Fork 0

Rearranging tools.

This commit is contained in:
curt 2001-09-18 19:40:49 +00:00
parent 0bf8231029
commit 4f82e609e4
10 changed files with 58 additions and 907 deletions

View file

@ -1 +1,6 @@
EXTRA_DIST = mirror-dem EXTRA_DIST = mirror-dem
cdrom \

View file

View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
$layout = "/stage/fgfs02/curt/layout-cd";
$source = "/stage/fgfs01/ftp/pub/fgfs/Scenery";
@files = `ls $layout/Africa/* $layout/Asia-East/* $layout/Asia-West/* $layout/Europe/* $layout/NorthAmerica-East/* $layout/NorthAmerica-West/* $layout/SouthAmerica-Antartica/* $layout/USA/*`;
foreach $file ( @files ) {
chomp $file;
# print "$file\n";
$base = $file;
while ( $base =~ m/\// ) {
$base =~ s/.*\///;
print "cp $source/$base $file\n";

View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
$tgzdir = "/stage/fgfs01/ftp/pub/fgfs/Scenery";
if ( $#ARGV < 0 ) {
$defdir = ".";
} else {
$defdir = shift(@ARGV);
@files = `ls $defdir/*.tar.gz`;
$total = 0;
foreach $file ( @files ) {
chomp $file;
while ( $file =~ m/\// ) {
$file =~ s/.*\///;
($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $atime,
$mtime, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks) = stat( "$tgzdir/$file" );
$kb = $size / 1024;
printf( "%s %9.2f kb\n", $file, $kb );
$total += $size;
print "\n";
$mb = $total / (1024*1024);
printf( "Total size = %.2f mb\n", $mb );

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 175 KiB

View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
EXTRA_DIST = earth_2400.jpg rawmap.gif
noinst_SCRIPTS = download-map.pl

View file


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.8 MiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.8 MiB

View file


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 169 KiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 169 KiB

