Fork 0

More incremental work towards automatically generating runway lights.

This commit is contained in:
curt 2002-03-13 03:51:39 +00:00
parent 5c19f61da1
commit a22b83516b
3 changed files with 93 additions and 27 deletions

View file

@ -560,10 +560,10 @@ void build_airport( string airport_raw, string_list& runways_raw,
// 5th pass: generate runway/taxiway lights
point_list rwy_lights;
point_list rwy_lights; rwy_lights.clear();
point_list rwy_light_normals; rwy_light_normals.clear();
for ( i = 0; i < (int)runways.size(); ++i ) {
gen_runway_lights( runways[i], &rwy_lights );
gen_runway_lights( runways[i], &rwy_lights, &rwy_light_normals );
// generate convex hull (no longer)
@ -755,26 +755,46 @@ void build_airport( string airport_raw, string_list& runways_raw,
// traverse the tri list and create ordered node and texture
// coordinate lists
FGTriNodes nodes, texcoords;
FGTriNodes nodes, normals, texcoords;
group_list pts_v; pts_v.clear();
group_list pts_n; pts_n.clear();
string_list pt_materials; pt_materials.clear();
group_list tris_v; tris_v.clear();
group_list tris_n; tris_n.clear();
group_list tris_tc; tris_tc.clear();
string_list tri_materials; tri_materials.clear();
group_list strips_v; strips_v.clear();
group_list strips_n; strips_n.clear();
group_list strips_tc; strips_tc.clear();
string_list strip_materials; strip_materials.clear();
Point3D tc;
int index;
int_list pt_v, tri_v, strip_v;
int_list pt_n, tri_n, strip_n;
int_list tri_tc, strip_tc;
// calculate "the" normal for this airport
p.setx( base_tris.get_pt(0, 0).x() * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS );
p.sety( base_tris.get_pt(0, 0).y() * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS );
p.setz( 0 );
Point3D vnt = sgGeodToCart( p );
// cout << "geod = " << p << endl;
// cout << "cart = " << tmp << endl;
sgdVec3 tmp;
sgdSetVec3( tmp, vnt.x(), vnt.y(), vnt.z() );
sgdNormalizeVec3( tmp );
Point3D vn( tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2] );
cout << "found normal for this airport = " << tmp << endl;
for ( k = 0; k < (int)rwy_polys.size(); ++k ) {
cout << "tri " << k << endl;
// FGPolygon tri_poly = rwy_tris[k];
@ -786,16 +806,23 @@ void build_airport( string airport_raw, string_list& runways_raw,
cout << "texs size = " << tri_txs.contours() << endl;
for ( i = 0; i < tri_poly.contours(); ++i ) {
for ( j = 0; j < tri_poly.contour_size(i); ++j ) {
p = tri_poly.get_pt( i, j );
index = nodes.unique_add( p );
tri_v.push_back( index );
// use 'the' normal
index = normals.unique_add( vn );
tri_n.push_back( index );
tc = tri_txs.get_pt( i, j );
index = texcoords.unique_add( tc );
tri_tc.push_back( index );
tris_v.push_back( tri_v );
tris_n.push_back( tri_n );
tris_tc.push_back( tri_tc );
tri_materials.push_back( material );
@ -806,13 +833,18 @@ void build_airport( string airport_raw, string_list& runways_raw,
int_list base_tc;
for ( i = 0; i < base_tris.contours(); ++i ) {
for ( j = 0; j < base_tris.contour_size(i); ++j ) {
p = base_tris.get_pt( i, j );
index = nodes.unique_add( p );
tri_v.push_back( index );
index = normals.unique_add( vn );
tri_n.push_back( index);
tris_v.push_back( tri_v );
tris_n.push_back( tri_n );
tri_materials.push_back( "Grass" );
@ -840,6 +872,7 @@ void build_airport( string airport_raw, string_list& runways_raw,
for ( i = 0; i < divided_base.contours(); ++i ) {
// prime the pump ...
@ -852,6 +885,9 @@ void build_airport( string airport_raw, string_list& runways_raw,
geod_nodes.push_back( lower );
strip_v.push_back( uindex );
strip_v.push_back( lindex );
index = normals.unique_add( vn );
strip_n.push_back( index );
} else {
cout << "Ooops missing node when building skirt ... dying!"
<< endl;
@ -869,6 +905,9 @@ void build_airport( string airport_raw, string_list& runways_raw,
geod_nodes.push_back( lower );
strip_v.push_back( lindex );
strip_v.push_back( uindex );
index = normals.unique_add( vn );
strip_n.push_back( index );
} else {
cout << "Ooops missing node when building skirt ... dying!"
<< endl;
@ -886,6 +925,9 @@ void build_airport( string airport_raw, string_list& runways_raw,
geod_nodes.push_back( lower );
strip_v.push_back( lindex );
strip_v.push_back( uindex );
index = normals.unique_add( vn );
strip_n.push_back( index );
} else {
cout << "Ooops missing node when building skirt ... dying!"
<< endl;
@ -893,6 +935,7 @@ void build_airport( string airport_raw, string_list& runways_raw,
strips_v.push_back( strip_v );
strips_n.push_back( strip_n );
strip_materials.push_back( "Grass" );
@ -924,8 +967,8 @@ void build_airport( string airport_raw, string_list& runways_raw,
// this is a little round about, but what we want to calculate the
// light node elevations as ground + an offset so we do them
// seperately, then we add them back into nodes to get the index
// out, but also geod_nodes to maintain consistancy between these
// two lists.
// out, but also add them to geod_nodes to maintain consistancy
// between these two lists.
for ( i = 0; i < (int)geod_light_nodes.size(); ++i ) {
p = geod_light_nodes[i];
@ -933,9 +976,13 @@ void build_airport( string airport_raw, string_list& runways_raw,
index = nodes.simple_add( p );
pt_v.push_back( index );
geod_nodes.push_back( p );
index = normals.simple_add( rwy_light_normals[i] );
pt_n.push_back( index );
pts_v.push_back( pt_v );
pt_materials.push_back( "LIGHTS" );
pts_n.push_back( pt_n );
pt_materials.push_back( "RWY_LIGHTS" );
// calculate wgs84 mapping of nodes
point_list wgs84_nodes;
@ -948,24 +995,9 @@ void build_airport( string airport_raw, string_list& runways_raw,
float gbs_radius = sgCalcBoundingRadius( gbs_center, wgs84_nodes );
cout << "Done with wgs84 node mapping" << endl;
// calculate normal for this airport
p.setx( base_tris.get_pt(0, 0).x() * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS );
p.sety( base_tris.get_pt(0, 0).y() * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS );
p.setz( 0 );
Point3D tmp = sgGeodToCart( p );
// cout << "geod = " << p << endl;
// cout << "cart = " << tmp << endl;
sgdVec3 vn;
sgdSetVec3( vn, tmp.x(), tmp.y(), tmp.z() );
sgdNormalizeVec3( vn );
point_list normals;
normals.push_back( Point3D( vn[0], vn[1], vn[2] ) );
cout << "found normal for this airport = " << tmp << endl;
// null structures
group_list fans_v; fans_v.clear();
group_list fans_n; fans_n.clear();
group_list fans_tc; fans_tc.clear();
string_list fan_materials; fan_materials.clear();
@ -977,17 +1009,21 @@ void build_airport( string airport_raw, string_list& runways_raw,
obj.set_gbs_center( gbs_center );
obj.set_gbs_radius( gbs_radius );
obj.set_wgs84_nodes( wgs84_nodes );
obj.set_normals( normals );
obj.set_normals( normals.get_node_list() );
obj.set_texcoords( texcoords.get_node_list() );
obj.set_pts_v( pts_v );
obj.set_pts_n( pts_n );
obj.set_pt_materials( pt_materials );
obj.set_tris_v( tris_v );
obj.set_tris_n( tris_n );
obj.set_tris_tc( tris_tc );
obj.set_tri_materials( tri_materials );
obj.set_strips_v( strips_v );
obj.set_strips_n( strips_n );
obj.set_strips_tc( strips_tc );
obj.set_strip_materials( strip_materials );
obj.set_fans_v( fans_v );
obj.set_fans_n( fans_n );
obj.set_fans_tc( fans_tc );
obj.set_fan_materials( fan_materials );

