1153 lines
33 KiB
1153 lines
33 KiB
// main.cxx -- top level construction routines
// Written by Curtis Olson, started March 1999.
// Copyright (C) 1999 Curtis L. Olson - curt@flightgear.org
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// $Id$
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# include <io.h>
# include <sys/types.h> // for directory reading
# include <dirent.h> // for directory reading
# include <sys/time.h> // set mem allocation limit
#ifndef _MSC_VER
# include <sys/resource.h> // set mem allocation limit
# include <unistd.h> // set mem allocation limit
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <plib/sg.h>
#include <simgear/constants.h>
#include <simgear/bucket/newbucket.hxx>
#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
#include <Geometry/poly_support.hxx>
#include <Array/array.hxx>
#include <Clipper/clipper.hxx>
#include <GenOutput/genobj.hxx>
#include <Match/match.hxx>
#include <Triangulate/triangle.hxx>
#include <landcover/landcover.hxx>
#include "construct.hxx"
vector<string> load_dirs;
// Translate USGS land cover values into TerraGear area types.
static AreaType translateUSGSCover (int usgs_value)
switch (usgs_value) {
case 1: // Urban and Built-Up Land
return BuiltUpCover;
case 2: // Dryland Cropland and Pasture
return DryCropPastureCover;
case 3: // Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
return IrrCropPastureCover;
case 4: // Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
return MixedCropPastureCover;
case 5: // Cropland/Grassland Mosaic
return CropGrassCover;
case 6: // Cropland/Woodland Mosaic
return CropWoodCover;
case 7: // Grassland
return GrassCover;
case 8: // Shrubland
return ShrubCover;
case 9: // Mixed Shrubland/Grassland
return ShrubGrassCover;
case 10: // Savanna
return SavannaCover;
case 11: // Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
return DeciduousBroadCover;
case 12: // Deciduous Needleleaf Forest
return DeciduousNeedleCover;
case 13: // Evergreen Broadleaf Forest
return EvergreenBroadCover;
case 14: // Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
return EvergreenNeedleCover;
case 15: // Mixed Forest
return MixedForestCover;
case 16: // Water Bodies
// FIXME: use the type of an adjoining area if possible
// return WaterBodyCover;
return DefaultArea;
case 17: // Herbaceous Wetland
return HerbWetlandCover;
case 18: // Wooded Wetland
return WoodedWetlandCover;
case 19: // Barren or Sparsely Vegetated
return BarrenCover;
case 20: // Herbaceous Tundra
return HerbTundraCover;
case 21: // Wooded Tundra
return WoodedTundraCover;
case 22: // Mixed Tundra
return MixedTundraCover;
case 23: // Bare Ground Tundra
return BareTundraCover;
case 24: // Snow or Ice
return SnowCover;
default: // Unknown
return DefaultArea;
// Scan a directory and load polygon files.
static int actual_load_polys( const string& dir,
FGConstruct& c,
FGClipper& clipper ) {
int counter = 0;
string base = c.get_bucket().gen_base_path();
string tile_str = c.get_bucket().gen_index_str();
string ext;
string file, f_index, full_path;
int pos;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
long hfile;
struct _finddata_t de;
string path;
path = dir + "/*.*";
if ( ( hfile = _findfirst( path.c_str(), &de ) ) == -1 ) {
cout << "cannot open directory " << dir << "\n";
return 0;
// load all matching polygon files
do {
file = de.name;
pos = file.find(".");
f_index = file.substr(0, pos);
if ( tile_str == f_index ) {
ext = file.substr(pos + 1);
cout << file << " " << f_index << " '" << ext << "'" << endl;
full_path = dir + "/" + file;
if ( (ext == "dem") || (ext == "dem.gz") ) {
// skip
} else if (ext == "osgb36") {
cout << "Loading osgb36 poly definition file\n";
clipper.load_osgb36_polys( full_path );
} else {
cout << "ext = '" << ext << "'" << endl;
clipper.load_polys( full_path );
} while ( _findnext( hfile, &de ) == 0 );
DIR *d;
struct dirent *de;
if ( (d = opendir( dir.c_str() )) == NULL ) {
cout << "cannot open directory " << dir << "\n";
return 0;
// load all matching polygon files
while ( (de = readdir(d)) != NULL ) {
file = de->d_name;
pos = file.find(".");
f_index = file.substr(0, pos);
if ( tile_str == f_index ) {
ext = file.substr(pos + 1);
cout << file << " " << f_index << " '" << ext << "'" << endl;
full_path = dir + "/" + file;
if ( (ext == "dem") || (ext == "dem.gz") || (ext == "ind") ) {
// skip
} else if (ext == "osgb36") {
cout << "Loading osgb36 poly definition file\n";
clipper.load_osgb36_polys( full_path );
} else {
cout << "ext = '" << ext << "'" << endl;
clipper.load_polys( full_path );
return counter;
// Add a polygon to a list, merging if possible.