View file

@ -1,907 +0,0 @@
# Script for creating maps out of Flight Gear scenery data
# Written by Alexei Novikov, May-July 1999.
# Copyright (C) 1999 Alexei Novikov, anovikov@heron.itep.ru
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# Version 1.0.1
# Changes from 1.0
# Some bugs were fixed, better colors for the maps used, some grid code
# clean up. More options are added by Brian C. Wiles <brian@speakfreely.org>
# Changes from 1.0BETA2
# Some code clean is done. Code is runing something like 10% faster on
# the larger maps.
# Changes from 1.0BETA1 to 1.0BETA0
# 1) All colored surfaces are ploted correctly
# 2) Shading based on the steepness of the slope is added
# 3) Glaciers are displayed
# 4) Equiheight lines are ploted at correct altitude
# 5) More user-friendly colors used
# 6) Digits on the grid lines corresponds to degrees.minutes.1/100 minutes
# instead of degrees.1/1000 degrees
# Changes from 1.0BETA0 to 1.0BETA
# 1) Works with USA-0.2 scenery data
# 2) Plots equiheight lines
# 3) Plots colored surfaces much more correctly
# Known problems
# 1) There still exist some color artifacts due to the drawing of 2
# triangles of different color
use GD;
use Getopt::Long;
# This is all you have to change.
my $fgfs_root="/stage/fgfs01/curt/FlightGear";
# Some local definitions
my $scenery_dir=$fgfs_root . "/Scenery/";
my $airports=$fgfs_root . "/Airports/default.apt.gz";
my ($x,$y,$z,$r,$theta,$alpha)=0;
my $v_c=0;
my $pi=3.141592653589793238;
local $thet=0;
local $alph=0;
local $to_shade=1;
my $id=0;
local $scale=100000;
local $length=600;
local $airportfilter=".*";
local $show_names=1;
local $use_display=0;
# Geting options
if (((!$alph) & (!$thet)) & (!$id)) {
if ($id) {
# Loading long and lat from the airport description
open (AIRPRT, "zcat $airports |") || warn "Can\'t open $airports: $!\n";
my ($lid,$name)=0;
while (<AIRPRT>) {
if ($_=~/^A /) {
+ ($tmp,$lid,$thet,$alph,$tmp,$tmp,$name)=split(/\s+/,$_,7);
elsif ($lid eq $id) {
if (!$thet && !$alph) {die "Can't find airport !";}
# Color and image definitions
local @tmp_color=();
local $im = new GD::Image($length,$length);
local $white = $im->colorAllocate(255,255,255);
$tmp_color[0] = 1;
# Warning there are another 1 place where one have to change colors
# this is in the subroutine sh_color
$tmp_color[1] = $im->colorAllocate(165,186,165); #Under the sea
$tmp_color[2] = $im->colorAllocate(219,231,205); # <1000f
$tmp_color[3] = $im->colorAllocate(192,212,174); # <2000f
$tmp_color[4] = $im->colorAllocate(242,238,193); # <3000f
$tmp_color[5] = $im->colorAllocate(240,222,155); # <5000f
$tmp_color[6] = $im->colorAllocate(224,185,124); # <7000f
$tmp_color[7] = $im->colorAllocate(208,157,113); # <9000f
$tmp_color[8] = $im->colorAllocate(198,135,87); # <12000f
$tmp_color[9] = $im->colorAllocate(112,69,107); # color for airports
$tmp_color[10] = $im->colorAllocate(174,146,94);# color for levels
$tmp_color[11] = $im->colorAllocate(70,70,70); # color for grid lines