View file

@ -22,13 +22,44 @@
#include <simgear/math/sg_geodesy.hxx>
#include "lights.hxx"
#define FG_DIVS 40
// calculate the runway light direction vector. I don't want to think
// about matrix transformations tonight, so instead I can take the
// center of one runway end - the center of the other end to get the
// direction of the runway. Combine this with an appropriate portion
// of the local 'up' vector gives the light direction vector for the
// runway.
Point3D gen_runway_light_vector( const FGRunway& rwy_info ) {
// Generate the 4 corners of the runway
FGPolygon poly_corners = gen_runway_area_w_expand( rwy_info, 0.0, 0.0 );
point_list corner;
for ( int i = 0; i < poly_corners.contour_size( 0 ); ++i ) {
corner.push_back( poly_corners.get_pt( 0, i ) );
Point3D end1 = (corner[0] + corner[1]) / 2.0;
Point3D end2 = (corner[2] + corner[3]) / 2.0;
Point3D cart1 = sgGeodToCart( end1 );
Point3D cart2 = sgGeodToCart( end2 );
Point3D rwy_vec = cart2 - cart1;
// need to angle up (i.e. 3 degrees)
return rwy_vec;
// generate runway lighting
void gen_runway_lights( const FGRunway& rwy_info, point_list *lights ) {
void gen_runway_lights( const FGRunway& rwy_info,
point_list *lights, point_list *normals ) {
int i;
// using FGPolygon is a bit innefficient, but that's what the

View file

@ -34,9 +34,8 @@
// generate runway lighting
void gen_runway_lights( const FGRunway& rwy_info,
point_list *lights );
point_list *lights, point_list *normals );
#endif // _RWY_LIGHTS_HXX