// Merge a polygon with an existing one if possible, append a new one
// otherwise; this function is used by actual_load_landcover, below,
// to reduce the number of separate polygons.
static void inline add_to_polys ( FGPolygon &accum, const FGPolygon &poly) {
if ( accum.contours() > 0 ) {
accum = polygon_union( accum, poly );
} else {
accum = poly;
// make the area specified area, look up the land cover type, and add
// it to polys
static void make_area( const LandCover &cover, FGPolygon *polys,
double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2,
double half_dx, double half_dy )
// Look up the land cover for the square
int cover_value = cover.getValue( x1 + half_dx, y1 + half_dy );
cout << " position: " << x1 << ',' << y1 << ','
<< cover.getDescUSGS(cover_value) << endl;
AreaType area = translateUSGSCover(cover_value);
if (area != DefaultArea) {
// Create a square polygon and merge it into the list.
FGPolygon poly;
poly.add_node(0, Point3D(x1, y1, 0.0));
poly.add_node(0, Point3D(x1, y2, 0.0));
poly.add_node(0, Point3D(x2, y2, 0.0));
poly.add_node(0, Point3D(x2, y1, 0.0));
add_to_polys(polys[area], poly);
// Generate polygons from la and-cover raster. Horizontally- or
// vertically-adjacent polygons will be merged automatically.
static int actual_load_landcover ( FGConstruct & c,
FGClipper &clipper ) {
LandCover cover(c.get_cover());
int count = 0;
FGPolygon polys[FG_MAX_AREA_TYPES];
FGPolygon poly; // working polygon
double dx = 1.0 / 120.0;
double dy = dx;
double half_dx = dx * 0.5;
double half_dy = half_dx;
double quarter_dx = dx * 0.25;
double quarter_dy = quarter_dx;
// Get the top corner of the tile
double base_lon = c.get_bucket().get_center_lon()
- 0.5 * c.get_bucket().get_width()
- quarter_dx;
double base_lat = c.get_bucket().get_center_lat()
- 0.5 * c.get_bucket().get_height()
- quarter_dy;
cout << "DPM: tile at " << base_lon << ',' << base_lat << endl;
double max_lon = c.get_bucket().get_center_lon() +
(0.5 * c.get_bucket().get_width());
double max_lat = c.get_bucket().get_center_lat() +
(0.5 * c.get_bucket().get_height());
// Figure out how many units wide and high this tile is; each unit
// is 30 arc seconds.
// int x_span = int(120 * bucket_span(base_lat)); // arcsecs of longitude
// int y_span = int(120 * FG_BUCKET_SPAN); // arcsecs of latitude
double x1 = base_lon;
double y1 = base_lat;
double x2 = x1 + dx;
double y2 = y1 + dy;
while ( x1 < max_lon ) {
while ( y1 < max_lat ) {
make_area( cover, polys, x1, y1, x2, y2, half_dx, half_dy );
y1 = y2;
y2 += dy;
x1 = x2;
x2 += dx;
y1 = base_lat;
y2 = y1 + dy;
// Now that we're finished looking up land cover, we have a list
// of lists of polygons, one (possibly-empty) list for each area
// type. Add the remaining polygons to the clipper.
for ( int i = 0; i < FG_MAX_AREA_TYPES; i++ ) {
if ( polys[i].contours() ) {
clipper.add_poly( i, polys[i] );
// Return the number of polygons actually read.
