/3600;
if ( !is_bad_point( xgrid+horiz,ygrid+vert,bad_points ) && //can trust height
check_points( test_long,test_lat,centre_long,centre_lat ) ) { //same side
corners[pt_cnt][0] = horiz;
corners[pt_cnt][1] = vert;
} // end of search for corners
if (pt_cnt == 0) return -9999; // no corners found
// Find two points that form a rectangle with a corner
int pt;
double height = 0;
for ( pt = 0; pt < pt_cnt; pt++ ) {
if ( !is_bad_point( xgrid+corners[pt][0],ygrid,bad_points ) &&
!is_bad_point( xgrid, ygrid+corners[pt][1],bad_points ) ) {
double test_horiz = centre_long + corners[pt][0]*col_step/3600;
double test_vert = centre_lat + corners[pt][1]*row_step/3600;
if ( check_points( test_horiz,centre_lat,centre_long,centre_lat ) &&
check_points( centre_long,test_vert,centre_long,centre_lat ) ) break;
if (pt == pt_cnt) {
// perhaps we have a concave cliff, just take the
// average of the known points
double totht = 0;
for( int pti = 0; pti <pt_cnt; pti++ ) {
totht = totht + get_array_elev( xgrid+corners[pti][0],ygrid+corners[pti][1] );
height = totht/pt_cnt;
} else {
// We have three points, calculate the height
// Set anything very negative to zero
double corner = get_array_elev( xgrid+corners[pt][0],ygrid+corners[pt][1] );
double horiz = get_array_elev( xgrid,ygrid+corners[pt][1] );
double vert = get_array_elev( xgrid+corners[pt][0],ygrid );
if ( corner < -9000 ) corner = 0;
if ( horiz < -9000 ) horiz = 0;
if ( vert < -9000 ) vert = 0;
height = horiz + ( vert - corner );
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, xgrid << "," << ygrid << ": was " << original_height << " , now " << height);
return height;
// return the current altitude based on grid data.
// TODO: We should rewrite this to interpolate exact values, but for now this is good enough
double TGArray::altitude_from_grid( double lon, double lat ) const {
// we expect incoming (lon,lat) to be in arcsec for now
double xlocal, ylocal, dx, dy, zA, zB, elev;
int x1 = 0, x2 = 0, x3 = 0;
int y1 = 0, y2 = 0, y3 = 0;
float z1, z2, z3;
int xindex, yindex;
/* determine if we are in the lower triangle or the upper triangle
| /|
| / |
| / |
|/ |
then calculate our end points
// Store in degrees for later
double londeg = lon/3600;
double latdeg = lat/3600;
xlocal = (lon - originx) / col_step;
ylocal = (lat - originy) / row_step;
xindex = (int)(xlocal);
yindex = (int)(ylocal);
if ( xindex + 1 == cols ) {
if ( yindex + 1 == rows ) {
if ( (xindex < 0) || (xindex + 1 >= cols) ||
(yindex < 0) || (yindex + 1 >= rows) ) {
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "WARNING: Attempt to interpolate value outside of array!!!" );
return -9999;
// Now check if we are on the same side of any cliffs
// Collect lat,long at corners of area
// remember the missing corner if three found
// Go around the rectangle clockwise from SW corner
int corners[4][2];
int ccnt = 0;
int missing = -1; //the missing point when 3 available
double lon1 = (originx+(xindex*col_step))/3600;
double lat1 = (originy+(yindex*row_step))/3600;
double lon2 = lon1 + col_step/3600;
double lat2 = lat1 + row_step/3600;
if ( check_points(lon1,lat1,londeg,latdeg) ) {
corners[ccnt][0] = xindex;
corners[ccnt][1] = yindex;
} else missing = 0;
if ( check_points(lon1,lat2,londeg,latdeg) ) {
corners[ccnt][0] = xindex;
corners[ccnt][1] = yindex+1;
} else missing = 1;
if ( check_points(lon2,lat2,londeg,latdeg) ) {
corners[ccnt][0] = xindex+1;
corners[ccnt][1] = yindex+1;
} else missing = 2;
if ( check_points(lon2,lat1,londeg,latdeg) ) {
corners[ccnt][0] = xindex+1;
corners[ccnt][1] = yindex;
} else missing = 3;
switch (ccnt) {
case 3: //3 points are corners of a rectangle
// choose the points so that x2 is the right angle
// and x1-x2 is the x arm of the triangle
// dx,dy are the (positive) distances from the x1 corner
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "3 points, missing #" << missing);
dx = xlocal -xindex;
dy = ylocal -yindex;
switch ( missing ) {
case 0: //SW corner missing
x1 = corners[0][0];
y1 = corners[0][1];
x2 = corners[1][0];
y2 = corners[1][1];
x3 = corners[2][0];
y3 = corners[2][1];
dy = 1 - dy;
case 1: //NW corner missing
x1 = corners[0][0];
y1 = corners[0][1];
x2 = corners[2][0];
y2 = corners[2][1];
x3 = corners[1][0];
y3 = corners[1][1];
case 2: //NE corner missing
x1 = corners[2][0];
y1 = corners[2][1];
x2 = corners[0][0];
y2 = corners[0][1];
x3 = corners[1][0];
y3 = corners[1][1];
dx = 1 - dx; //x1 is SE corner
case 3: //SE corner missing
x1 = corners[2][0];
y1 = corners[2][1];
x2 = corners[1][0];
y2 = corners[1][1];
x3 = corners[0][0];
y3 = corners[0][1];
dx = 1 - dx; //x1 is NE corner
dy = 1 - dy;
// Now do the calcs on the triangle
// We interpolate on height along x1-x2 and
// x1 - x3. Then interpolate between these
// two points along y.