$tmp_color[12] = $im->colorAllocate(194,214,216); # lakes
$tmp_color[13] = $im->colorAllocate(194,214,216); # oceans
$tmp_color[14] = $im->colorAllocate(112,69,107); # color for airport labels
#$tmp_color[15] = $im->colorAllocate(93,126,115); # color for urban areas from TIGER
$tmp_color[15] = $im->colorAllocate(236,225,98); # color for urban areas
$tmp_color[16] = $im->colorAllocate(255,0,0); # color for unknown
local $color_tube=17; # !!! This shoud be size of array (counting 0)
local $zoom=$length/$scale;
my ($x,$y,$z,$r_e)=xyz_lat($thet,$alph);
# We first transfer our scale in km to lat. long.
my $ts=$scale/2;
my ($dth, $dal)=lat_ab($ts,$ts,$thet,$alph);
$dth -=$thet;
$dal -=$alph;
# and load all files from the needed directories
my $signt=0;
$signt=1 if ($thet<0);
my $min_t=int(($thet-$dth)*180/$pi)-$signt;
my $max_t=int(($thet+$dth)*180/$pi)-$signt;
my $signa=0;
$signa=1 if ($alph<0);
my $min_a=int(($alph-$dal)*180/$pi)-$signa;
my $max_a=int(($alph+$dal)*180/$pi)-$signa;
if ($alph==0) {
print "$min_t $max_t\n";
for (my $k=$min_t;$k<=$max_t;$k++) {
for (my $l=$min_a;$l<=$max_a;$l++) {
my ($ks,$ls)=to_ew_dir($ks,$ls);
my $subdir=$ls . $ks;
$sign2=1 if ($ld < 0);
my ($kd,$ld)=to_ew_dir($kd,$ld);
$dir=$ld . $kd;
my @files=glob("$scenery_dir$dir/$subdir/*.gz");
print "Loading files from: $dir/$subdir\n";
my $size=@files;
for (my $i=0;$i<$size;$i++) {
# Here we also create graphics
print " loading $files[$i]\n";
load_file($files[$i], $x, $y, $z);
open (AIRPRT, "$airports") || warn "Can\'t open $airports: $!\n";
my ($id,$name)=0;
my ($alat,$along)=0;
my ($c,$d)=0;
my $show_airport=0;
my $tmp_color=0;
while (<AIRPRT>) {
next if ($_=~/^\#/);
# Here we look if we have to do something with that airport
my ($alat,$along)=0;
if ($_=~/^A /) {
if ((abs($alat-$alph)<$dal) & (abs($along-$thet)<$dth)) {
my $ten=25; # radius of the airport circle
if ($name=~m/$airportfilter/i) {
if($name) {
# We want to print the name
my $string=$name . " (" . $id . ")";
print "$string\n";
my $size=1;
if ($string=~/.{15,}/) {
# name is too long;
$string=~/(\w+)\s(.*)/; # we subdivied by two
print "2: $1,$2\n";
# well I'd like to subdivide it in n min 10 leters chunks
# but I don't know how to do this
else {
else {
if (((abs($c-$length/2)<($length/2-20)) || (abs($d-$length/2)<($length/2-20))) && ($tmp_color ne "0")){
# We are ready to show runaways
elsif (($_=~/^R /) & $show_airport) {
print "$tmp_color\n";
my @rgb=$im->rgb($tmp_color);
my $brush=new GD::Image(2,2);
my $tmp_color2=$brush->colorClosest($rgb[0],$rgb[1],$rgb[2]);
$brush-> filledRectangle(0,0,2,2,$tmp_color);
$im->line($a1,$b1,$a,$b,gdBrushed); # one have to draw this line at least double thick.
close (AIRPRT);
my $grid=0.5;
my $ddth=360*$dth/$pi;
foreach my $number (10, 5, 1, 0.5) {
my $times=int($ddth/$number);
if ($times<1) {next;}
else {$grid=$number;last}
for (my $k=-5;$k<=5;$k++) {
# Here we are ploting grid
my $d_al=$dalph+$k*$sal;
my $d_th=$dthet+$k*$sth;
my $al=$d_al*$pi/180;
my $th=$d_th*$pi/180;