return count;
// load all 2d polygons from the specified load disk directories and
// clip against each other to resolve any overlaps
static int load_polys( FGConstruct& c ) {
FGClipper clipper;
int i;
string base = c.get_bucket().gen_base_path();
string poly_path;
int count = 0;
// initialize clipper
// load 2D polygons from all directories provided
for ( i = 0; i < (int)load_dirs.size(); ++i ) {
poly_path = load_dirs[i] + '/' + base;
cout << "poly_path = " << poly_path << endl;
count += actual_load_polys( poly_path, c, clipper );
cout << " loaded " << count << " total polys" << endl;
// Load the land use polygons if the --cover option was specified
if ( c.get_cover().size() > 0 ) {
count += actual_load_landcover (c, clipper);
point2d min, max;
min.x = c.get_bucket().get_center_lon() - 0.5 * c.get_bucket().get_width();
min.y = c.get_bucket().get_center_lat() - 0.5 * c.get_bucket().get_height();
max.x = c.get_bucket().get_center_lon() + 0.5 * c.get_bucket().get_width();
max.y = c.get_bucket().get_center_lat() + 0.5 * c.get_bucket().get_height();
// do clipping
cout << "clipping polygons" << endl;
clipper.clip_all(min, max);
// update main data repository
c.set_clipped_polys( clipper.get_polys_clipped() );
return count;
// Load elevation data from a DEM file, a regular grid of elevation
// data--dem based) and return list of fitted nodes.
static int load_dem( FGConstruct& c, FGArray& array) {
point_list result;
string base = c.get_bucket().gen_base_path();
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < (int)load_dirs.size(); ++i ) {
string dem_path = load_dirs[i] + "/" + base
+ "/" + c.get_bucket().gen_index_str() + ".dem";
cout << "dem_path = " << dem_path << endl;
if ( array.open(dem_path) ) {
cout << "Found DEM file " << dem_path << endl;
} else {
cout << "Failed to open DEM file " << dem_path << endl;
SGBucket b = c.get_bucket();
array.parse( b );
return 1;
// fit dem nodes, return number of fitted nodes
static int fit_dem(FGArray& array, int error) {
return array.fit( error );
// triangulate the data for each polygon ( first time before splitting )
static void first_triangulate( FGConstruct& c, const FGArray& array,
FGTriangle& t ) {
// first we need to consolidate the points of the DEM fit list and
// all the polygons into a more "Triangle" friendly format
point_list corner_list = array.get_corner_node_list();
point_list fit_list = array.get_fit_node_list();
FGPolyList gpc_polys = c.get_clipped_polys();
cout << "ready to build node list and polygons" << endl;
t.build( corner_list, fit_list, gpc_polys );
cout << "done building node list and polygons" << endl;
cout << "ready to do triangulation" << endl;
t.run_triangulate( c.get_angle(), 1 );
cout << "finished triangulation" << endl;
// triangulate the data for each polygon ( second time after splitting
// and reassembling )
static void second_triangulate( FGConstruct& c, FGTriangle& t ) {
t.rebuild( c );
cout << "done re building node list and polygons" << endl;
cout << "ready to do second triangulation" << endl;
cout << " (pre) nodes = " << c.get_tri_nodes().size() << endl;
cout << " (pre) normals = " << c.get_point_normals().size() << endl;
t.run_triangulate( c.get_angle(), 2 );
cout << " (post) nodes = " << t.get_out_nodes().size() << endl;
cout << "finished second triangulation" << endl;
// calculate distance based on x,y only
static double distance2D( const Point3D p1, const Point3D p2 ) {
double dx = p1.x() - p2.x();
double dy = p1.y() - p2.y();
return sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy );
// fix the elevations of the geodetic nodes
static void fix_point_heights( FGConstruct& c, const FGArray& array ) {
int i;
double z;
cout << "fixing node heights" << endl;
point_list raw_nodes = c.get_tri_nodes().get_node_list();
for ( i = 0; i < (int)raw_nodes.size(); ++i ) {
z = array.interpolate_altitude( raw_nodes[i].x() * 3600.0,
raw_nodes[i].y() * 3600.0 );
// cout << " old z = " << raw_nodes[i].z() << " new z = " << z
// << endl;
if ( raw_nodes[i].z() != z ) {
cout << " DIFFERENT" << endl;
raw_nodes[i].setz( z );
cout << "flattening ocean connected nodes" << endl;
triele_list tris = c.get_tri_elements();
FGTriEle t;
Point3D p;
AreaType a;
int n1, n2, n3;
for ( int count = 0; count < 3; ++count ) {
for ( i = 0; i < (int)tris.size(); ++i ) {
double e1, e2, e3, ave, min;
t = tris[i];
n1 = t.get_n1();
n2 = t.get_n2();
n3 = t.get_n3();
a = (AreaType)((int)(t.get_attribute()));
// scale elevation of all water nodes based on the average
// of the elevations of the nodes of the triangle of which
// they are a member. This could really suck for certain
// cases, but it is my first stab at something reasonable.
