Just three airports crashed, and no hangs. One of the crashes is still NZSP
I don't know if I'll fix this soon. It's the south pole problem with stuff
crossing the IDL.
- Added dome debug support for generating shapefiles from TGPolygon.
This allows directly creating shapefiles instead of chopping a poly, then
having to run poly2ogr on it. The API is flexible, allowing multiple
datafiles, and layers open simutaneously, and the features in the shapefiles
have a description field that can be set.
- Added a restart-id= which allows a bash script to check the exit value of genapts,
and automatically restart on the airport after the one that crashed.
I've included an example script I have used.
- Stability fixes:
1) actually, this is both stability, and graphical fix. Some airport linear
features and polygon contours were using bezier nodes for straight lines.
When the control point lies just outside the line, the parser would attempt to
draw a 'hook' unfortunately, some of my calcs return NAN, and sometimes you just
get crazy looking polys to attempt to clip - not good.
Fix is to check cubic and quadratic nodes to see if they should really be linear.
Substitute linear segments where apropriate.
2) Along the same line as 1, There are some really short bezier segments, that were
getting subdivided into the hard coded 8 segments. Now, if the approximately linear
distance of the curve is less than 4 meters, the curve is broken into 1/2 meter segments.
Likewise, if the curve is greater than 800 meters, the curve is broken into 100 meter
3) Sometimes, during clipping, degenerate ontours are created. Although these are cleaned
before triangulation, there were still issues with generating the accumulation poly with
the union operator, causing a crash. I now simplify, and reduce degeneracy on all polys
before clipping against the accumulator.
- Extra special bonus - successful completeion of an airport is printed in green :)