my ($a1)=ab_lat($thet+$dth,$al,$thet,$alph);
my ($a2)=ab_lat($thet-$dth,$al,$thet,$alph);
my ($tmp,$b1)=ab_lat($th,$alph+$dal,$thet,$alph);
my ($tmp,$b2)=ab_lat($th,$alph-$dal,$thet,$alph);
foreach my $param ($a1,$a2,$b1,$b2) {
# Ticks
my $a_ticks_delta=$sal/6;
my $b_ticks_delta=$sth/6;
for (my $i=-60-$k*10;$i<(60-$k*10);$i++) {
my $a_position=$d_al+$a_ticks_delta*$i;
my $b_position=$d_th+$b_ticks_delta*$i;
my $al2=$a_position*$pi/180;
my $th2=$b_position*$pi/180;
my ($at1)=ab_lat($th,$al2,$thet,$alph);
my ($at2,$bt1)=ab_lat($th2,$al,$thet,$alph);
#print "$a1\n";
my $tick_length=3;
$tick_length=7 if (int($i/3)*3 == $i);
#print "$a1, $b1\n";
$th .="." . $thm;
$al .="." . $alm;
open (DISPLAY, "| display") || warn "Can\'t open display: $!\n";
open (DISPLAY, ">output.gif") || warn "Can\'t open output.gif: $!\n";
binmode DISPLAY;
# Convert the image to GIF and print it on standard output
print DISPLAY $im->gif;
close (DISPLAY);
sub load_file {
my ($file, $x, $y, $z)=@_;
my $num=0;
local @rvert=();
# $x, $y, $z are the coordinates of the central point
my $v_c=$num;
open (FILE, "zcat -c -d $file|") || die "Can\'t open $file :$!\n";
my $usemtl=0;
my $color=0;
my ($xcr,$ycr,$zcr)=0;
while (<FILE>) {
if ($_=~/^\# gbs/) {
my $dif=($xcr-$x)**2+($ycr-$y)**2+($zcr-$z)**2;
if (abs($dif-$rad**2)>4*$scale**2) {
# This tile is too far away
elsif ($_=~/^v\s/) {
my ($tmp,$xp, $yp, $zp)=split(/\s/,$_);
# here we transfer point coordinates to points on the map
$xp +=$xcr;
$yp +=$ycr;
$zp +=$zcr;
my $pr=sqrt($xp**2+$yp**2+$zp**2);
my ($a,$b,$r)=ab_xy($xp,$yp,$zp,$x,$y,$z);
$rvert[$v_c]{r} = $pr-$r;
$rvert[$v_c]{b} = $b;
$rvert[$v_c]{a} = $a;
elsif ($_=~/^vn/) {
#Nothing to do with normales
elsif ($_=~/^tf/) {
# here we are ploting alot of triangles
local @triang=split(/\s/,$_);
my $size=@triang;
for (my $i=0;$i<$size;$i++) {
#print "$triang[$i] $color\n";
# here we choose colors based on the description of the
# surface
elsif ($_=~/usemtl/) {
if ($_=~/\sLake$|Reserv|Stream$/) {
elsif ($_=~/Ocean$/) {
elsif ($_=~/AirportKeep$/) {
elsif ($_=~/Glacier$/) {
elsif ($_=~/Urban$/) {
elsif ($_=~/Default|Marsh$|DryLake/) {
elsif ($_=~/Unknown/) {
else {next}
close (FILE);
# various trig functions
# Calculate Lat/Lon directory names
sub to_ew_dir {
my ($thet,$alph)=@_;
$thet=sprintf "%03d",$thet;
$thet=~s/0/n/ if ($thet >= 0);
$thet=~s/-/s/ if ($thet < 0);
$alph=sprintf "%04d",$alph;
$alph=~s/0/e/ if ($alph >= 0);
$alph=~s/-/w/ if ($alph < 0);
return ($thet,$alph)
# Calculate full Lat/Lon Coordinates
sub to_ew {
my ($thet,$alph)=@_;
$thet="n" . $thet if ($thet >= 0);
$thet=~s/-/s/ if ($thet < 0);
$alph= "e" . $alph if ($alph >= 0);
$alph=~s/-/w/ if ($alph < 0);
return ($thet,$alph)
sub earth_radius_lat {
my ($lat)=@_;
my $rec=6378137;
my $rpol=6356752.314;
my $r=1/sqrt((cos($lat)/$rec)**2+(sin($lat)/$rpol)**2);
return $r;
sub earth_radius_xy {
my ($x,$y,$z)=@_;
my $rec=6378137;
my $rpol=6356752.314;
my $xy=sqrt($x**2+$y**2);
my $r=sqrt($xy**2+$z**2);
my $s_lat=$z/$r;