// It might be better to eventually iterate, and allow
// some flexibility in elevations to handle rivers and
// things like that.
if ( (a == LakeArea) || (a == ReservoirArea) ) {
e1 = raw_nodes[n1].z();
e2 = raw_nodes[n2].z();
e3 = raw_nodes[n3].z();
min = e1; p = raw_nodes[n1];
if ( e2 < min ) { min = e2; p = raw_nodes[n2]; }
if ( e3 < min ) { min = e3; p = raw_nodes[n3]; }
ave = (e1 + e2 + e3) / 3.0;
raw_nodes[n1].setz( min );
raw_nodes[n2].setz( min );
raw_nodes[n3].setz( min );
} else if ( (a == StreamArea) || (a == CanalArea) ) {
e1 = raw_nodes[n1].z();
e2 = raw_nodes[n2].z();
e3 = raw_nodes[n3].z();
min = e1; p = raw_nodes[n1];
if ( e2 < min ) { min = e2; p = raw_nodes[n2]; }
if ( e3 < min ) { min = e3; p = raw_nodes[n3]; }
double d1 = distance2D( p, raw_nodes[n1] );
double d2 = distance2D( p, raw_nodes[n2] );
double d3 = distance2D( p, raw_nodes[n3] );
double max1 = 1000.0 * d1 + min;
double max2 = 1000.0 * d2 + min;
double max3 = 1000.0 * d3 + min;
if ( max1 < e1 ) { raw_nodes[n1].setz( max1 ); }
if ( max2 < e2 ) { raw_nodes[n2].setz( max2 ); }
if ( max3 < e3 ) { raw_nodes[n3].setz( max3 ); }
for ( i = 0; i < (int)tris.size(); ++i ) {
// set all ocean nodes to 0.0
t = tris[i];
n1 = t.get_n1();
n2 = t.get_n2();
n3 = t.get_n3();
a = (AreaType)((int)(t.get_attribute()));
if ( a == OceanArea ) {
raw_nodes[n1].setz( 0.0 );
raw_nodes[n2].setz( 0.0 );
raw_nodes[n3].setz( 0.0 );
FGTriNodes tmp;
tmp.set_node_list( raw_nodes );
c.set_tri_nodes( tmp );
// build the wgs-84 point list
static void build_wgs_84_point_list( FGConstruct& c, const FGArray& array ) {
point_list geod_nodes;
point_list wgs84_nodes;
int i;
cout << "generating wgs84 list" << endl;
Point3D geod, radians, cart;
point_list raw_nodes = c.get_tri_nodes().get_node_list();
for ( i = 0; i < (int)raw_nodes.size(); ++i ) {
geod = raw_nodes[i];
// convert to radians
radians = Point3D( geod.x() * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS,
geod.z() );
cart = sgGeodToCart(radians);
// cout << cart << endl;
c.set_geod_nodes( geod_nodes );
c.set_wgs84_nodes( wgs84_nodes );
// build the node -> element (triangle) reverse lookup table. there
// is an entry for each point containing a list of all the triangles
// that share that point.