z1 = get_array_elev(x1,y1);
z2 = get_array_elev(x2,y2);
z3 = get_array_elev(x3,y3);
zA = dx * (z2 - z1) + z1;
zB = dx * (z3 - z1) + z1;
if ( dx > SG_EPSILON ) {
elev = dy * (zB - zA) / dx + zA;
} else {
elev = zA;
case 2: //project onto line connecting two points
x1 = corners[0][0];
y1 = corners[0][1];
z1 = get_array_elev(x1,y1);
x2 = corners[1][0];
y2 = corners[1][1];
z2 = get_array_elev(x2,y2);
//two points are either a side of the rectangle, or
//else the diagonal
dx = xlocal - x1;
dy = ylocal - y1;
if (x1==x2) {
elev = z1+dy*(z2-z1)/(y2-y1);
else if (y1==y2) {
elev = z1+dx*(z2-z1)/(x2-x1);
else { //diagonal: project onto 45 degree line
int comp1 = x2-x1;
int comp2 = y2-y1;
double dotprod = (dx*comp1 + dy*comp2)/sqrt(2);
double projlen = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy)*dotprod;
elev = (z2-z1)*projlen/sqrt(2);
case 1: //only one point found
elev = get_array_elev( corners[0][0],corners[0][1] );
case 0: // all points on wrong side, fall through to normal calc
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_WARN, "All elevation grid points on wrong side of cliff for " << std::setprecision(10) << londeg << "," << latdeg );
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_WARN, "Grid points ("<< std::setprecision(9) << lon1 << "," << lat1 << "),("<<lon2<<","<<lat2<<")");
default: // all corners
dx = xlocal - xindex;
dy = ylocal - yindex;
if ( dx > dy ) {
// lower triangle
x1 = xindex;
y1 = yindex;
z1 = get_array_elev(x1, y1);
x2 = xindex + 1;
y2 = yindex;
z2 = get_array_elev(x2, y2);
x3 = xindex + 1;
y3 = yindex + 1;
z3 = get_array_elev(x3, y3);
if ( z1 < -9000 || z2 < -9000 || z3 < -9000 ) {
// don't interpolate off a void
return closest_nonvoid_elev( lon, lat );
zA = dx * (z2 - z1) + z1;
zB = dx * (z3 - z1) + z1;
if ( dx > SG_EPSILON ) {
elev = dy * (zB - zA) / dx + zA;
} else {
elev = zA;
} else {
// upper triangle
x1 = xindex;
y1 = yindex;
z1 = get_array_elev(x1, y1);
x2 = xindex;
y2 = yindex + 1;
z2 = get_array_elev(x2, y2);
x3 = xindex + 1;
y3 = yindex + 1;
z3 = get_array_elev(x3, y3);
if ( z1 < -9000 || z2 < -9000 || z3 < -9000 ) {
// don't interpolate off a void
return closest_nonvoid_elev( lon, lat );
zA = dy * (z2 - z1) + z1;
zB = dy * (z3 - z1) + z1;
if ( dy > SG_EPSILON ) {
elev = dx * (zB - zA) / dy + zA;
} else {
elev = zA;
return elev;
// Check that two points are on the same side of all cliff contours
// Could speed up by checking bounding box first
bool TGArray::check_points( const double lon1, const double lat1, const double lon2, const double lat2 ) const {
if ( cliffs_list.size()==0 ) return true;
if ( fabs(lon1-lon2)<SG_EPSILON && fabs(lat1-lat2)<SG_EPSILON ) return true;
SGGeod pt1 = SGGeod::fromDeg( lon1,lat1 );
SGGeod pt2 = SGGeod::fromDeg( lon2,lat2 );
bool same_side = true;
for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(cliffs_list.size()); ++i ) {
bool check_result = cliffs_list[i].AreSameSide( pt1,pt2 );
if (!check_result) {
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "Cliff " << i <<":" <<pt1 << " and " << pt2 << " on opposite sides");
same_side = false;
return same_side;
//Check that a point is more than given distance from any cliff
//Could speed up by checking bounding box
bool TGArray::is_near_cliff( const double lon1, const double lat1, const double bad_zone ) const {
if (cliffs_list.size()==0) return false;
SGGeod pt1 = SGGeod::fromDeg(lon1,lat1);
for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(cliffs_list.size()); ++i ) {
double dist = cliffs_list[i].MinDist(pt1);
if (dist < bad_zone) return true;
return false;
TGArray::~TGArray( void )
if (in_data) {
delete[] in_data;
in_data = NULL;
if (array_in) {
array_in = NULL;
if (fitted_in ) {
delete fitted_in;
fitted_in = NULL;
int TGArray::get_array_elev( int col, int row ) const
return in_data[(col * rows) + row];
void TGArray::set_array_elev( int col, int row, int val )
in_data[(col * rows) + row] = val;
bool TGArray::is_open() const
if ( array_in != NULL ) {
return true;
} else {
return false;