my $c_lat=$xy/$r;
my $r=1/sqrt(($c_lat/$rec)**2+($s_lat/$rpol)**2);
return $r;
sub ab_xy {
my ($x,$y,$z,$xr,$yr,$zr)=@_;
# (x,y,z) are the point coordinate, (xr,yr,zr) -- the reference one
my $r_ec=6378137;
my $r_pol=6356752.314;
my $xy=sqrt($x**2+$y**2);
my $r=sqrt($xy**2+$z**2);
my $s_lat=$z/$r;
my $c_lat=$xy/$r;
my $r_e=1/sqrt(($c_lat/$r_ec)**2+($s_lat/$r_pol)**2);
my $xyr=sqrt($xr**2+$yr**2);
my $rr=sqrt($xyr**2+$zr**2);
my $a=$r_e/($r*$xyr)*($y*$xr-$yr*$x);
my $b=-$r_e/($r*$rr)*($xyr*$z-$xy*$zr); #-because of GD
return ($a,$b,$r_e);
sub ab_lat {
my ($lat, $long, $lat_r,$long_r)=@_;
my $r=earth_radius_lat($lat);
my $a=$r*cos($lat)*($long-$long_r); # ?? not sure
my $b=-$r*($lat-$lat_r); #-because of GD
return ($a,$b,$r);
sub ab_lat2 {
my ($lat, $long, $lat_r,$long_r)=@_;
my $r=earth_radius_lat($lat);
my $a=$r*cos($lat)*($long-$long_r);
my $b=-$r*($lat-$lat_r); #-because of GD
return ($a,$b,$r);
sub xyz_lat {
my ($lat, $long)=@_;
my $r=earth_radius_lat($lat);
my ($s,$c)=geod_geoc($lat);
my $x=$r*$c*cos($long);
my $y=$r*$c*sin($long);
my $z=$r*$s;
return ($x,$y,$z,$r);
sub lat_ab {
my ($a,$b,$lat_r,$long_r)=@_;
my $r=earth_radius_lat($lat_r); # There is no obvious other
# (more correct way) :-(
$lat=$lat_r+$b/$r; #because of GD
my ($s,$c)=geod_geoc($lat);
return ($lat,$long);
sub scale {
my ($x)=@_;
return $x;
sub geod_geoc {
my ($ang)=@_;
my $rec=6378137;
my $rpol=6356752.314;
my $s=sin($ang);
my $div=sqrt($rec**4+$s**2*($rpol**4-$rec**4));
my $Sin=$rpol**2*$s/$div;
my $Cos=$rec**2*cos($ang)/$div;
return ($Sin, $Cos)
sub usage {
print "FGFS map: Version 1.0BETA0\n";
print "Usage:\n";
print "\t--lon=degrees: starting longitude in degrees (west = -)\n";
print "\t--lat=degrees: starting latitude in degrees (south = -)\n";
print "\t--airport-id=ABCD: specify starting postion by airport id\n";
print "\t--size=pixels: image size in pixels (default 600)\n";
print "\t--length=meters: max distance between points on the earth\n";
print "\t\t(default 100000m)\n";
print "\t--shading=(0,1) :either to put shading or not (default to put)\n";
print "\t--airport-filter=string: only display airports with \"string\" in the name\n";
print "\t--airport-names={0,1}: display airport names with ID's (defaults to 1)\n";
print "\t--use-display={0,1}: use X display program instead of output.gif (defaults to 0)\n";
sub levels {
# a first try to draw levels on the graph
#my ($triang,$rvert)=@_;
my $size=@triang;
my $cp=$triang[0];
my ($xc,$yc,$hc)=load_points($cp);
my $sc_lv=500; # levels each 500 m
for (my $k=1;$k<$size-1;$k++) {
my $p1=$triang[$k];
my $p2=$triang[$k2];
my ($x1,$y1,$h1)=load_points($p1);
my ($x2,$y2,$h2)=load_points($p2);
my $length2=0.6*$scale;
if ((abs($x1)>$lenght2) & (abs($y1)>$lenght2) & (abs($x2)>$length2) & (abs($y2)>$lenght2) & (abs($xc)>$lenght2) & (abs($yc)>$lenght2)) { next }
my %points=( h => [$hc, $h1, $h2, $hc],
x => [$xc, $x1, $x2, $xc],
y => [$yc, $y1, $y2, $yc]
my %levels=();
for (my $i=0;$i<3;$i++) {