static belongs_to_list gen_node_ele_lookup_table( FGConstruct& c ) {
belongs_to_list reverse_ele_lookup;
int_list ele_list;
// initialize reverse_ele_lookup structure by creating an empty
// list for each point
point_list wgs84_nodes = c.get_wgs84_nodes();
const_point_list_iterator w_current = wgs84_nodes.begin();
const_point_list_iterator w_last = wgs84_nodes.end();
for ( ; w_current != w_last; ++w_current ) {
reverse_ele_lookup.push_back( ele_list );
// traverse triangle structure building reverse lookup table
triele_list tri_elements = c.get_tri_elements();
const_triele_list_iterator current = tri_elements.begin();
const_triele_list_iterator last = tri_elements.end();
int counter = 0;
for ( ; current != last; ++current ) {
reverse_ele_lookup[ current->get_n1() ].push_back( counter );
reverse_ele_lookup[ current->get_n2() ].push_back( counter );
reverse_ele_lookup[ current->get_n3() ].push_back( counter );
return reverse_ele_lookup;
// caclulate the area for the specified triangle face
static double tri_ele_area( const FGConstruct& c, const FGTriEle tri ) {
point_list nodes = c.get_geod_nodes();
Point3D p1 = nodes[ tri.get_n1() ];
Point3D p2 = nodes[ tri.get_n2() ];
Point3D p3 = nodes[ tri.get_n3() ];
return triangle_area( p1, p2, p3 );
// caclulate the normal for the specified triangle face
static Point3D calc_normal( FGConstruct& c, int i ) {
sgVec3 v1, v2, normal;
point_list wgs84_nodes = c.get_wgs84_nodes();
triele_list tri_elements = c.get_tri_elements();
Point3D p1 = wgs84_nodes[ tri_elements[i].get_n1() ];
Point3D p2 = wgs84_nodes[ tri_elements[i].get_n2() ];
Point3D p3 = wgs84_nodes[ tri_elements[i].get_n3() ];
// do some sanity checking. With the introduction of landuse
// areas, we can get some long skinny triangles that blow up our
// "normal" calculations here. Let's check for really small
// triangle areas and check if one dimension of the triangle
// coordinates is nearly coincident. If so, assign the "default"
// normal of straight up.
bool degenerate = false;
const double area_eps = 1.0e-12;
double area = tri_ele_area( c, tri_elements[i] );
// cout << " area = " << area << endl;
if ( area < area_eps ) {
degenerate = true;
// cout << " " << p1 << endl;
// cout << " " << p2 << endl;
// cout << " " << p3 << endl;
if ( fabs(p1.x() - p2.x()) < SG_EPSILON &&
fabs(p1.x() - p3.x()) < SG_EPSILON ) {
degenerate = true;
if ( fabs(p1.y() - p2.y()) < SG_EPSILON &&
fabs(p1.y() - p3.y()) < SG_EPSILON ) {
degenerate = true;
if ( fabs(p1.z() - p2.z()) < SG_EPSILON &&
fabs(p1.z() - p3.z()) < SG_EPSILON ) {
degenerate = true;
if ( degenerate ) {
sgSetVec3( normal, p1.x(), p1.y(), p1.z() );
sgNormalizeVec3( normal );
cout << "Degenerate tri!" << endl;
} else {
v1[0] = p2.x() - p1.x();
v1[1] = p2.y() - p1.y();
v1[2] = p2.z() - p1.z();
v2[0] = p3.x() - p1.x();
v2[1] = p3.y() - p1.y();
v2[2] = p3.z() - p1.z();
sgVectorProductVec3( normal, v1, v2 );
sgNormalizeVec3( normal );
return Point3D( normal[0], normal[1], normal[2] );
// build the face normal list
static point_list gen_face_normals( FGConstruct& c ) {
point_list face_normals;
// traverse triangle structure building the face normal table
cout << "calculating face normals" << endl;
triele_list tri_elements = c.get_tri_elements();
for ( int i = 0; i < (int)tri_elements.size(); i++ ) {
Point3D p = calc_normal(c, i );
cout << p << endl;
face_normals.push_back( p );
return face_normals;
// calculate the normals for each point in wgs84_nodes
static point_list gen_point_normals( FGConstruct& c ) {
point_list point_normals;
Point3D normal;
cout << "calculating node normals" << endl;
point_list wgs84_nodes = c.get_wgs84_nodes();
belongs_to_list reverse_ele_lookup = c.get_reverse_ele_lookup();
point_list face_normals = c.get_face_normals();
triele_list tri_elements = c.get_tri_elements();