my $pmin=(($points{h}[$i] <=> $points{h}[$i+1])+1)/2+$i;
$sc_lv=100 if ($points{h}[$pmin]<500);
my $times=abs(int($points{h}[$i]/$sc_lv)-int($points{h}[$i+1]/$sc_lv));
for (my $j=1;$j<=$times;$j++){
my ($x,$y,$h)=level_point($points{x}[$i],$points{y}[$i],$points{h}[$i],$points{x}[$i+1],$points{y}[$i+1],$points{h}[$i+1],$sc_lv,$j );
if (($h>500) && ($h/500 != int($h/500))) {
# it is still possible that there can be useless curves
if ($levels{$h}{x}) {
else {
sub colored {
# This part should be able to produce fast large rough polygons
my ($color)=@_;
my $size=@triang;
my $cp=$triang[0];
my ($xc,$yc,$hc)=load_points($cp);
# we keep central point forever
if ($color<=0) {
my $c=0;
my $c_prev=0;
# We have to draw each triangle separately
my $l=1; #the last point with drawn triangle
while ($l<$size-1) {
for ($k=$l;$k<$size-1;$k++) {
my $tmpc=$hc;
my $p1=$triang[$k];
my $p2=$triang[$k2];
my ($x1,$y1,$h1)=load_points($p1);
my ($x2,$y2,$h2)=load_points($p2);
my $length2=0.6*$scale;
if ((abs($x1)>$lenght2) & (abs($y1)>$lenght2) & (abs($x2)>$length2) & (abs($y2)>$lenght2) & (abs($xc)>$lenght2) & (abs($yc)>$lenght2)) {
$im->filledPolygon($poly,$tmp_color[$c_prev]) if ($c_prev!=0);
$tmpc=$h1 if ($h1>$tmpc); # we are painting everything in the
# maximum color
$tmpc=$h2 if ($h2>$tmpc);
# here we choose colors based on the height
if ($color==0) {
$tmpc=-999; # this is a glacier and it can be shaded
if ($c==$c_prev) {
# it is a triangle with new color (or just a new one)
else {
$im->filledPolygon($poly,$tmp_color[$c_prev]) if ($c_prev!=0);
# draw an old one if it is not empty
$poly = new GD::Polygon; # start new
$poly->addPt(scale($xc),scale($yc)); # add central point
$poly->addPt(scale($x1),scale($y1));# and all aready calculated
$c_prev=$c; # save the color
last; # go on with this polygon
$im->filledPolygon($poly,$tmp_color[$c_prev]) if ($c_prev!=0);
else {
# We just want to draw a huge polygon with the prescribed color
my $poly = new GD::Polygon;
if ($triang[1]!=$triang[$size-1]) {
# we have a opened polygon
for (my $i=1;$i<$size;$i++) {
# and we are just adding points
if ($color<0) {
# If this is not a lake or smth we have to check if there is need
# to draw a more subtile triangles over the existing triangle strip
sub color_select {
my ($tmpc)=@_;
my $c=0;
#my @color_change=("-1000", "-200", "0", "100", "200", "500", "1000", "2000",
# "3000", "5000");
my @color_change=("-1000", "-200", "0", "200", "500", "1000", "2000",
"3000", "5000");
for (my $i=0;$i<8;$i++) {
if ($tmpc >= $color_change[$i]) {
else {
return $c;
sub sh_color {
my ($tmpc,$p1,$p2,$p3)=@_;
@tmp_rgb= ([255,255,255],
my $c=color_select($tmpc);
if ($to_shade) {
my $sh=shading($p1,$p2,$p3);
for (my $k=0;$k<3;$k++) {
$tmp_rgb[$c][$k] *=($sh*0.9+0.1);
return ($tmp_rgb[$c][0],$tmp_rgb[$c][1],$tmp_rgb[$c][2]);
sub level_point {
my ($x1,$y1,$h1,$x2,$y2,$h2,$sc_lv,$j)=@_;
my $min=$h1;
$min=$h2 if ($h1>$h2);
my $h=(int($min/$sc_lv)+$j)*$sc_lv;
my $t=($h-$h1)/($h2-$h1);
my $x=$x1+$t*($x2-$x1);
my $y=$y1+$t*($y2-$y1);
return ($x,$y,$h)
sub level_triangle {
my ($x1,$y1,$h1,$x2,$y2,$h2,$k)=@_;
# my @color_change=("-1000", "-200", "0", "100", "200", "500", "1000", "2000",
# "3000", "5000");
my @color_change=("-1000", "-200", "0", "200", "500", "1000", "2000",
"3000", "5000");
my $min=$h1;
$min=$h2 if ($h1>$h2);
my $j=color_select($min);
my $h=@color_change[$j+$k-1];
my $t=($h-$h1)/($h2-$h1);
my $x=$x1+$t*($x2-$x1);
my $y=$y1+$t*($y2-$y1);
return ($x,$y,$h)
sub shading {
my ($p1,$p2,$p3)=@_;
my ($x1,$y1,$z1)=load_points($p1);
my ($x2,$y2,$z2)=load_points($p2);
my ($x3,$y3,$z3)=load_points($p3);
my $c=(($y1-$y2)*($x1-$x3)-($y1-$y3)*($x1-$x2))/(($z1-$z3)*($x1-$x2)-($z1-$z2)*($x1-$x3));
my $a=-($y1-$y2+$c*($z1-$z2))/($x1-$x2);
my $b=1;
my $sum=sqrt(1+$a**2+$c**2);
foreach my $coord ($a,$b,$c) {
$coord /=$sum;
#my $shading=($a*sqrt(3)/4+$b/4+$c/2*sqrt(3));
#$shading=0 if ($shading<0);
return abs($c);
sub color_allocate {
my ($r,$g,$b)=@_;
my $c=@tmp_color;
if ($c>253) {
else {
if (($im->colorExact($r,$g,$b)) <=> -1) {
else {
return $c;
sub sub_triangles {
my ($color)=@_;
my $c=0;
my $cp=$triang[0];
my ($xc,$yc,$hc)=load_points($cp);
my $size=@triang;
for (my $k=1;$k<$size-1;$k++) {
# Just the same as for large triangles but with additional cheking
my $tmpc=$hc;
my $p1=$triang[$k];
my $p2=$triang[$k2];
my ($x1,$y1,$h1)=load_points($p1);
my ($x2,$y2,$h2)=load_points($p2);
my $length2=0.6*$scale;
if ((abs($x1)>$lenght2) & (abs($y1)>$lenght2) & (abs($x2)>$length2) & (abs($y2)>$lenght2) & (abs($xc)>$lenght2) & (abs($yc)>$lenght2)) { next }
my %points=( h => [$hc, $h1, $h2, $hc],
x => [$xc, $x1, $x2, $xc],
y => [$yc, $y1, $y2, $yc]
# we first check each line
my %levels=();
my $ctimes=0;
# here we have to sort lines so that the one with the higest
# altitudes are in the begining
my %order=();
my @times=();
my $max_ctimes=0;
for (my $i=0;$i<3;$i++) {
$times[$i]=$ctimes; # we will have to calculate it once again
if ($ctimes) {
my ($x,$y,$h)=level_triangle($points{x}[$i],$points{y}[$i],$points{h}[$i],$points{x}[$i+1],$points{y}[$i+1],$points{h}[$i+1],$ctimes);
#this is the highest point
$max_ctimes=$ctimes if ($ctimes>$max_times);
# In case we have to plot an additionals smaller triangles
if ($max_ctimes) {
foreach my $i (sort {$order{$b} <=> $order{$a}} keys %order) {
# we sort so that triangles with larger max altitude are ploted first
for (my $j=$ctimes;$j>0;$j--){
my ($x,$y,$h)=level_triangle($points{x}[$i],$points{y}[$i],$points{h}[$i],$points{x}[$i+1],$points{y}[$i+1],$points{h}[$i+1],$j);
my $pmin=(($points{h}[$i] <=> $points{h}[$i+1])+1)/2+$i;
if ($levels{$h}{x}) {
# we already have point for this height and can draw a triangle
my $poly = new GD::Polygon;
# This should be the minimum point
if ($color==0) {
$tmpc=-998; # Don't forget the glaciers
else {
# if we don't have anything defined yet we store the needed data
sub load_points {
my ($point)=@_;
my $x=$rvert[$point]->{a};
my $y=$rvert[$point]->{b};
my $h=$rvert[$point]->{r};
return ($x, $y, $h);