// for each node
for ( int i = 0; i < (int)wgs84_nodes.size(); ++i ) {
int_list tri_list = reverse_ele_lookup[i];
double total_area = 0.0;
Point3D average( 0.0 );
// for each triangle that shares this node
for ( int j = 0; j < (int)tri_list.size(); ++j ) {
normal = face_normals[ tri_list[j] ];
double area = tri_ele_area( c, tri_elements[ tri_list[j] ] );
normal *= area; // scale normal weight relative to area
total_area += area;
average += normal;
// cout << normal << endl;
average /= total_area;
cout << "average = " << average << endl;
point_normals.push_back( average );
cout << "1st" << endl;
cout << "wgs84 node list size = " << wgs84_nodes.size() << endl;
cout << "normal list size = " << point_normals.size() << endl;
return point_normals;
// generate the flight gear scenery file
static void do_output( FGConstruct& c, FGGenOutput& output ) {
output.build( c );
output.write( c );
// collect custom objects and move to scenery area
static void do_custom_objects( const FGConstruct& c ) {
SGBucket b = c.get_bucket();
for ( int i = 0; i < (int)load_dirs.size(); ++i ) {
string base_dir = load_dirs[i] + "/" + b.gen_base_path();
string index_file = base_dir + "/" + b.gen_index_str() + ".ind";
cout << "collecting custom objects from " << index_file << endl;
string output_base = c.get_output_base();
string dest_dir = output_base + "/Scenery/" + b.gen_base_path();
string dest_ind = dest_dir + "/" + b.gen_index_str() + ".ind";
sg_gzifstream in( index_file );
if ( ! in.is_open() ) {
cout << "No custom objects" << endl;
} else {
FILE *fp;
if ( (fp = fopen( dest_ind.c_str(), "w" )) == NULL ) {
cout << "ERROR: opening " << dest_ind << " for writing!" << endl;
string token, name;
while ( ! in.eof() ) {
in >> token;
in >> name;
in >> skipws;
cout << "token = " << token << " name = " << name << endl;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
string command = "copy " + base_dir + "/" + name + ".gz "
+ dest_dir;
string command = "cp " + base_dir + "/" + name + ".gz "
+ dest_dir;
cout << "running " << command << endl;
system( command.c_str() );
fprintf(fp, "OBJECT %s\n", name.c_str());
// master construction routine
static void construct_tile( FGConstruct& c ) {
cout << "Construct tile, bucket = " << c.get_bucket() << endl;
// fit with ever increasing error tolerance until we produce <=
// 80% of max nodes. We should really have the sim end handle
// arbitrarily complex tiles.
bool acceptable = false;
bool growing = false;
bool shrinking = false;
double error = 200.0;
int count = 0;
// load and clip 2d polygon data
if ( load_polys( c ) == 0 ) {
// don't build the tile if there is no 2d data ... it *must*
// be ocean and the sim can build the tile on the fly.
// load grid of elevation data (dem)
FGArray array;
load_dem( c, array );
FGTriangle t;
while ( ! acceptable ) {
// do a least squares fit of the (dem) data with the given
// error tolerance
array.fit( error );
// triangulate the data for each polygon
first_triangulate( c, array, t );
acceptable = true;
count = t.get_out_nodes_size();
if ( (count < c.get_min_nodes()) && (error >= 25.0) ) {
// reduce error tolerance until number of points exceeds the
// minimum threshold
cout << "produced too few nodes ..." << endl;
acceptable = false;
growing = true;
if ( shrinking ) {
error /= 1.25;
shrinking = false;
} else {
error /= 1.5;
cout << "Setting error to " << error << " and retrying fit."
<< endl;
if ( count > c.get_max_nodes() ) {
if ( error <= 1000.0 ) {
// increase error tolerance until number of points drops below
// the maximum threshold
cout << "produced too many nodes ..." << endl;
acceptable = false;
shrinking = true;
if ( growing ) {
error *= 1.25;
growing = false;
} else {
error *= 1.5;
cout << "Setting error to " << error << " and retrying fit."
<< endl;
} else {
// we tried, but can't seem to get down to a
// reasonable number of points even with a huge error
// tolerance. This could be related to the triangle()
// call which might be having trouble with our input
// set. Let's just die hope that our parent can try
// again with a smaller interior triangle angle.
cout << "Error: Too many nodes." << endl;
cout << "finished fit with error = " << error << " node count = "
<< count << endl;
// save the results of the triangulation
c.set_tri_nodes( t.get_out_nodes() );
c.set_tri_elements( t.get_elelist() );
c.set_tri_segs( t.get_out_segs() );
// calculate wgs84 (cartesian) form of node list
fix_point_heights( c, array );
build_wgs_84_point_list( c, array );
// build the node -> element (triangle) reverse lookup table
c.set_reverse_ele_lookup( gen_node_ele_lookup_table( c ) );
// build the face normal list
c.set_face_normals( gen_face_normals( c ) );
// calculate the normals for each point in wgs84_nodes
c.set_point_normals( gen_point_normals( c ) );
// match tile edges with any neighbor tiles that have already been
// generated
FGMatch m;
m.load_neighbor_shared( c );
m.split_tile( c );
m.write_shared( c );
m.assemble_tile( c );
// now we must retriangulate the pasted together tile points
second_triangulate( c, t );
// save the results of the triangulation
c.set_tri_nodes( t.get_out_nodes() );
c.set_tri_elements( t.get_elelist() );
c.set_tri_segs( t.get_out_segs() );
// double check on the off chance that the triangulator was forced
// to introduce additional points
if ( c.get_tri_nodes().size() > c.get_point_normals().size() ) {
cout << "oops, need to add normals :-(" << endl;
point_list normals = c.get_point_normals();
int start = normals.size();
int end = c.get_tri_nodes().size();
for ( int i = start; i < end; ++i ) {
cout << "adding a normal for " << c.get_tri_nodes().get_node(i)
<< endl;
Point3D p = tgFakeNormal( c.get_tri_nodes().get_node(i) );
normals.push_back( p );
c.set_point_normals( normals );
// calculate wgs84 (cartesian) form of node list
build_wgs_84_point_list( c, array );
// generate the output
FGGenOutput output;
do_output( c, output );
// collect custom objects and move to scenery area
do_custom_objects( c );
// display usage and exit
static void usage( const string name ) {
cout << "Usage: " << name << endl;
cout << "[ --output-dir=<directory>" << endl;
cout << " --work-dir=<directory>" << endl;
cout << " --cover=<path to land-cover raster>" << endl;
cout << " --min-angle=<angle>" << endl;
cout << " --tile-id=<id>" << endl;
cout << " --lon=<degrees>" << endl;
cout << " --lat=<degrees>" << endl;
cout << " --xdist=<degrees>" << endl;
cout << " --ydist=<degrees>" << endl;
cout << " --useUKgrid" << endl;
cout << " ] <load directory...>" << endl;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
string output_dir = ".";
string work_dir = ".";
string min_angle = "10";
string cover = "";
double lon = -110.664244; // P13
double lat = 33.352890;
double xdist = -1; // 1/2 degree in each direction
double ydist = -1;
long tile_id = -1;
// flag indicating whether UK grid should be used for in-UK
// texture coordinate generation
bool useUKgrid = false;
sglog().setLogLevels( SG_ALL, SG_DEBUG );
// Parse the command-line arguments.
int arg_pos;
for (arg_pos = 1; arg_pos < argc; arg_pos++) {
string arg = argv[arg_pos];
if (arg.find("--output-dir=") == 0) {
output_dir = arg.substr(13);
} else if (arg.find("--work-dir=") == 0) {
work_dir = arg.substr(11);
} else if (arg.find("--min-angle=") == 0) {
min_angle = arg.substr(12);
} else if (arg.find("--tile-id=") == 0) {
tile_id = atol(arg.substr(10).c_str());
} else if (arg.find("--lon=") == 0) {
lon = atof(arg.substr(6).c_str());
} else if (arg.find("--lat=") == 0) {
lat = atof(arg.substr(6).c_str());
} else if (arg.find("--xdist=") == 0) {
xdist = atof(arg.substr(8).c_str());
} else if (arg.find("--ydist=") == 0) {
ydist = atof(arg.substr(8).c_str());
} else if (arg.find("--cover=") == 0) {
cover = arg.substr(8);
} else if (arg.find("--useUKgrid") == 0) {
useUKgrid = true;
} else if (arg.find("--") == 0) {
} else {
cout << "Output directory is " << output_dir << endl;
cout << "Working directory is " << work_dir << endl;
cout << "Minimum angle is " << min_angle << endl;
cout << "Tile id is " << tile_id << endl;
cout << "Center longitude is " << lon << endl;
cout << "Center latitude is " << lat << endl;
cout << "X distance is " << xdist << endl;
cout << "Y distance is " << ydist << endl;
for (int i = arg_pos; i < argc; i++) {
cout << "Load directory: " << argv[i] << endl;
#if defined( __CYGWIN__ ) || defined( __CYGWIN32__ ) || defined( _MSC_VER )
// the next bit crashes Cygwin for me - DCL
// MSVC does not have the function or variable type defined - BRF
// set mem allocation limit. Reason: occasionally the triangle()
// routine can blow up and allocate memory forever. We'd like
// this process to die before things get out of hand so we can try
// again with a smaller interior angle limit.
int result;
struct rlimit limit;
limit.rlim_cur = 20000000;
limit.rlim_max = 20000000;
result = setrlimit( RLIMIT_DATA, &limit );
cout << "result of setting mem limit = " << result << endl;
result = setrlimit( RLIMIT_STACK, &limit );
cout << "result of setting mem limit = " << result << endl;
result = setrlimit( RLIMIT_CORE, &limit );
cout << "result of setting mem limit = " << result << endl;
result = setrlimit( RLIMIT_RSS, &limit );
cout << "result of setting mem limit = " << result << endl;
// cpu time limit since occassionally the triangulator can go into
// an infinite loop.
limit.rlim_cur = 120;
limit.rlim_max = 120;
result = setrlimit( RLIMIT_CPU, &limit );
cout << "result of setting mem limit = " << result << endl;
#endif // end of stuff that crashes Cygwin
// main construction data management class
FGConstruct c;
c.set_angle( min_angle );
c.set_cover( cover );
c.set_work_base( work_dir );
c.set_output_base( output_dir );
c.set_useUKGrid( useUKgrid );
c.set_min_nodes( 50 );
c.set_max_nodes( (int)(FG_MAX_NODES * 0.8) );
if (tile_id == -1) {
if (xdist == -1 || ydist == -1) {
// construct the tile around the specified location
cout << "Building single tile at " << lat << ',' << lon << endl;
SGBucket b( lon, lat );
c.set_bucket( b );
construct_tile( c );
} else {
// build all the tiles in an area
cout << "Building tile(s) at " << lat << ',' << lon
<< " with x distance " << xdist
<< " and y distance " << ydist << endl;
double min_x = lon - xdist;
double min_y = lat - ydist;
SGBucket b_min( min_x, min_y );
SGBucket b_max( lon + xdist, lat + ydist );
SGBucket b_start(550401L);
bool do_tile = true;
if ( b_min == b_max ) {
c.set_bucket( b_min );
construct_tile( c );
} else {
SGBucket b_cur;
int dx, dy, i, j;
sgBucketDiff(b_min, b_max, &dx, &dy);
cout << " construction area spans tile boundaries" << endl;
cout << " dx = " << dx << " dy = " << dy << endl;
for ( j = 0; j <= dy; j++ ) {
for ( i = 0; i <= dx; i++ ) {
b_cur = sgBucketOffset(min_x, min_y, i, j);
if ( b_cur == b_start ) {
do_tile = true;
if ( do_tile ) {
c.set_bucket( b_cur );
construct_tile( c );
} else {
cout << "skipping " << b_cur << endl;
// string answer; cin >> answer;
} else {
// construct the specified tile
cout << "Building tile " << tile_id << endl;
SGBucket b( tile_id );
c.set_bucket( b );
construct_tile( c );
cout << "[Finished successfully]" << endl;
return 0;